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    Marimba, I meant to say - I Will Survive - PRICELESS!!!

    I can't stop picturing RCC with 3 XXX's over his face!


      From S/J Thread VII:
      Originally posted by Sacme
      Post #655: And then they find her... and there was the equilavent of an eye brow lift. Such distance; the stakes were so low. Like they both just came back from holiday. Hello, you both just got out of a very serious situation! How 'bout a hug?
      Originally posted by SG1Happy
      Post#727: You've all said and I agree that the reunion scenes were flat and lifeless. When Jack is back, Daniel and Teal'c don't react that much. Carter's captured or dead -oh well??? And when Carter is free and realizes Jack is alive-----great smiles, but in real life wouldn't there *at least* be back slapping and handshakes?
      What got me about that scene was that she went from being in a small room still being tortured to being plopped out into the grass as the Replicators left, looking no worse for wear (no puffy eyes, wet cheeks, etc.) I mean... think of Daniel every time he gets a little torture - you know he’s been through some s*%# & it wasn’t nice…. IMHO this scene seemed to almost trivialize what she’d just been experiencing just seconds before. Then the team shows up, they’re all chipper & grinning like they’d just seen each other the day before….
      Mmm… hello, did not 3/4 of the team just come from experiencing a long period of angst about not seeing Jack again………let alone the past 2 week period shown in the episode where Sam is nearly lost to the Replicators & Jack’s return not 100% guaranteed despite their best efforts???? I mean, really, who from the AF was around the site to see if they gave each other a quick, heartfelt hug as concerned friends relieved to see everyone else fine & in one piece? Even if Jack could have given her a helping hand to get up... then holding the hand a little longer necessary & a long look.... woulda been better than....
      Yes… that scene did make me a bit snarky…..
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by TameFarrar

        If it will make you feel any better.... I finally got the pictures to open up and you will never guess what happened........... MY CAT THREW UP!!!!!

        I am so serious!!!!! I was like WHAT THE HE**** and it was my cat right behind me throwing up...I kid you not....... okay do it is not funny for the cat...His name is Tigger btw..... but I had to just about hold my stomach together from laughing so hard because I thought well THAT about says it all PTB... you have now made my cat sick!!!!!

        HUGE HUGS we will get through this..... I hope!!! or at least we will get through Season 8
        OMG, I really needed to read something like this -- too FUNNY.

        send TPTB your vet bill.

        (((((Tame And Sally)))))


          Okay, I have been gone on vacation for over a week and was really looking forward to beginning season 8. I was seeing businesses with Jack in their names, streets named Jackson, Chevron gas stations, O'Neill on people's clothing, and while waiting in line at Universal, the Stargate Atlantis banner. Then I come home and watch the Lowdown (became somewhat depressed ) and then watched New Order (lightened my mood a little )...then I saw the pictures. I literally had tears in my eyes...I don't know if I need sleep or I'm just extremely upset.

          I have been reading everyone's "somewhat" positive comments and they have helped a little, so thank you, but I think I need a little recovery time before I can be positive again...give me a couple of days.
          JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

          Thank you, Nikkirose!


            Originally posted by Ship Nana
            Here is the letter. I'm reposting to make sure that anyone else who wants to sign it will let Marimba know. I added one name. Anyone else want to be included? Lurkers included!!!

            Everyone make sure your name is on the letter because Marimba is printing the letter tonight. Please speak up now!!! This means all you Shipper Lurkers Too!!


            Noted the addition--also added tara3583 who asked to be added earlier.

            Edited to add Chlex too
            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


              Originally posted by nell
              I'm posting for the first time gang! Be kind, cause I'm not quite sure what I'm doing! Oy! Thanks, Anakin, for some positive spin right about now. Of course, there will be tension and conflict as the Season 8 characters develop. The usual hooks to keep us tuning in each week. However, I hope that there is some positive resolution before the season ends. IOW, Sam and Jack have to talk about this relationship thingie.

              WELCOME nell!!!
              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                Originally posted by bcmilco

                A ring?!?!?
                Son of a b*****
                And what was that picture of Sam and Pete working together if they end up on a join operation together I am going to be one pissed off fan. scratch that I wont be a fan anymore because they've been saying that Sam and Jack can't get together because they work together but Sam and Pete can kiss AND WORK TOGETHER I'M REALLY REALLY PISSED RIGHT NOW!
                I hear you ship daddy, I was looking at those pics scratching my head saying, WHAT? NOW he's a member of SGC? Well then, frat rules apply here too, right? Right? RIGHT? yeesh, instead of calming down, I'm getting more upset.



                  Originally posted by SG1Happy
                  Wow! I can't keep up!!!!! WooHoo on the new thread!!!!!!!
                  Saturday night I left the thread completely caught up---I get back from church Sunday and you are 10 pages into a NEW thread. Wow!

                  I'll catch up on all the posts later, but just wanted to pass on a bit of info from last night.

                  First the errant Border Collie is back home. Yay! Thanks to all who sent us your happy thoughts. We appreciate them.

