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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by sclairef99
    Where can I see the Caty videos? I've found Marimba...and have enjoyed every moment....but I can't seem to find Caty....perhaps I'm still lost in the excitment of this week's Lowdown and season premiere!

    Click on her signature and enjoy!

    BTW........WELCOME to the Family! Have you signed our letter?

    Edited to add:

    Just in case here is the link.

    Token ~


      I saw some of the Caty videos. I fact I downloaded "I Surrender" onto my HD. (Thank God for Cable-based Internet...) Very good. Keep up the good work...
      I am on a mission to acquire the SG-1 DVDs, since I wish to know all about this great universe...

      I have the original movie and Season 1 on DVD.

      Update: I also have Seasons 2 and 3 on DVD.

      I have seen the light! Please help me learn more!


        ROTFLMAO - Ok...well....I hate getting into work at I spend about an hour surfing SG and reading the ship thread....I have never laughed so hard as I did while watching the Master of the House Video....Bravo Marimba!!!

        You Go Girl,


          Nope, haven't signed the letter, but if it's not too late...put S'Clairef99 down!

          Off to watch Caty vids....


            YEA! Another Name added!!

            Dear Amanda,

            The Shipper Family of Gateworld has collectively contributed to this letter in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and the character of Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld Forum, and more specifically in the "Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread" (please come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

            Our family is made up of fans from all over the globe, including The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Scotland, France, Portugal, New Zealand, Germany, and Australia. We are definitely a family. Whether we're discussing the many "ups and downs" of Sam and Jack's relationship or the dramas of real life; we support, encourage, and sustain each other. As a family, we laugh and occasionally disagree, we rave then we rant, but most importantly love and respect one another. Thank you so much for being part of the reason we have developed this wonderful family!

            A common theme we have in this thread is that we all think that you are an extremely talented actress and the show is better off for having you on it. You bring a depth and warmth to Sam Carter's character that enriches each episode. It is also wonderful to see such a strong and smart female character on television. Through Sam, we've explored other worlds, fought off Jaffa, created naquada reactors, and saved Earth from friend and foe alike. Through you, Amanda, we've seen a talented actress bring this very fascinating and charming character to life. Thank you for your tireless dedication to your craft and the selfless giving of yourself to your fans.

            We have all enjoyed watching both Sam and Jack grow and change over time and we think that their relationship has added an extra dimension to the show. It is wonderful to see two characters who love and respect each other so much (not to mention two amazing actors who have so much chemistry!). Their relationship is a breath of fresh air when most television romantic relationships are so badly done. In our humble opinion, we feel that Jack is the best man for Sam - and he is made better by Sam. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. They have been through so much together. To us that definitely lays the foundation for something special.

            We are thoroughly excited by your desire to stretch your acting legs and explore Sam's development, but we sincerely hope that at some point this exploration will take place at Jack's cabin. With Jack!

            While we do love the romantic relationship between Sam and Jack, we also love the friendships and interaction between the entire team. We enjoy the team dynamic very much amongst all of the characters. We are not asking that the show be turned into the Sam and Jack show. We want the same brilliant "Stargate SG-1" that we've always had just with the additional natural, positive progression of the romantic feelings between our favorite couple.

            Having said all that, we have enclosed a gift that is sure to bring out the shipper in you! We are sending you some of the best music videos from two of our "family" members, Caty and Marimba. We hope you enjoy their labor of love as much as we have! "Frozen," "I Surrender," and "Breathless" from Caty (aka ShipDiva); and "Tell Him," "To Make You Feel My Love," and "Still Holding Out for You" from Marimba will demonstrate why we feel Sam and Jack should be together. Of course, the collection would not be complete without "Miss Independent", "Wonder Woman", and "Through the Rain" which capture the essence of Sam. Caty and Marimba?s work is sure to melt your heart and make you laugh as you look back over the years at the evolving relationship of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

            With warmest regards (and lots of Shipper hugs!),

            ~The Gateworld Sam/Jack Shipper Family~

            Ship Nana
            ~bcmilco =)
            Twisted Angel
            stargate barbie
            Col aga
            Capt. Rivet
            Chevron 1
            Send Pete to Edora

            Token ~


              Originally posted by sacme
              Exactly. RDA said he didn't know very much about Ptui. Why should he if he's just a temporary distraction for his girl? As soon as Jack says the word, Ptui gets dropped. So we've got to get him to say "WORD" quick!

              ship sistah

              I feel another letter coming on here!!!

              Dear Rick,

              Ship Nana


                What always gets me is were they really that shocked at all the disappointment about Pete, have us shippers really been that quiet. I also don't believe that there is just as many people who like the Sam/Pete thing as don't because I know there are a lot of Sam and Jack shippers and if we all feel disgust for the relationship and if even some of the anti shippers agree with us, well than!!!!!!!!!!!

                I also have to say I feel sorry for anyone who gets a lot of negative feedback (AT included), but come on they had to see this coming!!!!!!!!! The people I feel the most sorry for is us, we had no idea that this whatever you call it between Sam and Pete was going to take a life of its own especially after seven years.

                I also can't help feeling that the more they try to convince us that Pete is a nice guy, the more I question them. I am really becoming quite numb to Pete, I know we will see more of him but since I see and feel no emotion between them I really consider it a joke, and on those weak moments when it does bother me, I will simply turn the tv off or leave the room. Nothing will deter me from what I feel is right and that is Jack and Sam together. TPTB can try as they might to detour my emotional roller coaster ride but they will be unsuccessful. Besides, I'm not so sure they know what they want.

                Although I thought Atlantis looked somewhat interesting, I'm not so sure that I am going to watch it. I have to say that when they were showing clips on "The Lowdown", I was bored and looking for more Stargate. I also feel that this whole Pete thing has left me rather negative about getting involved with another show by the same PTB. I have really enjoyed Stargate until the introduction of Pete in Season 7 and now I have this let down feeling that I can't seem to shake. I am still very optimistic about Season 8 and Sam and Jack getting together but somehow its different now. I'm not sad or mad, just let down and questioning a lot more, does this make sense? Anyway ...


                  Originally posted by nickatell
                  What always gets me is were they really that shocked at all the disappointment about Pete, have us shippers really been that quiet. I also don't believe that there is just as many people who like the Sam/Pete thing as don't because I know there are a lot of Sam and Jack shippers and if we all feel disgust for the relationship and if even some of the anti shippers agree with us, well than!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I also have to say I feel sorry for anyone who gets a lot of negative feedback (AT included), but come on they had to see this coming!!!!!!!!! The people I feel the most sorry for is us, we had no idea that this whatever you call it between Sam and Pete was going to take a life of its own especially after seven years.
                  Yep, I feel sorry for us tooo!!

                  I also can't help feeling that the more they try to convince us that Pete is a nice guy, the more I question them. I am really becoming quite numb to Pete, I know we will see more of him but since I see and feel no emotion between them I really consider it a joke, and on those weak moments when it does bother me, I will simply turn the tv off or leave the room. Nothing will deter me from what I feel is right and that is Jack and Sam together. TPTB can try as they might to detour my emotional roller coaster ride but they will be unsuccessful. Besides, I'm not so sure they know what they want.
                  Numb is the perfert word. They have so saturated us with, he whose name I can't even say, that I just feel numb to him. I think that when I see him this season that I will just be able to dismiss him (talking about the character here folks, not the actor).

                  I think you hit the nail on the head about not feeling emotion between HIM and Sam. The chemistry is so absolutely NOT there. It's as if they are going thru the motions but with no deep feelings for each other.

                  In no way will I be emotionally caught up in this situation again. As any emotions I did feel were bad ones and I won't go there again.

                  And that everyone, is the difference between him and Jack. We all feel deep loving, positive, emotions when we see Sam and Jack together because They feel them but we feel nothing when we see "you know who" and Sam together.
                  Although I thought Atlantis looked somewhat interesting, I'm not so sure that I am going to watch it. I have to say that when they were showing clips on "The Lowdown", I was bored and looking for more Stargate. I also feel that this whole Pete thing has left me rather negative about getting involved with another show by the same PTB. I have really enjoyed Stargate until the introduction of Pete in Season 7 and now I have this let down feeling that I can't seem to shake. I am still very optimistic about Season 8 and Sam and Jack getting together but somehow its different now. I'm not sad or mad, just let down and questioning a lot more, does this make sense? Anyway ...

                  Letdown is the perfect word. Me toooo!!! But I still have hope.

                  5 little words of hope!
                  Ship Nana


                    There have been a hell of a lot of messages since I last came on here and I haven't had chance to read through them yet but I just wanted to say that the statemnet RDA made in the Lowdown about Pete not being a threat has cheered me up a lot

                    And personally i'm taking it in a way that TPTB have told RDA that Pete is no threat cause he says he doesn't know much about Pete but apparently he's no threat to O'Neill...i take the apparently as meaning someone told him if it was TPTB i'm v.happy

                    And Sam is there when the asguard wake Jack up!!!!! from the images before it looked like it was only Daniel and Teal'c....))

                    Happy happy happy!!!
                    isn't a threat to O'Neill!!!

                    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                      Getting close guys to the much awaited season! I think the fact that they didn't really say much about Sam and Jack is also a good thing. They could of been like, "Well they had these feelings once and now not so much." The fact that they showed the kiss several times and then left it up to our imagination is a great sign!
                      "Woo-hoo! Sorry, I got caught up in Teal'c's enthusiasm."--Jack, "Tangent"


                        Originally posted by Muldy_SG1

                        And I haven't really read many spoilers...I only really know what I saw on the Lowdown!! But i reckon it's possible for there to be ship in the earlier half of the season - because it always pops up when u least expect Metamorphosis in s6 for example lol - how many ppl expeted that!? Not many...

                        ~ Fi
                        Thats good thinking!! i remeber watching Metamorphosis and being really shocked when Sam put her head on Jacks shoulder!!!
                        I hope that is what they are doing in season 8, keeping all the S/J ship top secret so we are all v.surprised!!

                        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                          Originally posted by bcmilco
                          Spoiler Space s8 "Stargate to Atlantis: The Lowdown"

                          Okay, I saw some of The Lowdown when it aired, but I had family over so I taped it and watched it later.

                          That was the most pathetic fence sitting I've ever seen. First they show lots of S/P then "The Kiss", then S/P, then "The Kiss" and RDA's comment. By the time this week ends they're going to need a doctor to surgically remove the fence posts.

                          I agree that it was good they addressed the "Pete issue" but I have a feeling this is the only place we'll see it and they dealt with it in the same way they've been dealing with it: 'Pete's a nice guy, he's a cop' blah, blah, blah.
                          Yeah, heard it before.

                          I agree that it was a good idea to remove the Pete stuff from the letter.

                          I saw the TV ad with the race car and DDL.


                          Right now I think the best idea is to wait and see. I'm not expecting much -if any- ship in "New Order" or the first half of the season right now, but I'm hoping that I'll be pleasently surprised.

                          3 Days 16 hrs 56 minutes 47 seconds... but I'm not counting
                          Nice guy?!?!?! Nice guy my a$$!!!!!! Can't even trust his own girlfriend and leave military ops (esp. CLASSIFIED military ops) to the MILITARY!


                            Originally posted by Ship Nana
                            I feel another letter coming on here!!!

                            Dear Rick,

                            I can imagine what the Gutter Gals would do with that........ Hang on! I'm ONE OF THEM!

                            The Lowdown was an exercise in pulse control for me. There were big thunderstorms rolling through and the power would flicker (causing my attention to be split between the TV and the tornado warnings

                            Still, my initital reaction was suprise, I thought they spent a LOT of time discussing considering how little time was devoted to SG-1 overall. Guess they must pay attention after all
                            I may not be a big fan, but my biggest problem is that I just don't really see him as a good match for Sam (in a perfect world that would, of course, be Jack, but I can see that won't be happening within the scope of the show ).
                            Anyway, I keep asking people if they know what week it is (with great enthusiasm ) and they look at me rather oddly when I say "It's NEW STARGATE WEEK!" (poor, sad people, they don't know what they're missing....


                              I have a few questions on the Lowdown wondering if I heard right, not shipper related but I put them out anyway.

                              PDL mentioned Apophis being in the movie. Did he mean COTG I and II released on video since Apophis sure wasn't in Stargate (the movie)? Was he?

                              Talked about Anubis as if he were still around. You mean he wasn't vanquished in LCII? Dumb me I thought he was gone. Oh, he's sort of ascended so he can't be killed? What DID I hear on the Lowdown?

                              The Wraith screaming face sort of reminds me of Nanny Fine's mouth open gape. Might keep me from taking them seriously. What with Chas. Shaughnessy being on SG,SG1, I guess I had her on my mind. Will watch at least the Atlantis with RDA and MS in them.

                              I'm trying not to analyze RDA's comment too much as well as other comments on the PS fiasco. I do remember someone (maybe RCC) saying PS would be in 2 eps. Two... not three, not four. And we already know which ones, don't we? That I can handle, maybe. Just hope we don't get Sam mentioning him as an aside through the rest as she did in Resurrection.


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                Spoiler Space for Lowdown, just in case:

                                For an hour preview show that had to cover 2 different shows, I felt that they spent an inordinate amount of time on . The only thing positive and maybe Shippy was when RDA made the statement at the end of the comments and clips that apparently was no threat to O'Neill.

                                But then they made this big deal about showing scenes with Sam and . Out of all the new episodes they could have shown snippets of they spent their time showing us . Why do they want us to accept and like him so badly?
                                Spoiler Space for Season 8 and The Lowdown:

                                I can't say that RDA's comment made me overly confident. He can be so infuriatingly ambiguous. The man is very smooth. AT should take some lessons from him. Maybe then she wouldn't get herself into so much trouble with the fans. Of course, it was obvious that they wanted her to say all of those things. If they hadn't, it would not have aired.

                                As for the rest...I was talking with someone this morning who I consider a casual fan. He watches regularly, but isn't someone who is involved to the point that he goes online or reads the genre mags. His only PR for the show comes from the TV, so he is virtually spoiler free. I asked him if he had watched The Lowdown and what he thought about the upcoming season. I like to hear his opinion, because I consider him an intelligent viewer and because his views are not tainted by spoilers or the opinions of the fandom like mine can be.

                                He was pleasantly surprised by the military promotions, but worried about how they would now use O'Neill - "contrary to the obvious promo on the show (The Lowdown) that this is going to be just as good, but different" (his words). He hopes that Carter gets to be a real command figure ("I love to see her kick butt. It's sexy."); but, he too, Ship Nana, was alarmed that they "focused so much on Carter and her boyfriend". More of his words: "What are they doing to her? Why are they pushing this boyfriend thing so much? She doesn't need a boyfriend to be sexy. She's always been sexy. Besides, the guy is lame. Carter deserves better. If they felt the need to pursue this boyfriend angle, they should at least have given her a cool guy. Like Jack. I liked the thing they had going with Jack. It didn't take over the show. Last night most of the Carter segment was about the lame boyfriend." I then interjected some of my fandom knowledge and told him that the insiders info is that they are allowing the characters to progress. That Carter's boyfriend was meant to show Sam experiencing a life outside the SGC, not necessarily to make her more of a sex object. He just laughed and looked at me like I was really naive. Then said sarcastically: "Yeah, that's why they didn't show all of those steamy sex scenes. And that's why Teal'c and Daniel and Sam don't all wear tight T-shirts these days". As for the character development, he said: "Teal'c, maybe. The rest...they might be taking a step backward. 'No-action' Jack. 'Boring' Daniel. (He liked the earlier more passionate, geeky Daniel. Thinks that he is used as just a boring diplomat now.) 'Woman-as-a-sex-object' Carter."

                                I don't agree to all of his views (except for the "lame" boyfriend one), but it was interesting to hear from someone who looks at the show from a less complex viewpoint than I do. I certainly don't think TPTB want Sam to be seen solely as a sex object (well maybe MGM and the SciFi Channel likes that image). I know AT does not want that for Sam. My casual-type fan friend sure got that impression last night though.

