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    Hey everyone! Check out the pants-gate thread! It's quite hilarious. I just posted some shippy moments with added pants.


      Originally posted by majorsal
      spoilers for s7's chimera and s8's threads


      I want to believe, Caty, *SO* much. I'll keep that tiny bit of my heart open to that, but only that bit... I won't set myself up for the monumental disappointment I felt with Chimera and the Affinity pics. Never again. BUT, if they can do TWO bedroom scenes with insignificant characters, then they should also be able to do one with two of the main characters (and the main ship the show's been doing for 8 years)... Yes, they can do it. They just have to want to. I'll keep that bit of my heart open for it.


      Sally I love your sigpic ...JacK's butt ..Anakin will be pleased with that too.

      and yes..let's keep hoping we'll see that Sally ..hey faroritism watters87 just said

      Caty aka ShipDiva and Now Miss Sensuality


        Originally posted by amra
        I dunno, If Jack Resigned end of threads or between or some such. And he was a civilian leading the SGC, then would he still be allowed to go through the gate and fight and everything like the pics from Moeibus would seem to suggest?
        Why not? I mean
        He'd still be the leader of the base, right? And in "good to be king", there's some heavy suggestion that the ORIGINAL SG-1 (+ Jack) is needed for a prophecy, and that saving Maybourne's planet is an absolute priority and that it is related to Moebius.
        Jack as a general GOES on offworld missions, Jack as a civilian *could* - at least in my world! - very well command himself to go too. He can do whatever he wants as a general, as well as he could as a civilian.
        Last edited by Anakin; 27 November 2004, 05:35 AM.
        Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


          Originally posted by majorsal
          spoilers for seasons 5, 6, 7, and 8. please heed spoiler warning (eps from these seasons are discussed)


          I'm thinking Sam being the one that figured they were both lying is her confession in a way. It really was her that knew they were failing the test and why, and she's the one that literally had to hit Jack over the head to get him to realize it. I'd still have liked to have heard Sam's confession, but I feel that Sam was a few steps ahead of Jack, so I feel some satisfaction from that.

          Now, onto eps/scenes I wish would have been different, ship wise....

          In season 5's Ascension, I wish we would have seen some Jack jealousy (like when he and Teal'c visited Sam at her house). I love this ep because Sam's my fave, but I didn't really care the way Jack was written in some of it. He was kind of a butthead in a couple of scenes - leaving out the ship minded stuff.

          Season 5's Desperate Measures. I wish we would have had more time with what Sam was going through, instead of Jack hunting for her and such. And after Jack saved Sam from being murdered by the crummy doctors and they went into the hallway, I really wish there would have been a moment between them where Sam needed a minute to regroup her composure. It could have been shippy or just friendshippy, but I felt that Sam recovered too quickly (especially to go running off to find Adrian Conrad).

          Season 6's Abyss. I wanted to see more suffering and angst on Sam's face after Jack was rescued and recovering in the infirmary. I've read that Amanda didn't know exactly what had happened to Jack to land him in the infirmary (other than he'd been hurt or something), because they filmed things out of order or something like that. Anyhoo, I thought her almost nonchalant demeanor was kinda off, considering what he'd been through.

          Season 6's Paradise Lost. I wanted to see Sam and Jack's reunion!

          Season 7's Chimera. In the elevator scene between Sam and Jack, I'd have liked to have seen more angst on Sam's part. She just looked like she wanted to get that conversation over with, and not because she was telling a man she knew was attracted to her (as she was to him) about seeing another man.

          Season 8's New Order(s). I wanted waaaaaaaaaaaay more angst on Jack's part, considering he thought she was DEAD! I liked the reunion between them when she was rescued, but I would have liked to have loved it.

          K, those are the freshest eps/scenes to come to mind to gripe about.


          I agree with you Sally specially Paradise lost . .. Paradise lost was a downer for me ..I mean the end finished too fast ..we should have had a scene with Jack at the infirmary..and because we knew that Sam cried for him in the locker room .we should have had a little reunion scene there .



