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    Originally posted by Major Fischer
    Just wanted to show off my new sig which I know some of you will appreciate.
    ooh cool nice new signature Very cool you can see that Sam is pissed off Look at her face and she really wants to shoot !!
    Lord Zedd


      Originally posted by kiwigater
      Mucho thanks to whoever recommended the fic Twilight!!!
      I LOVED it! (except I have no idea who WROTE it! so, Gail, speak up as your GW persona ).
      Here's the link: Twilight
      oohww yeah I read the first chapter a little while ago.I thought sueKay said that we should take a look but I'm not sure about that.It was well written piece
      Lord Zedd


        Originally posted by sueKay

        will do!

        BTW - Your sig's really confusing to indecisive people like me

        John or Paul?
        John or Paul?
        Major or Major?

        Can some (PTB Caty) PLEASE relocate these thunkalicious guys in the same galaxy FCOL!

        No, no, no!

        That's the point you see. Davis in this galaxy, Sheppard in the Pegasus galaxy... that way I get to keep them both...

        *shush don't want them to find out about the other*

        Sam and Jack, the orginal stargate ship...


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Somehow I don't think it will Jack ...
          .. who is left behind at the end of season 8 ..I reckon they'll do it to Sam just because when they heard the news for AT's baby being born in March ..They knew for sure she won't be back on time for the fisrt 2 months perhaps

 I reckon they extended a last scene with something happening to Sam ..I won't go as far as saying a temporary death but something drastic ..which will allow AT to be away for a while and come back a while later.

          Actually yes ....Temporary death for Sam (I reckon this is what they have planned)...She may ascend instead of Daniel at the end ...Then Jack will be sad beginning of season 9 ..she may well turn up like Daniel did for a few minutes ..which she can still do if AT brings the baby with her ...for a few hours ..New born babie sleep a lot and in the noise that could be done and it's nice for the mum to get out of the house .

          For Jack he'll still be living in hope that she will return ..because Daniel came back so why not Sam!!!

          Obviously all that will happen once they had their chat and their RST kiss and all that .it will happen once they are a couple ..and it's the solution to adopt if AT is away for a little while .

          That could actually be a really good story line ...with Sam ascending this time and popping round as the ascended Sam to start with.

          i can't say i agree with that... they shouldn't make sam ascend... they already did that with daniel it would just be repeating it over again,- ascend, descend..... however i do think that they should temporarily kill her off... maybe she's not really dead just make everyone else think she is...


            hi shippers.. sorry i forgot to say hi and give everyone a hug..........
            ((((((((((((SueKay))))))))))))))))))))) get well soon!

            grrrr.... that episode is on now (a$$inity) and i refuse to watch it....
            nobody could make me watch it!!!... *spits out bad taste*


              Season 9 Speculation:

              1. I don't want Sam to Ascend, even temporarily.
              a) it's been done (literally) to death.
              b) if Sam is non-corporeal, we can't have any nice Sam and Jack snuggling. As much as I love soulmating and guardian angeling, To me, RST must involve physical contact.
              c) It would mean that not 1 but 2 of the main characters would be reduced to "recurring" characters, rather than regulars. I mean Daniel was in, what like 3 episodes of season 6? You can't have somebody ascend and then hanging around constantly. If Jack was only in 4 eps, and Sam was in less than half a dozen eps, that would SUCK BIG ROCKS.
              d) Did I mention that the whole Ascension thing is old and boring?

              2. I don't want another member of SG-1 UNLESS it's Jonas. Though I wouldn't mind seeing Colonel Dixon, et al. as recurring characters going on missions alongside SG-1.

              3. If Jack is only going to be in a few episodes, I think instead of retiring he should get himself reassigned to command the Alpha Site. This leaves him in a good position to get in on the action easily and as often as they want, and it gets him OUT of Sam's chain of command. There must be regular traffic between the two sites for supplies, etc. so he and Sam could easily go back and forth.

              4. I want rst and RST! RST!!!! you hear that??? LOTS AND LOTS OF RST!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Other than that I'm still feeling very optimistic. Given the fact I've so far seen only the first 3 episodes of season 8, I'm still pretty happy with Stargate in general. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, because 9 years is a long time for a show and we all know what happened to the X-Files...but TPTB haven't let me down yet--they've strung me along, yes, but not let me down--and I think that it's worth a shot. And even if season 9 totally sucks and there's not one single solitary episode or even moment worth rewatching, they can't take away the enjoyment I've had of the first 7-8 seasons.

