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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by galaxy
    Don't get me wrong, I think crossover would be great, but I'm a bit concerned about resolution for the ship at the end of season 8, because it looks like they want to make new storylines for season 9, instead of "resolving" some of the old ones.
    Galaxy where did you read this? I've only read that they want to resolve many of the stories left open.



      Ok I need to contribute to the speculations...

      First, let me say, I'm a huge angst fan. I can't get enough of the stuff, so this is probably where my inspiration came from

      Bear with me, I'm not-so-hot at writing descriptions
      Basically Jack ascends after being fatally injured at the end of S.8. Sam goes through the whole "I've done it again, I've killed the man I love..." phase and hopes that Jack may have a chance to return to human form (a la Daniel in Fallen) some how, some way. ***NOTE: This will account for RDA's decreased presence and somehow justify any appearances in later episodes (a la MS in S.6).***

      Fast forward into mid to late S.9 (Spring 2006 UGH), Jack pulls a Daniel (a la Full Circle) when he has to save Sam (and just Sam) from impending doom and ends up upsetting the Ancients enough that they decend him to human. ***NOTE: Jack would have understood the position Daniel was in (see Abyss) and knew that he couldn't do anything w/o consequences, but this is SAM we're talking about.. he can't just stand by and watch so he interferes.*** Daniel's ancient defiance has rubbed off on Oma and she does what she can to inform SG-1 that Jack has decended (maybe going as far as a planet in Pegasus, who knows). But as it ends up, Jack's decension ended up being on a uber-Goa'uld planet and he's been captured not knowing who he is, where he is, or what the heck is going on. ***NOTE: I say uber-Goa'uld because I'm speculating that with Anubis and Baa'l being defeated, another one will step up to the plate, as always. And he's in Pegasus because he's done his own research on what the humans have been up to and knows there's another galaxy to conquer.***

      SG-1 go on for a few episodes trying to find clues on Jack's whereabouts. It ends up that he really is somewhere in Pegasus. It all leads up to a finale to end all finales. SG:A has come back so there will be some crossover (they'd help find Jack too) and some serious fighting commences. SG:A have the Wraith on their tails, SG-1 has an upset Goa'uld to deal with. Maybe ends up with the uber-Goa'uld and the Wraith duking it out while the humans leave them to their scuffle (after finding and rescuing Jack of course). The moment Jack sees Sam he remembers her, everything that was between them, and why he's there. He says "thanks" in typical Jack form, while Sam (overwhelmed with emotion) simply says "you'd do the same, sir." There would be a plethora of shippy looks when suddenly Jack decides that he's tired of just staring and lays a big fat one on Sam who returns the kiss just as hard RST and confessions SG-1 and SG:A make it back to Earth safely where, without the uber-Goa'uld to mess with anymore, SG-1 can end while SG:A still has their work cut out for them.

      OR OR OR OR OR (instead of it ending so long from now)

      Jack still ascends, but decends for the same reasons SOONER in the season. Since he's been dead, he's officially been retired and he and Sam spend the rest of S.9 becoming closer. Lots of RST. Lots of confessions.

      *phew* That's really long, I apologize in advance


        Originally posted by shipper hannah
        hi shippers.. sorry i forgot to say hi and give everyone a hug..........
        ((((((((((((SueKay))))))))))))))))))))) get well soon!

        grrrr.... that episode is on now (a$$inity) and i refuse to watch it....
        nobody could make me watch it!!!... *spits out bad taste*
        Ha! I missed it!

        Take that PTB! I'm not watching anything with Pete in it!! Ya hear!


          Since I have finally caught up with the Thread, I would like to announce....

          I have created a GIF of the Heroes
          . I captured 219 frames and enhanced each one. I was amazed to see the details of the scene. It makes it even more hypnotic for me.

          Here is the link: Look under "Token's Gifs"
          My undying thanks to Marimba for hosting my GIFs.

          Token ~


            Originally posted by SG1Poz
            Galaxy where did you read this? I've only read that they want to resolve many of the stories left open.

            I hope this is the link you are wanting. Beware there may be spoilers.

            Token ~


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Hello Shippers!


              CONGRATS TAME!!!!! Think Mala will make up a nice tattoo for you to put in _Anubis' head???


              I'm going to have an extra long moaning ramble

              Not Stargate related though

              Today has been CRAP! (I apologise for my language)

              I slept in for school, and ran out of the door, before I had to run after the school bus in front of everyone.
              By the time I got into school, I was feeling a bit better albeit tired, bt everybody kept on coming up to me, asking me if I was okay.
              I went to my first class, when my eyes started up again (I hate getting eye infections). We were reading an Arthur Miller play and I couldn't make out my lines. At the end of the class, I could hear ringing in my ears, and began to feel a bit dizzy. Thinking it would subside, I went to my next class.
              Business Management was even worse. The ringing deteriorated into full blown earache, and I began to feel nautious as I could no longer balance myself. At the end of the period, I went to get Mishy and our friends, to see what they thought. I got the unanimous vote - Go home.
              When I got home (after a rather horrible encounter with a drug dealer (the second in as many weeks )), I discovered the computer guy had been out. He'd removed the last traces of spyware that I thought I'd gotten rid of, but said my modem is on it's very last legs. As a result, I'm now reduced to an hour online a day
              Ah well...
              I went to bed and fell asleep, getting back up at 4pm.
              At least I had Stargate at eight to cheer up...

              Nope - It's A$$inity

              I'm reallykinda cranky and sore just now, so I'm butting out of the season nine spec' just now.

              Someone post a recap of a happy shippy moment to cheer me up please!

              Suz (Who should spend more time looking at the glass as half full)

              Get those eye balls better so you can view the pics here and at the *Thunk* thread


                Hi sueKay

                Too bad you don't feel well. If it makes you better I have a hard day too.This morning I overslept. I went to a building to make an appointment for to get my driversliscence.I have to take the test the 31st DECEMBER !!! the last day of the year !! I'll flunk for sure !! Than I'm very angry with my mother. Than my father who I never speak to anymore called SOOOOOOO MUCH WORK FOR SCHOOL !!!!!! than my grandmother who is being kinda difficult lately and than my girlfriend who is being very ridiculous So I hope this day goes by really fast
                Lord Zedd


                  happy Birthday Madeleine
                  Lord Zedd


                    Originally posted by antares
                    There have been a few eps over the years that showed Sam in charge, spirits & paradise lost come to mind, but she came across as very awkward and uncomfortable. And in PL Dr. Lee totally disregarded what she was saying, and she didn't do anything when he walked off. I want to see her COMFORTABLE giving orders, and sticking to her guns! (aka: not taking any guff!)

                    In season 7 & 8, spoilers
                    yea, like she tried to do when she ordered Jack to" Sit down and take a look!" with a nervous *gulp* just after . That was too cute. She did give a command well when she ordered Colonel Reynolds to *secure the gate* in Zero Hour. She had a commanding voice. I didn't see any hesitation when she gave those orders.
                    I think we will see a much stronger Sam in charge in the upcoming eppys and next season. I hope.



                      Originally posted by Liebestraume

                      Hmmm ... it's hard to pinpoint that proverbial straw. So I'll give the long-winded answer.

                      I've always thought Jack and Sam complement each other. He is ultimately the "big picture" man, his innate sense of morality often leads him straight to the heart of the matter. On the other hand, Sam has a scientifically-train mind; she thinks things through and makes sure details are never overlooked. This makes them perfect partners professionally.

                      On the personal front, I've also thought they'd make ideal friends. By that I don't mean they'd regularly get together guzzling down beers (which they may still do); I mean friends who could satisfy each other's particular emotional needs. I see Jack as an intensely emotional man with burdens few could share, but Sam's military background, as well as their shared experience, give her insight to him unsurpassed by many. This friendship is quite different from that between Jack and Daniel, because fundamentally those are two ideologically different men.

                      Since Grace, I have come to think of emotional insecurity as Sam's most vulnerable spot. I also think Jack, above all others, helps her overcome that. "Carter can do anything" not only speaks of his steadfast faith in her, it also challenges her to give her personal best. While one could argue that he had this effect on her because of his position as CO, I'd beg to differ. The fact that, in Sam's vision in Grace, Jack appeared in civilian garb -- while all others showed up in their usual attires -- was very telling IMHO. Among other things, it meant she thought the "pep talk" (the one that finally got through to her, if I may add) came from a friend.

