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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    Hey, Tame, what post of mine were you referring to that I didn't use spoilers? And please..... don't say" pretty please with Jack on top" I almost chocked on my chai.
    Ahh no worries my friend if you didn't edit it....a Mod did....

    Jack on top is a *Bad thing*?????
    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


      Originally posted by TameFarrar
      WRITE TPTB and let them KNOW what you love about the show AND SAM & JACK SHIP IS ONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!

      so for
      I gotta say, personally, i'm not much of a fan of fans hogging fax machines. IMHO, it's rude. A fax machine is a tool of business. Calling is fine, so is writing, but i think spamming thier fax machine is the height of rudeness.

      do as you wish, it's your business, but personally, I'd stick to snail mail or the phone
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Yes you can (((((((((((JC)))))))))))

        And I am NOT to worried as of YET!!! I mean we haven't even seen the last half of Season 8 so until then I am still holding out that TPTB will pull their heads out of their ...................... well you know what I mean

        As I have sat here and read through eveyone's posts I am reminded SO MUCH of similar conversations we were having at the end of Season 7 and THEN we heard there was going to be an 8th season......... so I think NOW is a time to sit back and WRITE TPTB and let them KNOW what you love about the show AND SAM & JACK SHIP IS ONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!

        so for anyone that is interested here are the adresses again

        Stargate SG-1 Productions
        Attn: Mr. Robert C. Cooper, Executive Producer
        The Bridge Studios
        2400 Boundary Rd.
        Burnaby, BC, Canada V5M 3Z3

        MGM Television Entertainment
        Attn: Mr. Hank Cohen, President
        2500 Broadway St.
        Santa Monica, CA 90404-3061 Tel: (310) 449-3000

        The Sci-Fi Channel
        Attn: Mr. Dave Howe, General Manager
        1230 Avenue of the Americas
        New York, NY 10020-1513

        Viewer comment line(212) 413-5000
        Programming line: (212) 413-5821
        Fax: (212) 413-5577

        From Stargate Solutions.....

        The Sci-Fi Channel
        Attn: Mr. Dave Howe, General Manager
        1230 Avenue of the Americas
        New York, NY
        Viewer comment line: (212) 413-5000
        Fax: (212) 413-6531

        MGM Television Entertainment
        Attn: Mr. Hank Cohen, President
        2500 Broadway St.
        Santa Monica, CA
        Tel: (310) 449-3000
        Fax: (310) 449-3100

        Stargate SG-1 Productions
        Attn: Mr. Robert C. Cooper, Executive Producer
        The Bridge Studios
        2400 Boundary Rd.
        Burnaby, BC
        V5M 3Z3
        Fax: (604) 292-8550
        guess you are not a letter to TPTB writer virgin then ?


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          Yes you can (((((((((((JC)))))))))))

          And I am NOT to worried as of YET!!! I mean we haven't even seen the last half of Season 8 so until then I am still holding out that TPTB will pull their heads out of their ...................... well you know what I mean

          As I have sat here and read through eveyone's posts I am reminded SO MUCH of similar conversations we were having at the end of Season 7 and THEN we heard there was going to be an 8th season......... so I think NOW is a time to sit back and WRITE TPTB and let them KNOW what you love about the show AND SAM & JACK SHIP IS ONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!

          so for anyone that is interested here are the adresses again

          Stargate SG-1 Productions
          Attn: Mr. Robert C. Cooper, Executive Producer
          The Bridge Studios
          2400 Boundary Rd.
          Burnaby, BC, Canada V5M 3Z3

          MGM Television Entertainment
          Attn: Mr. Hank Cohen, President
          2500 Broadway St.
          Santa Monica, CA 90404-3061 Tel: (310) 449-3000

          The Sci-Fi Channel
          Attn: Mr. Dave Howe, General Manager
          1230 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY 10020-1513

          Viewer comment line(212) 413-5000
          Programming line: (212) 413-5821
          Fax: (212) 413-5577

          From Stargate Solutions.....

