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    Originally posted by majorsal
    Before hopes and plans have been made, remember that there's a lot more eps to be written. It's not been officially stated that PS would be in 'just' two eps. Forwarned is forearmed.


    yes and the rest of the time , she'll be with Jack ..which means 18 episodes ...and they could show a lot in 18 episodes .

    Sam and Jack forever together.



      Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
      LOL caty you´re great! Already replied to Sally & Marimba I´ll see what you other guys think about my suggestion or name! hehe!

      I´m trying to post here more often but it´s so hard to keep track. I was sleeping and now there´re 6 new pages! I still have to find out how you guys post her regularly without getting totally lost!

      Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*

      OK Steff

      Yes please here more often 'll be great specially if your mission is to Send Pete to Edora.



        Originally posted by bcmilco
        I agree as much as I didn't think it was needed I thought the origianl idea of Pete -dealing with the consequences of living a "secret" life- could have been very interesting...
        Yes, it would have been very introspective. But I suppose that they needed to take into account the wide range of viewers that they deal with and add the sex and the bad plot holes and...

        Seriously though, I know that AT had said in a past interview that she proposed a storyline that would deal with the characters dealing with the emotional aftermath of what they do...all of the killing, etc. She was told that Stargate was scifi and that they did not want to delve too deeply into such moral issues. I think that this Carter arc is a compromise. Grace probably came the closest to what AT wanted and look at how that was received by the fans. It won her a Leo, but it wasn't a fan favorite. (I loved it.)

        Not only that but I also got the feeling -even from AT- that it was more about her having sex and breaking the Black Widow Curse (BWC) then anything else. They should have stuck with the original premise and left it at that.
        Like you, I'm not a believer in the BWC. Never saw it and I always just took it as an off hand comment made by someone in jest that was then played upon. Since they felt the need to, they should have addressed it in a lighthearted manner. AT would have then gotten her wish: Sam would have the chance to be funny!


          Originally posted by marimba26
          Are you kidding? From what I've read, most of those folks hate him as much as we do! They don't want to see Sam's sordid love life any more than we do (with anyone other than Jack that is!). Nothing quite like a common passion to unite two disparate groups! FANDOM UNITE!!!

          Maybe that's 's true purpose!!! To unite us all!!!


            Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
            Hello friendly land of shippiness!

            Hi, Jimlad here. Long time lurker without posting anything due to excess amounts of homework.

            Ecstatic to be finally joining the thread, and to talk to other people who are as ship filled as me for the wonderful Sam and Jack.

            Down with Pete!

            SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            A BIG HI there Jimlad!!

            Glad you came to join the family!!! Post lots and have fun but beware the Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies. Remember if you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
            P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
              Wow! It´s hard to keep track here! You are fast! Thanks Marimba! And Sally, no offense taken! I know I picked a name that will either be loved or hated. But as I looked for a name I was in a situation where this one was absolutely perfect and I still love it.
              I have to admit I didn´t really think about Amanda´s reaction while reading my name ...hehe. But actually I think she has lots of humor and she would laugh about it...but if more of you guys think the name could be a problem maybe I should add something like "No offense " behind it ...because I really don´t want to change it. What do you guys think about it?

              Oh and btw, to make it easier next time ...I´m a she! Absolutely female and addicted to Rick´s lips! *thud*

              Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*
              I'm with you and Marimba. I don't think you should change your name or even add anything to it. Now if it was "Send Pete to Hail" or "Die Pete Die", I might change my opinion. "Send Pete to Edora" is funny because of its reference to "100 days." I think Amanda will find it humorous along with the rest of some of our names. MHO.

              Token ~


                Originally posted by marimba26
                Sally, I like you bunches but I'm gonna have to respectfully disagree with you here! It's his (or her) handle and while I agree that we shouldn't bring up the whole Pete debacle in the letter, I don't think we should have to change our alter egos to please her. I know I picked my alter ego for a reason and I'd be upset if someone asked me to change it because it celebrated my love for a musical instrument they hate. Send Pete to Edora likes his (or her) name and he (or she) should get to keep it. Amanda knows that there are fans who don't like Pete and if she didn't want to get in the middle of the whole thing, she should have clammed up and laid low. While I hate the idea of people sending her ugly letters, we have not been ugly in the letter. We have been respectful and complimentary so I don't think she would have any room to complain. Just MHO.
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Jimlad The Pirate Maiden
                  Hello friendly land of shippiness!

                  Hi, Jimlad here. Long time lurker without posting anything due to excess amounts of homework.

                  Ecstatic to be finally joining the thread, and to talk to other people who are as ship filled as me for the wonderful Sam and Jack.

                  Down with Pete!

                  SAM AND JACK FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  Welcome to our family! Eat lots of Shipper cookies with the beverage of your choice and join us in our happy place.

                  Token ~


                    Originally posted by marimba26
                    It seems the only people who actually *like* Pete are those who don't like Jack but want some sort of ship (a rare breed).
                    And slash fans. And fans who want to marginalize Sam because she's taking too much screen time away from Daniel. And fans who want Jack free to revolve in Daniel's orbit. And....

