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    Originally posted by DarkQuee1
    We have, indeed, but hey, room for one more! I agree that the problem for me isn't really Pete, but their reaction. If they'd said, "Look, we didn't mean to have him come across that way. He's really supposed to be a nice guy who got a little carried away. Maybe we didn't do the best job in getting that across", I probably still wouldn't have particularly liked Pete (!) but I would have at least accepted that I wasn't supposed to see him as an immature idiot.

    But they totally overreacted and circled the wagons. It's *our* fault and *our* "issues" that are at the root of the criticism, and not the way the character was written. That's what ticked me off. It wasn't *my* "issues", it was *your* writing.

    Yeah! I don't have any issues (except for those that are due to my being a math major! )! C'mon, FCOL PTB! Just cut the crap and fess up will ya?


      Originally posted by LtLisa
      //Just hope we don't get Sam mentioning him as an aside through the rest as she did in Resurrection.//

      oh, I didn't mind that much...her eyes looked so dead and emotionless when she said that; I just started jumping around and pointing, going see? see? no feeling whatsoever!

      and gee, what happened to the third Pit episode? darn, did his part get cut?

      welcome newbies!

      and yeah...Atlantis...I don't know...I never liked McKay (as a main...he's funny to watch as that irritating guy who messes with Sam) don't know if I'll like the show if I'm supposed to give a hoot about him...we'll see. I'll try it just since there might be crossovers between SG1 and Atlantis, especially if theres a ninth season...
      Oh, darn! Just when was feeling welcome, too! *note extreme sarcasm there*

      I also liked McKay as the guy Sam always teased and wanted to deck!


        Sorry for the link ..I had to check something out first...I may have to put some voting boxes in my site ..will be back shortly Enjoy the new video in the meantime



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Sorry for the link ..I had to check something out first...I may have to put some voting boxes in my site ..will be back shortly Enjoy the new video in the meantime

          I'll try and watch as many of your shipper vids as I can and vote! Good luck! hope you win! If you don't get at least an honorable mention, I'll have some nasty words for the people in charge! Cuz I know you're videos are terrific! Even the dumbest judge should be able to see the merit in your vids!


            Originally posted by mad_gater
            I'll try and watch as many of your shipper vids as I can and vote! Good luck! hope you win! If you don't get at least an honorable mention, I'll have some nasty words for the people in charge! Cuz I know you're videos are terrific! Even the dumbest judge should be able to see the merit in your vids!
            Or if you don't win 1st prize, I'll just make like T and look big mean and scary at the judges!


              Here's another way to torture :

              Have Togar put a copy of Urgo in 's head!


                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                I feel another letter coming on here!!!

                Dear Rick,

                LOL!! I say let's do it! If we move real fast, Marimba could deliver both letters. If not, Tasha might be up to the challenge. Maybe Amanda wouldn't mind giving Rick a letter from us.

                BTW...I know Damian and Amanda got alot of hate mail over Pete, but I was wondering what kind of mail Rick got. Maybe that's why he was in such a cute mood over Pete. If anyone got good mail over Pete it would probably be Rick. Letters offering sympathy and those asking him why he was letting such a SOB take Sam away from him. Just a thought.

                Token ~


                  Originally posted by Token
                  LOL!! I say let's do it! If we move real fast, Marimba could deliver both letters. If not, Tasha might be up to the challenge. Maybe Amanda wouldn't mind giving Rick a letter from us.

                  BTW...I know Damian and Amanda got alot of hate mail over Pete, but I was wondering what kind of mail Rick got. Maybe that's why he was in such a cute mood over Pete. If anyone got good mail over Pete it would probably be Rick. Letters offering sympathy and those asking him why he was letting such a SOB take Sam away from him. Just a thought.
                  Could start off with:

                  Dear Rick,

                  Why you lettin' this airhead treat Sam like a doormat? She needs someone who respects her for her talents, like a certain brown-eyed, gray-haired (can blame Sam for most of that) colonel.


                    Originally posted by mad_gater
                    Could start off with:

                    Dear Rick,

                    Why you lettin' this airhead treat Sam like a doormat? She needs someone who respects her for her talents, like a certain brown-eyed, gray-haired (can blame Sam for most of that) colonel.
                    Or should I say, general?

                    Hopefully they do to him what they did to Kirk: demote him after awhile, which wouldn't be much of a punishment since I'm sure Jack would much prefer to be out in the field than riding a desk pushing papers. He gets enough paperwork being 2IC of the base, FCOL!


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      spoilers for season 7 and 8

                      And I also liked how Damian Kindler said, 'And sorry to say it, but you're going to see blankety-blank back for season 8.' It was the 'I'm sorry to say it' part that I thought was thoughtfully worded. At least that's how I took it.

                      Poor Damien Kindler! I've some to the point that I actually feel sorry for him. It doesn't sound like it was his concept--just that he was the *lucky* schmo who got to write it and hence take the blame. Next time RCC should write his own c*&^! If he can come up with stupidity like Ptui then he should take the blame for it!
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Originally posted by Send Pete to Edora
                        Yeah it´s great! And I added Germany. Thanks caty! I just have too little time to keep track of everything and I would miss the important things without you!

