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    Originally posted by Sir Ruff
    And that would be the night we got those complaints about OT
    lol yep that would be the night....But! look at the outcome I got over a thousand posts winning the challenge
    And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


      raoflmao! its so good to be reminded of all my fave lines. i'm really gonna have to lock myself away somewhere v quiet with a computer, have a marathon sg1 fest and ignore everyone but my shipper family!

      ((((((((((((hugs all of you really tightly)))))))))))

      oh well, its nice to dream


        hey ruff - don't you blame me too!


          Originally posted by galaxy
          Haha, yeah that's a good one, shippy AND funny! Poor Siler.
          I watched 48 yesterday...there is also another one...

          O'NEILL: Why is Teal'c still in the gate?

          CARTER: Well sir, it's very complicated.

          O'NEILL: Can I help?

          CARTER: Well in order to overcome the lack of a DHD, we had to create a proper interface between the Gate and our computer. We generated a series of instructions based on electrical impulses to which the Gate's control crystals would respond. Now these were found mostly by trial and error over a great deal of time. What we need to do now is find a series of impulses that will instruct the Gate to override one of its primary functions.

          O'NEILL: Can I get you some coffee?

          LOL The expressions on their faces are too funny!!!
          I love that ep! It is so funny.
          Sam tells McKay to go suck a lemon!
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by sueKay
            I just love everything Jack says but

            oh hell


            *fans self*


            Anywho *ahem*

            SEASONS ONE TO SIX

            Jack: She tried to seduce me
            Daniel: Oh! poor man


            Sam: I want you
            Jack: Carter!
            Sam: Don't you want me?
            Jack: Oh! Not like this!


            Jack: How's the wound?
            Sam: Sir
            Jack: I understand you got stabbed
            Sam: Oh it was nothing...hopefully it won't even scar
            Jack: Good...I was concerned
            Sam: You were ?!
            Jack: If it doesn't heal properly you'll never wear that sweet little tank top number again

            Jack: You look great by the way

            Sam: Sir?
            Jack: It's my sidearm I swear.


            Jack: Hail dorothy!


            Sam: You will really like me when you get to know me


            Kawalsky: She's my best friend's wife


            AU Sam: You have to Jack had the same face same voice...same hands.
            Jack: Which brings to mind an obvious could you marry such a loser?


            Sam: Sir...Just GO!


            Jack: I din't leave...because I'd rather die than lose Carter
            Anise: Why?
            Jack: Because I care about her...a lot more than I'm supposed to


            Hammond: Colonel? Why are you out of uniform
            Jack: Handing you my resignation
            Sam: Resigning? What for?
            Jack: So I can do...this


            Sam: What are you smiling at?
            Jack: Nothin'


            Sam: You know...there are things about this place I like


            Jack: I remember feeling feelings.
            Sam: For me?
            Jack: No..for Tor
            Sam (laughs) then I feel better


            Ages since I've seen season ignore


            Sam: Sir...please


            Jack: Shouldn't you be up there with the rest of the eggheads...not that you're and egghead...well yes you a good way.


            Jack: You have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt...head
            (((((((((((( SueKay)))))))))))))
            All those lines just make me feel so romantic about our Sam & Jack

            avatar and sig by flidget


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              raoflmao! its so good to be reminded of all my fave lines. i'm really gonna have to lock myself away somewhere v quiet with a computer, have a marathon sg1 fest and ignore everyone but my shipper family!

              ((((((((((((hugs all of you really tightly)))))))))))

              oh well, its nice to dream
              seee I tried that but it takes me atleast 2 hours to watch each episode because im always posting in here
              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                my fav quote has got to be from season 8 gemini lol


                control room

                RC: there are two of us
                Jack: if only......*sam looks at him and he clears his throat*



                  Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                  my fav quote has got to be from season 8 gemini lol


                  control room

                  RC: there are two of us
                  Jack: if only......*sam looks at him and he clears his throat*

                  Lol I forgot about that one
                  And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    I love that ep! It is so funny.
                    Sam tells McKay to go suck a lemon!
                    if looks could kill McKay'd be pushin' up the daisies!

                    I often wondered what Jack's reaction would have been if he was in the infirmary when Carter and Mr Fantastic in Redemption when he offered to help sam change! If Carter's look hadn't killed him (well, sent him to Russia) then Jack certainly would if he'd seen that! Anyone done a ff I've missed on that one?


                      Originally posted by Oma-1
                      hey ruff - don't you blame me too!
                      It's the man behind the button to be blamed not the voices in his head

                      (alot of smilies meaning no offence to anyone)


                        My favorite quote is not in the tv ep itself but on the commentaries in the DVD. AT mentions that RDA and her cannot look at each other playing Sam/Jack romantic side without cracking up there by the look away stares are put on giving us the viewers the sexual tension between S/J.

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by samisjacksgal
                          my fav quote has got to be from season 8 gemini lol


                          control room

                          RC: there are two of us
                          Jack: if only......*sam looks at him and he clears his throat*

                          lmao - i'd forgotten that one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Edit: PT - why do you always nick my lines when I'm typing a reply to someone else's post!

                          It must be great minds cos its certainly not the other one


                            Originally posted by gatebee
                            My favorite quote is not in the tv ep itself but on the commentaries in the DVD. AT mentions that RDA and her cannot look at each other playing Sam/Jack romantic side without cracking up there by the look away stares are put on giving us the viewers the sexual tension between S/J.
                            Haha, that's great I've never heard that before!


                              Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                              It's the man behind the button to be blamed not the voices in his head

                              (alot of smilies meaning no offence to anyone)
                              maybe its a goa'uld he's got in there!

                              *backs away pointing (not waving!haha) a zat at PT*

                              Or has he been to urgo's planet lately?


                                Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                                It's the man behind the button to be blamed not the voices in his head

                                (alot of smilies meaning no offence to anyone)
                                Sir Ruff could you do me a really cool sig pretty please
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

