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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    I have been reading a lot of fanfiction from!!!
    Two stories I recommend are:
    1) "When All Else Fails" by daydr3am3r and
    2) " Out of the Darkness" by Jackie W
    I have read another one called Out of the Darkness, but this one is different.
    Hope you enjoy them.


      Hi everyone, I don't know if this has ever been mentioned before and I am going to put it in spoilers mode just in case. Info from lost city commentary
      My daughter & I were listening to the lost city commentary the other day & we heard something interesting. The commentators were RCC and Martin Wood and AT. In the Scene where Sam & Jack are in the engine room and he resigns, AT says "he just resigned I should have kissed him". I think It was Martin Wood who says that in the original script there was supposed to be a kiss. And in the original script they were supposed to cut from the kiss to the bridge of the ship and bratac says the Ship is going much faster now. My daughter said that she really wished that is what happened, that it would have been sooo cool.

      Everybody have a shippy day
      sigpic muppet the ship puppy is hoping for some good ship
      Hoping for some kisses and so on.


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Okay guys...

        Suekay presents....

        Stargate Intel!!!!!!!!!

        Please please join!!!!!!

        Feel free to invite people!!!!!

        That is really cool, Suekay...
        But...I must be the dumbest person ever, but I don't know how to post!!!!
        I really don't know. Where is the reply button???


          Originally posted by Catysg1

          Yeah with a few more clips ..I could have an excellent ending and you know what I'm looking forward to....
          ...The Jack dream sequence in gemini. ..either Jack dreaming of Sam which I would prefer but still if it's Sam dreaming of Jack will be great because her fantasies Of Jack are very sensual too ..I'd love to see Jack's fantasies though ..just to give us a clue of how he sees Sam with him

          Can't wait for the new episodes to start over here.

          Im really looking forward to that part now!!
          what if it is
          replicarter sticking her hand in his head making him dream those things? I bet replicarter is a shipper too!! Actually, i bet she just wants him for herself.....who wouldn't?? Plus she has sams thoughts so of course she would want him right?!?!
          Random Thought of the day:

          -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
          -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

          heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


            Originally posted by Catysg1

            Yeah with a few more clips ..I could have an excellent ending and you know what I'm looking forward to....
            ...The Jack dream sequence in gemini. ..either Jack dreaming of Sam which I would prefer but still if it's Sam dreaming of Jack will be great because her fantasies Of Jack are very sensual too ..I'd love to see Jack's fantasies though ..just to give us a clue of how he sees Sam with him

            Can't wait for the new episodes to start over here.


            Or what about both of them dreaming about each other!!! I could live with that! And you would do wonders with the clips!! Wooohoooo!!
            Ship Nana


              Originally posted by galaxy
              That is really cool, Suekay...
              But...I must be the dumbest person ever, but I don't know how to post!!!!
              I really don't know. Where is the reply button???

              Oh god! are the dumbest person!!! The button is at the bottom on the right side. "Add reply" is on it.
              How can you be so stupid? I will give you a red rep point for that, now! You deserve it, you idiot!


                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                I'm hoping for it a little sooner than the at very end of Season 8! This way we can lavish the emotional resolution we've all been awaiting for a bit before the season/series finale!


                You are sooooo right!!! Glad you delurked by the way!!!

                PTB please feel free to lavish us shippers all you want!!!!! We promise, we can take it!!!
                Ship Nana


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Oh god! are the dumbest person!!! The button is at the bottom on the right side. "Add reply" is on it.
                  How can you be so stupid? I will give you a red rep point for that, now! You deserve it, you idiot!



                    Originally posted by mishy_mo
                    and on that note i need to turn in myself

                    merry shipping to all

                    and to all a good night!


                    Nity nite to all those seeking sweet shipper dreams!!!

                    We'll hold down the thread until you wake up and take over!!!

                    I'll take first watch!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by tauripeg
                      Hi everyone, I don't know if this has ever been mentioned before and I am going to put it in spoilers mode just in case. Info from lost city commentary
                      My daughter & I were listening to the lost city commentary the other day & we heard something interesting. The commentators were RCC and Martin Wood and AT. In the Scene where Sam & Jack are in the engine room and he resigns, AT says "he just resigned I should have kissed him". I think It was Martin Wood who says that in the original script there was supposed to be a kiss. And in the original script they were supposed to cut from the kiss to the bridge of the ship and bratac says the Ship is going much faster now. My daughter said that she really wished that is what happened, that it would have been sooo cool.

                      Everybody have a shippy day

                      Peg what we think happened was (spoilers Season 7 Lost City)
                      the kiss was written in the script before they knew that they had been renewed for Season 8. After they found that out, cut went the kiss.

                      That is one of the reasons we are getting a little bit anxious about the ship resolution for the 2nd half of Season 8. Now that there is a possiblity of a Season 9 there is always the possibility that TPTB will do it again in editing.
                      Ship Nana


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Nity nite to all those seeking sweet shipper dreams!!!

                        We'll hold down the thread until you wake up and take over!!!

                        I'll take first watch!

                        Well then, I'm relieved!!!

                        And I can go and sleep now, because it's already 1.40.....and I'm so tired!!!

                        Night Shippers!
                        Have shippy dreams!!!

