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    Originally posted by Major Fischer
    Yeah, I mentioned somewhere in the reputation points threads that I thought the dinger had that effect. At least to my knowledge there are only 3 people with double green blocks that i know of who aren't known as shippers or moderators.

    Probably not his intention. Or I should say, knowmean too du tat.
    i'm seriously scared now that i have double green points. this wasn't my fault! i was asking for dingers! how did this happen? i feel like standing up and shouting 'i am not a mod, i am a free poster' (poster designed by mala, of course)

    just to add..of course all mods are wonderful, wise and all knowing people, who totally deserve six reputation blocks each
    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


      Originally posted by kiwigater

      OMG! Mala! You are FANTASTIC!!!!

      ETA: I only wish I could give you MORE green points, but I have to "spread it around" a bit first apparantly
      yeah..i'm slightly worried by them asking us to 'spread it around' that appropiate language? (or as the dinger put it appopiote)
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by astronomicalchick

        I can just see Jack's face if Sam threw that one into the convo.

        Sam: They're pugglenuggets Sir.
        Jack: *raises eyebrows* Pugglenuggets Carter?
        Sam: Yes sir. Pugglenuggets. They are small sub-atomic particles, not disimilar to neutrinos. They have also been called the "God" or "Powers That Be" particle. I think I encountered a mass of them when I was stranded on the Promethus last year and...
        Jack: *waves his hands* okay, okay I get it... Well I don't, but thanks for tryin' anyway...
        you know, if the word 'Pugglenuggets' makes an appearance on the show now, that;d be really cool. hey, it could be their new code word for ship, like 'cake' or 'jello' or 'fishing' or 'mary steenbergen'....i swear those are all secret sam and jack code for 'i love you'
        Last edited by michelleb; 30 September 2004, 04:46 AM.
        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          The dinger has now had their rep artificially lowered to the point where any rep they try to give should fail to affect people's points totals. I think it makes them into greys.

          That's as far as we can take the action, really. We can't stop them from being able to give greys and attendant comments.

          I hope that answer satisfies. If not, tough, it's the only answer you're getting But seriously, I think it's apparrent that more reps have gone *up* than down in this thread, so hopefully No Harm Done.

          more than satisifies, thank you madeleine. i know we were all laughing at this person, but we do appreciate you taking the time to sort this out. and i'll stop being OT now (somewhere in the distance i can hear cries of 'yeah, right, michelle!)
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            What's a pugglenugget and what's with those red squares?

            well..the red squares are the bad reputation points we've been getting for being shippers...badly spelled ones, apparently knowbuddy luvs ship, and the regs are there for a raisin. but we're proud of them, as they affirm our shippinness, so we wear our dingers with pride (i should probably rephrase that..nah, who'll notice) as for the pugglenugget..i have no idea. lets ask someone. mala? mei-mei? tame? critter? wait, that's me...umm, no idea. but it's a funny word, and one i like to say, now i've discovered it

            (and it takes one post before michelle goes spiralling off topic again...)
            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


              Originally posted by auralan
              Okay, clearly the dinger has moved on to giving bad rep to people who post in this thread for other posts of theirs. I just got this:

              Affinity (807) September 29th, 2004 08:39 PM Peet not a stocker; good husban/fiawnsay 4 Sam

              For a post I made on August 20 immediately after posting here after being gone since before the dude started this (moving: ick). The heck? It was a totally appropriate post in the Affinity thread. Also, it's the last posts I made anywhere other than this thread that even remotely mentions ship or Pete. Gee, the dictionary needer isn't exactly subtle. He gets told to stop giving negative rep to shippers posting in the ship thread, so he just searches for our posts outside the ship thread and dings us there. Can we get a mod on this? This is ridiculous and still completely against the spirit of the reputation system. People shouldn't be afraid to post in this thread because they'll get given bad reputation points for their trouble.
              The same thing happened to me. IT gave me a ding on a post in the Affinity thread as well which I posted on the same date as yours. I reported it to Madeline W. and they are waiting for Darren to get back before they take care of this IT!!!

              Anyone who acts like this deserves to be called an IT in my book!!!

              Ding away IT!!!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Starlilica
                Some people are just plain stupid. Just because she didn't agree with a pink jacket? Jeeze! I'm debating with myself -- is it ignorance or stupidity?
                Somebody seriously missed the point of Kindergarten. Share the toys, don't hit people, and play nicely with the other kids. If five-year-olds can manage it, the bar isn't set unreasonably high.
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                  Originally posted by TameFarrar
                  spoilers for s7's grace


                  It HAS TOO!!!!!

                  First and foremost because it has to show almost 8 years of pent up frustration and second well.................she is KISSING JACK!!!!!!
                  And if it is true that RDA is going to *share* his thoughts about the O'Neill/Carter situation then what do you think he is going to say???

                  Let the *Other* guy have her?????
                  No Way!!!

                  Remember RDA is the star of the show and his name even comes before the title of the show. So does anyone think that the STAR is not gonna end up with the girl?!

                  Just not gonna happen!!!!!!!!!
                  Ship Nana


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    spoilers for s7 and s8


                    The darkened/bolded line is the part that got me... not on Earth??? Is that a hint thrown to us? *tweaks brows*

                    Good thought except that it better not be an alternate universe ending!
                    Ship Nana


                      Originally posted by Major Fischer
                      Yeah, I mentioned somewhere in the reputation points threads that I thought the dinger had that effect. At least to my knowledge there are only 3 people with double green blocks that i know of who aren't known as shippers or moderators.

                      Probably not his intention. Or I should say, knowmean too du tat.
                      lol...and I love your sig btw

                      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
                      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

                      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
                      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


                        Originally posted by Major Fischer
                        I just wanted everyone to know that not everyone out there in the non-shipper community has any problem with any of y'all. We all come to Stargate for different reasons and enjoying different elements and it's really important for people to remember that just as every character wont appeal to every person, that every element of the show isn't going to appeal to every person.

                        I have always found the Shipper Community to be warm and friendly and good natured people.

                        And most of you can spell too. Which is more than I can say for the dinger.
                        Thank you for posting your feelings here. That was very kind of you!!

                        Help yourself to a cookie while your here!
                        Ship Nana


                          To CAPT.RIVET.

                          New video "Forever Yours" (Nightwish)

                          Beautiful song ..Enjoy

                          Link in my sig



                            Originally posted by michelleb
                            just to add..of course all mods are wonderful, wise and all knowing people, who totally deserve six reputation blocks each
                            Now are you trying to ward off ill things coming down on you from above?


                              Originally posted by LtLisa
                              lol...and I love your sig btw
                              Even scary goa'uld get bored during the midseason break


                                Originally posted by Major Fischer
                                Now are you trying to ward off ill things coming down on you from above?
                                i've been upsetting all kinds of people today, not here, just everywhere else, so i thought i'd better take pre-emptive action
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

