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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by CoffeeGirl

    Your profile says you're in France? Do you just live there or are you French? I live near the French border, sometimes I buy my groceries there because it's cheaper.

    Yeah, speaking of that - how long do I have to be a member before I'm able to give out green and red points? Does anyone know? Moderators?
    thank you ! i was right when i said you were the best fans
    i live in france and i'm french. i live near the belgian frontier and sometimes i buy my groceries there because it's cheaper too
    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


      Originally posted by majorsal
      Thanks, Madeleine.

      *adopted shipmum...whether she wants it or not*

      I prefer Wicked Stepmother, if it's all the same to you.



        Originally posted by CoffeeGirl long do I have to be a member before I'm able to give out green and red points? Does anyone know? Moderators?
        I think you're pretty close. It's a factor of time spent here, number of posts, and amount of rep already given.



          Originally posted by Mala50
          Madeleine - Just curious to know how you decide where to cut the thread and archive... Are there a certain number of posts you're looking for? a time/date? or is it just arbitrary?
          It's a very exact and complicated formula dependent on how long the thread is, how much sleep I've had, how recently since the last newbie commented on how intimidating the great big threads are and how much modding the board as a whole has needed that morning.

          I leave 100 - 200 posts in the thread and move the rest. It's pretty arbitrary, but I did try this time not to start with a post that came in the middle of a skein of the conversation. The other posts ought to still be easy to find, cos they'll still be marked as 'unread' even though they're moved to the other thread.

          As long as people are happy with this system I'll keep doing it; I've had no complaints over it, as opposed to regular complaints when the thread was just getting bigger and bigger. But if anyone's not happy, do let me know, cos nothing's set in stone.



            Originally posted by florence
            ok, that's my resolution for today : my 1st post here, i'm delurking (is that a real word ?)
            i just wanted to say you're the best fans i've ever met, so kind and so prolific : a new thread ! i knew i shouldn't go to sleep
            i watch SG for 1 year only but it was love at 1st sight and Sam and Jack, they're just so great together.
            i wish, no i know that the 2nd half of S8 won't deceive the shippers (hey TPTB, you can't do that to me, i've just found this show !)
            oh, i almost forgot : caty, marimba, i love your videos ! (caty, i think i'm the newbie who gave you that grey point, sorry if it worried you)
            To our little corner of Gateworld!
            Take your shoes off, kick back and post awhile!


              Originally posted by Madeleine_W
              I prefer Wicked Stepmother, if it's all the same to you.
              Health Advisory! Snorting coffee through your nose at 6:00 in the morning can be hazardous to your health!

              *giggle* You aren't Wicked in the traditional sense of the word but that coffee hurt!!

              I think Ship Mum is staying away to see if you could be converted to a full blown Shipper by the time she gets back!! This thread is slightly addictive!


                Originally posted by majorsal
                spoilers for s8's threads


                Yeah, it might make her realize that Jack 'isn't' sitting back, waiting for her to work through everything. But I *really* want her to drop PS because a- he isn't the right man for her, b- she can't deny her love and need for Jack anymore, and c- because she's tired of pretending (with both men).

                *sigh* Is anyone else going nuts waiting for some new spoilers to come out? We need something new to discuss!

                I agree with those reasons. But I think she needs to actually come to terms with how she's feeling first. She's not blind... I think she knows that she has feelings for the man, but seriously, when has she admitted them to herself?

                Only when he's in imminent danger of death.

                I think that seeing him under 'those circumstances' would cause her to have the mini panic attack right then and there.

                I mean death is one thing... having him be 'forbidden to her' is another thing... having both of them be right there in front of each other and claiming to not love each other is heartbreaking. I think she'd get a nice good dose of what Jack is going through, and WHY this is so difficult and awkward for him.

                And on that note... :-( I have to head off to work.



                  Originally posted by abydosorphan
                  I agree with those reasons. But I think she needs to actually come to terms with how she's feeling first. She's not blind... I think she knows that she has feelings for the man, but seriously, when has she admitted them to herself?

                  Only when he's in imminent danger of death.

                  I think that seeing him under 'those circumstances' would cause her to have the mini panic attack right then and there.

                  I mean death is one thing... having him be 'forbidden to her' is another thing... having both of them be right there in front of each other and claiming to not love each other is heartbreaking. I think she'd get a nice good dose of what Jack is going through, and WHY this is so difficult and awkward for him.

                  And on that note... :-( I have to head off to work.

                  I am hoping she breaks up with Pete before the visit, but I don't think that is how it is going to play out.
                  Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                    Well ok, it took me 2 1/2 hours to 'arrange' this one. At the same time..

                    It would help if i didnt unplug the external drive as its rendering when the mp3's on that drive dontcha think?

                    Anyway, i fixed it, but i have no idea whether the sound will be on there or not. So if its no music music vid, let me know?

                    I'm only gonna post it here for now..I'm doing work on the site and I've used this one for extra storage forever

                    Bay City Rollers - I only wanna be with you (9something megs)

                    Hope everyone likes.


