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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
    I don't know
    Pete might have "known" all about her per se-but not about what made Sam tick. And she certainly didn't know enough about Pete for that either. You know he could have had her investigated up the whazoo-but he really didn't know her soul-and she didn't either. She knew what he presented to her and took that at face value. Let's face it-he wasn't Jack. He was so far his opposite-there is no way she could have confused the two. And I think that was the reason for her turning to Pete. Pete-basically was no dummy-he wanted her. period. And anyway he could get her, obviously. It was marriage made in divorce court.

    Yes! That's it.
    Neither Sam nor Pete understands what makes the other 'tick.' Pete, to his credit, recognizes that Sam is someone very special, and he's in denial about their actual compatibility. Sam just doesn't want to acknowlege it because she thinks Pete's her only chance for 'normal.'



      Sorry....another random thought

      maybe Threads was IN an alternate timeline??? SG1 realise this in threads, and try and fix it...accidentally ending up in egypt and using the opportunity to go find a'd end with everythin back to normal...their memories intact ala Jack and Teal'c in WoO...and with our star-crossed lovers together!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Originally posted by sueKay

        [immature whining]

        Didja all like my fic?????????????



        [/immature whining]

        [pleading] Please read it![/pleading]

        Sorry...I gotta let my inner teen out sometime!!!!!

        ...wait...I am a teen...I meant to say child!!!!!!!

        lol! loved your fic Suekay! more please (translate: write, woman! write! is it written yet?) oops, sorry, musta been channeling the duck.

        anyhoo, Eliza - I went looking for that
        moebius/ fishing
        for you. Couldn't find it on GW, but it was a link somebody posted on SJ yahoo group. It was from a Delphi forum, unfortunately the thread has changed a bit. I'm sure you could fiind it, but you'd have to go through anti's posts, and I gave up after 3 posts of major Sam-whumping and Jack-whumping. GRRRR that's the link I had if you want to check it out
        but beware of the dark side of the force!



          Ahoy peoples...

          Geez there hav been alot join since Threads aired!!! heh

          well i m getting a head cold *sniff*

          so i might stay here and snuggle and re watch Threads for a 3rd time! yay

          cant wait for next week!....WOOGHNESS *happy dances*

          toodles and hugs
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

          sig by RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by Queen_Bee
            Ahoy peoples...

            Geez there hav been alot join since Threads aired!!! heh

            well i m getting a head cold *sniff*

            so i might stay here and snuggle and re watch Threads for a 3rd time! yay

            cant wait for next week!....WOOGHNESS *happy dances*

            toodles and hugs
            Have fun watching Threads again!!
            and I hope you head cold doesn't get too bad.

            I can't wait for next week either!!


            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              Woooo! On Saturday, i can watch Threads for the 4th time!!!! (2nd time was a video tape)

              lol, hope we're all doing very well!



                Welcome Eliza1001!!!


                  Originally posted by sueKay

                  [immature whining]

                  Didja all like my fic?????????????



                  [/immature whining]

                  [pleading] Please read it![/pleading]

                  Sorry...I gotta let my inner teen out sometime!!!!!

                  ...wait...I am a teen...I meant to say child!!!!!!!
                  Hey, wait a minute suekay

                  Ok, I've read it and I love it. Can't wait for next chapter
                  Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                    Originally posted by nickatell
                    Season 8 Threads.
                    I have to say for some reason I didn't feel sorry for Pete because I never bought in to him, if that makes any sense. When he first came on and they began their relationship he just never fit Sam and I don't just mean because he wasn't Jack but that he was too immature for her. So, not being involved with them from the beginning I have to say I felt nothing when they broke up except "thank goodness". I did though in a way feel sorry for Kerry, maybe like the others have said because she did act more mature. As soon as she realized that something was wrong between her and Jack she pulled back and called him on it rather than asking him to marry her as Pete did. Granted Sam and Pete were going out a lot longer; but from what Pete said from the beginning he knew something wasn't right. In a way I kind of wonder what Sam said was the reason for the break-up?

                    Another thought, when Jacob and Sam were having their heart-to-heart talk and he told her that she could still have everything that she wants and Sam said I do, wouldn't you have loved for Jacob to have said yes, but not WHO you really want! (Oh my goodness this vague talk is addictive, I think I have it. Who talks like this????? No wonder TPTB have such an easy time with the way Oma talks.) I guess my point is that I really would have liked if Sam would have realized that her Dad KNEW that she really loved Jack; (she acted as if she had no idea what he was talking about), and that she had his blessing. Maybe she will get it still in Moebius!!!!!!!! (I think it is funny she can figure out the most confusing equations, but she can't figure out what her dad was trying to tell her) Also I loved the scene where Jacob brings up about going with Pete for the flowers, you could tell right there that he was on to her true feellings and how he was trying to bring it out in the open in front of Jack, I think for his reaction to. I would have loved it if Jacob and Jack had a conversation, their conversations were always spot on and humerous, I'm really going to miss them.
                    Loved that, Nickatell! Vague talk, indeed. I think I was never worried
                    about Pete because, like you, I never bought in to him. I'm probably the Oldest Living Shipper here, and I can tell you that the fact that Sam is probably in her late 30's has no bearing on her ability to make a wise romantic choice. She wanted someone to love. Out loud. In public. Pete was there. Then he found out about the SGC. In Sam's mind, she needed to grab him. But they *always* looked wrong together--I'm *hoping* on purpose. And boy did they ever look wrong together in the scene where Pete meets Jacob. Sam looks so intelligent and beautiful, and Pete looks short and dumpy. I know that's an ad hominum attack, but that was my reaction. 'How can she be with this dumpy, socially awkward fool?' I think that was Jacob's reaction, too, and that Sam picked up on it.

                    I agree completely with what you say about Jacob. Dead on.



                      Originally posted by sueKay

                      [immature whining]

                      Didja all like my fic?????????????



                      [/immature whining]

                      [pleading] Please read it![/pleading]

                      Sorry...I gotta let my inner teen out sometime!!!!!

                      ...wait...I am a teen...I meant to say child!!!!!!!
                      I liked it very much!!
                      Please write more...I can't stand reading WIPs!!

                      btw - I don't think this was your intention, but I thought I'd tell you that as I was reading, I just got this image in my head that I didn't get during Threads
                      of Daniel literally waltzing through the door...humming Blue Danube...


                        Welcome to all the newbies (don't remember all the names, sorry )
                        Have fun and post a lot !
                        Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                          Oooh... I'm still nervous about next week. It's become too much of a habit to break!!


                            Caty, I can't access to your new vid. I have this message :
                            You don't have permission to access /Videos/Stargate/Fairytale.wmv on this server.

                            Why don't I have permission ? I've always been nice
                            Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                              Originally posted by BrenRen
                              Caty, I'm getting a Forbidden message no matter what I do to try and Save the vid.... Help?!!!

                              I know ..I had a few PM's and e-mails ....must have been because of the many dowloads the last couple of days ..I think the site is down for a bit ..I'll try to find an alternative ..and will let you all know

                              Thank you for letting me know too



                                Just some Sam & Jack pics in honor of Threads....

                                ...... ......

                                (these two were two early sigpics I made)
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

