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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
    Hi chums. Here's my shippy pic of the day....

    More touching!
    That's quite an 'aww...' pic - she's so worried about him!


      Personally I to do not want them to write Amanda's pregnancy into the show. As a midwife I am aware that many people work right up to the last weeks of pregnancy and start work again very quickly post delivery. It all depends on Amanda's condition. Each pregnancy and the mothers reaction is different both physically and mentally. She may make a decision during her pregnancy and change her mind when the baby is born. As has been mentioned before there are ways of filming round a pregnancy both if she starts filming with the rest of the cast or if she decides to wait till the baby is born.

      In my earlier post I was actually passing on supposed information I think from one of the writers of the show, who was supposed to have said that if they did include her pregnancy in the storyline then that would mean the end of Sm/Jack ship. This statement I do not understand. I can not see that if Sam is pregnant why she cannot have a relationship with Jack. There are numerous possibilities for storylines if they feel they must write the pregnancy in. If the information did come from one of the writers they must be considering it if there is a 9th season. This information has me a little worried for the end of season 8 and season 9. As I wrote before some of the people on the thread where I saw this information appear to be anti Sam/Jack so it could be just their interpretation ( hope so).

      I have said before I am not sure a 9th season will be a good thing unless the storylines for the second part of season 8 improve, (more traveling off world and Team episodes including Jack) and RDA signes up. If not and we do not get a satisfactory resolution for Sam and Jack, then I do not think I will watch season 9
      Jack and Sam forever


        Originally posted by Starfury
        I think that Jacob is going to be the one to bring Sam to a turning point regarding her relationship with Pete. SPECULATION/SPOILERS for THREADS
        I think that when Sam goes to talk to her dad in the infirmary he's going to be asking about the wedding with and he will get the vibe that something is not right & will start to probe Sam's feelings a little deeper. She will get defensive and say that Pete is great and he really loves her. Then Jacob will give her a pointed look and ask "Of course he does! Every boy who has ever met you has fallen in love with you, since you were seven years old! But Sam, do you love him?"

        And Sam will just have to sit there with her mouth hanging open, because she will realize that she can't say that she loves him. Then Jacob will give a nice fatherly speech about how much she means to him and how happy he would be to see her married to a man she really loves, and he hopes she would never allow herself to settle for anything less, because even though no guy could ever be good enough to deserve her, every man deserves to marry a woman who loves him and well, you know, the big fatherly speech!

        I expect crying. If not from Sam, then at least from me. And that is when Sam will realize that she has to break off her engagement to Pete.

        And of course by the end of the episode Jack and Sam will both be free to say to each other what they've never been able to admit to anyone else.
        I hope that is what happens. Grace
        It was what imaginary Jacob said to her that persuaded her to 'move on' in the first place, so it would fit really well if it was real Jacob that made her realise where (with whom?) her heart really lies.

        I think it's quite likely that this is what will happen. According to spoilers so far, she is with Jacob shortly after she was going to have that talk with Jack, and when she finds out about Kerry. So it is going to be on her mind, and Jacob would certainly be concerned if he thought Sam was just settling for less, paticularly now, when he's apparently in a very serious condition. It's reasonable to assume the subject will come up at some stage....


          Originally posted by Major Fischer
          Oh God! Can I use a resized version of that in my sig?
          Sure, why not? It's fun having you play here with us. Besides, your words inspired the pic in the first place.

          astronomicalchick asked for The Flaming Penguin for her sig(!?!) and it's been kind of nice seeing my work put to 'good' use!


            Originally posted by Isis
            In my earlier post I was actually passing on supposed information I think from one of the writers of the show, who was supposed to have said that if they did include her pregnancy in the storyline then that would mean the end of Sm/Jack ship. This statement I do not understand. I can not see that if Sam is pregnant why she cannot have a relationship with Jack. There are numerous possibilities for storylines if they feel they must write the pregnancy in. If the information did come from one of the writers they must be considering it if there is a 9th season. This information has me a little worried for the end of season 8 and season 9. As I wrote before some of the people on the thread where I saw this information appear to be anti Sam/Jack so it could be just their interpretation ( hope so).
            And that could easily mean the end of S/J UST. 'Cause let's face it, if they were to write in a pregnancy (which I HIGHLY DOUBT) as Jack's baby, they'd sure as heck have better RESOLVED Jack/Sam by then!

            EDIT: Where'd you read this, by the way? I'd love to see the context.
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
            Melyanna's Multimedia
            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Isis
              In my earlier post I was actually passing on supposed information I think from one of the writers of the show, who was supposed to have said that if they did include her pregnancy in the storyline then that would mean the end of Sm/Jack ship. This statement I do not understand.
              Hmm, maybe the quote was taken out of context and what they meant was that it would be the end of Sam/Jack UST...because it would then be RST! Sam can't have Jack's bambino without having some RST first. Unless it involves the Asgard. And that would just be....eew.
              Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                Alien baby.that could be interesting.As long as it's not done the old fashioned way.(eww) How about a laboratory expieriment done my a really naughty asgard.Sam decides to carry the baby to term because it is after all,half her.or maybe all her.asexual reproduction in human super can have unresolved and undissolved s/j so easy in sci-fi.