          The Sci-Fi Channel
          Attn: Mr. Dave Howe, General Manager
          1230 Avenue of the Americas
          New York, NY
          Viewer comment line: (212) 413-5000
          Fax: (212) 413-6531

          MGM Television Entertainment
          Attn: Mr. Hank Cohen, President
          2500 Broadway St.
          Santa Monica, CA
          Tel: (310) 449-3000
          Fax: (310) 449-3100

          Stargate SG-1 Productions
          Attn: Mr. Robert C. Cooper, Executive Producer
          The Bridge Studios
          2400 Boundary Rd.
          Burnaby, BC
          V5M 3Z3
          Fax: (604) 292-8550

          Quote from a July,2003 issue of TV Guide (one with our 4 on the cover): Exec. Producer Robert C. Cooper promises that the identity of the Ancients and the location of the Lost City will be revealed this season.
          .(Season 7). COL. JACK O'NEILL and MAJ. SAMANTHA CARTER will get CLOSER (nudge, nudge). Caps are mine, but this was AFTER all of Season 7 had been filmed and he knew that
          Jack and Sam wouldn't kiss,
          except a phantom one and that Chimera was in there. Trust, anyone?


            Originally posted by Bucky
            Thank you Shelsfc! I haven't read throught the rest of the thread yet, but I had to tell you that I agree completely with your post:

            Bucky is too old and too long happily married for any hanky panky, but wow, I was beginning to think I must have been the wild slut of the forum in my youth. I can absolutely understand either Sam or Jack--or anyone--who is lonely and finds someone they really like and goes to bed with them. There's always the hope that this will be the one--but after the first blush of youth, sex and companionship are sometimes all you get. Love's a bonus. Those of us who have found love know how wonderful it is, but as for me, I don't blame anyone for 'settling.' Life is too short. And in S&J's case, they haven't had anything like a declaration or a confirmation for FOUR years.

            Having said that, I do think it does look like tptb are setting both of our favorite couple up to want more than sex and sympathy and to realize that 'settling' will not do for them.

            I have one additional thought about the pictures from "Threads," particularly the one that has everyone on edge. "Stargate" is a show put out by guys--guy-guys. So I think there is an element of masculine pride that wants to make sure that
            everyone knows that Jack is getting some, too and that he's not just a wimp waiting at home for Sam. I realize this is a very unfeminist thought on my part, but I suspect that there is an element of that in 1. giving Jack a girlfriend, and 2. making sure we know they are intimate.

            Still. Despite everything, I think the rollercoaster is going to pull up to the station right in the center of Shippertown.


            EDIT: ps Hey! Look! I finally got up to two green squares! Whoo HOO! Thanks shipperfamily!
            Great post. I can't fault Sam for
            "settling," though I think she and Jack should have had a convo years back to decide if either one wanted to change jobs, whatever. In RL that would have happened. And I don't think it makes her "look bad" if she breaks up with Pete. Both settling and breaking up are done all the time. Better to break up before the wedding. Poor Pete? C'mon, how does anyone move on unless you go out with someone?
            That said, I don't have to like it for either Sam or Jack .


              Originally posted by Sam fan
              Very good calming post! Loved it!! When i first saw the pics I was bit uh, surprised perhaps but i agree with what yor saying.
              she seems nice, and isn't nasty or obsessed or um- well generally evil (sorry people I'm thinking of Mya in Coranation street- UK people will understand what I mean) She gives him up and encourages him to go with Sam so yay her!! Obviously I would take Rick being naked everyday!! Maybenot with anyone but Sam though. And yeah he got to have sex- good for him, (she was warming him up for someone else) Sam got to have sex with Pete (which I am not saying I'm happy about) My main problem with that picture was simply this
              WHY WAS JACK WEARING A VEST!!! WHO WEARS VESTS (sorry if i'm pffending anyone here, lol) I think if the men get half naked Sam in Chimeria and uh- new order then we should get totally naked Jack- sorry i meant half naked, I'm not a pervert honest!!

              Okay yeh so all in all I think that maybe Kerry is a good thing for S/J- she's the one that *hopefully* makes Jack take initiative!! And she's very pretty too- she used to play Mary-Kate and Ashley's mother in "So little time" that's all I know about her

              Okay maybe all of that didn't need spoilers but I get so confused about which season people have and haven't seen. lol.

