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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    It's Madeleine's birthday you say?

    Happy Birthday, Madeleine!

    *throws confetti*




      Originally posted by sclairef99
      Whoa.....I just jumped into another thread on this forum...and this guy said Carter was his least fav and not much for RDA either.....

      It was just so foreign to me! I felt like I was drowning in another thread and that he just couldn't be watching the show I was watching....

      I like my shipper home in the shipper thread....throw me into the shipper commune in a little padded room for I can get out of shock....

      I accidently clicked the anti-shipper thread today and read several posts before I realized what I had done. Then I clicked my ruby slippers and ran back home to the shipper thread.
      ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


        just found some major mobeius spoilers..
        dont know about how true they are but apparently some of them are from a person that won a trip to the sg1 set

        enjoy..tally ho
        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

        sig by RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by majorsal
          My idea was to have either a tiny t-shirt or bib that said 'Mommy/Daddy Shipper' on it. Another friend of mine suggested not having anything ship related on it and just sending her an army baby t-shirt or something with it being from the shippers at Gateworld. I don't know what to think. I don't want to bother or irritate Amanda with shipness, I just thought it would be a cute saying. I mean, the baby IS a Mommy/Daddy shipper. So, what do you think?

          I like it. It makes sense if it's coming from us to have "ship" in there somewhere.

          ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


            This is OT but good advice:

            Do not watch demonic/Satan movies after midnight by yourself. Especially the ones where the devil wins in the end. You find yourself scrambling around for I Love Lucy or anything funny to watch on tv. Because I'm not sleeping tonight.
            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


              spoilers for s8's affinity


              Originally posted by Watters87

              <huge snippage>

              I'm sure the Airforce has there own investigaters, it was just an excuse to bring Pete back.
              *snort* I didn't think about that (couldn't Jag have been involved?). That only makes his super sleuthing *snort again* even more ludicrous.




                Originally posted by blueiris
                But if those 4 or 5 episodes are full of Jack, it will be more than we've had for the last 2 years. I'd rather have those episodes have Jack as the major player than have him spaced out over all the episodes, in more or less cameos. Of course, I'm taking for granted that Sam and Jack will be established by then. It's a whole 'nother ball game if not.
                Unfortunately, he's been "spaced out" in the other meaning, too.

                I want Action Jack back!

                I want to see him attack!

                I can't deal with the lack!

                Someone give the writers a smack,

                before I give the tv a zat!

                Yes, I know I'm a writer hack!

                ship sistah


                Lock Sam and Jack in a shack!

                ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                  Originally posted by ses110
                  I second that Ship Nana.Accension has been done to Death.I am also wondering what Shippers though of Atlantis and SG-1 mixed together in Season 9.I was feeling a little better about Season 9 and now this bit of news.I really do not want TPTB to shove Atlantis in our face.It's bad enough that we may be seeing very little Jack but on top of it I may have to put up with seeing McKay.Atlantis is really upsetting me and I do not even watch the show.
                  I don't want to watch it. I guess I'm going to be forced to if I want to see my Sg1 characters in anything else. I just don't have interest in watching Atlantis. Maybe that's why they're doing it; so ppl like myself that haven't even given it a thought will give it a try. I'd just like to make that decision myself... *snort* Oh, well.




                    S8 & S9 Speculation


                    Originally posted by meimei



                    They might not have to do anything. They are very practiced at filming around RDA's abbreviated schedule. I don't see why they can't do that with AT. The eps won't be showing until July! That should be plenty of time to work their magic. Unless, of course, they left all the magic on the Atlantis set!!
                    I'm glad you reminded me of that. They've spent two years working around RDA's year round abbreviated working schedule, so I'd think Amanda's 'maybe' two month or so Mommy break should be a walk in the park. You've given me some relief (my fears of losing Amanda/Sam are icky poopy ).




                      Originally posted by Liebestraume

                      Hmmm ... it's hard to pinpoint that proverbial straw. So I'll give the long-winded answer.

                      I've always thought Jack and Sam complement each other. He is ultimately the "big picture" man, his innate sense of morality often leads him straight to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, Sam has a scientifically-train mind; she thinks things through and makes sure details are never overlooked. This makes them perfect partners professionally.

                      On the personal front, I've also thought they'd make ideal friends. By that I don't mean they'd regularly get together guzzling down beers (which they may still do); I mean friends who could satisfy each other's particular emotional needs. I see Jack as an intensely emotional man with burdens few could share, but Sam's military background, as well as their shared experience, give her insight to him unsurpassed by many. This friendship is quite different from that between Jack and Daniel, because fundamentally those are two ideologically different men.

