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    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
    Hello Shiplets!

    Haven't been around much lately due to RL rearing it's ugly head. Just thought that I would pop in to prove that I'm still alive. I've read Cooper's comments re: Pete and like many of you also found them somewhat offensive. And I'm usually pretty giving when it comes to magazine articles. I just take them with a grain of salt, but it seems sort of insulting to say that just because some people saw Pete a certain way that they have issues. Anytime people view a movie or a t.v. show they are going to take something different away from it then other people. Television and movies are subjective. Just look at ship. Some people love it, others loathe it, others couldn't give a fig. Nobody is right or wrong. The same with Pete. I personally don't see him as a "stalker" I just think that he was out of line, but I respect other people's opinions to think that he was stalking Sam.
    I think RCC's comments were out of line. You're right--it IS subjective AND it IS a TV show. There's NO logic to insulting your fans. As far as Ptui, following someone around without their knowledge is WRONG--no matter how you slice it! Call it whatever you want, it's STILL wrong! And while I know I'm preaching to the choir here, I feel insulted that TPTB seem to think we are mindless sheep. It's arrogant of them IMHO.
    Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
    Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

    Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
    Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


      Originally posted by Kliggins
      HMOG; ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      This was brilliant, hysterical, did I mention absolutely brilliant
      Thanks! Just had to let all that snark out--think TPTB are finally starting to get to me!
      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


        someone else did some research, which i don't have to c/p even if i could but

        coop has a long standing habit of being able to write good team eps, redemption, un sel, etc

        good daniel eps
        need and some others

        good jack eps - paradise lost

        and sucky sam eps. he wrote ascension along with first commandment

        personally, he can't write sam when sam is the focus. he wrote another eps with a stalkerish character, orlin. wrote sam with the dysfunctional ex fiance, Jonas.....all inall, he just can't write sam. He writes her in a way that makes her look weak or out of the character the others write her in

        his sam is rather wishy washy, weak, massively girly (as in the cliched can't make decisions, acts emotionally. she's not the decisive woman she is in other eps.)

        it's also been said that while the other writers, once they're done, have a meeting and basically have their scripts beta'd....the other writers read them and point out inconsistencies and plot holes, his aren't.

        what we see is pretty much what he wrote.

        to me, this explains the perception that he's been short and rudish to fans with his 'issues' comment. he created pete, he wrote pete the way pete is. He wrote the plot holes that exacerbated pete's offensive (to some) actions....and his creation and the behavior of his creation have not been universally accepted and lauded and, i think, he's taking the criticism personally.
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Skydiver
          someone else did some research, which i don't have to c/p even if i could but

          coop has a long standing habit of being able to write good team eps, redemption, un sel, etc

          good daniel eps
          need and some others

          good jack eps - paradise lost

          and sucky sam eps. he wrote ascension along with first commandment

          personally, he can't write sam when sam is the focus. he wrote another eps with a stalkerish character, orlin. wrote sam with the dysfunctional ex fiance, Jonas.....all inall, he just can't write sam. He writes her in a way that makes her look weak or out of the character the others write her in

          his sam is rather wishy washy, weak, massively girly (as in the cliched can't make decisions, acts emotionally. she's not the decisive woman she is in other eps.)

          it's also been said that while the other writers, once they're done, have a meeting and basically have their scripts beta'd....the other writers read them and point out inconsistencies and plot holes, his aren't.

          what we see is pretty much what he wrote.

          to me, this explains the perception that he's been short and rudish to fans with his 'issues' comment. he created pete, he wrote pete the way pete is. He wrote the plot holes that exacerbated pete's offensive (to some) actions....and his creation and the behavior of his creation have not been universally accepted and lauded and, i think, he's taking the criticism personally.
          Interesting he would take this personally but I'm pretty sure Damien Kindler wrote this ep. I could be wrong and maybe RCC had a hand in Ptui's creation but I am almost positive that Kindler actually penned it.

          As for the other eps he wrote, well, let's see...a stalker and a wacko and a wishy-washy indecisive Sam. And he thinks *we* have issues. Sounds like someone has some little masogynist issues of his own.

          That snark just keeps wanting to come out and play...
          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


            Originally posted by marimba26
            Interesting he would take this personally but I'm pretty sure Damien Kindler wrote this ep. I could be wrong and maybe RCC had a hand in Ptui's creation but I am almost positive that Kindler actually penned it.
            here's the credits

            bleh, cleared my cache.
            anyway, story by coop, teleplay by damien so, unless we ask the boys, there's no clear way to know exactly how much input each person had.

