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    Good morning/afternoon/evening:

    Firstly, I need to make a wee bit of an apology. I think I misspoke about ‘red-point’ person. They have yet to ding me. I guess you actually need to post something, huh? But, non-the-less, two very kindly shippers (I assume) have ‘Graced’ me with green points. Thank you very much!

    Secondly, RCC is a mere ‘fish’ in the pond of corporate entertainment. Even he has someone to whom he must report. And who knows, maybe ‘The Man’ who holds the rod is a shipper.

    *raises eyebrow*

    So, to add my favorite shippy scene to your illustrious montage of shippy splendor: With out doubt – Solitude. Despite the cold, dark, helpless, hopeless, nature of the episode Jack can still make Sam smile. Oh yeah, and we gets lots of touching, hugging, cuddling, covert confessions, serious eye contact, hand holding, hurt/comfort, angst….need I go on?


      Originally posted by samisjacksgal
      the title sort of lol

      i was reading the moebius thread and it explained how the moebius band works, basically someone was explaing that when you cut the band or something you see an alternate side to the way it was before you cut it (sorry if thats confusing)

      but if you take the meaning of moebius which seems to be alternate outcomes or 180 degree turn then i thought that maybe thats what they plan to do wth sg-1, where they show what would of happened if we didnt meet thor or defeated apophis the first time etc or even if sam and jack got together after divide and conquer hows that for staying on topic lol....its purely speculation on my party lol

      very good ....180 degrees is really hot too



        Originally posted by aske
        Good morning/afternoon/evening:

        Firstly, I need to make a wee bit of an apology. I think I misspoke about ‘red-point’ person. They have yet to ding me. I guess you actually need to post something, huh? But, non-the-less, two very kindly shippers (I assume) have ‘Graced’ me with green points. Thank you very much!

        Secondly, RCC is a mere ‘fish’ in the pond of corporate entertainment. Even he has someone to whom he must report. And who knows, maybe ‘The Man’ who holds the rod is a shipper.

        *raises eyebrow*

        So, to add my favorite shippy scene to your illustrious montage of shippy splendor: With out doubt – Solitude. Despite the cold, dark, helpless, hopeless, nature of the episode Jack can still make Sam smile. Oh yeah, and we gets lots of touching, hugging, cuddling, covert confessions, serious eye contact, hand holding, hurt/comfort, angst….need I go on?

        That's it Aske ....and we need more of that in the finale Do we miss all those hugs, touching, cuddling !!!!!!...ect ..I suppose RDA and AT are making up for them behind the scenes.



          I have raisins to dislike Pete , how come I haven't been dinged yet?
          Last edited by Rogue; 30 September 2004, 08:39 AM.
          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



            Originally posted by Catysg1
            That would be perfect about
            's remark.LOL

            wouldn't be the first time he's mentioned something about how good those two are together. in fact, didn't he become the shipper mascot after Points Of View?
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by Jamaica03
              Hi everyone,

              Just read the article with RDA's interview. I really hope that they don't leave the decesion up to RCC. Not only did he
              write the Sam/Pete proposal crap,
              he also decided to pull the kiss from Lost City Part II. He has made it very clear that he is not a shipper. I really hope that RDA got to decide the end.
              I don't think RCC convinced AT to do the scene from Affinity, from what she said even after he tried to give her the reasoning behind it, she still took "umbridge". I don't think she had a choice, she has a contract. But, it just goes to show what type of person RCC is, that the actress who has made this caracter what she is over the last 7 years, has a problem with the scene and they don't care.
              I am in agreement with you. I also hope that the RDA and AT got to have some say in how it was played out. It is a shame when the writers do not listen to the people that are the voice of a character.


                Originally posted by Critter
                Dare I say that I haven't gotten a red block from this dude or dudette? Is my halo still on that straight???
                Critter, if you need a red reputation point, I am sure I can oblige.


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  very good ....180 degrees is really hot too



                    Originally posted by Kliggins
                    Critter, if you need a red reputation point, I am sure I can oblige.

                    LOL... well Nobody is perfect we should all have at least a red point . I have 5 so far .



