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    Originally posted by _Anubis
    Goodnight shippers I'm of to my bed so tired.I had a really toagh bad day Post alot and have some of those delicious cookies that ship nana makes
    goodnight sleep tight dont let the bed bugs bite shippy dreams my fellow shipper


      Hey there.

      I'm a glutton for punishment. My parents wanted to watch A$$inity, Insanity, the Anti Gate ep...whatever you wanna call it
      I have now seen the pink Jacket in it's hideous technicolour. Where are the fashion police when you want them??? Dud Spud did redeem himself, by saving Sam the bother of talking on a few occasions.(The homage to CSI's evil twin (lame ass scene btw)springs to mind)

      The only watchable scene was the scene where Jack sees THAT hideous piece of tacky gold coloured metal with a bit of plastic in the middle.

      I think it was a freebie from Pete's last happy meal.

      Either that, or he's getting really good with his lego!

      Needless to say...Atlantis was better that SG1 by LIGHT YEARS this week.
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        I second that Ship Nana.Accension has been done to Death.I am also wondering what Shippers though of Atlantis and SG-1 mixed together in Season 9.I was feeling a little better about Season 9 and now this bit of news.I really do not want TPTB to shove Atlantis in our face.It's bad enough that we may be seeing very little Jack but on top of it I may have to put up with seeing McKay.Atlantis is really upsetting me and I do not even watch the show.


          Originally posted by Ship Nana
          Caty you know that I love you and your ideas but this time I would like to respectfully disagree. I really don't want to see that with Sam and I understand your reasoning, but I am soooo tired of feeling sad for Sam and Jack. The last year in their lives has just been so depressing and sad. I want them to be happy together at least for a little while so that I can feel happy for a little while about them.

          Ya still like me don't ya?
          Of course I still like Ya ...It's just a thought ..Explanation below:

          I know ShipNana . .I don't particularly want to see that(I won't be upset if it happens as well cuz I'm ready for it) but it's a sci-fi show ..and usually TPTB's (unless it's me ) ..don't let their characters have a normal life I think they will go with something like that ..either Jack or Sam ...or one of them gets stuck ..
          in a time loop or AU ...Probably ascended Sam is more possible than asended Jack due to AT's time off for new baby in March . RDA will probably be around at the beginnig of season 9 anyway.
          ..I 'm just getting ready to see something like that at the end of Mobius .

          I would love to see Sam and Jack cuddle up together for always and be happy and I have no doubt they will be together in Mobius (Kisses, cuddles and all that) in a way but ..but in the sci fi ..It doesn't happen for long ...there will always be a sacrifice to be made and I just guess that TPTB will..
          separate them because of AT's time off (new baby)
 if I think like that ..I won't be disappointed and if it turns out to be a ride in the sunset kind of ending I'll be surprised and delighted.

          Either way I still like it ..I like drama in sci-fi..As long as I can see some..
          .. RST before the end of Mobius with A confession and a couple of kisses , some smiles and laughters ..ect.
          ... There will probably be a..
          cliffhanger now that season 9 is on.

          ...and I don't think the ascent/descent theme has been overplayed in the show ..It's a very interesting story line and it's part of the it fits very well .

          Last edited by Catysg1; 16 November 2004, 02:35 PM.


            It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I think I overdosed in chocolate, but that was to be expected. I have to admit, Pete gained a little more respect from me.

            The scene in Sam's lab was heart-wrenching. I can't believe Sam just pushed it under Jack's looked like he was trying not to cry. Poor Jack. What a scene though. One of the shippiest they've ever done IMHO.
            On a slight aside - the men of SG1 were looking extra-thunkable tonight!! Maybe that was to distract us from the storyline. Not that I disliked the ep, it was nice to see Teal'c outside the SGC, but "Teal'c moves into his new place, becomes local hero, cheats on his girlfriend with neighbour but is prime suspect when neighbour's ex is found dead. Meanwhile, Sam is shocked when Pete proposes." just sounds too much like a soap plot to me. But this isn't the place for that.

            I think, for the most part, it could have been much worse.


              ^I'm not fed up with the ascension thing, but that's because I watch Stargate primarily for the history and myths.

              I think it'd be a good plot device to have Jack ascend. It could also lead to a lot of intense personal moments between Sam and Jack. Look how close that Orlin whatever his name is got to Sam.

              I really need to go to bed now.

              Night night!

              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Token
                GateWorld is reporting that SciFi will air the new SG1 episodes on January 21, 2005 starting with Gemini.

                Here's the link
                so-does this mean we are going to be a month behind the viewers in the UK? their last episode is 12/21-Gemeni and they start back after New Years-right? (pardon my head-it is spinning around now)

                Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                  Originally posted by sueKay
                  ^I'm not fed up with the ascension thing, but that's because I watch Stargate primarily for the history and myths.

                  I think it'd be a good plot device to have Jack ascend. It could also lead to a lot of intense personal moments between Sam and Jack. Look how close that Orlin whatever his name is got to Sam.

                  I really need to go to bed now.

                  Night night!

                  Thank the stars someone else agrees with me!

                  G'nite ;D


                    Originally posted by shelsfc
                    It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I think I overdosed in chocolate, but that was to be expected. I have to admit, Pete gained a little more respect from me.

