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    Originally posted by Lunar
    The other telling thing was when she yelled: 'I could never be happy like this!' My immediate thought was: Great! Now we're going to see the same scenario with *Jack* in it, and her reaction to that... I was disappointed when Pete turned into Fifth... I think it would have been a lot more upsetting for her to be with Jack in that scenario for a variety of reasons. She could actually chose to live that life with Pete but she could never have it with Jack. So rather than make her angry that Pete is not listening to her, it would bring all those buried feelings and longings to the surface... she's be dealing with a *lot* more than just her actual situation. I think that tptb could never have done that without a) upsetting the anti-shippers to much the same level as we were upset with Affinity and b) having an episode three hours long. It would have raised too many issues to be dealt with; it was simpler to have Pete and the disbelief than Jack and all the angst. Also at that point Pete was still the *big thing.* He got a lot of fan reaction and the American lowdown showed him in a favourable light at that point. They were trying to quiet the S/J ship a little and big up Pete. So that's why it was Pete in her mind. And I actually was quite glad in the end, because it made me realise that their relationship probably wasn't as solid as I feared, that tptb were writing in a little escape clause from the S/P wedding scenario I'd been dreading since Affinity. They had a get out of jail card, a back story to doubts that could end the relationship as well as a really good reason for a wedding. It was clever writing.
    But I think it would have been far more torturous to have Jack replace Pete.... <insert crazed evil smiley>
    I don't think they used Jack in the fifth induced imaginary scene because pete is closer to the "surface" than Jack is. Sam's been burying her feelings for him for so long that it just made sence that "happily every after" scenario would be with the guy who she's not hiding feelings for. But I do agree that if Jack would have been used in that scene it would have taken a lot longer to get through it. Her feelings would have shown through and she would have found it possible to be in that situation w/ him.
    But I agree w/ that scene having been written well. Analyzing it as well as you did really shows how tptb showed her thoughts on him by his reactions. They really were based off his past reactions.
    "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
    "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
    Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
    Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
    "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
    Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
    Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
    (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


      Originally posted by Zoser
      We have had many conjuctures on the ending of Season 8. I just put the TV on to watch 60 Minutes and Austin Powers The Spy Who Shagged Me was on - is this where Stargate PTB get all their plots from. In less than a minute they talked about being frozen, getting cloned hence MinI me and going thru a very stargate like round thing to go back to 1969. So given all that I think Moebiusis about
      going back in time to get O'Neill's MoJo back so he and Carter can finally be together
      I'm just saying. What do you think?
      Come to think of it,
      He has to decide whether to save the planet or the woman he loves, he saves the planet at the cost of her life. While he's grieving with her dead body in his arms,he remembers that he has a time machine so he goes back in time to save the woman he loves, defeats Dr Evil and saves her, takes her back to the future and supposedly lives happily ever after, well at least until the next movie.
      Does this mean in "Gemini" that Carter is a fembot???



        Put this together last night before I went to bed... hope you enjoy it.


          Originally posted by bbfan

          Put this together last night before I went to bed... hope you enjoy it.
          Whoa... I'm freaking out here.

          Purdy and very shippy

          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


            Spoilers and Speculation on Season 8
            I totally agree with you Ship Nana, I want to see Jack have a second chance at fatherhood to. What better way to start and end a story than to have Jack forgive himself for the past, accept that his sons death was an accident and move on only to be rewarded with a second child and a second chance for him to express his love. I know some of you don't want a child, but in my opinion it would be great to work AT's pregnancy into the story.


              Originally posted by waterfall
              Come to think of it,
              He has to decide whether to save the planet or the woman he loves, he saves the planet at the cost of her life. While he's grieving with her dead body in his arms,he remembers that he has a time machine so he goes back in time to save the woman he loves, defeats Dr Evil and saves her, takes her back to the future and supposedly lives happily ever after, well at least until the next movie.
              Does this mean in "Gemini" that Carter is a fembot???

              hmm all this does sound 'vaguely' familiar lol

              so who's taken who's story line???

              maybe thier working together!!!

              (gutterish thought- hmm two Jack's! oh the possibilities)

              yeah but seriously the whole resucing someone by going back in time sounds really cool and i'll bow down to tptb if they can pull it off with that undeniable stargate style

              not to metion getting Sam and Jack together in the end!!!
              Last edited by mishy_mo; 01 November 2004, 05:36 AM.


