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    Originally posted by samisjacksgal
    i totally agree also i think
    he might of just figured out how sam feels about him to
    He does look very deep in thought doesnt he? kind of a 'Ive seen the light' look, well now you've realized Jack. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!

    Last edited by amra; 25 November 2004, 03:12 PM.


      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
      I agree Shel, there should be no sexy scenes in Stargate, it's a sci-fi show FCOL. There shouldn't have been one with Pete and they shouldn't have one with Kerry. It's not necessary. Since when has Stargate been about having boyfriends/girlfriends anyway? I've just posted in the anti-shipper thread. I'm not an anti-shipper, but I find that some of the things they've been saying about ship not taking over the show reasonate with me, and most shippers I know feel the same. There's a world of difference about playing with ship in threads like this and in fanfic and having it dominate the show.

      At the moment, I can't see how they can resolve S/J without losing the character's integrity. Sam looks like some sad woman who panicked about being single and settling and Jack looks like he's just using Kerry for sex... They could have spent season 8 exploring how Sam reacts to command, using Daniel and Teal'c much more and not doing this. I just hope that the Daniel ascension story is really explored in Threads to the character's justification.

      Okay rant over.

      BTW I got dinged in the anti-ship thread by a shipper, can you believe it? Like I can't post in both threads at once and see both points of view?

      I couldn't agree more. I've said it before and I'll say it again-it's like the writers are just throwing in as many plot twists as possible to bring the show to an end with a bang. Well, if the"bang" they're looking for is fans that are irritated because it's suddenly too shippy for even the shippers, they're getting dangerously close to their goal. I'm all for ship-ask my friends-but, the way I view ship,it's not about steamy love scenes, it's about the characters and how they interact with eachother, not how hot their relationship gets. I don't know if that makes any sense, but there it is...


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        oh yeah ..I think....
        ... Kerry is a really good thing for Jack ..She goes very well with Jack ..both extremely good looking . ......we still don't need to see a bedroom scene!!! ...hope it has been deleted of the episode..will be much better .
        and for wearing the vest ..well may be it was a bit chilly a few 20 minutes later ...give them time to cool down first he put his vest back on His vest looks good though.


        I just think it's really good that Jack is actually
        having sex, he's not being a whimp at home and I duno- I just like the fact that he's still in owrking order! LMAO!!
        sorry I duno what's gotten into me tonight.
        p.s there is no exscuse for the


          Originally posted by Gategirl12000
          I couldn't agree more. I've said it before and I'll say it again-it's like the writers are just throwing in as many plot twists as possible to bring the show to an end with a bang. Well, if the"bang" they're looking for is fans that are irritated because it's suddenly too shippy for even the shippers, they're getting dangerously close to their goal. I'm all for ship-ask my friends-but, the way I view ship,it's not about steamy love scenes, it's about the characters and how they interact with eachother, not how hot their relationship gets. I don't know if that makes any sense, but there it is...
          Amen, sistaz!


            Caty do not lose hope.TPTB have been messing with the Shippers for the longest time and they are not going to stop now.I do not like it and it is getting old but I will watch the remainder of the Season and if Sam and Jack are not together at the end of the Season I will say goodbye to Stargate.It will not be difficult with RDA'S very light schedule.All this mess could have been prevented by
            Sam dumping Pete after Chimera.Pete deserved to be dumped after his actions and there would have been no need to bring in Kerry.Kynthia was in one episode Sara was in one episode and Laira was in one episode.Why did Pete have to be in more than one episode.I know the answer but I will get in trouble for saying it.


              Originally posted by Lunar
              I came home early from school rather than sit around in my free today to get work done.
              I haven't done any because I've got so het up about these photos and spoilers.
              With regard to these pics for Threads
              Bizarrely, I actually thought Kerry was Pete in the thumbnail version of the pics because I associate the pink puffy jacket with him and Kerry's wearing a terribly similar shade of the colour. Don't ask me why Pete would be wearing Sam's jacket, but my heart sank because I thought he was there!

