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    Originally posted by Melyanna

    *hugs a penguin*
    If you believe that gateworlder on the spoiler you might want to consider that he also claims to have been told that a season 9 has already been ordered.

    But as I said at the time he said that, I'll believe when it's on Gateworld's frotn page, confirmed officially.


      Originally posted by yoojoo
      Wait..... hold the phone!!!
      Somebody made a video to "Thriller" That has to be the coolest thing i have ever heard!! Who made it!! Dang i really wish i could watch vids on this computer!!!!

      goes off to sulk and cry in the corner!

      It's me who made it It's quite long ( 6 minutes) but worth watching ..I got some excellent reviews from it so far and I love the video too

      The link is in my sig Hopefully you'll be able to watch it one day



        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Moebius speculation:
        Not sure I'm fond of that. If they end up back in CotG, I really hope they don't end up erasing the whole show. That'd be a really cheesy ending, quite frankly, and I'd like to think SG-1's writers are more creative than that.


        *hugs a penguin*

        i know, it's the one thing I was hoping they would avoid.
        wiping out the past eight years would be such an insult, to the actors who have worked so hard to create these characters, to the writers who came up with ways to evolvoe those characters, and to the fans who have faithfully followed them during eight years. For a start, they don't even look the same..will Daniel wear a wig? Teal'c shave his head? But maybe it's not that. maybe the time line has been going wrong for a while. Maybe Oma tells them that to save the future, they must change the past (wasn't that the tag line to a movie somewhere). So although the past eight years won't be wiped out, something that was set in motion eight years maybe Anubis's ascension has to be stopped. Or maybe they have been flung back in time by Anubis, and they are despertely trying to save the timeline.

        And maybe looking back to the beginning, realising how much they've meant to each other, Sam and Jack will see the light and get together.

        I'll hug a penguin too. But happily. For now.
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          [QUOTE=Melyanna]Moebius speculation:
          Not sure I'm fond of that. If they end up back in CotG, I really hope they don't end up erasing the whole show. That'd be a really cheesy ending, quite frankly, and I'd like to think SG-1's writers are more creative than that.


          I wonder if they would still have their memories of the future? And of course, what they do in the past could radically change the future. I with Capt. Janeway, time travel gives me a headache.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            May all your Shipper Dreams come true!
            Especially those about Sam and Jack!

            Token ~


              Originally posted by blueiris
              Great Happy Halloween video! And a nice shippy Sam and Jack in there too.

              Thank you blueiris and Happy birthday to you ......



                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                If you believe that gateworlder on the spoiler you might want to consider that he also claims to have been told that a season 9 has already been ordered.

                But as I said at the time he said that, I'll believe when it's on Gateworld's frotn page, confirmed officially.
                Yes, yes, I know. I'm just going to be depressed about it long enough to plan a new penguin assault.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by michelleb
                  i know, it's the one thing I was hoping they would avoid.
                  wiping out the past eight years would be such an insult, to the actors who have worked so hard to create these characters, to the writers who came up with ways to evolvoe those characters, and to the fans who have faithfully followed them during eight years. For a start, they don't even look the same..will Daniel wear a wig? Teal'c shave his head? But maybe it's not that. maybe the time line has been going wrong for a while. Maybe Oma tells them that to save the future, they must change the past (wasn't that the tag line to a movie somewhere). So although the past eight years won't be wiped out, something that was set in motion eight years maybe Anubis's ascension has to be stopped. Or maybe they have been flung back in time by Anubis, and they are despertely trying to save the timeline.

                  And maybe looking back to the beginning, realising how much they've meant to each other, Sam and Jack will see the light and get together.

                  I'll hug a penguin too. But happily. For now.

                  Mobius....I don't think it means
                  they 'll be back to when they were younger ...They will just travel to the past as they are now Michael J Fox in Back to the future movie...or 1969 .....So they will have their memories intact...and Sam and Jack will still love each other .

                  They may be stuck in it for the movie though ...and will be back in time 2005 at end of the movie could be very interesting ...Hopefully they won't bump into their other young selves ...during the movie ...but if they go back in time to avoid the earth invasion by the go'aouldS or another system Lord could be a really good film .

                  I wonder where they gonna stay though !!!!!!..because their own houses will be occupied by their younger selves they'll probably share rooms in motels ....Daniel with Teal'c and Sam with Jack..A MOTEL ROOM SCENE A LA MULDER AND SCULLY with some good kissing ..hehehehehe a girl can dream ..but I know it will happen in the movie



                    Originally posted by Token

                    May all your Shipper Dreams come true!
                    Especially those about Sam and Jack!
                    Happy Birthday from me too!!!! I have to steal from TOKEN since I am work and get into my cool stuff right now
                    Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                      Originally posted by Major Fischer
                      Welllllll..... in Endgame we did find out ...
                      She can kick someone's ass with both hands tied behind her back.
                      I could almost forget that catsuit after that scene....loved it!

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        But I think Agent Barrett would have been much more of a "Threat to O'Neill" than the spudster. So from that perspective I'm happy that it wasn't him.
                        See, and I'm of the opinion that even a supergenius Sex God (no, Rodney, I'm not talking about you, OK?) could never be a threat to O'Neill, where Sam is concerned.

                        Jack is the only one for Sam.
                        Sam & Jack 'Ship...


                          Originally posted by LtLisa
                          I could almost forget that catsuit after that scene....loved it!
                          The keyword being almost?


                            Originally posted by Starfury
                            See, and I'm of the opinion that even a supergenius Sex God (no, Rodney, I'm not talking about you, OK?) could never be a threat to O'Neill, where Sam is concerned.

                            Jack is the only one for Sam.
                            Too right and they'll end up sharing the same
                            motel room in Mobius
                            Hehehehehehe...yeah... OR THE MOVIE!!!!



                              Originally posted by Major Fischer
                              If you believe that gateworlder on the spoiler you might want to consider that he also claims to have been told that a season 9 has already been ordered.

                              But as I said at the time he said that, I'll believe when it's on Gateworld's frotn page, confirmed officially.
                              Well, there may very well be an order, but contracts like that can be complicated. It could have all kinds of strings attached like being cast contingent on RDA or whatever. It's still an order, but it doesn't mean all the conditions will be met and there will necessarily be a season 9. There are often many, many details to be resolved before an order results in a season being produced.
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                Well, there may very well be an order, but contracts like that can be complicated. It could have all kinds of strings attached like being cast contingent on RDA or whatever. It's still an order, but it doesn't mean all the conditions will be met and there will necessarily be a season 9. There are often many, many details to be resolved before an order results in a season being produced.
                                I basically don't buy that MG would let that kind of bomb drop to some random fan.