                      Originally posted by florence
                      ok, that's my resolution for today : my 1st post here, i'm delurking (is that a real word ?)
                      i just wanted to say you're the best fans i've ever met, so kind and so prolific : a new thread ! i knew i shouldn't go to sleep
                      i watch SG for 1 year only but it was love at 1st sight and Sam and Jack, they're just so great together.
                      i wish, no i know that the 2nd half of S8 won't deceive the shippers (hey TPTB, you can't do that to me, i've just found this show !)
                      oh, i almost forgot : caty, marimba, i love your videos ! (caty, i think i'm the newbie who gave you that grey point, sorry if it worried you)

                      Hello Florence!! Just wanted to wish you a big fat WELCOME to the shipper family!! And I think your going to be right...the rest of season 8 WILL bring our favorite characters together!!!

                      Again, welcome! Hope to see more of you and please post often!



                        Originally posted by majorsal

                        *scene: Jack's cabin*

                        (jack sits on his dock, fishing in his fishless lake)

                        Jack - *notices shadow fall over him and glances up* "Carter?

                        Sam - "Hi, sir."

                        Jack - "Not that I'm not thrilled you're here, but why are you here?"

                        Sam - "I had an errand to run."

                        Jack - "Errand?"

                        Sam - "Yeah. I had to drop off Pete's ring... I broke off the engagement."

                        Jack - "Oh, really?"

                        Sam - "Yes... I actually broke off everything."

                        Jack - "As in?"

                        Sam - "As in we're no longer together."

                        Jack - "Why, if you don't mind me asking?"

                        Sam - *smirks* "For 'General' reasons."

                        Jack - *returns smirk* "Well, that's great, but I still don't understand how you ended up here."

                        Sam - "It was on the way."

                        Jack - "Minnesota's on the way via Denver?"

                        Sam - "I took a shortcut."

                        *they share a knowing smile*

                        Jack - "So, Carter, want to pull up a chair and do some fishing?"

                        Sam - "I don't really know how to fish."

                        Jack - "Want to learn?"

                        Sam - "Yes... but I'd rather learn from your cabin."

                        Jack - "My cabin, eh?"

                        Sam - "Bedroom, to be exact."

                        Jack - "Another shortcut?"

                        Sam - *turns and walks off* "I've been waiting years to fish... and fish some more." *looks over shoulder* "Care to join me, sir?"

                        *sam giggles as jack trips over fishing rod jumping up*

                        I have no real idea where that came from, but it was sure fun to do.


                        OOHhhh...I like, I Like --- are you SURE you're not Sally Reeves in Disguise?

                        I only hope that they give us 1) true, honest UNINTERRUPTED conversation, 2) long, smouldering glances and 3) a kiss that makes the hair on BOTH of them stand straight up for the electricity it generates!!!

                        IS THAT SO MUCH TO ASK????????



                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          Especially since the UK seems to get all the good stuff They got RDA's video dairy (which I have yet to see), and more ship in the Lowdown
                          totally unfair!!
                          Altho if they wanted to release a special All Ship and nothing but the SHip DVD, well, I wouldn't care where they released it as long as I could get a copy
                          See, now if TPTB were smart, they WOULD release a DVD of special shippy moments, both obvious and subtle. It could also include the behind the scenes outakes. AND, for extra fun, they show RDA and AT reading some of the silly fluff we've done on this thread (just the PG stuff), and include their reactions!!! THEN, (yeah, I'm getting carried away, and I need to go to work) they should have another contest for an opportunity to WORK on the dvd, helping them to select the shippy scenes, and even explain why the scenes were selected!!! (IMO, TPTB would actually need help here, anyway....ooops, did the snark just come out to play? ).

                          Can you imagine the sales generated from THAT? Could probably retire the US national debt! Or at least pay for 2 more seasons of Atlantis........



                            Thank you to everyone who has posted comments about my new video!

                            And here's something that came to me as I was drifting off to sleep last night so it probably doesn't make much sense, but oh well.

                            Spoilers for Moebius and possible S2 movie...more like complete speculation, but just in case...
                            It occurred to me that an episode they may go back to in S2 may be In the Line of Duty. Maybe Jolinar possesses some information that may help them to defeat Anubis and Sam didn't have access to that part of her memories. They need to go back and prevent Jolinar from being killed. Not exactly sure if I would like that scenario, but it does have potential angst factor as Sam would have to be implanted (Jack's favorite word ) with Jolinar for a longer amount of least until a new host was found.

                            Like I said this was just something that floated into my head while falling asleep. I don't necessarily think it would be a good idea, but the potential is there. Just thinking about how much a scenario like this could affect future events makes my head hurt.

                            I guess that's all for now...this may be my longest post yet. Yay me!
                            JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

                            Thank you, Nikkirose!


                              Action Sam and Jack video "I believe in you" Evanescence with lots of new clips




                                Originally posted by meimei
                                Health Advisory! Snorting coffee through your nose at 6:00 in the morning can be hazardous to your health!

                                *giggle* You aren't Wicked in the traditional sense of the word but that coffee hurt!!

                                I think Ship Mum is staying away to see if you could be converted to a full blown Shipper by the time she gets back!! This thread is slightly addictive!

                                Let me just check a couple of things:

                                I like Pete

                                I like Pete & Sam

                                "Dear PTB please drop the ship..."

                                Phew, I'm still normal.

                                ::runs away fast::