              A transvestite love interest next...?
              Oh. Lunar, this just made me laugh! Thanks!



                Originally posted by sueKay
                I'd just like to say this to the shippers in doubt

                SCREW TPTB - We don't care about them anyway

                It's the CHARACTERS we care about.

                Red Ding away

                G'night all.

                Suz: and it's goodbye from me.
                Dee Dee: and it's goodbye from her!
                At the risk of chanelling my mother: Preach it, sister!!!!!You're not gonna get a red ding from me


                  Originally posted by aeromathlete
                  Caty, NOOOO!!! We have reason to be optimistic about Sam and Jack this season, and personally, I wouldn't want any resolution scenes between Sam and Jack to be spoiled for me! I'd want it to be surprising, somewhat unexpected. I wouldn't want to know how it would happen or if it would happen beforehand. I'm a spoiler addict, but there are some things that should just be experienced the first time live, so to speak. I think S/J is one of those things. It's too precious to be given away, which is why TBTB are concealing it. Good call on their parts.
                  I agree with you aeromathlete. Hopefully we'll get such a wonderful surprise with our ship that this will all be worthwhile!


                    Originally posted by aeromathlete
                    Caty, NOOOO!!! We have reason to be optimistic about Sam and Jack this season, and personally, I wouldn't want any resolution scenes between Sam and Jack to be spoiled for me! I'd want it to be surprising, somewhat unexpected. I wouldn't want to know how it would happen or if it would happen beforehand. I'm a spoiler addict, but there are some things that should just be experienced the first time live, so to speak. I think S/J is one of those things. It's too precious to be given away, which is why TBTB are concealing it. Good call on their parts.

                    As for bedroom scenes and the like, do we really need one between Sam and Jack to prove their love and affection for one another? They put one in with Pete because they needed to demonstrate that his relationship with Sam was *something* significant.
                    Ditto with Jack and Kerry,
                    because otherwise fans might dismiss these relationships as being less serious and less significant than they probably are.

                    This might be just me, but I think bedroom scenes cheapen the show whenever they have them. I always loved Stargate when they didn't have them, or at least didn't show them onscreen. They cheapen the relationship by exposing the couple to the screen, and thus lessening the sanctity of their personal time together. Thus, when it comes to movies and the media, I take couples with bedroom scenes a lot less seriously than couples with them. (Yes, even Alias, though I'm a huge Syd/Vaughn shipper).

                    Anyways, that's my rant. Don't worry. The love between Sam and Jack is clearly there, and I think that as long as both of them are alive, it will always be there. They'll figure it out eventually.


                    I know that ..sam and Jack will be together ....and I agree with the bed room scenes but it's to,late ..they did it for
                    Sam/ Pete and now Kerry/Jack

                    when you said that sam and Jack don't need to have a sexy scene ..well I'm not sure because I really think that they need to show the audience which may still be anti-shippers that there is chemistry there so that it' easier for them to take it in and the only way to do it is going for it and also we never saw them like that in real ...and

                    I'm not talking about a love scene ..not at all ..just lying in bed like the morning after may be and talk and caress each other ..but their skins being very close .

                    you know something sexy but smart all in good taste ..does not have to cheapen the characters ..I'm not talking about ripping their clothes off way ..

           to be the most romantic and sensual scene you could ever see between sam and Jack with tender loving care in each other's arms with a cuddle and a nice kiss too...and the morning after will be better ...because they will still be undressed too or wearing light clothes on

                    Last edited by Catysg1; 25 November 2004, 03:06 PM.


                      Originally posted by aeromathlete
                      Caty, NOOOO!!! We have reason to be optimistic about Sam and Jack this season, and personally, I wouldn't want any resolution scenes between Sam and Jack to be spoiled for me! I'd want it to be surprising, somewhat unexpected. I wouldn't want to know how it would happen or if it would happen beforehand. I'm a spoiler addict, but there are some things that should just be experienced the first time live, so to speak. I think S/J is one of those things. It's too precious to be given away, which is why TBTB are concealing it. Good call on their parts.