              Yeah, I was wondering about that sleeveless undershirt (what they're called in the US. Well, I do, I've seen them advertised a A-shirts, don't buy them hubs wears T-shirts). I thought he wore the T-shirt type undershirt. But we've seen Daniel and Teal'c totally without a shirt several times, but Jack only way back in Season 1. Other times, like when he's in the infirmary, the blanket is pulled up pretty high on his chest. No, I'm not a pervert,either, I just noticed. Which is why I predicted we'd never see Jack totally without a shirt, again. Could be proved wrong. We'll find out.
              Last edited by Gatetrixer; 25 November 2004, 07:00 PM.


                hey peoples
                just saw the new Reckoning pics, looks like a great 2 parter..but not much there on the j/s front....yet.
                jacobs there tho which is great, i wonder when sam finds out he is ill, here or is it definitely threads?

                i know something good has to come out of 'threads" they are just teasing us i tellz u!
                love will prevail
                "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                sig by RepliCartertje


                  Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                  sleeveless undershirt (what they're called in the US).
                  aka. wifebeater shirt.

                  Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                  hey peoples
                  just saw the new Reckoning pics, looks like a great 2 parter..but not much there on the j/s front....yet.SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
                  jacobs there tho which is great, i wonder when sam finds out he is ill, here or is it definitely threads?
                  i know something good has to come out of 'threads" they are just teasing us i tellz u!
                  love will prevail
                  i think its
                  definately in threads we find out jacob is ill
                  I can't remember where i read it but this seems like the definate final episode order is with "reckoning" coming before "threads."


                    Originally posted by Thinkey
                    My reply to all this threads stuff:

                    10-1. The bedroom scene is towards the beginning of the ep. Remember how the spoilers state 'they are hitting it off'? Well its tho shock the adudience at first (and watch half the shipper population croak upon seeing it if they didn't know). And then we'd go into the sam/pete stuff, the more jack/kerry stuff, the confrontation, kerry's realization, sam's struggle, jack's struggle...


                    Well I dunno, but the thing willl be 90 minutes long - something tells me not to worry here.

                    I think the problem here is that we have lost our trust in TPTB. They have messed around with us Shippers for so long and we kept trying to wait and give them the benefit of the doubt and kept telling ourselves that all will be well because TPTB will take care of us. Well the trust is gone.

                    We may well get our shippy ending and lord knows I will be dancing with the rest of you but I just don't trust them anymore.

                    (spoiler season 8 Threads)
                    It's amazing that we have what, 10 episodes left and we have had very little RDA, very little team and that round spinny thing episodes in the entire first half but TPTB find valuable screen time to put in a bedroom scene between Jack and Kerry.
                    And how much exact Sam/Jack screne time has there been in 7 1/2 years? What 1 minute if that?! What are TPTB thinking?!!!
                    Ship Nana


                      I think you need to have one of your own Indigo Shipper Cookies, Nana!

                      The Stargate writers aren't stupid. They know exactly how to jerk the fans' chains, but all in all, we find it an enjoyable experience. Think about it. We wouldn't be on these boards if we didn't love the show anyway.


                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        Ahh no worries my friend if you didn't edit it....a Mod did....

                        Jack on top is a *Bad thing*?????

                        Well, of course not, but didn't expect to read it and was serenely sipping my chai and it just popped up in my view.


                          Originally posted by ses110
                          Caty do not lose hope.TPTB have been messing with the Shippers for the longest time and they are not going to stop now.I do not like it and it is getting old but I will watch the remainder of the Season and if Sam and Jack are not together at the end of the Season I will say goodbye to Stargate.It will not be difficult with RDA'S very light schedule.All this mess could have been prevented by
                          Sam dumping Pete after Chimera.Pete deserved to be dumped after his actions and there would have been no need to bring in Kerry.Kynthia was in one episode Sara was in one episode and Laira was in one episode.Why did Pete have to be in more than one episode.I know the answer but I will get in trouble for saying it.

                          It's almost as if TPTB can't help themselves in messing around with the Shippers. They've done it for so long it's like it has become a habit that they can't break. I think that they need to seek therapy maybe from the Shipper Town JM Commune Rehab center. I'm sure that there would be many Shipper Doctors who would love to set them straight!!!