            Originally posted by majorsal
            There's never been a Christmas themed ep of Stargate. There's never been a Christmas themed ep on Star Trek either. And I'm talking all the eps of all the different shows. The only religious themed things they've ever done is with aliens. Wonder why?


            There was a Christmas theme in the x-files .

            Mulder and Scully give each other a present in "How the ghost stole Christmas" episode..BRILLIANT EPISODE ..Scary and very funny 2... specially when Mulder and Scully discovered the 2 bodies under the floor board ..and they realized it was them "Star croosed lovers"

            ....and also in "Christmas Carol "..Mulder was with Scully at her parent's house for a evening ..and you could see the Christmas tree and the presents ..very nice . Sad story though with the little Emily girl



              Originally posted by michelleb
              Okay, he asked her. But still, there was flirting, was there not? right there, in front of her father, jack and sam, being very very couple like

              and they do behave like they are married sometimes or most of the time to be honest ..when they are not in an intimate discussion ..see ..they just need that to sort out now .



                Originally posted by Catysg1
                There was a Christmas theme in the x-files .

                Mulder and Scully give each other a present in "How the ghost stole Christmas" episode..BRILLIANT EPISODE ..Scary and very funny 2... specially when Mulder and Scully discovered the 2 bodies under the floor board ..and they realized it was them "Star croosed lovers"

                ....and also in "Christmas Carol "..Mulder was with Scully at her parent's house for a evening ..and you could see the Christmas tree and the presents ..very nice . Sad story though with the little Emily girl


                By the way.....Mulder did imitate Mr. Patato-head for Emily in this ep, didn't he?

                OMG, Pete is everywhere!!! There is no escape!!! AAAAAAAHHH!!!!!


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  and they do behave like they are married sometimes or most of the time to be honest ..when they are not in an intimate discussion ..see ..they just need that to sort out now .

                  Yeah, they way they know what the each is thinking, and can predict what the others say ('Mary Steenbergen?' 'She's hot!') and they unconsciously mirror the other's poses and they share secret jokes and smiles..and he can't keep her eyes off her when she's every way, they're a married couple, in love and perfectly suited, apart from not actually being together
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Hey guys, just pulled this from another thread In the Season 8 'room' little Moeibus piccie of the whole team. Apparently this was found on the stargate-project posting boards, no wonder we havent seen it as we dont speak german Well I dont


                    Why is Sam sitting so far away from Jack!? This does not look good, she looks very much apart from the others, However if you go to said thread, think its the Moeibus team pic thread or something there is another link underneath the first,an absolutly lovely picture of the team, think its from earlier Season 8. enjoy



                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      Here's something wierd, and you'll probably all think I'm bonkers, but..I'm watching Caty's video to save me...there's the clip where Sam and Pete are dancing (Yuck)..anyway, as they dance....And Pete's face seems to turn away from the looks like his hair is grey, and he's taller than her, and bendng into her neck a bit, like Jack does. I've often thought Sam was thinking of Jack at that moment..

                      so my question is I insane, and you can see it's Pete all the time


                      was that something on the actual show, the lights making his hair grey


                      caty, did you do one of your wonderful manips???

                      No michelle manip.

                      I made it look like that .. I always tell stories in my videos and I go with the body language for that song and that piece of music on the dancing scene ..then that clip was perfect to show that she was thinking about Jack ..Don't know if she was or not!!! ..but this is what I wanted the video to tell ..that no one can be Jack for Sam or no one can beat him ....I also wanted to show that she wanted to dance with Jack instead of Pete and she was a bit sad that it was not Jack ..and she had to settle for second best ...that's why her cry for hekp "Save me" clever ..hey

                      Caty aka ShipDiva and Now Miss Sensuality


                        Originally posted by amra
                        Hey guys, just pulled this from another thread In the Season 8 'room' little Moeibus piccie of the whole team. Apparently this was found on the stargate-project posting boards, no wonder we havent seen it as we dont speak german Well I dont