                      As for bedroom scenes and the like, do we really need one between Sam and Jack to prove their love and affection for one another? They put one in with Pete because they needed to demonstrate that his relationship with Sam was *something* significant.
                      Ditto with Jack and Kerry,
                      because otherwise fans might dismiss these relationships as being less serious and less significant than they probably are.

                      This might be just me, but I think bedroom scenes cheapen the show whenever they have them. I always loved Stargate when they didn't have them, or at least didn't show them onscreen. They cheapen the relationship by exposing the couple to the screen, and thus lessening the sanctity of their personal time together. Thus, when it comes to movies and the media, I take couples with bedroom scenes a lot less seriously than couples with them. (Yes, even Alias, though I'm a huge Syd/Vaughn shipper).

                      Anyways, that's my rant. Don't worry. The love between Sam and Jack is clearly there, and I think that as long as both of them are alive, it will always be there. They'll figure it out eventually.
                      I've completely agree with you on this one and I've posted something like this before - i.e that I wouldnt actually want to be spoiled which a big picture showing sam and jack kissing. I'd much rather SEE it AND any other shippy moments as it/they actually happen. Would be so much more enjoyable that way IMO.

                      I also think a bedroom scene is not needed, it is fairly screamingly obvious now that they care a great deal for eachother, I do not think it is essential to see them in some kind of bed scene.

                      They will indeed figure it out It will happen, this much I 'know'. how or when, I leave to TPTB.



                        Originally posted by shipper hannah
                        love that pic... .. what ep. is it from i never noticed it before...
                        I think the pic is from S3 Learning Curve, but I'm sure someone here will put me right!


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          I agree with you aeromathlete. Hopefully we'll get such a wonderful surprise with our ship that this will all be worthwhile!
                          i know ive said this alot tonight lol but HERE HERE!


                            Originally posted by Catysg1

                            I know that ..sam and Jack will be together ....and I agree with the bed room scenes but it's to,late ..they did it for
                            Sam/ Pete and now Kerry/Jack

                            when you said that sam and Jack don't need to have a sexy scene ..well I'm not sure because I really think that they need to show the audience which may still be anti-shippers that there is chemistry there so that it' easier for them to take it in and the only way to do it is going for it ...and

                            I'm not talking about a love scene ..not at all ..just lying in bed like the morning after may be and talk and caress each other ..but their skins being very close .

                            you know something sexy but smart all in good taste ..does not have to cheapen the characters ..I'm not talking about ripping their clothes off way ..

                   to be the most romantic and sensual scene you could ever see between sam and Jack with tender loving care in each other's arms with a cuddle and a nice kiss too...and the morning after will be better ...because they will still be undressed too or wearing light clothes on

                            I'd like to see them having breakfast with eachother the 'morning after' would be so cute, he could butter her toast for her, ala 'American Sweethearts' (if anyones seen that film?)



                              Originally posted by amra
                              I've completely agree with you on this one and I've posted something like this before - i.e that I wouldnt actually want to be spoiled which a big picture showing sam and jack kissing. I'd much rather SEE it AND any other shippy moments as it/they actually happen. Would be so much more enjoyable that way IMO.

                              I also think a bedroom scene is not needed, it is fairly screamingly obvious now that they care a great deal for eachother, I do not think it is essential to see them in some kind of bed scene.

                              They will indeed figure it out It will happen, this much I 'know'. how or when, I leave to TPTB.

                              I hope to god you guys are right! I don't know what will happen, or if it will get resolved, but I do know this much: it NEEDS to be. Maybe it's just from years of watching shows that never resolved this type of thing and left the characters miserable, but I'm worried it won't happen I'm trying to be optimistic though.


                                I can't understand TPTB logic, just come back after a while away and come across the Threads fotos .I can't believe they are waisting precious time in another bedroom scene, specialy not when it doesn't involve Sam and Jack, which by the way I really don't think we will ever see. I have this horrible feeling that the change in scripts might be to keep Kerry as a viable romantic interest for Jack now that there is going to be a season 9.
                                Forgive me, but I'm really depressed now .

