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    Here's another one - BtS - I remember feeling ...feelings ...


      Originally posted by galaxy
      Heelloooo!!! sueKay said: favorite shippy quotes! SHIPPY!!!

      "No habla Jaffa" and "Instead you'd be sat there with a snake in your head instead of your head up your a$$" are far, far away from being shippy. LOL

      shippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippysh ippyshippyshippyshippyshippy

      How about in 48 hours:
      Sam and Siler are hooking up the Russian DHD, and O'Neill is in the control room

      O'Neill: "You sure you want to be down there?'
      Siler: "I don't"
      O'Neill: " I wasn't talking to you"
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by galaxy
        Heelloooo!!! sueKay said: favorite shippy quotes! SHIPPY!!!

        "No habla Jaffa" and "Instead you'd be sat there with a snake in your head instead of your head up your a$$" are far, far away from being shippy. LOL

        shippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippyshippysh ippyshippyshippyshippyshippy

        Heeey thats my fav line galaxy
        And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


          Originally posted by Oma-1
          Hey, I've caught up! Hi everyone! *waves happily*
          Hey Oma *waves back*
          And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


            hey - don't blame me - it was only a suggestion! lol

            At the rate you're going you'll be a system lord by easter!


              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
              Please avoid the negative talk about the Anti-Ship thread. It's against forum rules to talk about another thread in a place where they are not free to respond and we all know that we would not like it if they started talking badly about this thread over there.

              Gateworld Moderator
              The first page of the thread usually posted the rules but when GW had its breakdown and lost our thread it all disappeared. Maybe you could repost them for the newbies.
              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                Didn't they cut that out? I remember hearing that in
                behind the scenes thingy when they were filming that scene where Jack's in a puddlejumper surrounded by Jaffa

                Did they :s oh I remember what episode it was lol its good to be king i think
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  A one word quote for me: ‘Always.’

                  The tears are welling up now. Could be the three glasses of Chardonnay. I’m celebrating my FIRST GLOWY GREEN ONE!

                  Anyway due to my advanced state of hammered-ness, time for me to say nighty night. I’ve already sloshed wine over the keyboard as I laughed hysterically [in fact, with an edge of utter madness to my cackles] at the potato soccer pic. And I’m at the stage where I’m staggering about at a 15° angle to the floor with my knees slightly bent. A bit like Groucho Marx without the mustache or the wit.

                  But lo! Can that be my recording of Threads beckoning me? Verily, it can. Guess it’s time to crack open another bottle and settle down then…

                  Over and out.

                  DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                  WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                    Originally posted by Rogue
                    How about in 48 hours:
                    Sam and Siler are hooking up the Russian DHD, and O'Neill is in the control room

                    O'Neill: "You sure you want to be down there?'
                    Siler: "I don't"
                    O'Neill: " I wasn't talking to you"
                    awwwwww that's not fair - funny and shippy! why didn't i think of that?

                    edit: i'm really gonna have to read these b4 i hit the send button!


                      Originally posted by Oma-1
                      hey - don't blame me - it was only a suggestion! lol

                      At the rate you're going you'll be a system lord by easter!
                      LOL! fingers crossed
                      And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                        I just love everything Jack says but

                        oh hell


                        *fans self*


                        Anywho *ahem*

                        SEASONS ONE TO SIX

                        Jack: She tried to seduce me
                        Daniel: Oh! poor man


                        Sam: I want you
                        Jack: Carter!
                        Sam: Don't you want me?
                        Jack: Oh! Not like this!


                        Jack: How's the wound?
                        Sam: Sir
                        Jack: I understand you got stabbed
                        Sam: Oh it was nothing...hopefully it won't even scar
                        Jack: Good...I was concerned
                        Sam: You were ?!
                        Jack: If it doesn't heal properly you'll never wear that sweet little tank top number again

                        Jack: You look great by the way

                        Sam: Sir?
                        Jack: It's my sidearm I swear.


                        Jack: Hail dorothy!


                        Sam: You will really like me when you get to know me


                        Kawalsky: She's my best friend's wife


                        AU Sam: You have to Jack had the same face same voice...same hands.
                        Jack: Which brings to mind an obvious could you marry such a loser?


                        Sam: Sir...Just GO!


                        Jack: I din't leave...because I'd rather die than lose Carter
                        Anise: Why?
                        Jack: Because I care about her...a lot more than I'm supposed to


                        Hammond: Colonel? Why are you out of uniform
                        Jack: Handing you my resignation
                        Sam: Resigning? What for?
                        Jack: So I can do...this


                        Sam: What are you smiling at?
                        Jack: Nothin'


                        Sam: You know...there are things about this place I like


                        Jack: I remember feeling feelings.
                        Sam: For me?
                        Jack: No..for Tor
                        Sam (laughs) then I feel better


                        Ages since I've seen season ignore


                        Sam: Sir...please


                        Jack: Shouldn't you be up there with the rest of the eggheads...not that you're and egghead...well yes you a good way.


                        Jack: You have a penchant for pulling brilliant ideas out of your butt...head
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by Katkin
                          A one word quote for me: ‘Always.’

                          The tears are welling up now. Could be the three glasses of Chardonnay. I’m celebrating my FIRST GLOWY GREEN ONE!

                          Anyway due to my advanced state of hammered-ness, time for me to say nighty night. I’ve already sloshed wine over the keyboard as I laughed hysterically [in fact, with an edge of utter madness to my cackles] at the potato soccer pic. And I’m at the stage where I’m staggering about at a 15° angle to the floor with my knees slightly bent. A bit like Groucho Marx without the mustache or the wit.

                          But lo! Can that be my recording of Threads beckoning me? Verily, it can. Guess it’s time to crack open another bottle and settle down then…

                          Over and out.
                          gnight Katkin (((((katkin))))) shippy dreams
                          And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                            And thank you Sam fan! You know why…

                            DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                            WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                              Originally posted by Rogue
                              How about in 48 hours:
                              Sam and Siler are hooking up the Russian DHD, and O'Neill is in the control room

                              O'Neill: "You sure you want to be down there?'
                              Siler: "I don't"
                              O'Neill: " I wasn't talking to you"

                              Haha, yeah that's a good one, shippy AND funny! Poor Siler.
                              I watched 48 yesterday...there is also another one...

                              O'NEILL: Why is Teal'c still in the gate?

                              CARTER: Well sir, it's very complicated.

                              O'NEILL: Can I help?

                              CARTER: Well in order to overcome the lack of a DHD, we had to create a proper interface between the Gate and our computer. We generated a series of instructions based on electrical impulses to which the Gate's control crystals would respond. Now these were found mostly by trial and error over a great deal of time. What we need to do now is find a series of impulses that will instruct the Gate to override one of its primary functions.

                              O'NEILL: Can I get you some coffee?

                              LOL The expressions on their faces are too funny!!!


                                Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                                Cool Yeah I got challenged by Oma i think it was to get over 1000 post last night so I felt obliged to try thanks for the congrats

                                And that would be the night we got those complaints about OT

