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    Originally posted by Elfinwood
    Spoilers for Season 8 Affinity (just in case):
    Great. Affinity is starting to sound like season 8's version of Chimera.
    I knew that PDL was going to direct this episode, but I wasn't aware of some of the new insights. I take it that this is an article just recently posted?

    I also wasn't aware that Sam had a relationship with O'Neill. Must have been off-screen.

    Hopefully, it's the last we see of Pete and the revival of the O'Neill relationship.

    Susan. Feeling snarky.
    Yep it was the article dated I think today!
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by marimba26
      Was it just me or did they tell us virtually NOTHING we didn't already know about the new season?
      It wasn't you. I haven't seen the 1st 15 minutes, but the rest of it I did manage to be wide awake for & it seemed like the same clips (Atlantis) were being shown over & over again in each 5-10 minute segment. (IMHO, they coulda made the Lowdown a 30-minute show for all the redundancy in it .....)
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        Originally posted by Shipperahoy
        The part I like about the PDL article though is how he says that "problems ensue" in respect to Carter trying to pursue a personal life. It seems to me like all is not well in Peteville. I'm feeling really excited about this season. I'm really looking forward to it.
        Thank you!!! I really needed to hear that!!!

        I will now go to my Shipper Happy Place!

        is no threat to O'Neill!!!
        is no threat to O'Neill!!!
        is no threat to O'Neill!!!
        is no threat to O'Neill!!!
        is no threat to O'Neill!!!
        Ship Nana



          yay!!!! I just found a computer that would let me watch your little clip of the lowdown!!! <screams with joy!> RDA LAUGHED when he said "I don't kow much about " that great! can I get more?

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial dress blues just for Marimba> Screw the regs! DOWN with Pit! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!

          "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
          describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

          <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
          Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


            Originally posted by SG1Happy

            Can't wait for Friday! (I mean what if I have a car accident or something? Do they get Stargate in Heaven???????)
            Oh my gosh! That is so funny! I was thinking the EXACT same thing!! I told my husband we could not got out to eat or anything Friday night cause I just didn't want to take any chances!

            Looks like everyone has about the same viewpoint on the Lowdown. I absolutely loved RDA's comments and am taking them to heart. They were yanking our chains in the beginning with all the talk but when they showed the kiss and then his comments....(*sighs*)......had to keep from jumping up and down on the couch. My husband has now decided that I am way too freaky about this show. I prefer to call it extremely enthusiastic.... Only 3 more days!!!!!


              Originally posted by Elfinwood
              Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:
              He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend."
              Yup, she has always been sexy, they didn't need a boyfriend to confirm that! And I really like kick-butt-Carter too
              ~BCM =)

              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                Originally posted by marimba26
                Was it just me or did they tell us virtually NOTHING we didn't already know about the new season?
                Ah, but it's all new to someone who doesn't go online!
                ~BCM =)

                Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                  Originally posted by bcmilco
                  Yup, she has always been sexy, they didn't need a boyfriend to confirm that! And I really like kick-butt-Carter too

                  Me too. That's one of the reasons I started watching the show is because I thought she was such a strong character. She is able to fit in with the guys and not be "butch" about it, for lack of a better word. I love that she is not all weepy and girlie - cause let's face it, if I had been through half the stuff she has - I'd be a weepy mess all the time! And if my husband's reaction to her is any indication of her sexiness - I don't think she has any problems there.....



                    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                    The part I like about the PDL article though is how he says that "problems ensue" in respect to Carter trying to pursue a personal life. It seems to me like all is not well in Peteville. I'm feeling really excited about this season. I'm really looking forward to it.

                    Is this article online? Could someone post a link?


                      Originally posted by Ship Nana
                      Here is a little bit of news:

                      Spoilers for Season 8

                      Guess who directed "Affinity"? You know the episode where Teal'c gets an apartment and Sam starts reportedly seeking answers to having kids and what will she do with them. One of the episodes with in it!!!

                      Yep, you guessed it!!! According to Stargate SG-1 Solutions, it is Peter DeLuise. Here are some snippets out of the interview.

                      “'Affinity' has to do ... with the fact that both Carter [Amanda Tapping] and Teal'c [Christopher Judge] feel like they’re entitled to a private life,” DeLuise said in an interview during a break in shooting last May near Vancouver, B.C. “They want a sense of belonging. They want to have intimacy in their lives. And they don’t.

                      "...And in Carter’s case, she wants to ... have the right to have a relationship, because she’s been denied that for a long time because of her relationship with O'Neill [Richard Dean Anderson], which has been very safe. ... So we’ve got two storylines, where Teal'c and Carter are both actively pursuing a private life, and ... problems ensue, as they say.”

                      The episode is in keeping with the tone of the new season, DeLuise added. “Season eight is ... more introspective,” he said. “It’s much more cerebral, and it has a lot to do with, in my mind, the specialness of the characters.”

                      His (Peter's) brother David DeLuise has a recurring role as Carter’s love interest, Denver cop Pete Shanahan."

                      (The article goes on to say that Peter's father, and other brother have all been in Stargate and that the only one who hasn't is his mother. Well what is she waiting for since it seems that Stargate was made so that DeLuise's can get employement.) Pardon the snarkiness but I think it is well deserved here. I better stop eating those Gray Shipper Cookies and start eating the Green Shipper Cookies

                      "Affinity" is the 8th episode.

                      Will we ever catch a break?!
                      I have to say PDL is very brave to take this assignment. If Pete doesn't get dumped in this episode, I can see another outcry and mailings from Shippers. I would not like to be on the receiving end of that misery. I'm sure Damian and Amanda will help him through it.

                      Token ~


                        Originally posted by marimba26
                        Just wanted to hug that man when he said that!

                        Who wouldn't? Even if he weren't saying those 5 words!!


                          Originally posted by Ship Nana
                          Important to note that they showed "The Kiss" more than once. Out of 7 seasons they could have shown us hundreds of different clips but instead they show us that one twice. They had to be telling us something!!!

                          God I hope you're right!
                          I still miss Jack and Sam


                            Originally posted by bcmilco
                            Ah, but it's all new to someone who doesn't go online!
                            And now they all know about "Stalker" Pete.

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by Token
                              And now they all know about "Stalker" Pete.
                              You're right about that. I had never even heard of the phrase or even thought of it that way until I came lurking here. Poor guy - he never stood a chance...


                                Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                                What I still don't understand is that AT constantly talks about how she doesn't want Sam to be seen as "the girl" or someone who needs to have a man in her life, that Sam is strong and independent (and I haven't seen a shipper yet who doesn't agree with this) and that she doesn't want Sam to be defined by shippy stuff. Then, we get the Lowdown, and practically the only thing they talk about with Sam is....Pete and her love life. Her promotion and all that comes with it get dismissed in one line. So, the Lowdown has just defined Sam's place in the show as being "the girl". I don't understand why AT doesn't see that *this* (and Pete, since Sam is being defined in the Lowdown by this relationship) is exactly what she didn't want.

                                Like you, I think that "New Order" will be very ship light (and we already know we will get to see Pete in it). The whole first half looks that way. I'm hoping season 8 at least runs the pattern of season 7 in this regard, but....who knows?
                                Yup she's more "the girl" now then she ever was in the first 6-1/2 season.

                                I'm really hoping that "New Order" will fix that.
                                ~BCM =)

                                Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                                The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program

