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    Originally posted by GoneShippin'
    OK, bev, open 1 -- or 2-- of your bottles, eat 12 cookies (mix and dip, remember) and keep those 5 little words in the front and center. a good fanfic never hurts...been reading those for a while this afternoon.

    As for now, well, I've downed 1 silo of wine, so I'm feeling better. Much. Only thing I know for sure is that next thread I'm Fed Exing all MY bottles. Nearly herniated my back dragging all mine over .

    Or you could do like me and sneak away and let the rest of the family pack and drag the stuff over to our new home!!! Hehehehe
    Ship Nana


      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
      Don't be discouraged..we're usually a relatively happy, optimistic bunch of's just those pics sent us into hyperdrive.

      I have never written a letter to a show (other being a signee on the one to AT), but I will probably fire up my computer soon, if I don't see a bit more Sam/Jack positivity leaking.

      And if you check on GW home page, you'll find a link to the article in the Chgo Trib. It wasn't that bad, actually, said things we've heard rumors about since April.

      O Yes, Welcome!!
      And a belated Welcome to all of the other recently uncloseted lurkers! Post lots!

      Ya know it occured to me that if TPTB do have someone watching the threads that the more lurkers who come out to play with us the better. The more names and comments being made by different people the more TPTB will get the idea that many people are upset.

      It's hard to count the people who don't post comments.

      So come on everyone, if you really are a shipper it is time to step up and be counted.
      Ship Nana


        Wow, I *finally* just finished reading the eighth thread. Wait a minute, I feel a quote coming on..."Eight? Are there *really* eight threads on the Sam/Jack Shipper Forum? We should get a cake or something." ::insert picture of cake (chocolate cake ):: Sorry, just my twisted version of AT's saying from the beginning of the lowdown. Congratulations Shippers! Goneshippin', you're definitely right about Statistical Significance! We all have been really busy. I hope the PTB just realise it in time to save Stargate from the downward spiral it has apparently taken. After thinking about it, New Order could have definitely been done better, but I'm still pretty happy with it as the start of a new season.
        On a seperate note, I saw the ring picture ; you guys are *so* right about Sam not looking extremely thrilled. I strongly believe that she will say no. (LOL about that being one of those cheap-o plastic rings!) To use another quote, "I'm trying to keep positive". I'm glad that my shipper family is here to talk to, to 'listen' to, and to just have fun, even when things aren't looking as good as we shippers might like. Just keep up the good spirits (I guess some of you can take that literally - ya know, spirits?), and keep posting! We'll be on the ninth thread before we know it!
        Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


          Hey, getcarter, kind of an OT question for ya. Are you a country fan? I love your sig. Congrats on figuring it out!
          Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE


            Originally posted by sacme

            Thank you - you keep hope alive!
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Well the level of opitimism depends on the day ....... Today was just not a high level day.........

              Anakin I think for the most part this HAS GOT TO BE the MOST OPTIMISTIC BUNCH in the Shipper realm!!!!! And the last month has been just plain hard on people period. So for now we get to vent , blow off some steam, and regroup and come back and Start hoping against all odds again tomorrow.

              I think if you went back and read some of the earlier threads you would be surprised at the level of optimism, support and the real sense of togetherness this group has. So even though right this VERY SECOND we may sound abit ARRGGHHED it is just because we have been hit with a bit of icky info that comes on the heels of other icky info.....thats all....and just like we all do...we vent we rant we storm...we rage against TPTB and then we gather as a *Shipper Family* and we HOPE

              SO have no fear...the optimism is still here!!! ... gads I sound like a bad cartoon

              What she said.

              Sally :#



                goood letter.

                for the record i actually stopped watching voyager around the mid season 5 mark, and i wasn't a shipper. i just thought they were turning it into a big soap opera, and doing it badly. i actually think that torres/paris fic played a big part in that, and how that was done played a big part in the show accelerating down a steep hill very quickly. i do not watch enterprise but have seen it, and i do think that there is great potential relationship chimistry between t'pal and trip (i think those are the right names) but i wouldn't depend on them doing that relationship right going by star trek history.

