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    Originally posted by galaxy
    I agree. I also believe she'll be more a Laira-type.

    Laira was just plain annoying!

    I think Kerry will be a very feminine career woman!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by Starfury
      See, the thing I love about them, and bear in mind I've yet to see Pete (should I be dreading October 19th? It seems so weird...), so I can't make any comparisons to him, but Jack is just so in love with how smart and capable and wonderful Sam is. He's just in awe of her, and a little intimidated by her, but instead of that being a turnoff like it is for most guys, it turns him on. And yet, he doesn't worship her, which is the other unfortunate thing that can happen when guys encounter incredibly brilliant, vibrant and beautiful women. He isn't blind to her faults or to his own strengths. He loves Sam not because she's all of those things, but he loves those things because they are part of her. (Does that make sense?)

      I think the same is also true of Sam. That's why they make such a great couple. They complement one another's strengths and offset their weaknesses.
      see, this is the exact reason why jack is better than pete for sam. jack loves sam, all of her, faults, dark sides, everything. pete loves an image he has built up, of some fluffy dumb blonde in spandex. and when sam is with jack, she behaves as herself, and is the best she can be. when she's with pete, she lives down to his image of her.

      bottom line. pete loves samantha..and she's not real. jack loves carter..the real thing.
      Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


        Originally posted by michelleb
        see, this is the exact reason why jack is better than pete for sam. jack loves sam, all of her, faults, dark sides, everything. pete loves an image he has built up, of some fluffy dumb blonde in spandex. and when sam is with jack, she behaves as herself, and is the best she can be. when she's with pete, she lives down to his image of her.

        bottom line. pete loves samantha..and she's not real. jack loves carter..the real thing.
        You know, I read a fic that said exactly that once.
        It was based on New Order spoilers, and Sam had once again been captured by fifth. Jack breaks in to save her, and ends in an argument with Fifth. Fifth tells Jack that he loves Samantha and Jack responds by laughing and saying 'another one?' before listing off the victims of the BWC. He then goes on to say basically what was in your post.

        Did you write it? I'm terrible with names!
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by lorelei
          I agree that Sam can be fiercely protective of Jack and I love that about her. I had this great dream (YES I do sometimes dream Stargate--what of it?) where they had finally captured Baal. And the first thing Sam does is cooly go up to Baal and give him a massive punch in the jaw. She doesn't say anything but you know it's for the way he tortured Jack back in season 6. It was a cool dream. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
          i have stargate dreams too. often shippy (if not, involving daniel...and you don't want to know what happens in those). and yes, i can TOTALLY see sam punching ba'al for what happened to jack...if she knows everything. i can't see jack telling her, and i don't think janet would.
          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Me think she'll be her complete opposite ...brunette , long hair
            For her style of clothes ..don't know cuz we don't see sam outside SGC much (May be she only wear dresses...and hates Jeans!!!!)....and for her interest ..I don't think she 'll be into bikes..Apparently she may like cooking she could be a good at arranging a home too or Art...(cooking ,art, decorating may be her thing ).

            Sam is more a tomboy who could still be very sexy.

            Kerry may well be a clever but may just be a woman(No boyish style whatsoever)

            I agree. But since she is on the oversight commitee, I would think she would also be ambitious, intelligent and professional. So she wouldn't totally be the opposite of Sam.
            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



              Originally posted by Mala50
              Thanks, Token! I grabbed it in case anyone wants it.

              Oh, she does look good! I'd rather see Sam dress like this than in pleather!


              There's also a downloadable desktop, too -

              I like the above promo pic better, but this one from the desktop's not bad:

              oh goodness, sometimes i forget how incredibly beautiful she is. well, i can see how pete, and narim, and martouf and joe all fall in love with her at first sight, but surely it should count for more then jack fell in love with the whole person, and not just her looks? (amazing though they are. seriously, i can't think of one hollywood actress who this lovely)
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                Originally posted by michelleb
       a CSI shipper, for griss and sara, avoid that too, cos that ship isn't going so well either

                Michelle remind me quickly ..I'm quite new to CSI but I really love the show and how they do their investigations's gruesome but it's quality episodes(loved the flash back suppositions)..Now Griss is the guy who is losing his hearing right ...and sara the darker hair girl!!!!cuz there is the blond one too(I like her as well). Well I saw an episode where the darker hair girl asked him out and he said NO......

                Well I hope Sam will ask Jack out and He'll say YES, YES, AND YES.
                Actually if she asks him out fishing ..he's not gonna say NO ...isn't he ..same if she proposes a bike ride .

                Anyway CSI rocks too ...I try to watch CSI and CSI Miami ..when I can but it's late here in the UK .

                Last edited by Catysg1; 24 September 2004, 01:56 PM.


                  Originally posted by shelsfc
                  I'd love it to be Mary Steenburgen, I've only seen her in Joan of Arcadia, but I think she's good in that....
                  But even just for the irony, I'd quite like it to be her!
                  The only info we have so far describes her as "30ish." Mary S. is older than that but there's no reason she couldn't play younger. People(including critics) seem to be too caught up in actors' actual ages, I think. Women especially find their number of roles diminished when they reach that "certain age."


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    see, this is the exact reason why jack is better than pete for sam. jack loves sam, all of her, faults, dark sides, everything. pete loves an image he has built up, of some fluffy dumb blonde in spandex. and when sam is with jack, she behaves as herself, and is the best she can be. when she's with pete, she lives down to his image of her.

                    bottom line. pete loves samantha..and she's not real. jack loves carter..the real thing.
                    It goes vice versa aswell - Sam loves Jack for what he is too. I mean, I know he's a very private guy, but it's safe to say she knows him pretty well, his good side and his dark side. I know it's not like he goes out of his way to open up to anyone, but I don't think he puts up the same barriers with SG1 that he does with other people. I wonder spoiler for Threads
                    how well Kerry actually knows Jack.


                      Originally posted by Rogue
                      I agree. But since she is on the oversight commitee, I would think she would also be ambitious, intelligent and professional. So she wouldn't totally be the opposite of Sam.
                      Possible spoilers Threads(Suppositions)

                      LOL ...I didn't mean a brunette BIMBO She'll be clever , intelligent like Sam but not a scientist ..and will have different interests....For clothes ....she wears only dresses....If she is on the committee...she's not going off world ..she is civilian she wears normal clothes like Doctor Weir from lost city 1..for example .
                      Outside work ..I see her organising parties a lot ..cuz she didn't mind Sam to stay for the Barbecue ..She may be used to that...and I think she may have lots of friends ....and live more of a normal life than Sam ...Let's say , she is not lonely.



                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        Imagine a woman getting dressed to the nines, all ready to go the the Academy Awards... and instead ends up at 'half-off Tuesdays' at McDonalds. She wants prime rib, but gets chicken mcnuggets. She wants champagne, but gets a coke. Wants to dance at the after-awards party, but ends up watching wrestling on tv... that's the difference between Jack and PS. Not class, but being wowed. All Jack has to do is look at her, and I'm sure Sam's blood pressure rises. Every woman wants that. Every person.

                        sally, you put that PERFECTLY, much better than all my obscure raving. and what annoys me most is that she settling for the nuggets and wrestling, when she could have the wow. why sam, why?
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          Possible spoilers Threads(Suppositions)

                          LOL I didn'y mean a brunette BIMBO She'll be clever , intelligent like Sam but not a scientist ..and will have different interests....For clothes ....she wears only dresses....If she is on the committee...she's not going off world ..she is civilian she wears normal clothes like Doctor Weir from lost city 1..for example .
                          Outside work ..I see her organising parties a lot ..cuz she didn't mind Sam to stay for the Barbecue ..She may be used to that...and I think she may have lots of friends ....and live more of a normal life than Sam ...Let's say , she is not lonely.

                          What if there was a incursion while she was at the SGC. I picture her the type that would be hiding behind he desk, while Sam is kicking a$$.

                          By the way, I knew you didn't mean she was a Bimbo.
                          Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                            Originally posted by galaxy
                            I agree. I also believe she'll be more a Laira-type.
                            Spoiler Threads

                            Not like Lara for me ... but very strong , carreer minded well like Sam but different in so many other ways .Like I said ..I think she'll be sure of herself ..a nice woman who knows what she wants ....but she lives kind of a normal life ...She has friends ..and can find her own boyfriends ..let's say ..She does not need her brother to help her find someone...the opposite of SAM in that respect ...She probalby will hate to wear Jeans too and will hate bikes...something like that...and she has tons of parties in her house cuz she is great at entertaining people ...That's how I see her



                              Hey guys!

                              Just published a fic at it's entitled Untitled one because I've yet to think of a name.
                              I beginning to feel sorry for Spuddy (since Sam's gonna break his heart when she gets together with Jack), so I've decided to do a fic where he redeems himself.

                     is where you'll find it! There will be ship! I promise!

                              Nobody liked my ficlet then?
                              Last edited by sueKay; 24 September 2004, 02:28 PM.
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                                I can imagine Both Sam and Jack get angry when the other is missing/captured/being tortured etc... but for the life of me I can't think of any good examples of Sam geting angry about someone doing something to Jack?? Could anyone remind me?
                                fifth man. sam needs to go back through the gate to get jack. hammond tries to stop her. sam almost shoots hammond!

                                teal'c points a gun at her. she doesn't react much (although jack gets in the way). teal'c points a gun at jack, sam swings her gun straight up

                                i'm sure there's more
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

