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    Originally posted by sueKay

    kinda looks like sam and jack aren't stranded on a ship together. in fact, looks like they're not together at all throughout the whole thing
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by _Anubis
      that second picture the one with all those em ??? zips Is that who I think it is?Anubis with a real face
      Ok thats disgusting. I did like Jack and Jacob together.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by michelleb
        kinda looks like sam and jack aren't stranded on a ship together. in fact, looks like they're not together at all throughout the whole thing
        What a surprise!


          Originally posted by Rogue
          Ok thats disgusting.
          Is it Anubis? Or is it next week's date for Sam or Jack?
          Yes, I'm again in a very snipey mood.


            Guys...Gemini pics

            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              These have been posted before, have they not? They looked familiar anyway...
              Has anyone see the new synopsis for this ep?
              Carter's *emotions* have the fate of the Earth in the balance. Shippy? Or more of crap?


                Originally posted by Lunar
                Is it Anubis? Or is it next week's date for Sam or Jack?
                Yes, I'm again in a very snipey mood.
                You go girl!
                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                  Originally posted by waterfall
                  This post is NOT aimed at the shippers, but at TPTB of "Stargate SG-1" whom I'm sure have people monitor this thread.

                  To say that I am just a *little* angry right now is THE understatement of the year.
                  I saw the pics realeased from "Threads" this morning and all I have to say is:
                  WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU??????????
                  Let me explain what I mean.
                  I started watching "Stargate SG-1" when it was on Showtime, so I have been a loyal viewer for 8 yrs now. When I first started watching it was from a no-romance point of view, I never wanted romance on any level, only sci-fi.
                  What I eventually saw over the course of the years was a beautiful romance between two characters, torn by their duty to their existance of their world and way of life and have sacraficed their feelings for the greater good.
                  How far do the feelings go???
                  They would die for each other.
                  I can't imagine having someone love me enough to die for me.

                  Soooo, why am I mad???
                  You, (TPTB) are making a farce out of a beautiful love by playing the "let's see who we can f*** but each other" modern approach to romance.
                  If I wanted to watch crap like that, I'd watch Lifetime.
                  I think I'm gonna get rid of my tv.

                  If any shippers agree with this post, green me.
                  If not, red me.
                  If you wish to discuss this post pm me or email me [email protected].

                  Totally agree, and I did give you a green.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    It would be one bedroom scene I'd *definitely* want to be skipping! Eurgh.


                      What does everyone think of the new, sig, btw? I'm changing it again soon but I wanted to put my sense of loss into it.


                        Originally posted by Lunar
                        Is it Anubis? Or is it next week's date for Sam or Jack?
                        Yes, I'm again in a very snipey mood.
                        hehehehe, that's funny Lunar!!!
                        Welcome to "snarkey" side.



                          What does everyone think of my sig, btw?
                          I think it's pretty good. In fact, I'm givin' ya a green for it. There ya go!
                          Yes, I really do look like (a younger) Daniel. Don't believe me? Look for yourself.

                          Hey, Mitchell! You want a turn?


                            First I want to take a minute to say THANK YOU for all of the Anniversary wishes!!! I posted some thank you's to others so I want to add to that list
                            & Greis ( although I thought you already said it and I thnked you BUT you can't EVER say Thank you enough ) ((((((((((HUGS HUGS)))))))))))) to all and thank you again!!!!

                            Ok NOW...Waterfall I Have done what I can to let you know I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU!!!!! but instead of a PM I am going to give voice to my thoughts here as well Lucky all of you

                            I have been being EXTREMELY quiet this time around AS MANY KNOW and the main reason was because I was going to wait and see JUST WHAT TPTB are going to do.

                            My thought was *Okay, I am going to wait this time until it is ACTUALLY on the air and then make my judgement call*

                            Like you Waterfall I too was there on day one...Hubs says *Hey there is a new show called Star Gate* and being a LOVER of Sci-Fi I was excited to see a new show.

                            Star Gate has NEVER been a show that has ever taken itself too seriously and I really enjoyed that aspect of the show. It was nice to finally see a Sci-Fi show that SEEMED TO REALIZE it was supposed to be fun and far- out and GOOD as well. It caught my interest.

                            THEN in walked Amanda Tapping and the screen time she had with RDA just LIT UP MY LIVING ROOM My first thought was NEVER *Oh I can't wait to see them in bed*......... NOPE, NEVER crossed my mind.

                            BUT TPTB apparently saw this and they KNEW of it and they played on it. Subtle romance ALWAYS has a place in any LONG TOLD STORY

                            What I have said OVER AND OVER in the past is that it SEEMS like TPTB have *Gotten a bit big for their britches* and are FORGETTING the VERY REASONS the fans LOVE THIS SHOW

                            And it is NOT just the Ship BUT for many of us and WE ARE MANY!!! Sam & Jack was what *HOOKED US EMOTIONALLY* and we became MORE then casual observers enjoying a TV show...... We INVESTED an emotional part of ourselves into the Sam & Jack storyline.

                            Now I can NOT speak for anyone else but myself BUT if you want me to spend my money AND my time for something I can't eat, drink or benefit from physically then you HAD BETTER MAKE SURE I AM ATTACHED Because somewhere in my brain I do have to jusify WHY I am paying money for DVDs that I won't ALWAYS watch. I need to justify to myself WHY I am watching a TV show that I NO LONGER enjoy...........

                            The Sci-Fi aspect is virtually gone.........
                            The Action is virtually gone........
                            The *TEAM* is gone............
                            The Adventure is gone..................

                            Sam & Jack is what I have left and I HOPE TPTB realize that while Star Gate Atlantis HAS ALL OF THE THINGS I WANT!!! I WON'T WATCH BECAUSE OF THEM if they continue to treat me as a fan of 8 years to this in SG1.

                            I don't trust TPTB anymore to LISTEN to the fans.......... if they DID then Pete would NEVER have been in Season 8. The MAJORITY OF ALL FANS....NOT JUST SHIPPERS........ DISLIKED THE CHARACTER. AND made it known. Their response.......... Well you have now all seen it.

                            So I will watch.......... for a while and see what they do........ I no longer trust TPTB to be concerned if I as a fan like it or not.......... SO I will just make my choice based on what they do and then I will walk away or stay ...... it is now in their hands.
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              well, i was gong to translate the spoilers and tell you any mention of sam and jack in them

                              but mention of sam is sadly rare....she's hardly mentioned at all. in fact, apart from threads, there's nothiny shippy even hinted at, except

                              it's Good to Be king

                              Sam and Jack are alone together, repairing a broken ship (a puddle jumper, but the irony is obvious!..espcially as sam is the one who has to fix it and jack is hurrying her)

                              but that's it

                              i want more Sam!
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                I can't green rep you Tame so I'll say it here.
                                Yes! Yes! I agree! Oh, how much I agree!