                    "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                      Originally posted by marimba26
                      Are you kidding? From what I've read, most of those folks hate him as much as we do! They don't want to see Sam's sordid love life any more than we do (with anyone other than Jack that is!). Nothing quite like a common passion to unite two disparate groups! FANDOM UNITE!!!
                      They don't want to *see* it, because they don't want to watch Sam. But they like the fact that it splits her away from Jack.

                      "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                        Spoiler for Season 8 (in case you don't already know)
                        This is such a good picture I had to post the link here.


                        I think the caption was, "Pete, you mess with Sam, and I'm gonna kick your a$$!"

                        Token ~


                          Originally posted by Elfinwood
                          Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:

                          I can't say that RDA's comment made me overly confident. He can be so infuriatingly ambiguous. The man is very smooth. AT should take some lessons from him. Maybe then she wouldn't get herself into so much trouble with the fans. Of course, it was obvious that they wanted her to say all of those things. If they hadn't, it would not have aired.

                          As for the rest...I was talking with someone this morning who I consider a casual fan. He watches regularly, but isn't someone who is involved to the point that he goes online or reads the genre mags. His only PR for the show comes from the TV, so he is virtually spoiler free. I asked him if he had watched The Lowdown and what he thought about the upcoming season. I like to hear his opinion, because I consider him an intelligent viewer and because his views are not tainted by spoilers or the opinions of the fandom like mine can be.

                          He was pleasantly surprised by the military promotions, but worried about how they would now use O'Neill - "contrary to the obvious promo on the show (The Lowdown) that this is going to be just as good, but different" (his words). He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend." I then interjected some of my fandom knowledge and told him that the insiders info is that they are allowing the characters to progress. That Carter's boyfriend was meant to show Sam experiencing a life outside the SGC, not necessarily to make her more of a sex object. He just laughed and looked at me like I was really naive. Then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that's why they didn't show all of those steamy sex scenes. And that's why Teal'c and Daniel and Sam don't all wear tight T-shirts these days". As for the character development, he said: "Teal'c, maybe. The rest...they might be taking a step backward. 'No-action' Jack. 'Boring' Daniel. (He liked the earlier more passionate, geeky Daniel. Thinks that he is used as just a boring diplomat now.) 'Woman-as-a-sex-object' Carter."

                          I don't agree to all of his views (except for the "lame" boyfriend one), but it was interesting to hear from someone who looks at the show from a less complex viewpoint than I do. I certainly don't think TPTB want Sam to be seen solely as a sex object (well maybe MGM and the SciFi Channel likes that image). I know AT does not want that for Sam. My casual-type fan friend sure got that impression last night though.

                          This was all very interesting--and maybe something that should be passed along to TPTB. After all, we all know that we women have "issues", but maybe if they see that the average male viewer doesn't think too much of Pete, either...of course, who knows what "issues" the "average male viewer" may have, right?

                          "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


                            Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                            And slash fans. And fans who want to marginalize Sam because she's taking too much screen time away from Daniel. And fans who want Jack free to revolve in Daniel's orbit. And....

                            First of all...ewww! I was surfing through the Stargate SG-1 Fan Awards, and I was caught unawares with some of the artwork. I should have had a warning because talk about images I didn't need in my head. Jeez! Ok, that's over.

                            What I don't get about pro-Pete fans is that they explain away his "stalker" traits which I can respectfully disagree. However, I must be out of date because no way or no how would I think it would be OK for my man to walk out on me after our first night together, and he doesn't even get fully dressed before he takes off. Am I out of touch with reality? (not sure if I want to know) I really don't want to rehash this topic, but I feel a real point isn't being addressed. Is sex so casual now that it just doesn't mean anything?

                            Token ~


                              Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
                              Oh and btw, to make it easier next time ...I´m a she! Absolutely female and addicted to Rick´s lips! *thud*

                              Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*
                              So noted! And I'm also addicted to Rick!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Elfinwood
                                Yes, it would have been very introspective. But I suppose that they needed to take into account the wide range of viewers that they deal with and add the sex and the bad plot holes and...
                                ROFLMAO!!!!!! OUCH! YOU GO GIRL!!! SNAPS TO ELFINWOOD!!

                                Seriously though, I know that AT had said in a past interview that she proposed a storyline that would deal with the characters dealing with the emotional aftermath of what they do...all of the killing, etc. She was told that Stargate was scifi and that they did not want to delve too deeply into such moral issues. I think that this Carter arc is a compromise. Grace probably came the closest to what AT wanted and look at how that was received by the fans. It won her a Leo, but it wasn't a fan favorite. (I loved it.)
                                Me too. I thought it was a really good episode even if I *don't* like the results. It does mitigate Chernobyl somewhat because think of how unhappy we'd be if we *didn't* know that Sam was REALLY hung up! Then we would have NO way to rationalize her behavior and find our happy shipper place. At least this way I can tell myself that she did it because she is the most inhibited and confused woman on the planet. And boy, if I took *nothing* else away from "Grace", I DID get that Sam was emotionally stunted!

                                Like you, I'm not a believer in the BWC. Never saw it and I always just took it as an off hand comment made by someone in jest that was then played upon. Since they felt the need to, they should have addressed it in a lighthearted manner. AT would have then gotten her wish: Sam would have the chance to be funny!
                                ROFL!! That would have been good! Then Pete could have been a big joke--oh wait, he IS a big joke...
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

