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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Favorite Ship Show - D&C - it's the first ep that I ever saw, and he almost almost says I love you

    Favorite Ship scene - Grace

    Favorite Ship dialogue - "I care for her, a lot more than I'm supposed to!"

    Favorite Ship Look D&C Forcefield. The look on Jack's face says it all. It also sums up ship perfectly, as the regs are the 'forcefield' separating them.
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by shelsfc
      Happy birthday Mal!!!!

      And welcome to the family!!

      yes welcome

      and a big happy birthday


        Originally posted by Kri
        Not seeing RST would be like having a joke told to us, but not receiving the punchline. That would be wrong on so many levels, after 8 years of build up. As much as I'd love to see them together, I want to SEE them together
        Understood. I'd like to see it too but I think reading fanfic helps compensate the missing action on the show. But my own personal belief is that we won't get a whole lot of RST when the ship comes in. The ship WILL come in. I have faith in that. Just not a whole lot of faith in TPTB to give us everything.
        "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
        "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
        Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
        Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
        "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
        Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
        Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
        (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


          Originally posted by ra-hanna
          Understood. I'd like to see it too but I think reading fanfic helps compensate the missing action on the show. But my own personal belief is that we won't get a whole lot of RST when the ship comes in. The ship WILL come in. I have faith in that. Just not a whole lot of faith in TPTB to give us everything.
          Oh I totally agree that the fanfic helps us tremendously. There are a few fanfics out there that I'd die to see RDA and AT play out on screen. Your imagination and visual thoughts can only go so far...


            Originally posted by Kri
            HAHAHA! Compared to me, I'd say you are! But then again, I have a job where I am in my car much of the day, and only near a computer when I am at home. I just have to make sure I get in here and post. Besides, where else besides GateWorld can I gush about Sam and Jack without consequences?
            What can I say!

            In RL, I'm quite quiet (not as quiet as I used to be though!), and I have lot of RL issues and worries that aren't going to go away.

            This thread is my only outlet for EVERYTHING, but I do mainly talk about one thing that I anm very passionate about.


            *Goes looking for Diet Dr Shipper.*

            Soz...I'm a wee bitty jumpy!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by kiwigater
              That's it!! I'm pulling out the big gun smiley.......

              Man, what a fiasco! .
              I would like to make a couple of comments:
              To the newbies: We love having you here, please don't think we aren't delighted to see you. But, you can't just sit back on the sidelines in the thread and expect people to seek you out, or hold your every post up as a shining example of perfection. You have to just jump into the (admittedly fast) running waters and MAKE yourself known to everyone, and accept that people may or may not reply to your posts. *waits for dinging* Sure, sometimes the OT stuff gets to me too (and by OT I mean the "chats" that seem like they should be in IM). Which is not to say there isn't room for improvement cos there always is.....

              If it annoys people that much there are a couple of options:
              1. hide everyone's sigs. I know it sounds silly, but it makes it suprisingly easy to navigate thru the chatter with the sigs off, it's much easier to see what is "chatter" and what is deep and meaningful. And as long as you look at the sigs every so often, you still get to admire everyone's pics etc.
              2. If you have to, put people on IGNORE! If you think one or two people are contributing to the problem, hide their posts.

              It's the sense of family and community here on the thread and the forum in general that I think makes it such a special and wonderful place. This has been my first foray into online fandom, and you guys have bought cheer and happiness, and insight into my life. Thanks for all your wonderful talents! *hugs Shipper Family *

              *follows Ship Mum's advice and takes deep breaths...... and hyperventilates cos she's admiring pics *
              Actually I do agree with you KG, I wrote in the "other" thread...

              "I think a serious ship thread is a good idea. When I first became a shipper all I wanted to do was talk about Sam and Jack and feed my obsession. I joined Gateworld on Delphi and joined in the discussion, I can remember feeling a little out of it. Then I lost my will to ship because of Pete and stopped visiting. Then we all moved over to the present format and I just got into it. I just kept posting and posting and reading and getting to know folks.. it does take a while and it depends on your persistence, but I would have NEVER EVER pm'd a mod or neg rep members of a well established group for being off topic. I would have felt it wouldn't have been up to me to determine was the topic was.

              So perhaps a serious ship thread is a good idea, that would allow newbies to post, get to know each other and the "old timers" could also post, the newbie and old timers would get to know each other and thus the newbies could come over to the "flufflier" thread when they felt they could. That would give the oldies their old thread back and the newbies a chance to ease in. I wouldn't want to ghettoise anyone tho, I think we'd have to careful that didn't happen."

              I'm ready for my red dings too...


                Originally posted by ra-hanna
                Understood. I'd like to see it too but I think reading fanfic helps compensate the missing action on the show. But my own personal belief is that we won't get a whole lot of RST when the ship comes in. The ship WILL come in. I have faith in that. Just not a whole lot of faith in TPTB to give us everything.
                Yep, it's extremely hard to have faith when you've got so little to go on. Personally, I'm with you, I doubt we'll be lucky enough to see it. Heck, I'm still not sure we'll be lucky enough to get it! The only faith I have in TPTB lately is that we'll get nothing (first half of S8, need I say more?). Sorry for bringing everyone down but that just happens to be how I fell about it, what do you think?

                think I'm gonna go make that vid now...gotta get that happy place back!
                Marimba FBI - Video Surveillance Division
                Lemming #25 Frothing Fan Lemming

                Vids by Marimba, Tamefarrar and Ruralstar!
                Big hugs to Ruralstar for the banner!


