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    Originally posted by bcmilco
    Okay I took one of Sally's suggestions from erlier and put it in. I also modified a sentence farther down. And I took out the blue section of the paragraph that sacme highlighted, I don't think it detracts from the point and I think by adding the remainder of that paragraph to the previous paragraph, as I did, it works rather nicely. Oh yes, and if someone else hadn't added that section about the team I would have
    <BIG snip>
    BCM, I think this is the one we should go with! GOOD JOB! (and GOOD JOB to all who have helped get us this far!)
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Here is the big sun if you want to use it for the treasure book for AT..

      Right click and save it to your PC...I can make it bigger ..whoever wants it bigger...You could put Sam and Jack kissing in the middle FROM GRACE.



        Originally posted by marimba26
        BCM, I think this is the one we should go with! GOOD JOB! (and GOOD JOB to all who have helped get us this far!)

        Could we please post the finale letter down here ..I want to make sure "My confession" is changed by " I surrender".



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Happy Birthday to you GoneShippin'

          If you want to know how I make that alcoholic choc. milkshake:

          I basically put choc. ice cream and choc. milk in the blender first, then I add rum for 2 seconds, then I add 2 capfuls of an extract that tastes good with chocolate. In other words, I can do peppermint extract for choc. mint, or banana extract for choc. banana. You know, stuff like that. Then I add some choc. syrup in the blender and then I blend it all up. Pour into glasses and garnish with Redi-Whip of your choice. I recommend choc. Redi-Whip. Try dipping ShipNana's choc. chip cookies in the choc. mint version of this alcoholic millkshake! Really! Try it! I've made the choc. mint and choc. banana versions for a couple of the parties I had with my former roomates and it went over very well with all the ladies present. Us guys were drinking more beer than anything! LOL!


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Here is the big sun if you want to use it for the treasure book for AT..

            Right click and save it to your PC...I can make it bigger ..whoever wants it bigger...You could put Sam and Jack kissing in the middle FROM GRACE.


            Gimme a good screen from the Grace kiss and I can make something out of it. Or was someone already on it???


              Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
              Gimme a good screen from the Grace kiss and I can make something out of it. Or was someone already on it???
              You can go ahead and make it if you want. Just send it to me when you're done and I'll put it on the cover of the book.
              JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

              Thank you, Nikkirose!


                Originally posted by Catysg1

                ShipNana...Do you think I should post a thread in the Amanda tapping official site and the Sam and Jack yahoo site about the letter ...and what do I say?

                Ship Diva I would post the actual letter at both sites once it is completed and just before or when it is given to AT. So for right now I think we should just sit on it.
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Yes I agree ..I also said earlier that quoting Pete in the letter is a bad idea ...I think we should just concentrate on Sam and Jack ..If it was my letter I wouldn't mention Pete at all...and JUST say why Jack is the one for Sam ......the respect he has for her , the care he has for her and vice versa.

                  Just about Sam and Jack ..We could relate to some bad actions that Pete has done ..saying that Jack respects Sam so much that He would never do anything to hurt her badly and will support her no matter what. He also gives her breathing space which is very important in a relationship.....ect..ect ..something like that ....I'm not English I can't edit too big letters ...but you get the idea.

                  The book is about Sam and Jack, The photos will be Sam and Jack, the Video CD 's are all about Sam and Jack ..

                  Pete has not a place to be even mentionned in that treasure book...and it will spoil the book I think.

                  She 'll get the message and I think TPTB too

                  but that's only my opinion I'm just concerned that she may stop reading the letter if we talk about Pete ..On the other hand I understand that the letter is a letter of concern and that all the sam and Jack shippers are scared that Sam will not end up with Jack at the end....So it's difficult.. ...just wanted to let you know my worries about the letter and Amanda reading it .

                  I hope she will have a good look at the book and watched a couple of videos at least!!!!!! I'm trying to be positive here.

                  I agree!!! I would prefer no Pete but lots and lots of shipper cookies instead.
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by Bucky
                    I don't post here often, but I do follow this thread, so I'd like to put in my two cents.

                    I'm assuming this letter is in response to spoilers, but just in case, there are spoilers for season 8 below.

                    I think MajorSal's and Seven's versions of the letter are the best so far. Yes, Shimmering Star's and similar versions present a well reasoned comparison/contrast between Sam/Pete and Sam/Jack. But such an argument will only be persuasive if someone reads it. From what I can infer from the interviews I have read, AT and TPTB at Stargate are tired of hearing complaints about Pete. They have already included him in at least two episodes, and that is not going to change. Pete is already written into Season 8, so our focus should be a return to Jack. It's not necessary to bring up Pete to do that. More complaints about Pete, even careful, respectfully worded ones, will simply go in the "Anti-Pete" mail pile and the point of rest of the letter will be lost.

                    If our goal is to insure an ending to the series with Jack and Sam together--something I've convinced is going to happen whether the letter is sent or not--then a letter stressing the positive aspects of the charcter of Sam Carter as well as the positive aspects of finishing with Sam and Jack together, then delete all references to Pete and focus on Sam and S/J.

                    Hi Bucky!!!