                Originally posted by nickatell
                Spoilers and Speculation on Season 8
                I totally agree with you Ship Nana, I want to see Jack have a second chance at fatherhood to. What better way to start and end a story than to have Jack forgive himself for the past, accept that his sons death was an accident and move on only to be rewarded with a second child and a second chance for him to express his love. I know some of you don't want a child, but in my opinion it would be great to work AT's pregnancy into the story.
                yeah nic this would be cool

                we seen jack get some of the way along of not getting over but truly accepting Charlie's death when 'charlie' the Reetu boy came through the stargate in 'Show and Tell'

                Sam and Jack having a kid would be great... but i wonder what they'll do to work it in if S/J don't happen by the end of season 8

                i dread to think but Pete Jr. is a possibility

                Congrats to AT !!!!!!!!!! Well done!!


                  Originally posted by mishy_mo
                  Sam and Jack having a kid would be great... but i wonder what they'll do to work it in if S/J don't happen by the end of season 8

                  i dread to think but Pete Jr. is a possibility

                  Noooooooooooo, don't even think that. (Fifth may be lurking and pull it out of your head and ...and ...and make another false scenario.)
                  ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                    Speculation and Spoilers For Seasons 7 & 8.
                    Pete was hard enough to accept for me and with how I interpreted how TPTB presented him I thought I had him figured out as a bad guy; but then we learned that I don't think it was their intention for him to be bad. Okay then I was confused, but I tried to think of him the way that they intended him to be; but than the dream sequence in New Order Part 2 and I was once again convinced that my initial reaction was correct with his temper tantrum. Then we watch Affinity and Pete is all happy and asking Sam to marry him, back to being the good guy, now I really am confused. I know I have my own personal feelings about Pete and who he is; but I am trying to see him the way that TPTB are "thinking" they are portraying him so I could enjoy the story, but to no avail so far.

                    I like your idea Lunar about what would have happened if Jack would have been in the dream; but as you said I also understand why he couldn't. I wonder if Fifth had used Jack if she still would have opposed so much or if she would have succumb and bought into the fantasy. Interesting thought. I believe someone else has asked this but are we still under the impression that we are going to see one of Jacks dreams or was that just speculation?


                      Originally posted by Liebestraume

                      I totally agree with you. One of the problems I've always had with 'ships on TV is that some TPTB want to drag out the UST and then tack on a "resolution" at the last possible moment. Unfortunately, "the last posible moment" tends to be heralded by poor writing and subsequent viewer disinterest, so much so that the obligatory "happy ending" smacks of lazy-writing and pandering. It alternately makes the noromo in me go "another show ruined by 'ship" and the romantic in me feel extremely unsatisfied.

                      On my most cynical days, I understand TPTB at large like to put 'ship into their stories because "sex sells." Yet, it seems to escape them that it only sells well because of the emotional content and that, since they planted in the seeds (of romance) in the viewers' brain, they have a responsibility to develop that aspect of the show. This is especial germane to the Pete story line.

                      I liked Grace but, sadly to say, it laid the ground work for Mr. Potato Head. Sam is a smart and brave woman, but she needs the courage to emotionally move out of her comfort zone. If being with Pete makes her realize "settling" is not the way to true happiness, so be it. Still don't like Pete, but what happened has happened; all I can hope is TPTB can make the best of it.

                      The best, IMHO, is to see how Sam learns from her mistakes and then takes steps in the right direction. When it pertains to 'ship, Jack is her ultimate destiny, which has been made abundantly clear whenever TPTB get a chance. Since I also have my own theory on why they are well-suited for each other, I want the destination made meaningful by the journey.

                      (I could go on, but you guys get my drift ... )
                      TPTB have made me so crazy that I am beginning to just hope for a crumb.
                      At the end of Grace
                      when she called him 'Jack' and he said 'Excuse me', her next line should have been 'We need to talk'
                      It could have cleared up a lot and prevented that ultimate waste of time and space the spudster.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by Catysg1
                        To all .

                        That's the proper translation I got from my friend Steffi form Germany of what is underneath the Gemini pics:

                        Replicarter is coming to Earth because she needs help to beat Fifth because Fifth apparently said he found a way to become immune against the Asgards new weapon.

