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    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
    NO WAY!!!!!!! First its Sam and Pete now Jack and Kerry! Do TPTB suddenly have a fetish for bedroom scenes!
    And is it just me or have they chosen that actress to play Kerry because she has similar looks to the dreaded Laira?? cause as soon as I saw her I thought about A hundred Days!
    I'm not happy now

    I just don't see it. I hated Laira, and this woman is actually pretty. I think I am not having a problem with her because I know she is the one who tells Jack to get a reality check and see who he is really in love with. She sounds very smart to me


      I think it would be mild surprise, but by no means great upset.
      I see Daniel as more of a no-romo in terms of the Stargate fandom, whereas Teal'c is an S/J shipper!


        Originally posted by blueiris
        huh, I never noticed this. My homework for tonight is to watch these episodes.
        Poor you


          Originally posted by Kri

          I just don't see it. I hated Laira, and this woman is actually pretty. I think I am not having a problem with her because I know she is the one who tells Jack to get a reality check and see who he is really in love with. She sounds very smart to me
          she knows somethings up. I imagine she has never had a guy wanting to keep his relationship with her a secret.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
            I don't know, but that would be one heck of an extra on a DVD that I'd consider buying for sure....
            12 kiss too I'll by the dvd. In fact I am saving money to buy the 7th and then go backwards. If AT ever gets tired of sooooo many retakes, I am willing to sacrifice myself and take her place

            avatar and sig by flidget


              Originally posted by Queen_Bee
              hey peoples

              well i decided to watch the "first meeting" in COTG's again.....and its so amazing to see how so much has developed...
              she was so sarcastic, so forward and stuborn.. much like Jack, and u could tell he was amused.
              but then these days, we see her as so much more, a daughter, a fighter and a lover..who'd hav thought that those 2 people in COTG's would end up in each others arms so many (shiptastic) times

              excuse the rambling.....its 6 in the morning and i m leaving for Melbourne in an hour ....sleepy

              toodles and hugs
              Hi all
              Finally decided to come out of lurkdom and join in with you guys! (hope thats ok!!)

              I so agree with you Bee!
              I've been rewatching all of Season1 over the last couple of days and I was so struck with how "young" Sam was back then. By that I mean "young" in the widest sense - a fresh, somewhat naive yet feisty girl and trying so hard to be one of the guys, to gain acceptance
              Now in contrast she is so much more, such a strong and beautiful woman.
              I guess that speaks volumes for AT - her growth as a person and as an actress in developing the character.

              Anyway, this is my first ever post (woo hoo!) so a big hello to all the shipper family!!!


                Welcome Kazan!!


                  Hello Kazan, it's nice to have you here. Grab some cookies and post lots.


                    WELCOM HAM

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAMNE

                    HAPPY BIRTHDAY M. WENDY

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      Welcome Kazan

                      avatar and sig by flidget


                        Originally posted by Kazan
                        Hi all
                        Finally decided to come out of lurkdom and join in with you guys! (hope thats ok!!)

                        I so agree with you Bee!
                        I've been rewatching all of Season1 over the last couple of days and I was so struck with how "young" Sam was back then. By that I mean "young" in the widest sense - a fresh, somewhat naive yet feisty girl and trying so hard to be one of the guys, to gain acceptance
                        Now in contrast she is so much more, such a strong and beautiful woman.
                        I guess that speaks volumes for AT - her growth as a person and as an actress in developing the character.

                        Anyway, this is my first ever post (woo hoo!) so a big hello to all the shipper family!!!
                        I agree. Out of the 4 characters, I think Sam has changed the most.

                        And Welcome, glad you could join us.
                        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                          Welcome kazan

                          I love your avatar sueKay!
                          ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                            Originally posted by Lunar
                            I think Daniel still has inklings of disapproval about the ship. Out of the two, I always think Teal'c has a *higher* opinion of Jack and Daniel has a more *honest* opinion. (Both are good! ) The intellectual side of Dan can see the differences in Sam and Jack, their bad qualities and surmise that they could wind up having quite a destructive relationship. Jack does treat Sam badly sometimes (even as a shipper I can admit that) and vice versa. Daniel thinks of Sam as a sister (I feel) and he once said to Jack: 'I don't have a sister, but if I did, I wouldn't let her anywhere near you.' (Or words to that effect). He knows the darker side of Jack more than Teal'c does because he was present on the Abydos mission when suicidally-depressed Jack was still around. So he's less of an unabashed shipper because I think he can see the negative side as well as the 'they-are-meant-to-be-togetherness' that Teal'c sees.
                            But he must be aware of the ship. He was the one that said
                            Not *interrupting* anything are we?
                            in Lost City.
                            This has been very random.
                            For my version of Dan's thoughts on ship, read my fic How To Begin? !
                            Hmmmm.... destructive relationships... your 'random thoughts' got me to thinking... (and pulled my mind away from thoughts of work where they need to be! LOL! ) (Gee thanks Lunar! ) ((((Lunar)))

                            I think because of (a) their relative positions CO/2IC, (b) uncertainty on Sam's part for Jacks' feelings lately for her, (c) her unfortunate prediliction for certain types of men (Jonas), and (d) the gentle core to her personality, that she has been more accepting/less likely to react to poor/rude treatment by Jack. MOHO is that now, 8 years later, if Sam felt those barriers both she & Jack have erected were not in place, that she would totally let go right back at Jack to give it as good as she got it; as an equal. To be just as snarky, blunt, and straightforward as he is. And... I think Jack would either walk away (not likely) or would be *thrilled* that she wasn't backing off/acting deferentially to him anymore. Now if that's where the Pete arc took us... that might (a very small might) be worth his arc....

                            RE: Daniel knowing the ship exists. Again, I think after 8 years he'd have to realize the flirtations, care & concern he saw between his 2 best friends was more than just friendship. I think both he and Teal'c can see the bad aspects of S & J's personalities & how it would affect a romatic ship. I think Teal'c would feel it was better to them to have loved than to have never loved at all. Whereas for Danny... I still can't shake the gut feeling I have that he'd be jealous if S/J's ship moved to a more intimate level. Can't explain it, just how I feel about it.
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by shelsfc
                              Poor you
                              I just don't understand all this complaining about having homework.
                              ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                                Originally posted by gatebee
                                12 kiss too I'll by the dvd. In fact I am saving money to buy the 7th and then go backwards. If AT ever gets tired of sooooo many retakes, I am willing to sacrifice myself and take her place
                                *points to the back of the long line of S/J Shippers & RDA Gutter Gals*

                                Hey, take a number!

                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