                      Originally posted by michelleb
                      wouldn't be the first time he's mentioned something about how good those two are together. in fact, didn't he become the shipper mascot after Points Of View?

                      Yeah ....if he's there this time too he'll mention something even better got too he 's a shipper big time

                      Aren't we all happy since the UK lowdown 2 nights ago!!!!!



                        Originally posted by nalex1013
                        I think that the S/J ship hasn’t touched on all the fundamentals of making shippers crazy yet strangely happy. I’ll explain by example. The X-Files had a good seven years of UST so they were experts. There’s the few basic things that will make people like us talk for months on news groups. There’s the hugs. Yes we do get a good few of them and admit it, we just love them. Then there’s the cuddling in any form. Stargate has done this well in solitudes and the old head on the shoulder in Beneath the Surface and the mutant one with Nirti. They’re great too.
                        But the writers have overlooked a few of the greats. For example kisses on the cheeks. Well I know they can’t really do that because of professional...blah blah blah. But one would be like.
                        Then there’s a simple face stroke or even rub on the arm when something happens. That would kind of be accectable.
                        Of course there’s the talks. Well of two different types; the direct and indirect. The direct one, umm, well D and C would count I suppose and Sam’s chat with imaginary jack in Grace. But really little else. The indirect is the when the relationship is referred to and that’s not very often.
                        Stargate is however overlooking one of the greats. A quick little hand hold. It’s nice, inoffensive and can be explained. I’d love someone to write a fanfic where they’re offworld and there’s some kind of big feast and for some reason jack takes her hand and then he feels her engagement ring (yeah I know she wouldn’t wear it on a mission). He turns her hand around and look at it and then pulls away and runs away. She goes after him and asks why he pulled away and they can finally have a conversation where at some point he says “Leave pete.”

                        Wow that was a rant and a half. Thanks for listening.

                        Ps the Lowdown rocked
                        X-files fans were experts. that's one way of putting it.

               to explain why we're also very stubbron and stick with a useless cause such as these relationships? just kidding...i am the useless cause


                          Originally posted by Kliggins
                          I am in agreement with you. I also hope that the RDA and AT got to have some say in how it was played out. It is a shame when the writers do not listen to the people that are the voice of a character.

                          KLIGGINS!!!!!!! I LOVE YOUR SIG PIC!!

                          excuse me people have to swim my way to the thunk thread hee hee


                            Originally posted by aske
                            Good morning/afternoon/evening:

                            Firstly, I need to make a wee bit of an apology. I think I misspoke about ‘red-point’ person. They have yet to ding me. I guess you actually need to post something, huh? But, non-the-less, two very kindly shippers (I assume) have ‘Graced’ me with green points. Thank you very much!

                            Secondly, RCC is a mere ‘fish’ in the pond of corporate entertainment. Even he has someone to whom he must report. And who knows, maybe ‘The Man’ who holds the rod is a shipper.

                            *raises eyebrow*

                            So, to add my favorite shippy scene to your illustrious montage of shippy splendor: With out doubt – Solitude. Despite the cold, dark, helpless, hopeless, nature of the episode Jack can still make Sam smile. Oh yeah, and we gets lots of touching, hugging, cuddling, covert confessions, serious eye contact, hand holding, hurt/comfort, angst….need I go on?
                            "The Man that Holds the Rod is a Shipper"

                            *raises eyebrows so high they go into orbit*

                            Good one.

                            Hello and welcome... I think Solitudes is the first ep that as a casual viewer had me thinking "are they involved or should they be" so I agree that is a pretty fine scene. And hits all right buttons!


                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              wouldn't be the first time he's mentioned something about how good those two are together. in fact, didn't he become the shipper mascot after Points Of View?
                              Kawalsky is so g0d d@mn cute, in fact the thought of he and Major Davis in the same episode...




                                Originally Posted by TameFarrar
                                AHHHH this is what we all are waiting for a

                                I've been think about this.
                                I'd like her to go to his house.
                                I'd like the kiss to start slow - tentative.
                                Then get more passionate
                                Then I want him to throw her over his shoulder and disappear into the bedroom and I want to hear her giggle all the way down the hall.
                                Is that asking too much?
                                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala

