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    Originally posted by sueKay
    Okay folks! I went looking for the AT quote stating that she and RDA did a duet, but I couldn't find it!

    I dug up some other quotes from transcripts though!
    AT: I play guitar and I used to play flute. I actually love all kinds of music and depending on the mod I’m in is what I listen to. But what I play is folk music. To catch Sam dancing along in her house would be hilarious and perhaps frightening
    AT: English, French, I’m learning German and sign language.
    AT: Rick is an excellent kisser.

    Now some Q and As
    newbie_005: "Window of Opportunity" is my favourite episode. I was wondering if you woke to find yourself reliving the same day, and could take actions with no consequences what sort of things would you do? and why?
    Stargate_SG1-Amanda: As Sam Carter? I'd go fishing with Jack. Over and over and over again!

    samjan2: We first want to say that we are two 40-something year old professional women who live vicariously through Sam and Jack's relationship (What there is of it) and enjoyed season 4 the most (please don't tell us to get a life!) Please tell us that there will be some (any!) Sam/Jack moments somewhere in season 6. Will they finally declare their love for each other by the end of the series? Will they be together and, if so, how do they work it out?
    Stargate_SG1-Amanda: Wow, I would never say "get a life" I think it's great that you enjoy that aspect of it. I have no idea what is going to happen between Sam and Jack, but we sure have fun when we get to be together! I think they'll retire after it's all over, go to a cabin and make babies, and fish! {laughs}
    Stargate_SG1-Amanda: {laughs} You know, it started in the canteen one episode where we had a choice to eat and it was I think rice pudding, and Jell-O, and I went with the blue Jell-O. I've actually been sent blue Jell-O, and it makes your tongue blue, and it's kind of fun. Rick likes it!

    This is from a joint AT RDA chat. (They were sharing a computer!)
    flashpointe68: Is Rick as great a kisser as he seems he would be?
    Stargate_SG1-Amanda: Rick is phenomenal kisser. Wait, let me double-check that, I'm going to kiss him right now. That was a short one but he is in fact, as phenomenal a kisser as one might imagine. That was a great question, because I got to kiss Rick. Any more like that and I'm all over ... Rick fainted, though. {laughs} !

    Here's some RDA quotes from the same chat

    Stargate_SG1-Richard: {laughs} it's much better now. It was my third knee surgery. The irony of it was that it did not happen skiing. I was carrying my daughter into her ballet class, caught my toe on a nail, snapped my foot backwards, and tore my knee to shreds. But the rehab has been as accelerated as possible to accommodate my trips to the river last March and my work on Stargate. Plus being a father to a three-year-old.

    tessamac: At Gatecon last year, Amanda described the way you smelled in 22 words or less. Could you do that for her too, please? :-)
    Stargate_SG1-Richard: She described how I smell? (To Amanda) You described how I smell? Come over here, Amanda, let me smell you ... I'm smelling Amanda now! Mmm ... she smells like hairspray. She smells like the very essence of life itself. It means she should shower. Soon. She's smelling me now ... I'd put her on the phone, but her nose is between my toes. Come on get up!
    johnson-sg3: Is Amanda watching what you're typing, just to see what you say about her?
    Stargate_SG1-Richard: Amanda is sitting right next to me, we're on the floor of the motor home, lounging, with cocktails and small poodles. And one large poodle. .

    Whadaya think!
    Thanks for posting all that SueKay!!!
    I like the idea of RDA and AT being alone in a motor home (Actually I mean Jack and wouldn't be appropriate for AT and RDA to be doing what I was thinking of )

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by samisjacksgal
      hey Leanne *waves back*

      i must say i love yur sig!!!
      hey *waves*

      thank-you, it was the product of a dull biology lesson when they made the mistake of giving us laptops for "revision" .....idiots


      United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
      honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


        Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
        Thanks for posting all that SueKay!!!
        I like the idea of RDA and AT being alone in a motor home (Actually I mean Jack and wouldn't be appropriate for AT and RDA to be doing what I was thinking of )

        hmm yeah Sam and Jack

        i think i was thinking the same thing!!

        (...the motor home)



          Originally posted by mishy_mo
          hmm yeah Sam and Jack

          i think i was thinking the same thing


          (...the motor home)

          LOL Yes it does!

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by misstweedledee
            hey *waves*

            thank-you, it was the product of a dull biology lesson when they made the mistake of giving us laptops for "revision" .....idiots


            that and reading some of my fic!

            Our school doesn't have laptops.Mind you after the fire it doesn't have classrooms!

            Loving the sig!
            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


              Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
              Do you think she'll get another conk on the head that will knock some sense back into her??
              No, but maybe another hot kiss!!!! yay!


                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill

                Welcome back SueKay!!! (ok, so I know you didn't really leave us but I did miss your posts )

                That's the first time someone's used moving smilies for a post about me!!!

                I feel priveledged!

