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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Andy867
    For my next video, I am actually going to take a poll (which I NEVER do since I feel they usually dont represent the whole very well.)

    But for my next video I am thinking of Doing a video in which Jack wonders how he is supposed to live without sam, who has found another man (kind of an angst video).

    I am basically curious as to whether it would sit well with you as those who kind of go for the sadness of how strong of feelings they have.

    Poll: Should I create a Video with Sam getting another man, and Jack trying to determine how he would live without sam in his life.
    Well, if you're taking a poll Andy, I do have an idea, if you'd like to hear it.
    (This idea is open to any vid makers, since I can't make vids....yet)
    I was listening to the radio in the car today and a song called "So Much for My Happy Ending" came on, I think it's by Avril Lavigne.
    I imagined Sam knocking on Jack's office door (I think there's some footage like that this season) and she comes in and sits down and the song starts from Jack's point of view. at the end she just gets up and walks out.
    Very angsty.



      One final longwinded observation and then I promise I’ll keep my mouth shut about this for a while. Please remember this is a discussion thread & this is just *my* opinion…

      THREAD RATE: the perceptions of how fast/slow the thread goes - it is just that. It’s the relative perception of each individual who reads it. Some posters may view seeing 30 new posts since the morning as a thread being too damn slow. Other posters - they may groan & say WTF - what kind of drugs are these posters on? Me? I honestly like coming in knowing there’s a lot to read – you just don’t see me posting “Oh goody! Lots of great reading material today!” (Lord, the angry looks & red rep points I’d get for typing that in a post!) For me, this thread would be boring as c#*& if there were only 5-10 posts a day on it, even if the posts were knock-my-socks-off kinds of posts. I’d likely have never lurked here anymore or, to be honest, probably wouldn’t have joined any kind of on-line fandom. I would have just continued to go to for their schedulebot to see the times certain eps would be on & that would have been the end of it.

      OBSERVATION: If every known S/J Shipper (meaning they’ve came to this Thread & said openly they do ship) who’s been a regular here since 5/04 posted just *ONE* serious, well-thought out post per day… do y’all realize how staggering that alone would be???? I don’t claim to be an authority on much of anything, but I will say that I did go through the 15K posts we made in this Thread from the beginning of 5/04 until ShipDay in mid-July (all in the name of pulling some fun Thread posts/facts/etc. out to share w/everyone) and at that time there were over 115 *regular* posters.

      115 *regular* posters! Since then we’ve had at least 30 new S/J shiplets delurk and post *regularly.* If all 150 of us decide to post 1 ‘serious’ post per day… hell, we will STILL get complaints for being the most long-winded ‘serious’ Thread out in SG fandom. And even in our own Family - we wouldn’t be able to make everyone happy. So… even if we limited ourselves to just one serious post a day, it would be overwhelming to some.

      FLUFF/LORE: We all have differing opinions about what is fluff & what is part of the ‘lore’ of the Thread. Again - perception. Many of the ‘things of lore’ started as fluffy fun & many, but not always all, posters embraced them. If we completely stop fluff, (AGAIN MHO) we stop the fun & creativity & love of the Thread that attracted many of us here. And we stop the creative spark needed to make more ‘lore’ & great memories w/our adopted Shipper family.

      PM’ing: Isn’t always good for the thread. I’ve learned some wonderful & funny things about fellow posters, the show, & S/J by reading things that would have been hidden to me & everyone else posting/lurking if people only conversed in PM, or even chat rooms.

      CRANKINESS: I don’t think we’re a cranky Thread today. I think we may finally be having the open and honest discussion the Thread has needed since mid-summer. In the 8 months I’ve been here I’ve watched the Thread morph about 3 or 4 times as some posters have dropped out for various reasons & new ones join in, each new group bringing a different flavor to the Thread. And while I won't dispute that there’s been times since late summer that things *have* gotten chatty or wild… I think that’s the flow of the thread… ebb and flow… ebb and flow….

      Having said all that:

      *Please don’t think I’m here to defend any poster who comes here & states something is a fact/spoiler & it’s only their opinion (because in IMHO, the only authorities are TPTB & they ain’t sharin’ anything w/us until those eps air… unless one of TPTB happen to be in our Thread disguised as a Family member, then hey buddy.. can we talk? ….)

      *And if it makes you feel better Starfury, go ahead & give me a red rep point if it makes you feel better. It doesn’t matter to me because in looking at those 15K posts I scrolled past an unbelieveable amount of fluff. From each and everyone of us…and it didn’t kill me – I just excercised that scroll button til I thought I might need a new mouse. And neither will bad rep kill me, so if it honestly makes you feel better… do it.

      *Life is about balance and so is living peacefully in this Thread. It’s like adjusting the balance on one’s stereo speakers, except each & every one of us here have different opinions about where that balance setting needs set….

      Now if y'all excuse me.... I have some positive rep to go spread around....
      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


        I had actually thought about doing that song and was waiting for season 7 to come out, and odd timing that you brought it up because I jsut lent some of my S7 dvds to my girlfriend and her family, who I successfully converted to "Gater" Status (even her mom who never likes SCi Fi Shows (too science-driven). *Quite an achievement I think */end selflish gloatiness
        Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

        Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

        Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


          Originally posted by yoojoo
          AWWWW!! come on tame!!!! why not?!?! WE WANT TO PARTY IN THE JELLO MESS!!!!! we will clean up, I PROMISE!! (crosses fingers behind her back)

          Pops one of tames jellos squares
          I can't BELIEVE you TOUCHED my jell-o
          Isn't there like a *Shipper Rule* about jell-o touchiing... I mean come on...a woman's jello is sacred...Sam wouldn't eat her blue Jello if the boys were putting their fingers all in it.........I mean REALLY!!!
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Which episode is the 'Sam likes blue jello' from, anyways? I have a feeling there's ship bound up in it...