                        And now I really wanna see "The Lowdown" ...I hate that Germany never shows them! *sob*

                        Steffi ~ A Shipper on mission *weg*
                        Your wish is my command!

                        For all you folks who didn't get the Lowdown--I've uploaded RDA's bit to the site. You'll have to follow the link here because I'm only going to leave it up for a few days--


                        You should be able to dload it from here. I also pulled clips from MS and CJ but I can't upload them b/c I'm out of space for the moment and hubs won't budge on adding more right now. SO, if you want those, email me off-thread or IM me (just click on the AIM icon) and I'll send them to you. I can't seem to send anything via Yahoo IM so it'll have to be through AIM or by email. I didn't pull the AT bit because my DVD Recorder encoded it weird and split it in such a way that I can't put it back together properly! Not to mention I'm sure we've all had our fill of her talking about Ptui!

                        I do ADORE your GW name btw!

                        Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                        Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                        Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                        Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                          Originally posted by sclairef99
                          Where can I see the Caty videos? I've found Marimba...and have enjoyed every moment....but I can't seem to find Caty....perhaps I'm still lost in the excitment of this week's Lowdown and season premiere!

                          THANKS! Glad you've liked them! and...


                          Glad to have you here!
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                            What I still don't understand is that AT constantly talks about how she doesn't want Sam to be seen as "the girl" or someone who needs to have a man in her life, that Sam is strong and independent (and I haven't seen a shipper yet who doesn't agree with this) and that she doesn't want Sam to be defined by shippy stuff. Then, we get the Lowdown, and practically the only thing they talk about with Sam is....Pete and her love life. Her promotion and all that comes with it get dismissed in one line. So, the Lowdown has just defined Sam's place in the show as being "the girl". I don't understand why AT doesn't see that *this* (and Pete, since Sam is being defined in the Lowdown by this relationship) is exactly what she didn't want.

                            Like you, I think that "New Order" will be very ship light (and we already know we will get to see Pete in it). The whole first half looks that way. I'm hoping season 8 at least runs the pattern of season 7 in this regard, but....who knows?

                            That's exactly what my friend was getting at in my earlier post. Although being a guy, (no offense to the guys here ) he used the term "sex object" rather than "the girl".

                            Spoilers for Season 8 The Lowdown and Season 7 Chimera:
                            I was actually looking forward to everything that AT was saying about Sam's development for season 7. I wasn't too worried about the boyfriend aspect, because I figured that Sam would realize that her chosen career meant that it would be really difficult to have an open and honest and lasting relationship with anyone on the outside. TPTB would address this issue in Chimera and then off they would go to other storylines. However, the boyfriend angle has gone way beyond that single episode. I still think that Sam will come to the same conclusion and Pete will be gone, but I now hate the storyline. They ruined it for me when they (1) wrote him so poorly, (2) made it more about having a boyfriend rather than dealing with a normal life, (3) got so much negative feedback from all of it and now want to spoonfeed him to me. Then again, maybe that is why we are having Pete shoved down our collective throats: they need to finish playing out the Sam arc that somehow got lost amongst all of that poor writing so they need us to accept the character. Sorry, but the only way I will be able to stomach Pete at all anymore is if they use him to show us some angst between Jack and Sam. And it better be good angst!


                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              What always gets me is were they really that shocked at all the disappointment about Pete, have us shippers really been that quiet. I also don't believe that there is just as many people who like the Sam/Pete thing as don't because I know there are a lot of Sam and Jack shippers and if we all feel disgust for the relationship and if even some of the anti shippers agree with us, well than!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Nope, I don't think there was that much *positive* stuff either but I tell you what I do think--that AT's publicist (if he/she is good at their job) should tell her to clam up! I've heard MORE than enough out of her! I used to adore her but the more she mouths off, the harder it is for me to respect her. I know we are not supposed to talk about the actors here and I make a conscious effort not to confuse actors and characters--but enough is enough! I'm hoping against hope that everything she says about this comes from TPTB so it's not her fault! I *really* WOULD like to go back to how I felt about Sam BEFORE Chernobyl. I've always loved Sam and I've always respected the actress behind her but I'm starting to question that respect BIG TIME and it's NOT a comfortable feeling for me!

                              I also have to say I feel sorry for anyone who gets a lot of negative feedback (AT included), but come on they had to see this coming!!!!!!!!! The people I feel the most sorry for is us, we had no idea that this whatever you call it between Sam and Pete was going to take a life of its own especially after seven years.
                              You'd think they would have had a *little* bit of a clue after all that stuff that went down over Daniel. But I guess they just don't learn that the fans *do* care what happens to their favorite characters! And I agree--WE are the ones who get to suffer for their cluelessness!

