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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Dontcha think it'd be great if
    Sam comes back from D.C wearing a wedding ring???

    Daniel: Sam??

    Teal'c: Colonel Carter?

    Sam: (big grin on face) What?


    Sam: (really big grin) Jack

    Daniel: Huh?

    Sam: We ehm...eloped!

    Teal'c: Indeed

    Great suekay

    I think they will off screen ..because TPTB seems to like Farscape and all the sexual innuendos of that series hopefully they should follow a great example ..and RST can be achieved in good taste and be very successfull but hey what do I know !!!!
    May be ,Joe can tell us !!!!



      Joe's not been on since the 20th.

      I've PMed him, but I don't want to email him incase he thinks I'm a crazed fan...

      ...mind you, I already know I'm a crazed fan!

      Caty - why don't you email him since I've PMed him? He did want us to ask him about ship once the season ended.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Hi guys ..won't post too much ..don't feel like it but

        First I don't think they are quite back to the present timeline ..Something is slightly changed and this is The twist RDA was talking about ..but close enough .Looks like their (Sam &Jack) sex drive may be higher in season 9!!!Just joking but I'm thinking about a Farscape scene I'm mentionning at the end of my post and is it really a coincidence?!!!!

        Second , Nickatell, Kiwigater, Shimmering Star and Liebestraume....all excellent posts you made ..and you expressed them so well trying to be nice at the same time , comical for nickatell too

        I hope you posted them at the Mobius2 Threads so that Joe Malozzi can read them .
        As for the shippers who go to the convention this year , bring you shipper flag with you ..and don't forget to do something with it .

        Lasty ..They (TPTB) did pinch that kissing scene ( Mobius 2) from the Farscape episode called "Metldown" ( John and Aeryn) ..same scene by the control device ..they kiss, fall and have sex .

        hey caty glad you popped in i like your way of thinking about season 9.......

        hope you are stayimg?




          PT, You're crazy Post-o-holic


            Originally posted by wynter
            hey guys,

            couldn't get in last night for some reason,thought i'd pop in for 5 mins before work!

            How is every coping are they ok?

            I am still watching mobeius 2 i have watched it over and over spoiler

            i am still confused if they are our sg1 i think it is but sam did pull a face like the alt sam while watching the video,but i honestly think its our team.
            I can't get enough of the alt sam and jack kissing but sooo frustrated that it wasn't ours.
            'YOU GOT PACKING' oooo i just love the way he says it.

            I think we will have reference in season 9 JM does say to a fans question about sams absence that there is a good reason why she is away,then the fan asks if its vacation/honeymoon?JM justs says there is a good reason not actually saying yes or no,BUT i want RDA to be in it with sam as a couple hugging kissing and I WANT A BEDROOM SCENE!!!! not a gutter scene just a waking scene together......

            will try to stay for a little while to chat anything else i miss?

            Hey wynter ,

            I think the sublte reference to Farscape was may be a hint to the shippers and I think
            they may go away to washington first to help Jack settling in ....then may be go on a honey moon ..also in the ZPM scene ..I know that AT is pregnant and RDA could not let her carry the ZPM case ..May be a bit heavy in her condition but he (Jack) did look down a bit ..very subtle but I think there are using AT's real condition ..I think TPTB is thinking about adding some more sex appeal to the show ...That's my 2 scents ..and it will be mostly off screen next year anyway it can't be harmfull to the on screen show ..we'll get plenty of Daniel and Teal'c to compensate and please the non Sam and Jack shippers

            OK i'm off to make another video I have a good idea for it and a great song too



              brrrr just been outside its bloomin freezing
              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                PT, You're crazy Post-o-holic
                LOL! why thankyou
                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                  Reckoning Pt2 is nearly finished over here in Oz but i've just gotta say...

                  I'm in *LOVE* with Ba'al!!! hehehe!

                  "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                  -Stargate Theme


                    Originally posted by Elkeli
                    Reckoning Pt2 is nearly finished over here in Oz but i've just gotta say...

                    I'm in *LOVE* with Ba'al!!! hehehe!

                    Hey Kel Hows your day been?..Im assuming its night time there?
                    And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.




                        Hey guy's ,

                        I thought I would pop in while I have the chance too. I am sort of here whilst trying to sort of some uni stuff (and sort of watching XF ). I tell you, if I get told I have to wait in a 20-minute queue just to speak to an admissions team again I will scream!

                        I have to say wynter, I agree with your post...
                        In season 9 I want there to be hugging and kissing too (like everyone of course ). You know, or just something to show them being a couple! If RDA is in a few episodes, when he comes back there should be a hug and a kiss or an 'I missed you'. That isn't really too much to ask for after well, 9 years is it?? But like Caty said, it'll probably be mostly off screen!


                        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                        My Livejournal

                        My Myspace


                          Originally posted by PoeticTragedy

                          Hey Kel Hows your day been?..Im assuming its night time there?
                          Yeah its 11.30pm here now. Yes, that's how late Stargate is on around here It used to be 7.30

                          Anyhoo, long tiring day of archiving for my mum's work but I got $100 from it so yay!

                          Reckoning pt2 spoilers...

                          If the house wasn't so quiet and my parents weren't asleep I would be laughing SO HARD right now! I could hardly stop myself when the replicators froze and they were on the planet with the weapon and the shot is just of the replicators and one randomly falls to the ground....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (if you understand what I mean lol)

                          "doooo doooo do di do do dooooo , do di doooo doooo do di doooo doooo do doooo do di doooo"
                          -Stargate Theme


                            Originally posted by galaxy
                            Hey Galaxy I tried to give you some jello love yesterday but couldnt but I can now

                            How are you anyway
                            And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                              Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                              Hey guy's ,

                              I thought I would pop in while I have the chance too. I am sort of here whilst trying to sort of some uni stuff (and sort of watching XF ). I tell you, if I get told I have to wait in a 20-minute queue just to speak to an admissions team again I will scream!

                              I have to say wynter, I agree with your post...
                              In season 9 I want there to be hugging and kissing too (like everyone of course ). You know, or just something to show them being a couple! If RDA is in a few episodes, when he comes back there should be a hug and a kiss or an 'I missed you'. That isn't really too much to ask for after well, 9 years is it?? But like Caty said, it'll probably be mostly off screen!

                              Hey twisted angel I take it your in a screamy mood
                              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                Being a Voyager Generation Trekkie...

                                I understand time travel perfectly.

                                Here's my theory


                                1. First time round the Moebius strip - our SG1 go to the past to get the ZPM.

                                2. Peak of first time round - the puddlejumper is discovered, leaving SG1 stranded.

                                3. Their actions in the past set of a chain of events, and the alternate SG1 created by the changes have to go back.

                                4. Alternate SG1 go back in time. We're now on our second time round the Moebius strip.

                                5. By the end, alternate SG1 have fixed the past, and due to how far into the past they are...very little changes in our timeline.

                                6. We reach the end of the Moebius strip, and we're back to the beginning. The only timeline changes that have affected our SG1 is the video and the ZPM. Everything's back to normal.

                                7. the small changes eg. Jack's posture and the fish can be easily explained by Chaos Theory. Something that we've already seen in Window of Opportunity when Jack tries to time SG12's arrival.
                                I just tried to rep you SueKay and it all went horribly wrong… but I meant to say ‘thank God for some sense!’.

                                DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                                WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.