                        So we know that the
                        the Asguards and Thor may be involved in it ...may be Replicarter is immune too and Teal'c won't be able to kill her ..and she wants to get rid off real Sam ..therefore the fight ....Hope Sam won't be too damaged in the process

                        Hey *waves*

                        season 8
                        Teal'c wont kill replicarter cause replicarter is in The reckoning, dont ask me which part tho.....that i dont know.
                        oh thought....maybe fifth makes another one, you know a repli replicarter.......o.k me head is spinning with all the replis, anywho
                        just thought id mention that.


                        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                          Originally posted by nickatell
                          Speculation and Spoilers Season 8
                          The part that angers me about all of this is we are only talking about a kiss between Jack and Sam and that is all. Now I don't know about the rest of you but this won't be enough to really satisfy me. I probably would have been satisfied with a kiss or an accepted fishing invitation around season 6, but after watching Chimera my expectations went completely higher. I never in my wildest dreams thought that TPTB would have ever given us dating, dancing, love scenes, and to top it all off a marriage proposal; but since they have now shown us what they can do I would like it done the right way between Jack and Sam. I don't want it all in one episode either, I never have, it should be done where we are there for the positive progression between them. I want it where when I am watching Season 7 again (years from now) I will automatically remember that Pete was simply a way for Sam to come to terms with herself and her true feelings for Jack and know in my heart that enough was shown to me in later episodes between Sam and Jack, that I am at peace with it all. I know, too much to hope for; but I will really feel cheated if all we get is a kiss when I know now they can do better. You know just like the comment between Sam and Pete about the "stalker" was a slap, I felt to us shippers I kind of think that just a kiss would almost be the same especially after Chimera, like TPTB are just throwing that at us. I'm not sure that I am making sense but I just feel that they have done a fabulous job with the ust and the angst I just hope that they don't let us down with not giving the resolved sexual tension the same quality and time. I want Sam and Jack together but not thrown at us or by expecting all of us to be satisfied with a kiss. Don't get me wrong that would be in the right direction, but simply not enough......

                          Wonderfully said, Nickatell. Bravo!

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by eye of botox
                            IMO- If it had been Jack, she wouldn't have fought fifth as she did. It was necessary for the plot of the story that Sam wouldn't accept any kind of falselife. Besides which, if she had dreamed about Jack, there would have not been anywhere to go with the Pete storyline, which we've seen-TPTB's really want to push. Basically, I think Sam is in denial to herself about what she wants. Maybe this is one way to show that she's in denial about what she truly wants and that the FarmerPete! lifestyle is one way of expressing it. Sam would never leave SG. of that I'm absolutely sure. By writing it the way they did- you knew from the get-go it was totally crap.

                            I'm not sure I made sense. Oh, well, early hours yet.

                            Yeah, I think you are absolutely right about this.


                            Quote from New Order 2:

                            CARTER: Did you really think you could convince me that this illusion was my life? That I would just accept it?
                            FIFTH: If it was something you wanted badly enough in your mind.
                            CARTER: No, you don’t understand. I could never be happy this way

                            It has to be Pete, because the fact that she isn't happy with the life, Fifth has given her, makes her realize that something is wrong. She doesn't want it badly enough to ignore her suspicion. That saves her.
                            With Jack she would be happy and propably willing to just accept it and to ignore her warning signals, so she can be happy.

                            ....I still can't belive it....Sam on a farm? *lol* Come on...


                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              Speculation and Spoilers For Seasons 7 & 8.
                              . I believe someone else has asked this but are we still under the impression that we are going to see one of Jacks dreams or was that just speculation?
                              It is still just speculation but we think it is going to happen in Gemini. Auralan said that AT comments about O' Neill being in the dream Sequence were about the time that Gemini was shot


                                Originally posted by nickatell
                                Spoilers and Speculation on Season 8
                                I totally agree with you Ship Nana, I want to see Jack have a second chance at fatherhood to. What better way to start and end a story than to have Jack forgive himself for the past, accept that his sons death was an accident and move on only to be rewarded with a second child and a second chance for him to express his love. I know some of you don't want a child, but in my opinion it would be great to work AT's pregnancy into the story.
                                I have liked the episodes of Jack with kids 'Show and Tell' and 'Learning Curve' come immediately to mind. I don't want Stargate to turn into some sappy 'Father Knows Best' but Jack is great with kids - he treats them like people. It would cement the Sam and Jack relationship and we could get on to some high energy Sci Fi.
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