                              I also can't help feeling that the more they try to convince us that Pete is a nice guy, the more I question them. I am really becoming quite numb to Pete, I know we will see more of him but since I see and feel no emotion between them I really consider it a joke, and on those weak moments when it does bother me, I will simply turn the tv off or leave the room. Nothing will deter me from what I feel is right and that is Jack and Sam together. TPTB can try as they might to detour my emotional roller coaster ride but they will be unsuccessful. Besides, I'm not so sure they know what they want.
                              Funny, it seems the more they go on and on about him, the more they sabotage him. I agree with whoever said that TPTB have basically sabotaged him with the new fans with the stuff they said in the Lowdown. The new fans wouldn't have had a clue but for that! It's also funny that the only PTB that seems to be REALLY pushing this agenda is RCC. AT says a good bit but I think it's more defense of the actor and that she just doesn't seem to get it (she wouldn't if she didn't watch and I'm really beginning to believe she didn't--if someone were as self-critical as she is said to be, why would want to after all that negative reaction? She might think that she came off badly and cringfe at the thought).

                              Although I thought Atlantis looked somewhat interesting, I'm not so sure that I am going to watch it. I have to say that when they were showing clips on "The Lowdown", I was bored and looking for more Stargate. I also feel that this whole Pete thing has left me rather negative about getting involved with another show by the same PTB. I have really enjoyed Stargate until the introduction of Pete in Season 7 and now I have this let down feeling that I can't seem to shake. I am still very optimistic about Season 8 and Sam and Jack getting together but somehow its different now. I'm not sad or mad, just let down and questioning a lot more, does this make sense? Anyway ...
                              I *was* interested before. It threw me for a loop though when RCC made such a big deal that Atlantis wouldn't have ship and then Teyla (can't remember the actress's name) said that she and Shepherd had an instant connection. I was like, what? It looks to me like they're going to screw up Atlantis too, so why bother?

                              I have to say that I probably would have been more interested if they had *actually* told us something we didn't know about SG-1. After 30 minutes of basically nothing though, I lost interest. I got bored with the whole thing and tuned out after seeing the bit with RDA in the helo (can't miss a minute of RDA ). I'll watch the first ep of Atlantis but if it doesn't hold my interest any better than it did last night, I won't be tuning in.

                              Plus, I'm not going to risk this level of involvement again with a group of PTB who act like they don't care what the fans think!

                              Okay, I think I'm through!
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                Originally posted by Elfinwood
                                Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:
                                He was pleasantly surprised by the military promotions, but worried about how they would now use O'Neill - "contrary to the obvious promo on the show (The Lowdown) that this is going to be just as good, but different" (his words). He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend." I then interjected some of my fandom knowledge and told him that the insiders info is that they are allowing the characters to progress. That Carter's boyfriend was meant to show Sam experiencing a life outside the SGC, not necessarily to make her more of a sex object. He just laughed and looked at me like I was really naive. Then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that's why they didn't show all of those steamy sex scenes. And that's why Teal'c and Daniel and Sam don't all wear tight T-shirts these days". As for the character development, he said: "Teal'c, maybe. The rest...they might be taking a step backward. 'No-action' Jack. 'Boring' Daniel. (He liked the earlier more passionate, geeky Daniel. Thinks that he is used as just a boring diplomat now.) 'Woman-as-a-sex-object' Carter."

                                I don't agree to all of his views (except for the "lame" boyfriend one), but it was interesting to hear from someone who looks at the show from a less complex viewpoint than I do. I certainly don't think TPTB want Sam to be seen solely as a sex object (well maybe MGM and the SciFi Channel likes that image). I know AT does not want that for Sam. My casual-type fan friend sure got that impression last night though.
                                I think your friend has a point. I hadn't quite thought about it that way but as I've been sitting here thinking about how to respond, I think I agree with him. It seems to be a way of sexing up the show under the guise of 'character development'. I know AT doesn't want that but she's not a PTB so she may not have a say and she probably 'prefers' to stay employed (who doesn't?). Could be she originally objected to the whole thing and was told in no uncertain terms to clam up. That certainly would explain the look on her face last night. I agree with Sally--she didn't look happy.

                                I think I also agree with your friend about the others. Daniel has been pretty lame of late--I thought he was much sexier when he stood up for what he believed in. And Jack--well, it seems like we have to beg to even *see* him these days. I like that we're seeing more of Teal'c though--it's about time they got around to giving CJ more lines. He's really talented and it's a waste if he doesn't get to speak!

                                And why not go back to an earlier schedule and not try to cram everything in? I'm beginning to see the point of the folks who say that the show has suffered from a shorter schedule. I've heard all the stuff about RDA's schedule and such and I know that's part of it. I also know that they are now shooting 3 or 4 eps at once and it's beginning to show on *all* the actors. They look exhausted and it's really sad. VERY few (if any) other shows do things at that pace. From what I have heard, their shooting pace has as much to do with budgetary concerns as it has to do with scheduling issues. It's a hit show FCOL--why not give it more money? It's not like Sci-fi has a whole lot else lined up and it would probably help Atlantis. Guess it's too little, too late for that now though...
                                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!