                        Why is Sam sitting so far away from Jack!? This does not look good, she looks very much apart from the others, However if you go to said thread, think its the Moeibus team pic thread or something there is another link underneath the first,an absolutly lovely picture of the team, think its from earlier Season 8. enjoy

                        hey, this must be the Christmas episode!!! Sam and Jack look like Mary and Joseph, and the other two are the two Slightly Befuddled Men (they're supposed to be wise, but they lost one, that's why they're befuddled)
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by michelleb
                          Ok, here's another some music vids i keep seeing
                          a scene where sam is attacked by a super-soldier..she shoots it, but it attacks her..then she's lying on the ground, bleeding from her mouth, and someone comes up and places his hand on her cheek, and she smiles..

                          what's that from? as a good shipper i should know...but i can't place it. help me!!!

                          You must be talking of my videos ..evolution part 2 ..I cut Jacob off and replaced him by Jack ..not bad ..hey ...I thought it looked really good because I liked the face stroking that Jacob gives sam ..very fatherly ..but replace it with jack ..and it becomes ..loverly ..or lover like

                          Caty aka ShiDiva and Now Miss Sensuality


                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            well, i read really fast...but have no time to write right now, which is okay, cos the muse has deserted me for a while. can't seem to get any ideas, and can't get beyond the first page of a fic, so i content myself with others. yours i save for late at night, with hot choc.

                            i did, but i'm always terrified about putting my work up in front of a new group of people in case they turn round, and with one voice, proclaim me as 'utter crap'. i've only just got round to showing my non-fanfic stories to my friends outside fandom. however, i'll have a look, and maybe post a couple of my favourites.

                            i think fanfic, and music videos is the only way i'm going to get through the next few weeks of episode..especially when sky stops showing them for Christmas (why do they do that? I still want to watch Stargate over Christmas! I want to watch Stargate all the time!!)
                            LOL! ((((((Michelle))))) I haven't had time to read much of your work, but from what I have seen, I don't think that anyone can call it crap!! I really liked the short one you did from Jack's POV. Can't remember the name but it was a bunch of one line thoughts about Sam! I am so bad at remembering fic names! Half the time I can't remember the names of my own!

                            I like the idea of getting feedback from people that wouldn't normally read my work. Mine is obviously ship fic and by posting it on Nit and Pick, I am hoping to get non-shippers to review it too. I did mention in the other fanfic thread that I don't necessarily appreciate people telling me that "Jack and Sam don't work, it's not canon, no chemistry....yada yada yada..." since I do make it very clear what type of fic it is. But other than that, I really appreciate concise feedback.

                            You should post something! Besides, you might help bring someone over from the dark side to see the light that is Jack and Sam, together!!


                              Originally posted by meimei
                              Great minds think alike! In one of my fics (The Life's Journey series) I had Jacob as instrumental to Sam dumping Pete and her and Jack getting together cause I feel the same way. At first I don't think Jacob was too pleased... Nobody is good enough for Daddy's little girl, especially a much older hardened Colonel in her chain of command! But the more he came to know Jack, the more he saw the way that Jack felt toward Sam. I think Jacob finally came to realize that anyone that cares that much for Sam couldn't be wrong for her!

                              That's one of the reasons why (Threads S8)
                              I think that Jacob will have something to do with the resolution between them in Threads.

                              About Jacob
                              and the resolution ..I think so too meimei if any more think the same to be right



                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                hey, this must be the Christmas episode!!! Sam and Jack look like Mary and Joseph, and the other two are the two Slightly Befuddled Men (they're supposed to be wise, but they lost one, that's why they're befuddled)
                                Lol.... they do look like an odd-ball xmas nativity scene dont they
                                just missing a sheep and a baby, anyone fancy messing around with this picie and adding some things?