                        ....or fun with holding down the thread, that depends on where you are.


                          Oh my!

                          It is so quiet in here! *hums Stargate theme to self*

                          Well, this is a good time to repost the list of Shipper Cookies.

                          Please notice that a few new ones have been added!!

                          SHIPPER COOKIES:

                          There are:

                          Ship Nana's Psycho Shipper Cookies - which when dipped in the beverage of your choice allows all inhibitions to simply melt away!

                          Mala’s Thunk Shipper Cookie – These shipper cookies, when eaten while looking at Mala’s genius creations of photos and other pictures, will allow shippers to thunk for the character of their choice (mostly RDA) and realize why they love Sam and Jack. I thunk, therefore I am!

                          mei mei's Special Happy Pill Shipper Cookie - They are made from the combined ingredients of mei mei's medicine cabinet. It allows shippers to be in a drugged induced haze to prevent them from losing their minds!

                          Pale Green Shipper Cookie - used for medicinal purposes only by sick shippers - this cookie is full of Shipper Love and Ship Nana's chicken soup

                          Pink Shipper Cookies - Increases Creativity and Brain Power for Shipping

                          Green Shipper Cookies - Stops Pit-ranting and rant withdrawal and redirects focus to Ship

                          Red Shipper Cookies - Makes ship lurkers into ship posters
                          (take the red pill, Neo-shippers)

                          Blue Shipper Cookies - Dreamy Shipper Bliss

                          Purple Shipper Cookies - Warm and Fuzzy Shipping

                          Orange Shipper Cookies - Disoriented Shipping

                          Chocolate Shipper Cookies - Rich and Luscious Shipping (especially when served warm - good for when nothing else will do) Also, for stocking up while on extended absenses from S/J Thread.

                          Gray Shipper Cookies - Snarkiness Shipper Cookie

                          Lime Shipper Cookies - gives the illusion of Shipper Greatness. They allow the Shipper to dream really BIG!!!!!!

                          Naquadah Enhanced Anti-Ranting Shipper Cookies – If you have to eat these Shipper Cookies you are so desperate that you probably won't care what they are for.
                          P.S. - Disclaimer - Since these Shipper Cookies are probably radioactive please take the appropriate precautions when handling.

                          Rosy Shipper Cookies - wipes out the memories of bad spoilers and desolves the desire to read spoilers

                          SUBLIMINAL Shipper Cookies – Makes TPTB believe that Ship was their idea

                          Turquoise Shipper Cookies - which are the super duper magnificent spectacular love enhanced shipper cookies

                          Motion Sickeness Shipper Cookies - when eaten prevents motion sickness from TPTB shipper rollercoaster ride.
                          Dark Red Shipper Cookies - These will stop Kinsey ranting and any feelings of queasiness related to any thoughts about Kinsey, such as a Kinsey-in-love-with-Sam thought

                          Indigo Shipper Cookies - helps us all remain blissfully ignorant of anything negative to our ship

                          Margarita shipper cookie. It works on drowning your sorrows, or celebrating your shipper glee.

                          EVERY COLOR SHIPPER COOKIE - which erases shipper memories of all bad spoilers, episodes, and character appearances that depress shippers and replaces them with positive Sam/Jack memories. This shipper cookie was created in Honor of the 2nd ANNUAL CELEBRATION! ITS SHIP DAY JULY 28TH, 2004. It is guaranteed to keep all shippers in only the best shipper mood.

                          and the all time favorite:

                          YELLOW SHIPPER COOKIES – (HWMS)

                          ENJOY ALL!!!
                          Ship Nana


                            HEY!!!!!!! (echo)

                            look! i broke the silence!!

                            and wow...... i never knew how many shipper cookies there were!! Can i have one of each please??
                            Random Thought of the day:

                            -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                            -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                            heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                              I need to stock up for the next half of the season ya know!
                              Random Thought of the day:

                              -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                              -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                              heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                                Originally posted by tauripeg
                                Hi everyone, I don't know if this has ever been mentioned before and I am going to put it in spoilers mode just in case. Info from lost city commentary
                                My daughter & I were listening to the lost city commentary the other day & we heard something interesting. The commentators were RCC and Martin Wood and AT. In the Scene where Sam & Jack are in the engine room and he resigns, AT says "he just resigned I should have kissed him". I think It was Martin Wood who says that in the original script there was supposed to be a kiss. And in the original script they were supposed to cut from the kiss to the bridge of the ship and bratac says the Ship is going much faster now. My daughter said that she really wished that is what happened, that it would have been sooo cool.

                                Everybody have a shippy day

                                tauripeg ..your daughter is so right and how old is she again??...
                                ..the only reason we didn't get a kiss probably because she also was still with Pete
                                I mean ..she can't really kiss Jack if she is still with Pete .

                                Mind you saying that.. Teal'c slept with that girl in A$$inity and he was supposed to be with Ishta

                       I suppose we live in the modern world ..and a kiss is not too bad in that case ..but still ..that plus the fact of season 8 being official ..made the kiss go away

                                ..They thought well... we have another year to deal with the Pete/Sam and Jack/Sam story line we'll do it well in due time ..well I hope they'll hurry up a bit now ..It's nearly too late already but we'll get our resolution this year doubt