                      Since Grace, I have come to think of emotional insecurity as Sam's most vulnerable spot. I also think Jack, above all others, helps her overcome that. "Carter can do anything" not only speaks of his steadfast faith in her, it also challenges her to give her personal best. While one could argue that he had this effect on her because of his position as CO, I'd beg to differ. The fact that, in Sam's vision in Grace, Jack appeared in civilian garb

                      -- while all others showed up in their usual attires -- was very telling IMHO. Among other things, it meant she thought the "pep talk" (the one that finally got through to her, if I may add) came from a friend.
                      I think the lip-lock (even imagined) helped, too. That woke her up! me too

                      Then, with so much character traits going for them, what would make them unsuitable romantically? This is a discussion I once had with other people. The usual reasons, such as bad chemistry or The Regs, were dismissed (in my mind) because they were not intrinsic to the characters.
                      thank you!
                      Some mentioned (what I loosely termed as) the Pygmalion complex inherent in J/S, in the sense that the two had a mentor/protege professional relationship. This did give me pause, because it implied a power imbalance in the dynamic. But this ceased to be a problem for me, because I've since come to the conclusion that two mature adults would not carry their professional relationship into the personal.

                      So, here I am now, thinking Jack and Sam are quite well suited for each other. But I have to say what made me even think so much of this pairing is this thread and its denizens. Even when my support for the 'ship was less than enthusiastic (and quite openly so ), I was never made to feel my views were unwelcome. This inclusive atmosphere was very conducive to sharing of perspectives and greatly enriched my viewing experience. I hope the family will always nourish it.

                      One thing I still agree with non-shippers and anti-shippers, though: TPTB hasn't done a particular great job of developing the 'ship. With effectively 10 eps left -- I say "effectively" because I'm not too optimistic about S9 -- I sincerely hope the story will end on a high note.

                      That was lovely. We all have a story about how we came to ship for S/J-- thank you for sharing yours with the family. And I'm glad our happy, shiny place was a positive influence in your shipper journey. We love to love and our glee can be infectious. And our cookies heavenly! and our frustration endless

                      Is this your first Ship?

                      Disappointment with the way TPTB have handled the Ship is not limited to the non/anti-shippers. I think I can remember a rant or two on this thread, as well.

                      Your sig is gorgeous. A belated welcome to the nut house, er, Shippertown, where we talk, design, consume and dream all things Sam and Jack. Make sure you get your fair share of clones, beverages, snacks, etc. The Shipper pool is always clean and the Gutter is always dirty-- just the way we like it!

                      your ship sistah

                      ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        Oh, I LOVE that idea! If they did that, my head would explode and paper hearts would come floating down from it.... *who needs a head when your heart is full?*


                        ship = , no ship = , AU Martouf =


                          In the SkyOne spoilers for Moebius, someone said there would be

                          "a *major* Sam/Jack kiss. Therefore, one can only hope that first of all, that this is true and not someone jerking our chains, and then second of all, that it's the beginning of the final, long-term relationship between Sam/Jack that we've all been waiting for.

                          I was talking to a not-really-care about the ship friend of mine today, and he was pretty sure, in his opinion, that they'd get Sam and Jack together in the season 8 finale, because TPTB know that the viewership of many fans might be contingent on this fact.

                          Plus, any Daniel/Tealc/Other character fans should probably be happy if this happens, because with RDA/AT reduced screentime, they could get more episodes dealing with their characters' story arcs, and probably more action on the show, and S/J could go onto the backburner finally in favor of the real sci-fi element/meat of the show. Getting Sam/Jack together is probably the cure for any possible ills the show could face.


                            We can hope!!!


                              Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                              just found some major mobeius spoilers..
                              dont know about how true they are but apparently some of them are from a person that won a trip to the sg1 set


                              enjoy..tally ho

                              I read somewhere that in Gemini ..Sam ...
                              will become "emotional "..Got to be related to Jack ..I hope it's not to do with Pete again ....I'm sure it's replicarter who may have done something to Jack ..and she (Sam) either saw it or heard about it ....Or could be something related to the dream she had if Jack is in there If she fights replicarter at the end ..and apparently she has injuries ..they must be pretty bad ones I expect a scene at the infirmary and Jack will be there too. .


                              Last edited by Catysg1; 17 November 2004, 12:38 AM.


                                Hello shippers! I am here because my lecture was cancelled this morning. My 9am lecture. That was supposed to last until 11. So I got up this morning at half 6, when I didn't actually have to be in here until 11.

                                Anyway, at least it means I can spend a couple of hours on GW this morning since I wasn't here long last night.

                                I don't know why, but I'm feeling more optimistic about S9 now than I was when I heard about it first. I'm not going to get my hopes up until I hear who's coming back and for how many episodes, but as far as ship is concerned, I really think it's going to go our way, and we will get our shippy dream come true in S8 and 9.

                                I sound like a greeting card...