                          Seriously though, it is almost like it is a psychological thing now with TPTB and us Shippers!
                          Ship Nana


                            This is just a drive-by post to wish the shipper family:

                            HAPPY THXGIVING!!!!

                            ((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              ((((jafacakes)))Don't worry I think everybody got a bit depressed today ..and me I got severely worried about the time Sam and Jack are gonna get in the final ..I'm also not happy to see another bedroom scene ..what a waste of screen time . ..although I must agree
                              Kerry is stunning and she looks good with Jack
                              ..I don't think they 'll keep her ..If they do that they'll lose everybody because fans in general are a bit fed up with the love interest taking over the show ..and me too.

                              And as for the bedroom scenes ..I've explained my points above in a lot of posts ..don't want to repeat myself ..Apparently I'm the only who wants a sexy scene between Sam and jack ..They let Jack do it with Kerry ...then I want Sam and Jack like that too...and I don't mean a love scene just a nice scene in bed like the morning after kind of thing .

                              It looks like everybody else will be just happy with a kiss by the Stargate ...or a breaffast scene with Jack buttering Sam's toast . .well yes is cute ..but for me's not sensual and I need to see sensuality between them because something buggs me in their relationship.!!!! and Jack ..well ..he can butter sam's toast the next morning. he has plenty of time to do that .

                              Hey Caty, I'm with you. There once was a time when I would have settled for a lot less but not now. TPTB have raised the bar and now you know what? They have to have Sam and Jack meet it!! And it's TPTB's own fault. They wrote themselves into this corner and a simple Sam/Jack talk or little kiss is not gonna get them out of that corner.
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by Greis
                                Thank you
                                This is very helpful right now...
                                I get the whole picture.
                                Thank you very much again

                                In regards of the Threads pictures I really wouldn't worry too much. I realize that seeing a nightmare coming true is different from speaking of it, but all of that was really part of the spoilers about was just a question of how and when...
                                I tend to think about the whole thing like a vastely used escamotage to address a plotline: stress the concept and in the end twist to the opposite resolution...the more you stress it the bigger the twist will be.
                                The lower you go the higher you'll arrive...or something to that effect...Well it sounded clearer in my head
                                What I mean is that, as paradoxically as it may sound, I'd be much worried about The Ship if there was nothing that changed the J/S's feelings balance that's been establishing in 8 years..Much worried 'cause it could be read as a status quo never to be changed...
                                But now here it goes the variable that, speaking of feelings, has to involve feelings and, above all, has to be a very very strong and unexpected one because it has to break up 8 years of military control and repressed desires and succeed where neither death risks, deadly injures nor loss threats have succeeded. They are trained to those ones, they can deal with them...but THIS scenario, so strong and apparently definitive, this has never happened before and brings to the unbalance...
                                I asked myself WHY NOW? My answer was because we are near the resolution..this is the proverbial last straw that breaks the camel's back, the last card to play..In terms of Ship I think it all comes down not only to loose someone phisically, but worse to loose that someone's feelings..that's the real threat they've never really faced. Not that strongly and concretely at least.

                                I know I won't like for a minute to see these images on my beloved tv screen, but I guess they had to be that strong and upsetting both for the credibility of the characters (they've been through everything, it has to be something huge that justify their change) and for the audience to be more involved in the last big twist..
                                I think that's why I went almost sick when I saw those pictures! Reality bites.. but not for a minute I worried about the real meaning of them..
                                SO LET'S HAVE FAITH!! KEEP IT UP!!

                                Here we go..always too long I get caught in my thoughts when I begin Shippin' around...sorry guys

                                You made a very good point and it brought to mind something my son said when his girlfriend of many years broke up with him. He was so depressed and felt like he couldn't find someone else and that he would always be alone and I said but what would you have done if she died? He said, "well mom that would have been easier to deal with than seeing her with another guy." Maybe that is what you were getting at. It is easier for Sam and Jack to lose each other in battle, something that they can accept, than to lose each other to someone else.
                                Ship Nana

