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    Originally posted by Elkeli
    Reckoning Pt2 is nearly finished over here in Oz but i've just gotta say...

    I'm in *LOVE* with Ba'al!!! hehehe!
    I think I've been shipping for the wrong couple.
    How about Ba'al and Nirrti (can't keep a dead Goa'uld down for long)
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


      Originally posted by sueKay
      Here's my Moebius explanation

      Don't read if you don't want spoiled.

      The timeline didn't diverge until AFTER's from heron in that things are gonna be different...the past eight years will remain the same.
      you see, i get that, completely understand how that works...i think people just forget about the whole mobius strip part to the whole time-travel story....?



        I only have a few minutes on here 'cos we are cleaning up our hard drive in a moment...De-Fragging it or what ever it is called! LOL! I just wanted to reply to this post 5 pages back...

        Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
        Awww I wish I had a best friend who loved stargate as much as me except I have one who hates it because his mum loves it...suprisingly me and his mum get on very well
        Hey PT!

        You know I don't talk about Stargate with her so much 'cos they are so far behind in Germany so I am kind of like you (plus she’s more of an Amanda fan and watches Stargate because of that, which I am like too, that is how we met actually ). I am so glad I have GW to come too. I mean I could talk about season 1, well through 7 now but then new ones no. So I am glad I have my shipper family too!

        Oh and Caty, just watched your latest video and I love it. It was brilliant. I love that you put the wedding photo at the end and their honeymoon photo in Paris !
        Btw my mum loves that song so she decided to watch it with me and she gave it the thumbs up!


        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

        My Livejournal

        My Myspace


          Originally posted by Zoser
          I think I've been shipping for the wrong couple.
          How about Ba'al and Nirrti (can't keep a dead Goa'uld down for long)
          Maybe you should start a thread on that. Like to see the people who would go there.
          Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

          Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


            Ok, I've gotta go *try* catch my next bus.....
            bye bye!

            Big Hugs to all!!!!!!!



              Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
              I only have a few minutes on here 'cos we are cleaning up our hard drive in a moment...De-Fragging it or what ever it is called! LOL! I just wanted to reply to this post 5 pages back...

              Hey PT!

              You know I don't talk about Stargate with her so much 'cos they are so far behind in Germany so I am kind of like you (plus she’s more of an Amanda fan and watches Stargate because of that, which I am like too, that is how we met actually ). I am so glad I have GW to come too. I mean I could talk about season 1, well through 7 now but then new ones no. So I am glad I have my shipper family too!

              Oh and Caty, just watched your latest video and I love it. It was brilliant. I love that you put the wedding photo at the end and their honeymoon photo in Paris !
              Btw my mum loves that song so she decided to watch it with me and she gave it the thumbs up!

              Hey Tracey ((((Tracey)))) aaah yeah we have each other on here to talk about stargate which is ace
              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                Originally posted by scaryperson
                Ok, I've gotta go *try* catch my next bus.....
                bye bye!

                Big Hugs to all!!!!!!!

                Speak to ya soon Tan ((((Tan)))) dont miss your bus
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  Originally posted by scaryperson
                  Ok, I've gotta go *try* catch my next bus.....
                  bye bye!

                  Big Hugs to all!!!!!!!

                  ((((Scaryperson))))) Good luck catching THIS one
                  The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                  |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                    Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                    Hey Tracey ((((Tracey)))) aaah yeah we have each other on here to talk about stargate which is ace
                    *waves to PT*

                    It is indeed. I have been with GW now for 2 and bit years. And I never tire of this place! I think you know by now how addictive it can be.


                    By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                    My Livejournal

                    My Myspace


                      Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                      *waves to PT*

                      It is indeed. I have been with GW now for 2 and bit years. And I never tire of this place! I think you know by now how addictive it can be.

                      *waves back*

                      LOL! Yes I do Havent been able to stay away from this place for too long only to sleep lol its just a nice refreshing place to come and talk about stargate or anything with people who are really nice and cool people who have a common interest in stargate and other things
                      And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                        Well I am happy for those of you that feel you will get enjoyment out of a resolution between Jack and Sam over the phone but I am not as accepting as you are. I wanted and feel we deserved a scene by the end of Season 8 where we knew for a fact Jack and Sam would live happily ever after. I keep seeing Jack fishing on the pier by himself when out of the cabin walks Sam in casual clothes and walks up to Jack and sits on his lap asking if he caught anything and Jack would say not fishing but I did catch someone I have wanted for the last eight years, a nice kiss and then they both start fishing, of course Daniel and Teal'c then come around the corner. Something very natural. Okay, I am a hopeless romantic but as far as season nine is concerned, no way I am through. Season 8 was the time and place to complete this story even RDA said so as one of the reasons he returned for season 8, and truthfully I just don't feel like being taken for granted anymore. Watching Stargate gave me a break from my real life (yes I do have one) and it used to give me enjoyment, now my real life is more entertaining and enjoyable.

                        We have written letters, in fact Damian Kindler said on one of the lowdowns that he heard from many fans; but that still did not stop any of them from giving us the Season 8 that they did so what is the point. I for one just will not watch or tape any of the shows when they are shown in the US, even though I am one person, I am one less person than they used to have.


                          Okay folks...I know how we can be 100% sure it's our team that's still alive.


                          A Moebius strip wasn't mentioned once in the ep..therefore TPTB knew they needed an explanation for the reset...hence the name of the episode.
                          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                            System Lord Rogue

                            Yep, there goes the neighborhood.

                            First Prime - pittsburghgirl
                            Second in command and loyal advisor - Scaryperson
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by scaryperson
                              Ok, I've gotta go *try* catch my next bus.....
                              bye bye!

                              Big Hugs to all!!!!!!!

                              You should get a phone with GPRS so you could surf here during the busride

                              That's what I do


                                Originally posted by gatewatcher
                                I thought Sam smiled at Jack when he said she had packing to do......maybe when she comes back, it's because of an emergency and they know she's needed at the SGC. They are willing to live apart as needed, it doesn't have to be she left him......Then maybe at the END of the series, RDA will make a guest appearance or 2 ( or 3,4 ect)
                                It might be nice to see ActionJack
                                go off on a mission to save his wife!
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