                    I agree with you too. I'm sure they get enough anti-Pete mail so we don't need to add to that and we definitely want to get our desire for a Sam/Jack happy ending across to them at all costs.
                    Ship Nana


                      Ok here is the letter again. Anyone else want their name on the list?

                      Dear Amanda,

                      The entire Shipper Family of Gateworld has collectively contributed to this letter in the hope that you will read it and see how much we all love both Stargate and the character of Sam. Some of us have been watching since the very beginning and some of us only started watching more recently. All of us post on Gateworld Forum, and more specifically in the "Sam/Jack Shipper Discussion Thread" (please come by and visit some time, we'd love to have you!).

                      Our family is made up of fans from all over the globe including The United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Republic of Ireland, The Netherlands, Scotland and France. We are definitely a family. Whether we're discussing the many "ups and downs" of Sam and Jack's relationship or the dramas of real life; we support, encourage, and sustain each other. As a family, we laugh and occasionally disagree, we rave then we rant, but most importantly love and respect one another. Thank you so much for being part of the reason we have developed this wonderful family!

                      A common theme we have in this thread is that we all think that you are an extremely talented actress and the show is better off for having you on it. You bring a depth and warmth to Sam Carter's character that enriches each episode. It is also wonderful to see such a strong female character on television.

                      We have all enjoyed watching both Sam and Jack grow and change over time and we think that their relationship has added an extra dimension to the show. It is wonderful to see two characters who love and respect each other so much (not to mention two amazing actors who have so much chemistry!). It's a breath of fresh air when most television love stories are so badly done. In our humble opinion, we feel that Jack is just a much better man for Sam -and is made better by Sam. They've seen each other at their best and at their worst. They have been through so much together. To us that definitely lays the foundation for something special.

                      We are thoroughly excited by your desire to stretch your acting legs and explore Sam's development, but we sincerely hope that at some point this exploration will take place in Jack's cabin. With Jack!

                      While we do love the (potential) romantic relationship between Sam and Jack, we also love the friendships and interaction between the ENTIRE team. We enjoy the team dynamic very much, among all of the characters. We are not asking for the Sam and Jack show. All we want is the same, brilliant SG-1 we've always had, just with the additional natural, positive progression of the romantic feelings between our favorite couple.

                      Having said all that, we have enclosed a gift that is sure to bring out the shipper in you! We are sending you some of the best music videos from two of our "family" members, Caty and Lisa, which we feel demonstrates why Sam and Jack should be together. We hope you enjoy their labor of love as much as we have! We suggest watching the delightful "Remember When It Rained," "I surrender, "Frozen," "Breathless," and "Miss Independent" from Caty (aka ShipDiva) and "Tell Him," "To Make You Feel My Love," and "Still Holding Out for You" from Lisa (aka Marimba). Their work is sure to melt your heart and make you laugh, as you look back over the years at the evolving relationship of Samantha Carter and Jack O'Neill.

                      ~The Gateworld Sam/Jack Shipper Family
                      Ship Nana
                      ~bcmilco =)
                      Twisted Angel
                      stargate barbie
                      Ship Nana


                        While I'm at it Shipper Family, here is today's Official Ship Nana's Shipper Cookie Countdown until the start of Season 8

                        8 days; 10 hours; 32 minutes; 26 seconds
                        Ship Nana


                          I haven't been into this thread for quite a while as school is getting really hectic and most of the time I can never keep up with all the posts but I do think the letter is a great idea. from the few things I have been reading about Season 8 I am getting, well I AM very worried about S/J ship.

                          The collaborated letterfrom all the shipper family is a brilliant idea and I really hope it will have a positive effect, because if Staragte ends and Sam and Jack aren't together I don't know what i'd do...I don't even think one of your wonderful ship cookies could cure me of depression after that...

                          Anyway, I just wanted to say that and i don't mind about my name being on the letter cause I know I haven't contributed to it at all and I don't get chance to come in here very often so I don't think I deserve to be on it...

                          Good Luck

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Hi everyone
                            I agree that the letter will probably have more effect if we play down Pete and concentrate on a growing relationship between Sam and Jack. I get the feeling from all the interviews and spoilers that Amanda and TPTB are fed up with all the Pete bashing and the more we go on about it the more determined they appear to be to push the Sam and Pete relationship at us (which gets me mad). Maybe they feel they have to bombard us with it to convince themselves that they were right to introduce Pete in such a way in the first place, that it is a wonderful thing that Sam has this boyfriend and we are mad for not seeing this. That way they do not have to admit they made a huge mistake (they are burying their heads in the sand). If we include Pete whether it is constructive or not I agree there is a possibility the letter will end up filed with all the others who do not like the relationship between Sam and Pete.
                            Jack and Sam for ever
                            Jack and Sam forever


                              Originally posted by Token
                              we may be able to influence the Sam and Jack resolution we really, really, really want.
                              Actually I highly doubt we can influence them in any way, especially considering most of the scripts are already written, but it can't hurt to let them know what we like about the show.
                              ~BCM =)

                              Open Source Initiative (OSI)
                              The GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program


                                Just read this at SciFi Wire and I'm not liking what I read!