                  Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                  I agree... even though (IMHO) I think most of us would love the opportunity to see our favorite characters (and our favorite ship) continue on for another season (& the wonderful anticpation associated with knowing that another season was to come)... if another season means mediocre shows, even more major deviations in the characters' established personalities, or more reduction/elimination of screen time for the current 4 leads..... I know I don't want it.

                  I know I've said before that I hated the fact that I only came to know the show as its 7th season was beginning last summer & didn't get really hooked until last winter & that I only discovered the on-line fandom in 3/04 & didn't join here until 5/04.... I know I would have loved having had more time both on here & with the show....

                  But I've also said too that I don't want SG1 to fizzle out to a bumpy stop. I don't want the show to turn into something that everyone just shrugs their shoulders and says "ehh, so what?" about.

                  But you bring out a good point - that (IMO) SG1 is more character-driven than plot-driven.... while the stories were great it was the chemistry between these particular lead actors that sucked me in to the show. (Although now that I think about it, shows of either type will come to a quick end if the writing sucks...) But if the leads changed would I necessarily watch? It would have to be a really great replacement team w/leads that "clicked." But still... the writing & plots would need to be done well...

                  But as far as this team that I've come to love so much - just as w/most of us... things change as we move on with our lives and reach certain stages in it... as someone else posted - they're (the characters) moving onto other venues, other positions & try as they might... it's going to become nearly impossible for them to be the same SG1 team they've been for 8 years... and even though I love the opportunity to see them dealing w/and rising up to meet the new challenges in their lives... I'm not sure at this point if I'd want to watch another season of something that's not team-driven...

                  SO......... (long-winded rambling post I know ) I guess I too would hope they'd go out with a bang while they're still a great show that we all still love. (And do some kind of follow up - movie or mini-series - next year) Give me the team. Give me humor. Give me a great story. Give me great SFX. Give me more of the big round shiny spinning bubbly pool thingie. (And of course give me SHIP!)

                  **Lunchtime rambling brought to you courtesy of a quickly-slapped together peanut butter & jelly sandwich! **
                  Know I haven't posted in a while, but I do still lurk...
                  And I really wanted to respond to this because it expresses my sentiments exactly!
                  SS - I didn't think your thoughts were rambling at all and I can imagine that most people would completely agree with you.
                  I too just recently discovered the show and then the fandom and would love to enjoy it for many more years, but not at the expense of such an outstanding show or actors.
                  And at the risk of deviating too much from the topic of this thread, I think we can all point to other shows that did become "ehh, so what?" as SS put it so well. (I'll let you guys determine what jumps to mind)
                  I'm afraid that a Season 9 (as much as I would love it) just wouldn't be the same especially if it involved a cast change. I truly cannot think of a single other show where I thought the cast clicked so well and MAN would I miss RDA!!
                  As much as I loved the X-Files, I actually adjusted to Doggett (please don't kill me!) because the show (to me) had started to fizzle at that point and something was needed to shake it up. However, I will also say that it really couldn't have gone on any longer...
                  I don't want to see Stargate fizzle and especially not the ship between Sam & Jack!!!
                  Which I believe that it would (a la JAG) if they drug that aspect of the show into a Season 9.
                  I am a bit concerned that 10 episodes isn't quite enough to be able to quite resolve all of the issues between Sam and Jack to be able to end it with a relationship in place - however, I do believe they can end it with the hint of one for the future and then follow up on that in movies. Just MHO...


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    And that could easily mean the end of S/J UST. 'Cause let's face it, if they were to write in a pregnancy (which I HIGHLY DOUBT) as Jack's baby, they'd sure as heck have better RESOLVED Jack/Sam by then!

                    EDIT: Where'd you read this, by the way? I'd love to see the context.

                    It could be Jack's baby ..they could jump season 9 from 12 months to 2 years later ..I don't see a problem there and if in the meantime Jack and Sam got married and got a kid ..although we didn't see it ..all for the better..then all we get in season 9 is action episodes with the big rst-1 and the occasional hug or face stroke..but really they'll be an established married couple by then and then eveybody is happy and let's get on with the sci-fi show

                    It's not a big deal and could be a really good thing to refresh the show . for another year ..and the last year could actually be exceptionnal because of that

                    Hope somebody will bother to read that



                      Good News
                      The information about the end of Sam and Jack ship if they include Sams pregnancy in the show was part of an email from a Yahoo group. I thought I had deleted it but I had not emptied my deleted items folder. I have reread the information about three times and now I am sure that it is the person writing the email that is interpreting it this way. I still do not know why they should think this but I think they are anti Sam/Jack and will jump at anything.
                      Thank you for getting me to read it again as I was so upset the first time I read it. I can now go to my happy place and stop worrying.

                      Still positive for a sexy romantic resolution
                      Jack and Sam forever


                        Originally posted by melpomene
                        Alien baby.that could be interesting.As long as it's not done the old fashioned way.(eww) How about a laboratory expieriment done my a really naughty asgard.Sam decides to carry the baby to term because it is after all,half her.or maybe all her.asexual reproduction in human super can have unresolved and undissolved s/j so easy in sci-fi.

                        I don't think it's a good idea to write the baby in the story line as such (ex..Scully)..the baby should not be part of the story but a sideline..

                        I said it could be an opportunity to use that to jump season 9 to 2 years later that Sam and Jack got married and had a kid off screen. ..Could make an awesome season 9 cuz we don't need to see the ship to much ..established married couple with a family...and then the team just gives us action episodes with a few hugs from time to time ...not much ..the care for each other should just be enough to be honest .

                        .Married people can also be best would be fine for Sam and Jack...and if the actors are not available ...then we know that Sam could be on maternity leave for a while and well Jack could be looking after the kid.
                        or something like that



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          It could be Jack's baby ..they could jump season 9 from 12 months to 2 years later ..I don't see a problem there and if in the meantime Jack and Sam got married and got a kid ..although we didn't see it ..all for the better..then all we get in season 9 is action episodes with the big rst-1 and the occasional hug or face stroke..but really they'll be an established married couple by then and then eveybody is happy and let's get on with the sci-fi show

                          It's not a big deal and could be a really good thing to refresh the show . for another year ..and the last year could actually be exceptionnal because of that

                          Hope somebody will bother to read that

                          I'm just saying that there are plenty of ways to get around it, and there's no need — as far as we know — to write it in. Especially given Amanda's previous miscarriages, it would be particularly cruel if they wrote it in and she later miscarried again. I just don't feel like they're going to do that, especially since we've only once in eight seasons had any mention of Sam even considering having children. It would be really abrupt, and the show would be even less about that Round Spinny Thing than it is now.

                          (Incidentally, Major Fischer... Round Spinny Thing = RST = Resolved Sexual Tension? Are you subconsciously shipping already? )

                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by jennsatt
                            I am a bit concerned that 10 episodes isn't quite enough to be able to quite resolve all of the issues between Sam and Jack to be able to end it with a relationship in place - however, I do believe they can end it with the hint of one for the future and then follow up on that in movies. Just MHO...

                            I don't think most shipper fans want to see only a hint at the end of season 8 .

                            As far as we know ..there may never be a movie !!! Amanda may decide to quit for good or not ..who knows!!!! ..A baby changes everything's a new life starting ..and usually you turn a page too at the same time .

                            So after 8 years of UST and the last year being a big tease by adding a really bad plot device ..I really do think that RST Sam and Jack without ambiguity is due at the end of seaon 8 ..Everything is set up for it ...and I don't see the big deal about resolving the Sam and Jack ship .

                            TPTB should see that's the best thing ever..cuz that means we can all get on with a sci fi show and let Sam and Jack be an established married couple for season 9 ( 1 or 2 years down the line)



                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              I'm just saying that there are plenty of ways to get around it, and there's no need — as far as we know — to write it in. Especially given Amanda's previous miscarriages, it would be particularly cruel if they wrote it in and she later miscarried again. I just don't feel like they're going to do that, especially since we've only once in eight seasons had any mention of Sam even considering having children. It would be really abrupt, and the show would be even less about that Round Spinny Thing than it is now.

                              (Incidentally, Major Fischer... Round Spinny Thing = RST = Resolved Sexual Tension? Are you subconsciously shipping already? )


                              Mellyanna ..I was just replying to that .:

                              [Quote : Melyanna>]....And that could easily mean the end of S/J UST. 'Cause let's face it, if they were to write in a pregnancy (which I HIGHLY DOUBT) as Jack's baby, they'd sure as heck have better RESOLVED Jack/Sam by then!

                              EDIT: Where'd you read this, by the way? I'd love to see the context[/quote Melyanna]

                              I don't think they should write the baby in the story( bad thing to do) but they could use the fact.

                              If they resolve Sam and Jack by Mobius and make season 9 .....1 or 2 years later's possible and would not stop Stargate to be Stargate could be a really good idea that they can concentrate on the team and the big round thing a lot cuz Sam and Jack are now married with a child they won't be the center of the show like they are now.



                                oooh love and marriage.i'm gonna go cry now