            Originally posted by marimba26
            As for the other eps he wrote, well, let's see...a stalker and a wacko and a wishy-washy indecisive Sam. And he thinks *we* have issues.

            That snark just keeps wanting to come out and play...

            I think he just doesnt' quite have a handle on sam's character. I mean, heck, i have the darndest time writing daniel, which is why i hardly do. some people just can't get into the heads of others. He seems to see sam differently than the others and it seems to show in the writing.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              I think he just doesnt' quite have a handle on sam's character. I mean, heck, i have the darndest time writing daniel, which is why i hardly do. some people just can't get into the heads of others. He seems to see sam differently than the others and it seems to show in the writing.
              Okay, this I can see. I imagine most writers have someone they can't get inside if they have to write for an established character--but you said it yourself, you seldom write Daniel b/c you have a difficult time of it. It's not necessarily a failing on RCC's part to *not* be able to write Sam if he would just move on and stick with his strengths. I don't even think I would have hated Ptui so much if TPTB had just said, "Oops, we goofed!" and moved on. It's not wrong to fail, it's only wrong to compound it by being defensive and obnoxious when someone calls you on it. Maybe Ptui has a *higher* purpose that we are not priveleged to see yet, maybe not. My point is that insulting the fans (and from what I've seen shippers aren't the only group of fans who don't like Ptui) is *not* the right way to go about this!

              Okay, I think I'm done now! Just still working out that icky insulted feeling I'm getting whenever I think of the audacity this man has to say such things! It takes some *serious* arrogance to think that a television show is above its fans!
              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                In the other topic Sara/Sam, someone said that Sam and Jack are very different from each other. Got me wondering...

                Can someone remind me. Why should they be together? Why do they like each other? Why are they soulmates?

                Don't worry, I'm still a shipper. I just need a little reminder.


                  Originally posted by marimba26
                  Thanks! Just had to let all that snark out--think TPTB are finally starting to get to me!

                  I agree with everyone else. THIS VIDEO IS BRILLANT!!! AS A MATTER OF FACT IT IS BEYOND BRILLANT!! You have definitely reached a new plateau in Shipdom!!!! The SNARK Plateau!!!!

                  I sure hope you sent this one to TPTB!!!!

                  After all, everything is fair in Shipper LOVE and PTB WAR

                  Overall The ShipNana O'meter gives you a 3 Shipper Cookie Rating on this one!!

                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by Ship Nana
                    I agree with everyone else. THIS VIDEO IS BRILLANT!!! AS A MATTER OF FACT IT IS BEYOND BRILLANT!! You have definitely reached a new plateau in Shipdom!!!! The SNARK Plateau!!!!

                    Too right, Ship Nana! I think Marimba has earned a Shipper title.........hmmm

                    Snarky Shipper.....Nah!
                    Shippy Snarker.............Nope!
                    Snarky Queen............Ahhh, No!

                    *drumroll* Master of the Snark

                    Yes, no, maybe?

                    Token ~


                      Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
                      In the other topic Sara/Sam, someone said that Sam and Jack are very different from each other. Got me wondering...

                      Can someone remind me. Why should they be together? Why do they like each other? Why are they soulmates?

                      Don't worry, I'm still a shipper. I just need a little reminder.
                      Oh, wow! What a question! BTW--welcome back! Haven't seen you in a while. Okay, here's MHO on why they should be together.

                      They are both extremely passionate people. This definitely carries into all aspects of their lives--work, family etc. Jack loves her enough to sacrifice himself for her (D & C and Abyss through Kanan). He'd do anything for her including go to his death at her behest (how many wacky plans has she nearly killed him with--Redemption, etc). I know that if she so much as gave him the time of DAY he would cherish her in the way she so obviously wants to be cherished (Grace).

                      I think he needs her as well. Sam can understand his passion for his work in a way that Sara never could because of the secrets associated with it. Sam can also understand the pain associated with the loss of his son--she lost her mother. I think both of them still need healing from those losses and I think they would find that with each other in a way that neither one of them can find elsewhere--If they could find it elsewhere, Jack would be on Edora with Laira.

