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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by mishy_mo
    that link won't work for me is any one else having trouble???
    same here...



      Originally posted by mishy_mo
      that link won't work for me is any one else having trouble???
      Ok go to Abydos gate. there is a link for the Sam and Jack Shipper site... it should work. it did for me this morning.... i hope you get through...

      and to answer 'scary person'. yes there is another photo that everyone has seen, it has all four members of the cast in it..


        ahoy fine shippers!!

        just checkin in!.....

        yay! MOEBIUS next week!!!! *happy dance*

        have fun peoples!

        lurve and omlettes
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by Queen_Bee
          ahoy fine shippers!!

          just checkin in!.....

          yay! MOEBIUS next week!!!! *happy dance*

          have fun peoples!

          lurve and omlettes
          Hooray for next week


            Reading the Threads spoilers and seeing Caty's screencaps has made me so dang hyper...I can't imagine what I'll be like when I actually see the episode. Which won't be for another month! Aaaaargh!
            Sam & Jack 'Ship...


              Thanks for the info Cheyenne. Anyway, only four days 'til Moebius, I can't wait to see what'll happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                Originally posted by samandjack32
                Thanks for the info Cheyenne. Anyway, only four days 'til Moebius, I can't wait to see what'll happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                Not a problem. i hope that you enjoy it as much as i do... i sooo cant wait til threads and mobius... the network here in Australia is so unreliable. there could take stargate off the air at any time...Noooooo


                  Originally posted by Cheyenne
                  Ok go to Abydos gate. there is a link for the Sam and Jack Shipper site... it should work. it did for me this morning.... i hope you get through...

                  and to answer 'scary person'. yes there is another photo that everyone has seen, it has all four members of the cast in it..
                  cool, thanks Cheyenne! As long as i know i'm not just going crazy and making up pictures with the two of them in (even if they're not alone)



                    does any one here live in the land of Oz aswell?

                    I live over the rainbow and the view here is beautiful! I can see a small ship in the distance heading into port....hummm...I wonder....could it be...yes...yes, I think I see a tall good looking lanky blonde standing on top holding hands with an elegantly hunky silvered head foxy there I said....the view from my rainbow is absolutely breath taking!!!!!!
                    This is great.
                    I told ya.
                    I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                    Well, let's not dwell.


                      Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                      does any one here live in the land of Oz aswell?

                      I live over the rainbow and the view here is beautiful! I can see a small ship in the distance heading into port....hummm...I wonder....could it be...yes...yes, I think I see a tall good looking lanky blonde standing on top holding hands with an elegantly hunky silvered head foxy there I said....the view from my rainbow is absolutely breath taking!!!!!!
                      that's one brilliant rainbow



                        Originally posted by Cheyenne
                        Not a problem. i hope that you enjoy it as much as i do... i sooo cant wait til threads and mobius... the network here in Australia is so unreliable. there could take stargate off the air at any time...Noooooo
                        They better not, otherwise I'll come and kick their a**! lol


                          Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman

                          Our monthly meet-up has changed venue. It will now be going on at the corner of

                          Bring your own clones.

                          Token ~


                            i love this forum... everyone here is sooo nice... but i do have a question to ask everyone... do any of you have lives?? Coz i sure as hell don't... stargate is my life... my friends and i have actually come up with a way to intergrate ourselves into the SG universe.... sad i know... it is like living an RPG... we love it... there is 4 of us...Cheyenne Alannah Fraiser (me), younger sister of Janet. Raven Carter, daughter of Sam Carter and also Leiandra and Asuka, Jack's twin girls... now its all very intricate and complicated but we have fun with it anyway... it is our own alternate universe


                              WO HOO!!! I'VE GOT RADIOACTIVE GREEN JELLO!!!

                              Thank you Brandie, BrenRen, Florence, and shel for giving me the most recent green! Thank you EVERYONE for the looooove and green jello you so generously share!

                              Thank you Swimmy and all your valiant fellow penguins for your unfailing support of the Shipper cause, without which none of this would have been nearly as much fun.

                              And last but not least: thank you SAM AND JACK for being so dang great together!

                              As First Prime I would be worthy of death if I did not also give due honor to my mighty, magnanimous system lord sueKay who bestowed my sig upon me, thus helping my posts get noticed!
                              Last edited by Starfury; 11 February 2005, 02:34 PM.
                              Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                                Originally posted by Starfury
                                WO HOO!!! I'VE GOT RADIOACTIVE GREEN JELLO!!!

                                Thank you Brandie, BrenRen, Florence, and shel for giving me the most recent green! Thank you EVERYONE for the looooove and green jello you so generously share!

                                Thank you Swimmy and all your valiant fellow penguins for your unfailing support of the Shipper cause, without which none of this would have been nearly as much fun.

                                And last but not least: thank you SAM AND JACK for being so dang great together!

                                As First Prime I would be worthy of death if I did not also give due honor to my mighty, magnanimous system lord sueKay who bestowed my sig upon me, thus helping my posts get noticed!

                                Hooray! (says in a Homer Simpson voice) Its Noo-klee-ur *holds up a finger*