                  RST........ is that round spinny thing or resolved sexual tension???
                  Random Thought of the day:

                  -If you had a friend who was a tight rope walker and yall were walking down the side walk and he fell....that would be completly unacceptable!
                  -I realize that alot of people don't like Jesus, or just ignore Him or have no use for Him, but i think the best thing a person can do is to read the gospels in the Bible and really look at Jesus, because if a person does this, they will realize that the Jesus they learned about in Sunday school or the Jesus they hear jokes about or the skinny, Gandhi Jesus that exists in their imaginations isn't anything like the real Jesus at all.

                  heh heh heh...^compliments of suekay(((suekay))).....disregard the question mark on the end!!


                    Originally posted by yoojoo
                    RST........ is that round spinny thing or resolved sexual tension???
                    In this case... the latter


                      Originally posted by sueKay
                      What can I say!

                      In RL, I'm quite quiet (not as quiet as I used to be though!), and I have lot of RL issues and worries that aren't going to go away.

                      This thread is my only outlet for EVERYTHING, but I do mainly talk about one thing that I anm very passionate about.


                      *Goes looking for Diet Dr Shipper.*

                      Soz...I'm a wee bitty jumpy!
                      Everyone seems to be a bit tense....

                      I was so looking forward to coming on here this evening - RL is getting on top of me.
                      It's not quite what I was expecting!!

                      As for when are S&J going all that stuff? Probably towards the end of Feb/start of March....
                      Seriously, it will all come together by the end. TPTB won't let us down.

                      BTW, great fanart!!

                      And thanks for the sigline!
                      Last edited by shelsfc; 27 October 2004, 09:48 AM.


                        Ok so I go offline yesterday to watch Stargate, come back on today and we are in a new shipper thread and have some OT other shippy threads! Did I go to sleep for about a week!? I shall catch up with it all soon! But anyway, yay on a new thread!

                        But now I just have to say (I am slow and everyone has probably already discussed it ), I loved Zero hour! I love Jack! And yes, I did see ship!
                        I loved the hallway scene with Sam and Jack! It was a nice friend moment, something we haven't had with them for, well, a long time! But I did think it was shippy too! I loved the ‘animal’ remark!
                        And overall, it was just a great Jack episode!


                        By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

                        My Livejournal

                        My Myspace


                          Hi All,
                          I want to repost this here ......

                          De-lurking I also voted incorrectly. Blame it on lack of sleep and my confusion when I saw two Shipper threads. Please subtract from the last poll suggestion and add it to the first (combine both threads and begin a Shipper Family Thread ! I honestly misread the last suggestion

                          I'm sorry I haven't contributed much in the way of posting in the Shipper thread. Just shy ya know . Being a shipper, I love the combination of the serious Sam and Jack togetherness and the outstanding wit/fluff at the old Shipper Thread. Like others, I just zip right by the chatty postings at times mainly due to time or lack of. No problem .
                          Mala, I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned in a post about people becoming bored during the haitus. I also hang at the Sam/Jack list (Hi Marimba, MichelleB which also goes through withdrawl symtoms during this period but it seems to calm down after a while. I agree that the original Shipper Thread seemed to be calming down and we didn't need to divide. Who was it that quoted "United We Stand, Divided We Fall?" That was a great but so true analogy. I too worry about J.M. abandoning us due to this division. I'm sure this is has drawn much unwanted attention Hey GateGypsy , Chin up! I believe the majority here understand that you were trying to be helpful. That's what mods do Now, let me nudge you off that fence in our direction? You can't keep balancing without tiring at some point and falling to whatever side you were unconsciously leaning towards By the way, who came up with rep points? I believed these were an accident waiting to happen (unlike Jack I love cliches .
                          Mala, please stick around! Your humour and wit have brought many a smile and bursts of laughter to me during the worst time in my life. I lost my dear husband in August (stroke, only a young 56!), two weeks later fell and had to have rotary cuff surgery which occured three weeks ago (still in a sling...difficult to type too!) plus un-employed with a mortgage to pay. Thank God for Stargate and the Shippers! I so need the break from reality which the show and you all afford me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Let's get back together shippers!

                          Jack, " Following ..Still ..You...Not ! "


                            Originally posted by yoojoo
                            YOU WILL NOT!!!! *grabs astro and holds on for dear life...........sits her down in front of the t.v. and plays WoO, D&C, Heros, Lost city, Grace, BTS, and other shippy eps; then loads her down with shipper cookies!!!*

                            THAT is why you won't leave!!! Sam and Jack are just to darn cute not to talk about!!!
                            Sorry wandered into the Anti-Ship thread and played there for a couple of posts... and so did you!

                            I'm not defecting, I love Sam and Jack, but I'm equally happy if it's on or off screen... as long as there's no significant others to spoil my happy fantasies!

                            But you guys know that already....

                            *astro feels she has to explain to her Family why she was out playing with the Antis*


                              Originally posted by sueKay

                              *Goes looking for Diet Dr Shipper.*
                              Drinking one of those right now! oops, sorry, mine is Diet Dr Pepper. Can I pretend?


                                Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                                Sorry, I feel like I've been told off and told to go and play elsewhere!

                                I soooo agree with you!
                                Ship Nana