                The General's Hell's gonna get updated soon!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by sueKay

                  that and reading some of my fic!

                  Our school doesn't have laptops.Mind you after the fire it doesn't have classrooms!

                  Loving the sig!
                  Hey *waves*

                  *hides face shamefully* I've been caught
                  no classrooms, oh no .
                  Well at least it gave me a chance to catch up with my favourite couple.......i love lessons like'll have to right more chaps for 'The General's Hell' and 'Jacks big honkin invention' i need something else to keep me entretained during my er......lessons


                  United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                  honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    LOL Yes it does!
                    hee hee

                    glad you think soo too

                    doubt we'll (or they'll) get any



                    just so you know that came out exactly as i intended

                    hee hee my mind ... it's stuck in the gutter ...been there for a while

                    ::::::::waves from my blownup lie-lo flaoting down to the shallow end::::::::


                    Originally posted by sueKay

                    that and reading some of my fic!

                    Our school doesn't have laptops.Mind you after the fire it doesn't have classrooms!

                    Loving the sig!
                    hey hey hey it isn't that bad

                    we might not have classrooms, decent teachers or any of our hard work (we tried to send a pile of ash to the SQA for our appeals hee hee) but at least we have the library!!!!

                    all those computers for lots of "studying"

                    hee hee

                    we have no life!

                    ps SQA = Scottish Qualifications Authority


                      Originally posted by mishy_mo
                      hmm yeah Sam and Jack

                      i think i was thinking the same thing


                      (...the motor home)


                      ROTFLMAO!!! Love the rockin' motor home!

                      I've decided that AT and RDA are just nuts, bonzo, 3 fries short of a happy meal......and that's why S/J are really good together.....did I mention that AT was lucky that job involves kissing RDA!
                      Last edited by sclairef99; 01 October 2004, 10:46 AM.


                        Originally posted by misstweedledee
                        Hey *waves*

                        *hides face shamefully* I've been caught
                        no classrooms, oh no .
                        Well at least it gave me a chance to catch up with my favourite couple.......i love lessons like'll have to right more chaps for 'The General's Hell' and 'Jacks big honkin invention' i need something else to keep me entertained during my er......lessons

                        *waves back*

                        don't worry!

                        Here's what I did in my er...lessons today.

                        period one - Modern Studies - finished the Epilogue to General's Hell (it's in my notebook)
                        period two and three - english assesment
                        period four - I was here!
                        period five - Playing the Stargate theme tune on a keyboard in my music class (and attempting sweet child of mine)
                        period six - assesment and attemptind to draw an Unas

                        I officially have no life

                        Oh wait - I haven't got the big four digits yet!
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          *waves back*

                          don't worry!

                          Here's what I did in my er...lessons today.

                          period one - Modern Studies - finished the Epilogue to General's Hell (it's in my notebook)
                          period two and three - english assesment
                          period four - I was here!
                          period five - Playing the Stargate theme tune on a keyboard in my music class (and attempting sweet child of mine)
                          period six - assesment and attemptind to draw an Unas

                          I officially have no life

                          Oh wait - I haven't got the big four digits yet!
                          maybe sueKay but you ain't far off!!!!!!

                          liked all of generals hell by the way

                          sooo cool!!!!!


                            Originally posted by sclairef99
                            ROTFLMAO!!! Love the rockin' motor home!

                            I've decided that AT and RDA are just nuts, bonzo, 3 fries short of a happy meal......and that's why S/J are really good together.....did I mention that AT was lucky that job involves kissing RDA!
                            i know i know but even worse is teri hatcher

                            she got to kiss him ( and more ) as well as snog the face off pierce brosnan and dean cain (THUNK!)

                            Rick and Amanda are crazy you only need to watch the lowdown to see that!!!!!! ( what was the US one like , i didn't think they'd be different!)


                              Originally posted by mishy_mo
                              maybe sueKay but you ain't far off!!!!!!

                              liked all of generals hell by the way

                              sooo cool!!!!!
                              Mishy's read The General's Hell in it entireity and there's lotsa ship and Spud-mashing/frying/baking to come!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by sueKay
                                *waves back*

                                don't worry!

                                Here's what I did in my er...lessons today.

                                period one - Modern Studies - finished the Epilogue to General's Hell (it's in my notebook)
                                period two and three - english assesment
                                period four - I was here!
                                period five - Playing the Stargate theme tune on a keyboard in my music class (and attempting sweet child of mine)
                                period six - assesment and attemptind to draw an Unas

                                I officially have no life

                                Oh wait - I haven't got the big four digits yet!

                                That sounds like a good day to me.... ..well my lesson tend to be lecture style now which is not a good thing.... ..i have paper for notes and all i end up doin is doodles.... .....for example i did my own story board for the s8
                                phone convo for mobeius
                                ... ..oh well when do we ever need science in the real world


                                United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                                honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team

