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    Originally posted by DarkQuee1
    I can't seen their resetting back to the fishing scene, because the stuff that happens between the fishing scene and their screwing the timeline won't be affected by the screw-up. You know, going to work, holding the briefing, deciding to do the mission and the all the rest.

    I'd try to work out whether it will eliminate the 2 years or so that OUR team spent in the past, but my head might explode!


    Yes it could also be to ..
    ..erase the 2 years of the past because it will be so full of RST and comical situations( TPTB said it was funny ,..not me )..that they'll pretend that part of their life never happened 2010 nver happened but we still have the episode to watch and it was great ...just even to make pics , music videos and play pretend ...Then set things back to the fishing scene and go from then ...We know they are together in the fishing scene .

    But as I said ..I think everything we come up with won't be the right ending so ...hopefully it will be better than that .



      Originally posted by shelsfc
      Spoilers, Threads


      I'm guessing it was just Jacob not wanting to worry Sam

      Ya. Except from the recaps it didn't seem that Jacob took all that well to Pete. Why would he have the dead Selmak like Pete more than he did? (Or does that not make any sense?)

      "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        When they travelled back to 1969 ..they remembered everything ..even Jack said that 1969 was a good year
        so May be they'll remember just like in 1969

        Yeah, that's true. But IIRC, Moebius
        don't all of our SG1 but Daniel die in the past...or was that me imagining spoilers? (please tell me I imagined them!!)


          Grrr, why'd the other thread have to go *cries*
          Oh well, at least rep isn't affected *sob*
          All my precious posts *sniff*
          Such a conspriracy *sniffle*

          Hehehe, Threads thoughts
          I absolutely ADORED that whole Sam/Jack infirmary scene, ok, so i didn't enjoy Jacob dying, but the whole natural closeness and flow of Sam and Jack in that instant, it was just perfect, especially
          Sam- "thankyou for being here"
          Jack- (looking at sam with pure love) "always"

          That is the way love should be, we don't need kisses and more to see that Sam and Jack are so totally together, and i almost feel bad for Pete, and almost really like Kerry.

          Well, i guess i should post lots and lots in our new home, i really hate moving *sigh*
          Hope all the family are settling in well!
          (((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))



            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Yes it could also be to ..
            ..erase the 2 years of the past because it will be so full of RST and comical situations( TPTB said it was funny ,..not me )..that they'll pretend that part of their life never happened 2010 nver happened but we still have the episode to watch and it was great ...just even to make pics , music videos and play pretend ...Then set things back to the fishing scene and go from then ...We know they are together in the fishing scene .

            But as I said ..I think everything we come up with won't be the right ending so ...hopefully it will be better than that .

            Except that anything that happened *before* the timeline changed shouldn't change, because it wasn't part of the changed timeline; it preceded it. So, that should include everything between the fishing scene and the moment the timeline changed.

            It's possible that the person who said this was the ending to Moebius got it wrong, either accidently or he was misled so that no one would know in advance what the ending to either Threads or Moebius was in reality.

            "He's an amazing man. After everything he's done, he's still modest. Quite self-effacing actually. He even likes people to think he's not as smart as he is. Bottom line, he's an incredibly strong leader who's given more to this program than any man has given to anything I can imagine."


              Originally posted by DarkQuee1
              Ya. Except from the recaps it didn't seem that Jacob took all that well to Pete. Why would he have the dead Selmak like Pete more than he did? (Or does that not make any sense?)

              Hun, he just made that up because he knew Sam could see that he himself wasn't too fond of Pete. So he lied to make her feel better- no-one knew that selmack was dying apart from jacob.


                Ok...I finally got to watch Threads....can I just say

                YES!!!!!! OMG! I was absolutely screaming at the computer screen when she broke it off with Pete. Way to go Sam!!! 'bout damn time!! And Jacob....NOOOOOOO!!!!! I was so upset. I didn't have any spoilers for Threads and I wasn't expecting that. i couldn't believe it, but AT played it briliiant. Not over the top, just perfect. When she rubbed her cheek against Jack's hand...coronary time!

                I loved how they kept going with the "Grace" referenes. I felt like I was watching a real version of her hallucinations. It was awesome. I want to run up and kiss TPTB.

                As much as I hate to admit it. I liked Kerry. Guess I can stop hissing at the screen everytime I see her on Point Pleasant......

                When I saw that fish bobber in the water at the end, I was wouldn't...OMG!! They did!!! YES!!!!

                Sorry, I'm still on a shipper high!!!


                  Well, basically, Sam can read her dad, Sam never sees Selmak that much, so Selmak can think whatever Jacob wants Sam to think.
                  He doesn't want himself to influence Sam's decision on the love front, so he can't have both Selmak and himself hating Pete, as Sam needed to realise for herself who she would be with.

                  Wasn't sure whether or not that is spoil-tag worthy, but anyway, hope i helped resolve anything for you



                    Originally posted by DarkQuee1
                    Ya. Except from the recaps it didn't seem that Jacob took all that well to Pete. Why would he have the dead Selmak like Pete more than he did? (Or does that not make any sense?)

                    Yeah, it does make sense. Maybe it was a way for him to comfort Sam by implying that he liked Pete, without actually saying that he liked Pete...if that makes sense!!


                      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                      Just a not go to the Anti-shipper Thread!

                      I was so bored that I decided to pop in and have a nosey at what they were saying about Threads...and it was a bad idea I'm all wound up now.

                      But i'm still amazingly happy!!!! cause I think while i've got my video of Threads to re-watch i won't be depressed at all!
                      I also made the mistake of lurking in that post, curiosity got the better of me too. Oh well each to there own I suppose.

                      I just watched Threads again on Sky Mix


                        OKay people ehers' the fanfic I promiced earlier- I have to say it's not great, lol, it's quite bad actually- I'll put it in spoiler thingys just in case but i don't think there's anything major it could be just another fanfic. So eher yo go- let me knwo what you think.

                        Daniel walked through Jack’s cabin, he was being as quiet as he cold as he grabbed himself a cup of coffee. It had been a long few days, he sighed as he heard Jack’s mobile phone go off. He followed the noise and fond himself out side Jack’s bedroom. He opened the door slowly, immediately looking at the ground to search for the phone. He got on his hands and knees and grabbed the phone. After successfully stopping it- or breaking it he was about to get up when he heard a soft moan. His eyes widened- he winced and tried to get out of the room as quickly as he could. He ran strait into the dressing table at the side of him and suddenly Jack shot up-
                        “Daniel!” he exclaimed, Daniel turned around and froze as he saw Sam clutching at the sheets,
                        “Sam?!” he started,
                        “Daniel!” Jack shouted again,
                        “Oh God-“ his hand flew up to his eyes,
                        “You know what I’m sorry I thought- I heard you’re phone” he started explaining as he headed towards the door with his hand still covering his eyes. “So I came in and I stopped the phone but then heard…Sam, but I thought she was Kerry and uh-“ he stopped as he walked strait into the doorframe. “Ow” he practically ran out the door. Jack rolled his eyes and fell back onto the pillow.
                        “Remind me to get a lock for that door.” He sighed, she began to laugh. He turned to her wit raised eyebrows,
                        “Okay, number one we have the whole no goggling rule and number two you fond that funny?” he asked,
                        “His face!” she was laughing so hard tears were in her eyes. Jack tried to hide his smirk.
                        “Okay, maybe it was a bit funny.” He started to laugh with her.
                        Daniel walked out into the kitchen to see Teal’c.
                        “Daniel Jackson, are you well?” he asked.
                        “I am totally fine- uh, yeah totally- not scarred for life at all.” He said sarcastically. Teal’c raised an eyebrow.
                        “Daniel-“ Jack walked out with a pair of trousers and a shirt on,
                        “Jack, I’m fine and I’m sorry okay it was an accident-“ he stopped as he saw the grin on Jack’s face.
                        “Danny, outside.” He said. Both men left Teal’c standing with a confused stare on his face. Sam walked out into the room,
                        “Morning Teal’c.” she grinned.
                        Daniel was sat staring at the ground,
                        “Oh come on Daniel it’s not as if you saw me naked or anything.” He smiled,
                        “Yeah, not funny.” He sighed,
                        “Is it really that much of a problem for you?” Jack asked gently,
                        “What you guys seeing me naked? Of course it was embarrassing-“
                        “I meant me and Sam, Daniel.”
                        “Oh, you and Sam- No not at all I’m happy for you both, really happy I mean I didn’t need to see the whole-“
                        “Daniel we were-“
                        “Yes, I know you were sleeping but that implies that you had some reason to be tired and that means that you were-“
                        “Daniel, last night we-“ he stopped as Daniel continued his babbling.
                        “I don’t need to know Jack seriously I mean I’m getting mental images and It’s not fun I mean-“
                        “Daniel would you just shut up for a second!” Jack shouted, Daniel looked up. “Last night we talked,”
                        “You talked?” Daniel asked. “You mean- code words right?”
                        “No, I mean we talked-“
                        “Then why was Sam naked?”
                        “She wasn’t naked she had a tank top on and some of my pyjama bottoms. You just freaked out and ran- you saw her bare arm and assumed.” He said, Daniel was silent for a second.
                        “So you talked huh? That’s pretty romantic,” he smiled.
                        “Yeah, tell anyone and I will have to kill you.” Jack smiled.
                        Jack walked into his bedroom ad was quickly followed by Sam, he turned and wrapped his arms around her.
                        “Is he okay?” she asked as she wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her tightly,
                        “After I explained what actually happened he was fine.” He told her, he kissed her forehead.
                        “You know last night just talking, being in your arms- it was perfect.” She told him, “I’ve never felt so happy and so safe in my whole life,”
                        “The first night of the rest of our lives.” He said,
                        “You’re getting soppy in you’re old age,” she smiled.
                        “Maybe, I can let the guard down now I’ve got you.” He joked. “I’m really a poet trapped in a soldiers body.” He told her, she laughed. “You know I meant what i said I really do-“
                        “I know Jack, me too.” She looked up and kissed him pationatly.