                i did in the past have faith in reserves about the ability to right personal storylines and ship pairings on stargate. alas, now i think i'll just have to hope they don't ruin my favourite sci fi show with it. sam/jack? nice, comfortable pairing, heading for happy places, and doing it nice and subtley, so that those who don't watch sci fi for the love (whatever form it may take) between characters wont care or be too bothered unless they like their character interaction to be like arnie in terminator.
                sam/pete? remeber what they used to say about the sam and jack hour? yup, well to me thats what this feels like. only if it were jack it would be considerably less painful.
                i never wanted anything like what we've had to be dragged through with pete, with jack, i don't think anybody did (in the past at least), so why oh why must we be put through this with someone who isn't even remotely related to what the show is supposed to be about?

                i'm going with the chewbacca defense on this again. this does not make any sense.

                seriously though, am i the least optimistic person here? i think i just might be.


                  Originally posted by aAnubiSs
                  I rather see Sam/Pete then Sam/Jack.
                  Hey this is a S/J thread, please take that else where


                  McKAY: If you're referring to the ship you just shot down, the one that doesn't stand a hope in hell of ever flying again ...

                  TORRELL: The ship that you're gonna fix, yes.

                  McKAY: What am I, MacGyver? Fix it with what?

                  MINE.. ALL MINE!! Mwhahahaha!


                    Originally posted by CkiCki
                    Hey, getcarter, kind of an OT question for ya. Are you a country fan? I love your sig. Congrats on figuring it out!
                    Yay somebody liked my icons! I posted a link to them about 3 pages back.... I had Martina McBride's "Safe in the Arms of Love" stuck in my head for an entire week. The song so fits many of the close moments between S and J. The other icon (second from left, top row) has lyrics from MadelynIris' "Shadow of your Love". I'll be making more soon and adding them to the page...

                    Here it is again for those that missed it...
                    Mandy _|,,|


                      Originally posted by CkiCki
                      Hey, getcarter, kind of an OT question for ya. Are you a country fan? I love your sig. Congrats on figuring it out!
                      Nope, not really. (Stole the pic from N8iveTexan. so can't take any credit) I'm just glad I figured it out!


                        Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                        Yay somebody liked my icons! I posted a link to them about 3 pages back.... I had Martina McBride's "Safe in the Arms of Love" stuck in my head for an entire week. The song so fits many of the close moments between S and J. The other icon (second from left, top row) has lyrics from MadelynIris' "Shadow of your Love". I'll be making more soon and adding them to the page...

                        Here it is again for those that missed it...

                        Thanks again for posting them and for sharing them with us!!

                        Edit:Really wanted to use the "wanted poster" but couldn't stand the thought of having him under my name everytime I wrote anything (maybe under my heel as I crush him into the concrete).....


                          Originally posted by Brandie
                          I've scoured the internet looking for any information about the "evil picture" and found the transcript of how that scene will play!

                          *spoiler link below*
                          The scene, in GIF format (400+K)
                          (I won't image it because of the people who haven't seen the "evil picture" yet, or refuse to hehe)

                          Ok it's cheesy, but wouldn't it be nice.....
                          ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, yes, that *would* be nice!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            To me this is just like TPTB are slapping us in the face and that is all there is to it. I don't care if they wanted Sam to have a BF but to offer a ring that is just toooooo far and they didn't have to do that to get their point across.

                            TPTB know how we feel and I'm sure they knew it would upset us!!!

                            What she said.




                              Jeez Luise, I left this thread at 5am ET this morning at page 6 and now it's at page 20! Get out of the way when the shiplets get hyped! It's gonna take me a bit to catch up. But here I go...

                              Originally posted by ses110
                              bcmilco DD is a relative and can get away with anything.In a couple of more episodes he will replace Jack and take over the SGC.I really wish RDA started throwing his weight around and demanded Sam and Jack get together but RDA is too nice to make waves.
                              LOL! you kill me!

                              ship sistah

                              ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                                Originally posted by getcarter
                                Thanks again for posting them and for sharing them with us!!

                                Edit:Really wanted to use the "wanted poster" but couldn't stand the thought of having him under my name everytime I wrote anything (maybe under my heel as I crush him into the concrete).....
                                LOL! I wanted to do a still one that says "Evil Rat" but it wouldn't all fit in 100x100 pixels and still convey all my hatred while still being legible.
                                Last edited by N8iveTexan; 12 July 2004, 05:56 PM. Reason: Cause I was just a wee bit harsh in my criticism...
                                Mandy _|,,|

