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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by gatebee
    Caty you cannot be an anti shipper. Stay strong. I know you do not celebrate Thanksgiving in England but here is one from me with a big smile.
    Caty is incapable of being an anti shipper... she's got the mind of a poet and the heart of a lover. She'll never give up on Sam/Jack... even if her heart's being a bit bruised in the process.


    Stick with your fellow shippers and we'll pull you through.




      Originally posted by Lunar
      Oh Waterfall!

      I know how you feel.
      (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((waterfall)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))
      While I'm at it:
      (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((shipper family))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
      Triumph in the face of adversity!
      Any Latin buffs here who could translate that and then we could have it as an official Shipper Family motto.
      Or do we already have one?
      We could do a coat of arms and everything!
      Here's our flag when things are good

      and when they're bad

      ship sistah

      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        *Happy sigh*...

        it's dark, so to me it looks like her hand is on his rear. nice thought.

        ship sistah

        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          I second that!!! I could easily have done without that pic! There was no need for it in order to move the story along!!

          On another note, Happy Turkey day to everyone!!!

          Pumkin Shipper Cookies for all!!!!
          aka the "disoriented shipping" cookie?

          ship sistah

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            Originally Posted by shelsfc

            I know there was a vote for the best shippy ep for Ship Day, but have we ever had a vote for the greatest shippy moment? Or should I say, the greatest shippy moment so far?

            There are quite a few to choose from...WoO kiss, Zat'arc testing in D&C, SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):
            lab scene in Affinity and so forth.

            Just a thought.
            Originally posted by shipper hannah
            it's close between the bit in D&C and the WoO kiss....
            i'll have to go for the kiss....
            late season 7 eps
            The Heroes hug and the LC hand on ice moments were heart-melting. And even though it was all in Sam's head, my life wouldn't be the same without the Grace kiss.

            ship sistah

            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz

              It still looks like Sam's hand is on Jack's butt, or on his... front... area.... *clears throat*.

              Last edited by majorsal; 26 November 2004, 12:19 AM. Reason: go from d to D, and you get :D



                Originally posted by sueKay
                Okay people...


                When the Ship docks in the harbour, do the Shipper Salsa

                Until then...

                Do the Teal'c special


                *lights ten thousand candles*

                And would you look at that...

                Ten thousand candles and it still doesn't outshine SAM'S JACK SMILE (you know the one she uses only for him!)
                not quite 10,000, but...

                shipper faith in the darkness

                ship sistah

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  I agree Shel, there should be no sexy scenes in Stargate, it's a sci-fi show FCOL. There shouldn't have been one with Pete and they shouldn't have one with Kerry. It's not necessary. Since when has Stargate been about having boyfriends/girlfriends anyway?
                  The Sha're storyline was integral to the movie and the beginning years of the tv show, so I would say relationships shouldn't be completely poo-pooed. I'm glad there have been episodes dealing with Jack and Teal'c and their wives and Sam and her dad. Relationships round out the protagonists-- and the people we meet on our adventures. This isn't just a tech and action show; some of the worst eps have been ones that were very plot driven. 'Just the facts (ma'am)' may work on Law and Order, but exploring humanity at it's worst, best, most humorous and poignant is what makes good Stargate.

                  I don't mind sexy, romantic, loving, emotional, flirty, cute scenes in my sci-fi-- as long as it's done well. That's been the problem recently.

                  I've just posted in the anti-shipper thread. I'm not an anti-shipper, but I find that some of the things they've been saying about ship not taking over the show reasonate with me, and most shippers I know feel the same. There's a world of difference about playing with ship in threads like this and in fanfic and having it dominate the show.

                  At the moment, I can't see how they can resolve S/J without losing the character's integrity. Sam looks like some sad woman who panicked about being single and settling and Jack looks like he's just using Kerry for sex...
                  If it had been written better (and in a past season), it could have just made them look very human. Not "using" or "settling," but living and resolving to get out of life what one can.

                  They could have spent season 8 exploring how Sam reacts to command, using Daniel and Teal'c much more and not doing this. I just hope that the Daniel ascension story is really explored in Threads to the character's justification.
                  I agree about Sam, but I haven't felt that Daniel and Teal'c have been missing. I actually felt like Daniel has been doing too much outside his purview. Characters should grow, but show us the journey-- don't just throw them in a situation we've never seen them in before, acting like it's nothing new. It can be a bit jarring.

                  Okay rant over.

                  BTW I got dinged in the anti-ship thread by a shipper, can you believe it? Like I can't post in both threads at once and see both points of view?

                  sorry, you got dinged!

                  ship sistah

                  ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    spoilers for s7 and s8 (pete discussed and Threads)

                    And 'why' should it be subtle? If the ptb can show an intimate relationship for Sam with someone that literally appeared out of nowhere (Pete), and then show one for Jack (in bed) too, then why can't they show it for the couple we've been shipping for for 8 bloody years??? This question is really directed at the ptb, because I think they're prob going to go the subtle route too. What's wrong with wanting to SEE the romance between Sam and Jack!? I want to SEE the hand holding, the snuggles together, the bed scene, the slow, drug induced kisses that go on forever... what's wrong with wanting it? Or should I say, what's wrong with expecting it and wanting to SEE it between Sam and Jack when the writers have no probs showing it between Sam/other and Jack/other? I can't wrap my mind around why it's alright to show it with the 'others', but is 'going over the line' with the couple they've been shipping forward themselves since the start. Whether Jack looked hot in the bed scene in Threads or not, it's still the same situation of showing intimate and romantic scenes with someone other than between Sam and Jack... I want that too. And I'm afraid the writers just don't want to do it. Or won't. Why???