              Well, just leave it to Urgo to make any Jell-O better. It made Daniel like Yogurt and he doesnt even like Yogurt (or was it Jack)
              Red counter: 14 Dings and growing.

              Green (positive) JELLO donations are always welcome

              Mckay: Oh my god, He IS Kirk...


                Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                Oh look! I only need about 700 posts until I can put in my own avatars.

                I'm kidding, kidding, kidding.

                ... I don't really know what to say past, 'I am a Sam/Jack shipper.' I'm lost past there. I try to say stuff on-topic but... I don't really have a hell of a lot to say... I'm trying to talk with you guys but... *shrug*
                you are doing fine Marty ((hugs)))

                You have your vids....and you Do like Sam & Jack...and we DON'T ALWAYS BASH we????

                So you are doing just fine..
                Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                  Hi all no doubt i'll be shouted at for going off topic but ijust wanted to share something with you- have a little moan if you will, you guys always make me feel better if i've had a bad day but recently- as in the past few days i've found it really hard to deal with stuff. it's nearly been a year since a friend of mine caled Sinead died. I'm not really dealing with it very well and i'm pretty much managing to stay in my room all day long- I don't like people seeing me get all pathetic and teary and yet it's all i seem to keep doing- everything reminds me of her and the other day in english we bloody had to read the poem that was read at her funeral- all i really want to do is forget or just remember but not be upset and I can't do that and i hate that i can't do that- it's still two weeks ntil the actual aniversary and i'm dreading it- i now this has just been one long moan and i'm sorry but i trust you guys and- well now you can tell me to shut up and stop being an idiot.


                    BTW, just wanted to say hi to all the newbies to the thread.
                    I'm waterfall and I usually just lurk here (cue "Jaws" music ) and only post when I have something to say.
                    A special hi! to Martouf Marty an exellent vid maker, I really like "The Chemicals Between Us" by Bush from "Point of View"(I really liked how that vid is told from all the reaction shots) and "Going Under" by Evanesence from "Heroes" also "19-2000" by Gorillaz from "Window of Opportunity" (that is the best vid I've ever seen from this ep and the song fits perfectly!)
                    You are an exellent vid maker and I'm happy to see you here and welcome to "the shipper family"!!!!
                    The vid that I'd really like to see on your list is "The Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson from "Metamorphasis" but the file is corrupt.

                    Well, I'm done talking for now, I'm going back to lurking.......



                      Originally posted by kiwigater
                      I think this is a great idea! along with how to do spoiler tags, and insert pictures. These are all questions that deserve a concrete posting somewhere.
                      *cough* and it has been brought to my attention, that living in the thread, but posting only infrequently (despite the fact it feels like I natter on in here) does not mean anyone else notices I'm here . Which is kind of amusing given we're trying to cut down on chatter

                      (er, apologies to Andy for the false alarm on the virus, Siler says it was apparantly NOT the fault of your vid )
                      (just trying to protect the shipper family, and come out feeling like an idiot ah well )
                      KG!! I notice.

                      Some people are trying to cut down on chatter. But since I don't chatter all that much (which you may have noticed in real life!) then I'm adding this one to my chatter-quota.

                      Could this have been said in a PM? Probably. Do I care?

                      Good to see you here again!


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        I don't think it's a matter of laying down rules at the thread. You're right — GW has given us all the rules we need. What I'm thinking about is an FAQ that deals with two major things, why we ship and who we are. So we'd have a section for questions about why we ship Sam/Jack, what the shippiest episodes are, etc., and then one for where to find the shipper shop and what's up with the penguins. Capite?
                        I will re-quote myself
                        Originally posted by TameFarrar
                        But THANK YOU for offering to host a special Shipper FAQ, If you need any help please PM me and I will lend whatever assistance I can behind the scenes.
                        I was offering to help you do the *Shipper FAQ*
                        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                          I am curious as to where this Shipper FAQ would be? Is it just something that someone will write up and post and then refer any newbies to said post?

                          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                            Originally posted by waterfall
                            BTW, just wanted to say hi to all the newbies to the thread.
                            I'm waterfall and I usually just lurk here (cue "Jaws" music ) and only post when I have something to say.
                            A special hi! to Martouf Marty an exellent vid maker, I really like "The Chemicals Between Us" by Bush from "Point of View"(I really liked how that vid is told from all the reaction shots) and "Going Under" by Evanesence from "Heroes" also "19-2000" by Gorillaz from "Window of Opportunity" (that is the best vid I've ever seen from this ep and the song fits perfectly!)
                            You are an exellent vid maker and I'm happy to see you here and welcome to "the shipper family"!!!!
                            The vid that I'd really like to see on your list is "The Beautiful People" by Marylin Manson from "Metamorphasis" but the file is corrupt.

                            Well, I'm done talking for now, I'm going back to lurking.......

                            Thank you so much!

                            I'll fix the link for the vid.

                            I'm glad you love my vids so much and thanks for the welcome!

                            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                              thank you so so so so so so much for the link to the post on spoilergate. i really don't know what to think about that little comment though. dealt with!?! what does that mean?!
                              and i really don't want to start getting too optimistic, so i think subconsiously i'm trying my best to come up with the worst possible senarios. i just don't want to be that disappointed again.

                              aawww.... i need a cookie. (think of that guy at the end of the credits on buffy when you read that)

                              my fave bit at the end of New Order was seeing brad wrights name on the credits. that just made me so happy and hopeful. i hope we aren't dissappointed. i really want to still want a season 9 at the end of this season. from what i've read, i would guess that everyone would come back for it even taking into consideration the various RL things going on with them.


                                Ok...virus threat is over with and I'm going back to downloading Andy867's vid.