              Speaking as a member of the fandom of the WORLD'S longest-running Sci-fi series, DOCTOR WHO (26 seasons of the original series plus 1 TV movie and now a brand spankin' new series!!!), shows can have their ups and downs, they can have entire seasons that are barely worth saving...and yet they can still be golden. I love Doctor Who, I always will, even though I want to forget certain episodes (NIIIIIIMOOOOOON! It is IIIIIII, SOLDEEEEED!) and not just for the show itself but for the fans and the memories.

              If Stargate's 9th season sucks, I will not sell my DVDs, though I wouldn't necessarily buy the seasons I disliked just to be a completist. I will not surrender my Ship. I will not disown my penguin friends. I will still love Stargate, warts and all.
              Last edited by Starfury; 16 November 2004, 11:55 AM. Reason: clarity
              Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                I will buy them all !!! I got Season 1 and season 7 at boxset and the volumes of season 2 till 6 except 1 volume !!! and I can't buy it anymore they aren't being made anymore this is my 800 POST !!
                Lord Zedd


                  Just looked at Gateworld. It seems 'Gemini' airs before 'Prometheus Unbound' so Sky One will probably go with this order. This is what it says about 'Gemini'
                  When an enemy takes on the guise of one of the team, Carter's (Amanda Tapping) emotions leave the planet susceptible to attack.

                  So there could be a little Sam/Jack ship.


                    Originally posted by Watters87
                    Just looked at Gateworld. It seems 'Gemini' airs before 'Prometheus Unbound' so Sky One will probably go with this order. This is what it says about 'Gemini'
                    When an enemy takes on the guise of one of the team, Carter's (Amanda Tapping) emotions leave the planet susceptible to attack.

                    So there could be a little Sam/Jack ship.
                    Well here's hoping there is a little S/J in it. But has anyone read when Scifi is starting the second half for us in the US???? 'Peers we are gonna be quite a bit behind our cousins this year-when is the UK picking up after the holidays? (be deliberately obtuse here-because I don't know if telling dates is considered spoilers or not-too conufused)

                    Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                    "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                      Originally posted by Watters87
                      Just looked at Gateworld. It seems 'Gemini' airs before 'Prometheus Unbound' so Sky One will probably go with this order. This is what it says about 'Gemini'
                      When an enemy takes on the guise of one of the team, Carter's (Amanda Tapping) emotions leave the planet susceptible to attack.

                      So there could be a little Sam/Jack ship.
                      Ship Nana can i have some cookies to make assinty go away?? my head hurts lol

                      yey gemini airs before prometheus unbound!


                        Just popping in to wish Shipper Step-Mum Madeline shipper birthday wishes!

                        Happy Birthday, Madeleine!

                        Token ~


                          Happy Birthday MADELEINE
                          (sorry if i spelt your name wrong)

                          (by the way Little Britain's on BBC3 now and its really funny for any Brits out there.........)


                            OK folks it's time for STARFURY'S SHIPPY MOMENT OF THE DAY

                            This one is also from Solitudes but it's the last one from that ep for a while (probably). It's also not so much a moment as it is a series of moments.

                            Every single time Carter gets discouraged, frustrated, or starts to lose confidence in her ability to save them, O'Neill lifts her up and keeps her going.

                            It's a pattern that shows up throughout the entire series, in fact. And Sam believes in him as strongly as he believes in her. It's why it works--Sam draws strength from his belief in her, precisely because she believes so strongly in him. It's like an unending circle...a Moebius strip, if you will.
                            Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                              I wouldnt be overly surprised if when Replicarter comes to the SGC and sees Jack, she wont have the same control and will power, and will make moves, which upsets Carter to the point of distracting her from solving the the real problem.
                              Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

                              Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

                              Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl
                                Well here's hoping there is a little S/J in it. But has anyone read when Scifi is starting the second half for us in the US???? 'Peers we are gonna be quite a bit behind our cousins this year-when is the UK picking up after the holidays? (be deliberately obtuse here-because I don't know if telling dates is considered spoilers or not-too conufused)

                                GateWorld is reporting that SciFi will air the new SG1 episodes on January 21, 2005 starting with Gemini.

                                Here's the link

                                Token ~