                    Rant over.

                    (I don't put spoiler spaces here because that's just my wishes for the end of S8)
                    Hey, I didn't say that I don't want to see it ! And I didn't say that I wanted it to be subtle. I mean, I would REALLY LOVE to see it (if I wouldn't, I wouldn't read so many fics ). But I think I wouldn't be so angry if we don't see it (frustated maybe ).
                    There's one condition though : we must be absolutely sure that Sam and Jack are together. So I want to see them talking about their feelings, I want one big kiss at least and I want to see them together outside the SGC (a morning after scene in Jack's cabin would be perfect )
                    There are my Christmas wishes (Santa Claus, if you hear me )
                    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Of course he can butter her toast every morning he could do it in a sensual way too

                      Me and my sensuality Sorry guys to be such a pain tonight

                      I tried to ding you, but it wouldn't let me. You're not a pain-- simply passionate!

                      ooh la la, so french, so latin!

                      ship sistah

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        Caty is incapable of being an anti shipper... she's got the mind of a poet and the heart of a lover. She'll never give up on Sam/Jack... even if her heart's being a bit bruised in the process.


                        Stick with your fellow shippers and we'll pull you through.


                        Don't worry Sally ..I won't become an anti-shipper before Mobius airs .it depends on how Sam and Jack are gonna do the resolution or TPTB let them do 'd better blow me away.

                        In the meantime ..I'll try to make more videos ..although my mind is not up to it since yesterday ..but I'll see ..May be it was just the shock of the bedroom pic.

                        and I agree with you entirely about your other post ...We should see Sam and Jack either just before or the morning after a BEDROOM ...I mean ..It's not that hard to do ..they 've done it plenty of time with OTHERS ..and we don't have to see them making love .. ...just a nice squeeze . a tender loving care, and cuddle up together and say sweets words to each other with maybe an "I love you" ..this would be the perfect time for saying it too.

                        I don't trust TPTB either but I can't help thinking that if they gave us a bedroom scene with Sam /Pete and then another one with Jack/Kerry (They know how much most fans will be disappointed) then ..They are thinking of giving us something similar with Sam and Jack ..only better with the "I love you" thingie on top . I hope I'm right I want to see that now.



                          Originally posted by sacme
                          I tried to ding you, but it wouldn't let me. You're not a pain-- simply passionate!

                          ooh la la, so french, so latin!

                          ship sistah

                          Thank you ship sistah

                          Yes .. may be My videos are making me that way ...I think they brainwashed me in wanting to see something more because I Know that Sam and Jack could make a scene like that explode the TV screen ..if TPTB would let them (The actors) play it the way they want a little bit more specially once the regs are out of the way ..They can just be themselves. and the Love will flow and flow and it could be so beautiful to watch..specially in a nice setting with some drapes or lovely colours and the sunshine through the window .

                          *sigh*There is always hope



                            Originally posted by aeromathlete
                            I think you need to have one of your own Indigo Shipper Cookies, Nana!

                            The Stargate writers aren't stupid. They know exactly how to jerk the fans' chains, but all in all, we find it an enjoyable experience. Think about it. We wouldn't be on these boards if we didn't love the show anyway.
                            haven't been loving the show this season, but I'm invested, so I waiting for my payoff and hoping things will get better generally with the show.

                            Tame mentioned past 'hysterical thread' times. Rants, threats of not watching/buying anymore, laments, lots of shippy pix postings to bring us back from the edge. Yeah, this will pass-- but we've had to do this too much, lately. TPTB messed up bad.

                            ship sistah

                            ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                              i've just been reading all the posts and now i'm feeling really depressed...
                              i'm sick of all your negative comments!!! aargh!!! pull yourselves together..!!.. you call yourselves die-hard shippers!!!!!!???
                              ..and what's all this craziness about the bed scene?. ... isn't this just what we expected?!..

                              ..just remember we have all these spoilers telling us that there will be RST...

                              i think everyone needs a whole batch of shipper cookies.. what colour are the ones which banish all anti- shipness and memories of bad spoilers??


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                It's almost as if TPTB can't help themselves in messing around with the Shippers. They've done it for so long it's like it has become a habit that they can't break. I think that they need to seek therapy maybe from the Shipper Town JM Commune Rehab center. I'm sure that there would be many Shipper Doctors who would love to set them straight!!!

                                Seriously though, it is almost like it is a psychological thing now with TPTB and us Shippers!
                                Power Play?!

                                Penguins!-- GO, GO, GO!!!

                                ship sistah

                                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =

