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    Originally posted by sueKay
    It hasn't come in YET, but when it does, I'm gonna put up a big piccy of a cruiseliner!

    LOL......yeah and don't forget to Stand Sam and Jack at the front of the cruiser a la "Titanic"



      Originally posted by Catysg1
      LOL Anymore

      How about we launch this guy once and for all!! We could call him......Spudnik


        Originally posted by Ali_gater
        How about we launch this guy once and for all!! We could call him......Spudnik

        What about Spud/predator

        Could get some good mash I suppose out that one!!!!!



          Originally posted by MartoufMarty

          This link might interest you.
          Ho ho, you succumbed to Osiris then??


            Originally posted by Ali_gater
            How about we launch this guy once and for all!! We could call him......Spudnik
            The only problem you have got with that, is that every time Sam and Jack are on the roof stargazing you'd still see him floating by every orbit.


              Originally posted by majorsal
              spoilers for s7's chimera


              And even after he was told by his FBI friend that she was into something big in the AF, he continued to dig... Am I missing some honorable thing here regarding PS's actions? If so, please tell me.

              Nope...I dont think you missed any honorable intentions here...I can't see what motivations he could have had except that he was to damn curious for his own good. There is no honour in decieving someone your involved with, and invading their privacy like that. Heck i've been in a relationship for almost 5 years now, and he still allows me my privacy. He's not curious at all, because he trusts me. I guess Pete didn't trust Sam.

              ~~Close To Crazy~~
              Psychotic Kitten
              'we can all read between the lines'


                Originally posted by Blaise
                Nope...I dont think you missed any honorable intentions here...I can't see what motivations he could have had except that he was to damn curious for his own good....
                ...I guess Pete didn't trust Sam.
                I think his motivations are rooted in the fact that he feels Sam is out of his league. IMO, he's so certain he's going to lose her it drives him to behave in this stalkerish manner. You're right, I don't think he does trust her... I think he thinks that her 'my job is classified' pleas are covering for something else. He really want to be with Sam and he's going to every and any length to achieve this aim...
                Personally, I think she should ditch him before he starts cutting out locks of her hair to sniff etc...
                But I can see why he's doing it, and why she is willing to forgive him/ignore it. She's had this non-relationship with Jack for so long, it must be good for her battered ego and 'nice' for her to have a guy that is so grateful he ever got a chance with her...
                Jack needs to get a move on and tell her how *he* feels!!!


                  Originally posted by MartoufMarty
                  I mean, if all you guys don't want Pete with Sam, why not Pete with Daniel?
                  Because Daniel is a nice guy and deserves better.

                  In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                  it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                  It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                  And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                    Originally posted by oz-sg1-fan(think-the-onli-1)
                    g'day damn you guys r confusin (no offense) um r you guys like 2 seasons ahead? and r there any chat rooms for sg-1 fans ?
                    n there is somthing called sg-atlantis????? n ur at the end os the season????? i need yankee pat-tv c'mon gimme a chat room there isnt any sg-1 fans here plz,plz,plz,plz,

                    oh and yea go sam n jack woot woot woot

                    I know English isn't my first language, but I always thought I was fairly good at it... now I feel like I could use Daniel's help here... I can't understand what you're saying dear, sorry. Anyone care to translate?

                    In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                    it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                    It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                    And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      Do you think Sam knows about the background check? I would have thought her file would have been flagged, and Hammond would have been notified that someone was checking up on her. If she does know, how can she ignore his actions?
                      do you think jack knows? him being commander of the base and all that, he has access to the files and records..wonder what he'd do?
                      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        They are so evil!...its like taunting a child with a cookie saying...Oh lookie here a nice yummy delicious cookie for you, but wait...mwhahaha you can't have it until January!...and you know what? Someone else might come back and snacth it way from you then too!

                        Okay nonsensical analogy, but my brain is frozen...I'm gonna go bake some cookies now.

                        i know the feeling. why, why, won't they give it up? (to paraphrease phoebe). it's not like we're asking for scripts and ending and so-on, just a few juicy hints to keep us going. the whole thing is making me very suspicious. if they come back in january and find the entire forum burbling on about penguins and fartlings and potatoes and so on, it'll be their own fault.

                        can i have a cookie, please?
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Sending penguins=calm and mature.... ???

                          Hmm... think not...

                          oh, i went beyond calm and mature sometime back in august..i believe it was around the time that
                          sam said yes to that freaky, mashed-brains, annoying little pile of dren that stalks her!

                          gone waaayyy beyond calm now..totally lost it.
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                            I frankly am confused by the spoilers about Daniel's
                            flirtation with re-ascending
                            . I wonder, are the Daniel sites
                            going ape over this possible fate for him (again)?

                            as a daniel fan, i'm ignoring it completely. no way am i going there again.
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              You know, just the way he phrases that makes me think it's going to be okay for us, that we're going to get our resolution. After all, he doesn't even refer to Pete as Sam's boyfriend, but as "this other character". Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but that strikes me as "this character's going bye-bye."

                              bye bye, pete. bye bye, 'other character' (sneaky thanks to MS for giving us the most spoilers we've had about reckoning that actually mention sam's name).so long pete. we'll miss you! (not!). don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out..whoops, too late. and watch out for the penguins, they hold a grudge for a very long time!!! i don't think he heard that last bit...
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                bye bye, pete. bye bye, 'other character' (sneaky thanks to MS for giving us the most spoilers we've had about reckoning that actually mention sam's name).so long pete. we'll miss you! (not!). don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out..whoops, too late. and watch out for the penguins, they hold a grudge for a very long time!!! i don't think he heard that last bit...

                                No penguins were harmed in the making of this message.

                                The penguins could always aim for where the sun doesn't shine (Did I say that out loud ops).

                                Might just give him the need hurry up to move faster. Out of Sam's life forever. Maybe we could give Thor a call and have him sent to a very distant planet. (I was going to add more but pg forum must be good.)