                    The scene in Sam's lab was heart-wrenching. I can't believe Sam just pushed it under Jack's looked like he was trying not to cry. Poor Jack. What a scene though. One of the shippiest they've ever done IMHO.
                    On a slight aside - the men of SG1 were looking extra-thunkable tonight!! Maybe that was to distract us from the storyline. Not that I disliked the ep, it was nice to see Teal'c outside the SGC, but "Teal'c moves into his new place, becomes local hero, cheats on his girlfriend with neighbour but is prime suspect when neighbour's ex is found dead. Meanwhile, Sam is shocked when Pete proposes." just sounds too much like a soap plot to me. But this isn't the place for that.

                    I think, for the most part, it could have been much worse.

                    and you know what ..My husband liked the episode He said it was nice to see them in the real world ..nothing else ..I tried to talk about Pete ..and he said ..Oh he is in there again...nothing else ..He is aware of Sam and Jack's feeling because he reminded me of WoO (The kiss) and D&C (The confession) so he knows but I suppose it's not a big deal for him.

                    Spoiler Affinity ...I thought ..
                    Pete was a bit too much in the episode ..and I don't like to see a recurring character too much specially him ..At least she didn t wear the ring for 2 weeks and when she met him in the car ..she said she needed more time really it could have been as far as 3 weeks later before she started wearing it...I'm glad Jack didn't say "It's a nice ring"

                    and Pete should loose some weight ..he looked really scruffy tonight and didn't match with Sam ...They really didn't look the item at all.

                    She is not too happy about the engagement and that's good news ..I think she said "yes" on the spur of the moment without thinking because she was happy that she found Daniel alive ....The mission went OK except the baddies escaped ...I didn't like the fact she kissed Pete by the car still on duty ..looked like teenagers making up think Sam is in deseperate need of warm embrace from her true love and she tries to get it from the 2nd best .

                    She would never make out behind a car and still on duty with Jack ..She 'll be in a proper environment..thr right time and the right place.

                    Last edited by Catysg1; 16 November 2004, 02:43 PM.


                      Originally posted by Token
                      I hope this is the link you are wanting. Beware there may be spoilers.
                      AAHHAA! I didn't read that one at the home page! Still, They have to have some variance with 20 episodes. So maybe they will have 10 episodes wrapping up the ones left open from previous seasons and 10 that will feature crossovers to Atlantis.
                      Thanks for finding that Token



                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        Hey there.

                        Needless to say...Atlantis was better that SG1 by LIGHT YEARS this week.

                        It's your fault I'm hooked on Major Sheppard, you gave me the dang pilot, then suddenly I'm getting my Sky back, and whoosh!!

                        Have to say had a real chuckle at your description of the ep. Do you like MF's new siggy. Excellent..


                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY

                          Madeleine !



                            Originally posted by Token
                            Since I have finally caught up with the Thread, I would like to announce....

                            I have created a GIF of the Heroes
                            . I captured 219 frames and enhanced each one. I was amazed to see the details of the scene. It makes it even more hypnotic for me.

                            Here is the link: Look under "Token's Gifs"
                            My undying thanks to Marimba for hosting my GIFs.

                            Very good Gif Token ..

                            Did you notice that as he kisses her in the neck ..she closes her eyes for the second time ...This is very telling...We usually close our eyes when we kiss I think she closed her eyes when Jack kissed her in the neck ..instant reaction and she probably felt something in that instance ..the neck is a very delicate area to be kissed no matter how you kiss it .

                            I feel better now because I now know he really kissed her

                            Last edited by Catysg1; 16 November 2004, 02:54 PM.


                              Originally posted by sueKay
                              ^I'm not fed up with the ascension thing, but that's because I watch Stargate primarily for the history and myths.

                              I think it'd be a good plot device to have Jack ascend. It could also lead to a lot of intense personal moments between Sam and Jack. Look how close that Orlin whatever his name is got to Sam.

                              I really need to go to bed now.

                              Night night!

                              Yes, Yes! Sue, Please go to bed! Jack dying..again? NOOOOOOOOO! Not sure about this so being careful..spoilers for Abyss
                              I couldn't stand to see Jack die again!
                              Heroes spoilers
                              Even though I *thought* I was spoiled about Janet's demise, I stopped breathing for a sec or two thinking the PTB pulled a fast one and had Jack die
                              Noooooo! No Jack or Sam dying please! My little ole heart wouldn't cope with that right now!



                                Originally posted by Melyanna
                                I wouldn't be too concerned. There are enough loose ends lying around, with the ship being resolved, to write an awesome ninth season. Heck, they could write an entire season with the Aschen as the primary villains if they wanted.

                                I know this is something of an unpopular opinion here, but this show isn't about Jack/Sam. I wish people would stop talking about it like it's the end of the world if "we", a small subset of the entire audience, don't get what we want. Sure, that horrible scene in "Chimera" was a mistake, but it would be equally a mistake to put that much emphasis on Jack and Sam's personal relationship. This is a sci-fi show, not a cheesy soap opera, and I for one am going to put my trust with TPTB that once they've resolved this personal life arc, we'll get back to science fiction.


                                Well, okay, but before there were soap operas there were love stories-- and science fiction and other type writing with love stories on the side. Just because there is a love story within a science fiction story doesn't make it soap opera, cheesy or otherwise. Now some are calling it soap opera because of the way it's handled, and I can go with that. On the other hand, some yelp "soap opera" at any little hint of romance and that I don't agree with.