                      Then, with so much character traits going for them, what would make them unsuitable romantically? This is a discussion I once had with other people. The usual reasons, such as bad chemistry or The Regs, were dismissed (in my mind) because they were not intrinsic to the characters. Some mentioned (what I loosely termed as) the Pygmalion complex inherent in J/S, in the sense that the two had a mentor/protege professional relationship. This did give me pause, because it implied a power imbalance in the dynamic. But this ceased to be a problem for me, because I've since come to the conclusion that two mature adults would not carry their professional relationship into the personal.

                      So, here I am now, thinking Jack and Sam are quite well suited for each other. But I have to say what made me even think so much of this pairing is this thread and its denizens. Even when my support for the 'ship was less than enthusiastic (and quite openly so ), I was never made to feel my views were unwelcome. This inclusive atmosphere was very conducive to sharing of perspectives and greatly enriched my viewing experience. I hope the family will always nourish it.

                      One thing I still agree with non-shippers and anti-shippers, though: TPTB hasn't done a particular great job of developing the 'ship. With effectively 10 eps left -- I say "effectively" because I'm not too optimistic about S9 -- I sincerely hope the story will end on a high note.
                      I am way behind today as I had jury duty all day.

                      I wanted to say that this was a very well thought out post which made a lot of sense!
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        I am way behind today as I had jury duty all day.

                        I wanted to say that this was a very well thought out post which made a lot of sense!
                        yeah I think so too Well done Liebestraume ! check your controls
                        Lord Zedd


                          I think I'm becoming like my master Tame.I keep on spraiding the lurve I hope it soon won't say that I have spent to much points
                          Lord Zedd


                            Originally posted by Catysg1
                            Somehow I don't think it will Jack ...
                            .. who is left behind at the end of season 8 ..I reckon they'll do it to Sam just because when they heard the news for AT's baby being born in March ..They knew for sure she won't be back on time for the fisrt 2 months perhaps

                   I reckon they extended a last scene with something happening to Sam ..I won't go as far as saying a temporary death but something drastic ..which will allow AT to be away for a while and come back a while later.

                            Actually yes ....Temporary death for Sam (I reckon this is what they have planned)...She may ascend instead of Daniel at the end ...Then Jack will be sad beginning of season 9 ..she may well turn up like Daniel did for a few minutes ..which she can still do if AT brings the baby with her ...for a few hours ..New born babie sleep a lot and in the noise that could be done and it's nice for the mum to get out of the house .

                            For Jack he'll still be living in hope that she will return ..because Daniel came back so why not Sam!!!

                            Obviously all that will happen once they had their chat and their RST kiss and all that .it will happen once they are a couple ..and it's the solution to adopt if AT is away for a little while .

                            That could actually be a really good story line ...with Sam ascending this time and popping round as the ascended Sam to start with.


                            Caty you know that I love you and your ideas but this time I would like to respectfully disagree. I really don't want to see that with Sam and I understand your reasoning, but I am soooo tired of feeling sad for Sam and Jack. The last year in their lives has just been so depressing and sad. I want them to be happy together at least for a little while so that I can feel happy for a little while about them.

                            Ya still like me don't ya?
                            Ship Nana


                              Thought this was a dreadful episode but a bit better than Chimera. Some said that they thought this episode redeemed Pete a bit. Not to me, he was the same immature BOY that we saw in Chimera, saying classified things in a public park with loads of people around. I think Pete's more a security concern than Teal'c and yet Teal'c gets followed. Also asking Sam about Spandex, what is he, Two?. The ending at which Sam said yes really irked me, does Pete want Sam to draw a DIAGRAMS for him to understand.

                              The scene between Jack and Sam was good, Shippy music played at the end which was a nice touch. All in all a pretty poor episode, PDL usually writes some good stuff but this was rubbish. I'm sure the Airforce has there own investigaters, it was just an excuse to bring Pete back.


                                Goodnight shippers I'm of to my bed so tired.I had a really toagh bad day Post alot and have some of those delicious cookies that ship nana makes
                                Lord Zedd