                        Hope yuo enjoyed it- there will be more soon if you want it.


                          Hehe. And me. It was
                          just as great second time around. Yeah, I have some issues with it, but from a purely shippy perspective it was absolute gold!!

                          Now, join me in prayer that Moeb
                          WILL NOT SEE LIBERAL USE OF RESET BUTTON!!I'm still finding everything a bit hard to take in... pessimism is a hard habit to break.


                            I couldn't resist and watched Threads again tonight!

                            Have to say
                            the infirmary scene does it for me. Thought it was wonderfully emotionally intimate and pitched just at the right level, soft and sensual. As others have said it would have been inappropriate at the moment of Jacobs death to get into the big discussion. As it was, the tenderness and connection there was so clear. No barriers - they just fell away. I felt from then on in, there was a move forward by them both. In the past we may have reached an emotional point but as soon as the moment passes, they seemed to retreat back into their shells and back to hiding from each other. OK so we didn't actually see what came after but I just didn't sense that they went backwards. I think it was their joint epiphany in that respect. The evidence in my mind was the comfortable way they were at the end whilst fishing. Clearly, TPTB are happy to allow us all to use our imagination to fill in what we think happened between the infirmary scene and the end. Thats whats so interesting and I guess why there are lots of views. Oh I bet there will be loads to fan fic to cover all that - can't wait.

                            Anyway, finally big thanks to everyone for comments etc. Been really interesting to see all the thoughts.


                              juts thought i'd share my new sig!!


                                aww sam fan that was soo cute and i wish something like that could happen it would just be so funny

                                anyway just a little observation about threads

                                i don't know about you guys but i got the distinct impression that there was an increased awkwardness (sp) between sam and Jack in the first half, and i think it's sad to think that that is how things have truely been for the last year or so, it was actually quite painful to watch and the blatant fact that while jack was supposed to be thinking about the Jaffa thing he was really thinking about Sam's 'important' phone call

                                i just think it's soo sad that that's how things have been and TPTB have intentionally being showing us what i think is the 'sweet' stuff with no distinct un/shippyness (depending on how you read it) which made up most of the first half

                                anywho that's MHO