                      Now, as to why they were attracted to each other originally, who knows? Maybe it was because she was a challenge like some have said. Maybe he was totally out of anything in her experience--a hero who is not vainglorious (no I *didn't* make that word up). A man who is only a hero because he is selfless and will always sacrifice himself for the greater good. All of her previous boyfriends, IMHO, had an agenda of their own--Jack doesn't. He just accepts her for who she is and allows her to be that person without his interference (it just breaks my heart to watch him be so accepting in the elevator in Chernobyl) Why is he attracted to her? Well, she's smart, beautiful, tough. What man wouldn't be attracted to those things. She's an equal to him in a way I'm guessing he's never experienced. A woman who can match him step for step and passion for passion and is just as dedicated as he is.

                      I've only scratched the surface of how I feel here but I don't want to go on forever and I'm sure others will contribute more! Hope that gets you on your way!
                      Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                      Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                      Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                      Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                        Nice reply Marimba

                        I just wish we could see them spent time together offbase... What would they do? What would they talk about?


                          Originally posted by Shipnana
                          After all, everything is fair in Shipper LOVE and PTB WAR
                          Yep, I'm thinking we're at war here!

                          Originally posted by Token
                          *drumroll*[/size] Master of the Snark [/size][/font]

                          Yes, no, maybe?
                          ROFL!! THANKS!! You guys are great! ((((((((((shipper family))))))))))
                          Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                          Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                          Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                          Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                            I agree with everyone here who has taken umbridge(sp) with the remarks of Mr Cooper. If he's into reading forums, he would see that it's not just us shippers that have problems with chernoblyl and , but that there are plenty of other people that hate that episode and that character. I won't go into all the reasons, as I think we've covered them all here, but I really take offence to him making out that WE have issues. I have spent great amounts of my hard earned cash on buying box sets of the first six seasons (I like boxed sue me!!!), but I will hold out on spending another penny on anything Stargate related until I see that the PTB are going to treat me with some respect!! Ha!... it's so like the character that they introduced... they don't respect us!!!
                            I'm going to finish now and have a green cookie and lots of wine!


                              Originally posted by Ice^^Heat
                              Nice reply Marimba

                              I just wish we could see them spent time together offbase... What would they do? What would they talk about?

                              Okay, so, you're looking for what would they do once they GET together?

                              I think they both value their peace and quiet. I think they both think of home as a place to rest and relax. I could see him fishing while she read a book. Or them just enjoying a quiet evening in front of the fireplace. And I think once kids came along, they would be very devoted parents. Just a thought! After all, they've gotten over the getting to know each other thing--they know each other implicitly already. The only thing left for them to learn about each other in a relationship would be becoming lovers, which I think would be absolutely explosive. Just MHO
                              Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                              Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                              Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                              Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                                judging by the fact that all or most of these articles seem to be written by the same person here. and apparently this person does not appear to be a shipper. does anyone else think that a lot of these comments that are bugging us, have been taken completely out of context?
                                i really don't think that any of TPTB would be insulting to any of the fans like that, be it deliberate or not. they should have enough experience in dealing with the fans and the public in general even, to know how to word things and how to express various opinions.
                                i mean from anything i've ever read about fans actually talking to and asking questions, especially at conventions, i have never gotten the impression that those who work on SG-1 are anything other than, friendly, respectful and grateful to all of their fans. am i wrong on this?

                                as for ship. i'm still worried. and i definitely don't want to start seeing the sam and jack hour (although it was pretty funny when he said that part) but i really didn't want to see the sam and pete hour, which is pretty much what we got. pete has no place on stargate, as i've stated before. he had (and has) nothing to do with the sgc or the stargate or anything like that, so why did we have to see his relationship with one of the characters that does? at least laira had something to do with the theme of the show. at least joe faxon and orlin had something to do with it. when they introduced sara(h) (either one of them), it was for the purpose of giving them some story that had a useful purpose in terms of the show. same goes for any of teal'cs love interests (so far).
                                the entire pete storyline is what bugs me.
                                they say they wont ever turn it into the sam and jack hour, and yet they appear to have no problems spitting out the sam and new guy who has nothing to do with anything - sorry, i mean, pete hour! POURQUE!?!

                                i am currently a very disgruntled shipper. and i think i am the only one currently who can't see the glass as half full. i'm a worried little shiplet guys. i really hope they don't screw this up.

