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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by SG1Poz
    I'm outa here, that's if you even SAW ME SALLY! hmmff,
    I saw you, hon!


    I'm just a little gunshy right now, but I wanted you to know I saw you.




      Originally posted by T-Gate
      Hi Gatetrixer,

      When someone first brought up Pierre's message, someone mentioned it was posted on the SG1-Spoilme site which tends to have alot of anti-shippers.
      However the post actually occurred in the SG1-Spoilergate site which I believe is a more shipper friendly site. Morjana is a co-moderator there & she definitely is a shipper. Actually I just joined Spoilergate, so I don't know anything about Pierre's personal opinions, but my personal feeling when reading his message was that he did not seem opposed to the ship. Just my opinion though.

      Take care

      PS While I am hopeful for a happy shipper ending, I too am fearful of what
      the writers are going to pull out of their hats at the last minute. Bye

      Hi, too. I didn't mean to imply (with an ear to the mods) that a Daniel site is a bad thing. It was just curiosity on my part, really, as to whether the site reflected any of his opinions. It'd be fun if he were to post in GW, too, whatever thread he wanted to.


        Originally posted by marimba26
        Nope, you sure won't. My hubs was on the fence for a while but I've converted him! Nothing wrong with being male and a shipper--it brings balance to the force!
        Thanks, it's nice to know I'm not alone!

        I have to say that when SG-1 first aired I was pretty firmly anti-ship, I saw no need for a sci-fi show to be contaminated with love interests!
        What a difference 8 seasons make, though.
        Having seen the ship develop over the years, I came to realise that the show was not adversly affected and the characters development needed the tension the relationship created.
        My main hope is that the writers continue to deal carefully with the subject, and don't allow it to overshadow the rest of the show.


          Originally posted by Catysg1

          Well Galaxy will be pleased with "Everything" Lifehouse ...She likes Smallville too


          Pleased? Pleased?

          OH. MY. GOD.


          You make me so happy! *LOL*

          It's so sweet of you that you remember my song wish!

          I love that song so much and I love your vids so much and this song in one of your vids is definately my personal shipper heaven!!!

          Now, excuse me I have to go and download it, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to watch it within the next 6 hours.....
          (How I love my dial-up connection right now... *cough* *grrrr* )

          Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

          Thank you so much!



            The poll has closed and the results are as follows:

            27.47% for Option 1: Archive both threads, and start a new S/J Ship Family Thread

            27.47% for Option 2: Start a new S/J Ship Family Thread, plus a serious Ship Discussion Thread

            2.20% for Option 3: Start a new S/J Ship Family Thread, and keep this thread for fluffy and off-topic-ish talk

            9.89% for Option 4: Keep both threads as they are for now and see what happens

            32.9% for Option 5: Merge this thread into the S/J Shipper Discussion thread and never speak of this again

            This makes option 5 the winner but not by a huge majority. Almost as many people wanted to have a Ship Family thread and a serious discussion thread, and the same amount of people wanted to have just a Ship Family thread.

            Option 1 and Option 5 are actually almost identical, the main difference being the name. Since nearly as many people voted on Option 1 as voted on Option 5, it seems to indicate that there is a certain amount of popularity for naming the thread S/J Ship Family.

            So, we've closed the thread with the poll in it (will merge or archive it later when people have had a chance to see the final poll result), and kept this thread going. But I've also started a new thread, with a new poll in it, to see what name people really want for this thread.

            To see the final poll results click HERE

            To vote in the new poll click HERE


              just watched marimba's whisper vid and its awesome, almost cried.
              want more like that!!!!!!


                A NEW POLL!

                Yes folks, yet another one .

                This time it is about how you'd like your thread to be named. Let your voice and feelings be heard!

                TO VOTE NOW
                CLICK HERE



                  Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                  *smacks SueKay's hands away from Mei Mei's cookies*

                  You're far too young for that! What would your mother say?

                  Are you kidding??

                  My mum asked me for some!

                  PS: My mum and dad are now bonafide shippers, and my mum wants to join the gutter girls!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    I officially declare that...

                    I HAVE MY MOJO BACK!!!!

                    Woo hoo! Does a happy dance!

                    WELCOME AMBERMOON!! Have we talked before, because I recongise the name.


                    Thank you thank you thank you for all the rep points and my fourth Green Jello square!

                    SAM AND JACK FOREVER!

                    I gotta go! I'm in school!

                    PS: I'm sooooo exited about tuesday! There's a convention and a scottish Shipper get-together!


                    * Suekay wanders away telling random classmates that she has her Mojo back*

                    I'm getting strange looks (what's new)
                    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      Oh, Caty...


                      You're our French chef of love.


                      And you know ...I eat Oysters too on special occasions ..May be I'll have a plate of Oysters delivered to Sam and Jack on their wedding night and I'll insist they eat them before they sit down on THAT couch Hehehehe

                      ...and probably a jar of chocolate spread to go with it and here we go



                        Originally posted by galaxy
                        Pleased? Pleased?

                        OH. MY. GOD.


                        You make me so happy! *LOL*

                        It's so sweet of you that you remember my song wish!

                        I love that song so much and I love your vids so much and this song in one of your vids is definately my personal shipper heaven!!!

                        Now, excuse me I have to go and download it, so maybe I'll be lucky enough to watch it within the next 6 hours.....
                        (How I love my dial-up connection right now... *cough* *grrrr*

                        Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

                        Thank you so much!


                        Hehehe ...(((((((((((((((Galaxy)))))))))))

                        It may take a while to download's a long song but worth downloading ...beautiful as you mentionned before

                        Enjoy it . .hope I put all the scenes you like ..I think I did ..there are lots of action and good looks in there..and sweet hugs interchanged a lot with other cuddles ...I'm experimenting On giving all the hugs a different impact ..and I think it's working.



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          And you know ...I eat Oysters too on special occasions ..May be I'll have a plate of Oysters delivered to Sam and Jack on their wedding night and I'll insist they eat them before they sit down on THAT couch Hehehehe

                          ...and probably a jar of chocolate spread to go with it and here we go

                          Don't forget to add a little bit of ginger root, too...
                          Sig pic courtesy of AmberMoon


                            Anybody see the Gemini images
                            The link is here It's from Stargate Project

                            Now if those images don't make Jack look at real Sam then I don't know what will
                            Last edited by Watters87; 29 October 2004, 03:41 AM.


                              As Watters just posted, some beautiful "Gemini" pics here — lots of pictures of...

                              It took me a minute to figure out where they were — but hey, that's the alpha site we saw in "Covenant"! Teal'c seems to be having a lot of fun holding the little crop duster dealie. And in the last pic he's wearing an F-302 jumpsuit, so I wonder if we'll get to see some flying?

                              And my goodness, Amanda looks gorgeous. I want her replicator clothes.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Originally posted by SG1Poz
                                Ahh! I forgot to say Hi and welcome Amber! Hi and Welcome! Night!
                                Thanks SG1Poz! Loving this thread and all the spec flying about concerning our two lovebirds, Sam & Jack.