                  Second: I had an idea. I'm in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Is there enough Texans (or others) close enough we could get together for dinner some day? Sort of our own private shipper con. Y'all think on it. It might be lots of fun!

                  Okay, I have to go now. 20 people will be at my house this evening for hamburgers and hot dogs. Gotta go tidy up. (Sigh, tidying up is NOT my best thing.)

                  I have hope about this season DESPITE that ugly photo someone linked. Arrrrggggh, I wasn't wearing my protective glasses at the time.

                  Sam and Jack=together!!!!!!!! I refuse to see anything else!

                  So glad your dog is back safe and sound. Try not to be toooo hard on her. She just couldn't help herself. Sorta like Sam.

                  I think your idea of a dinner for you Texan's sound sooo nice and I wish you weren't so far away from me or I would drive there.

                  Not having on your protective glasses when you look at THOSE pictures could make you blind! Did you know that? From now on don't forget your Shipper Glasses!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by bcmilco
                    Okay it's been five minutes since I wrote my last post and I've calmed down...

                    If she says yes, I'll do something rash... like break all my DVDs and send them to Bridge Studios with a (calm and polite) note explaining why.
                    Right now my one saving grace is that I'm going to tell myself that this is the episode where she finally says good bye to Pete.
                    This is the episode where Sam realizes that he's not the right guy and says goodbye.
                    That's what I'll believe untill I'm proved otherwise and If I am proved otherwise. well I wont be responsible for my actions
                    But is Affinity episode 8? Didn't someone post that is still around as of ep 8? If so, maybe she DOES dump the runt. Honestly, just thought again of the pics with them "working" and thought he's nothing but a Jack wannabe.



                      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                      Hey gang
                      We all need that happy place right the rate TPTB are yanking us around, not only will we be alcoholics, there's a possibility I'll be looking for happy pills. Yellow ones.
                      Well... as one of the few here who doesn't imbibe (either the wine or da udder stuffs ), I volunteer to walk around the ShipperPlace.... checking foreheads.... administering the little yellow Happy pills.... putting the mirror up to each little shipper mouth to check for signs of exhalation...... making sure the IV's are still in place and the bags are full of the Shipper-appropriate concotions.....

                      I DO hope TPTB have someone monitoring this board, however... <snip>
                      They must.... if they aren't, then friends, family (or staff ) must be.... how else to know about the tag "stalker Pete?"
                      Last edited by ShimmeringStar; 11 July 2004, 10:51 AM. Reason: one <snip> too many
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by LtLisa
                        Get over yourself by SheDaisy
                        There's an idea!! Let me listen and see if I can do anything with it!
                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                          Well, Fine. Money talks. I agree with Marimba, I will NOT buy S6,7 or 8 until I see how the ship is resolved....the problem TPTB is currently facing, is that some of their viewers might depart BEFORE the final resolution, out of disgust for the story line.

                          I agree with you there. I already bought Season 6, but after the latest round of interviews, etc., I've decided to hold off on Season 7, 8, or any others. All that wonderful shippiness in Seasons 4 and 7 just seems hollow if Sam and Jack do not end up together. I can take the rollercoaster. I don't mind being yanked around; it's part of the fun it the romance turns out happy at the end of the series. But if TPTB are serious about keeping Pete, then I'll watch, but I won't re-watch. No more sitting through the reruns just because it's "Stargate," and definitely no more "Stargate" DVD binge parties.

                          Curiously, I knew I was a shipper, but I didn't know I cared this much until there was a real prospect that Sam might end up with someone else. If TPTB mess this up, it'll just clear my Friday nights for "Enterprise" and my VCR will get less of a workout.



                            Originally posted by nell
                            I'm posting for the first time gang! Be kind, cause I'm not quite sure what I'm doing! Oy! Thanks, Anakin, for some positive spin right about now. Of course, there will be tension and conflict as the Season 8 characters develop. The usual hooks to keep us tuning in each week. However, I hope that there is some positive resolution before the season ends. IOW, Sam and Jack have to talk about this relationship thingie.
                            WELCOME, NELL!
                            Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                            Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                            Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                            Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                              Originally posted by nell
                              I'm posting for the first time gang! Be kind, cause I'm not quite sure what I'm doing! Oy! Thanks, Anakin, for some positive spin right about now. Of course, there will be tension and conflict as the Season 8 characters develop. The usual hooks to keep us tuning in each week. However, I hope that there is some positive resolution before the season ends. IOW, Sam and Jack have to talk about this relationship thingie.

                              A BIG


                              You will find this a most hospitable thread. Everyone here respects each other and we are a family.

                              Please feel free to help yourself to the Shipper Cookies and don't forget to dip them in the beverage of your choice. If you don't have one some of us have some great ideas for you.

                              Oh and don't forget to let us know if you want your name added to THE LETTER for AT.
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by RubySlippers
                                Marimba, I meant to say - I Will Survive - PRICELESS!!!

                                I can't stop picturing RCC with 3 XXX's over his face!
                                Thanks! Little did I know when making that how appropriate it would be...
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

