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    [QUOTE=Mala50]OK, so I'm decloaking today...and am probably repeating everything that eveyone has said about ENDGAME already, but at least I have pix ... (and I get to play with spoiler tags!)

    Re Endgame:
    Boy, what a dull end of Season episode.... The promo was better than the show... Btw, was there ever an explanation about what happened to Sarah/Osiris? (I sorta wasn't paying attention.....)

    The Good (actually, The Eh):
    • Spoiler:
      That machinegun pistol the bad Trust guy had. Very cool!
    • Got some nice caps of RDA
      even though it seemed like he wasn't there in most of his scenes...except for the end. And I liked that look that he gave Sam and Daniel when he said, "Tough choice"... but that's about it.
    I really think that they're using this episode to set up future episodes
    with Jack being an 'unconventional' General who goes on off-world on missions (IT'S GOOD TO BE THE KING).

    I am SO tired of watching Action Jack run around the base shooting!!

    The Bad:
    • RDA's [spoiler]flat perfomance -
      the only tension was wondering whether Jack was going to show up and finish interrogating the Area 51 guy (at least in Lifeboat he jumped in and threatened the guy who wouldn't leave Daniel's body).
    • Bad action
      Danbo (so what are all those muscles he's been growing for? Daniel still can't fight and he's not even tied up! Meanwhile Sam kicks a$$ with her arms tied behind her back - now, that was good to see! Action Sam!)
    • That
      Area 51 guy - why was he British?
    The Ugly:
    • Those tan
      Texaco gas station attendant jumpsuits that Sam and Daniel wore at Area 51
    • Sam's
      pleather jacket
    • Did I mention
      that dweeby Area 51 British guy?
    Oh, and did anyone else notice this?

    Some habits die hard...(especially for Potatohead Stalkers!) [/QUOte

    Yes, I thought the Brit area 51 guy was sort of a cross between Fifth and Andrew Lloyd Webber. Did anyone see Colson running around the Alpha site? I didn't and hope he's a one ep guest. Yes, please, please have Jack go on missions, I mean let's HAVE missionsand have Jack go on them. He must be going crazy hanging around the mountain popping into this room and that.


      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
      Hey sweetie...worried that you had 1 or 2 (or let's face it, 5 ) drinks TOO many and missed my numerous, lengthy, well articulated, Pulitizer Prize winning posts regarding those eps?? Um, Yep, UhHuh, that's the reason. Obviously going to have to do an intervention on you . (Tame, Tame, ..trying reverse -- or sidewards -- psychology on me , to get me to post more? It might work, let's see.....)

      Actually, I did post about Endgame, but not Sacrifices. Not much to add about the multitudes of posts on those too, but have to say I enjoyed Sacrifices MORE than Endgame, largely because
      the humor of the initial gate scene, the Sam/Jack (OH, how I love typing their names together!) hallway scene, the Sam/Daniel/Ryac gate scene, the Teal'c/Jack pingpong scene.....I haven't laughed out loud so much during an SG1 episode since ......hmmm, let me think........Wormhole Xtreme. And the humor is a big part of it for me, along with the ship, o' course.

      There. A Post. Happy NOW?

      Good Point Di! I also thought that Teal'c and Jack ping pong thing was funny too! I hope Jack has now learned never to play ping pong with a po'ed Teal'c!


        Originally posted by Ship Nana
        Hi there Stargatefan!!!!

        Glad you delurked and hope you stick around a while!!!


        Join the rest of the newbies in the Shipper Town Bar, Grill, and Bakery for some good food, good drink, and excellent shipper cookies. LOL!


          Originally posted by Madeleine_W
          That ranks up with such gems like "S/J shippers only dislike Pete cos he gets in the way of S/J", or "Jonas Fans only like Jonas to annoy the Daniel Fans" as (a) Utter Twaddle and (b) Deeply Insulting.

          It drives me potty when people come up with stuff like this. It makes me feel like I could write seventeen pages of well-argued explanation of why I feel S/J ship is not good, why Jonas was poorly-concieved and very poorly presented, and why Sam in s7 isn't half the person she was in s1-7, all without once mentioning Daniel, and yet certain folk would read it and think "Hmm, anti-shipper, not overly enthusiastic about JQ, doesn't like Sam enough. Is she a J/D slasher or is she one of those mad women who only want StarGate: The Daniel Jackson Show?"
          How about this. Anyone that wants to diss anti-s/j shippers, go to the ship discussion thread. Anyone that wants to call the shippers on against anti-shipper behavior, go to the ship discussion thread and say it there.

          Last edited by majorsal; 23 September 2004, 10:48 PM.



            Originally posted by michelleb
            okay, here's what I think needs to happen, and this is going to involve season eight spoilers, so

            1) sam seems to be a bit confused over who's she's helplessly in love with, and who she is just settling for

            2) jack seems content for sam to just slip away

            3) when ever jack's in danger, sam goes all out to save him...builds particle generators, nearly shoots hammond, blackmails weir, etc

            4) jack needs to get into trouble. maybe kiddnapped by replicarter. sam does amazing and brilliant things to get to him, and turns into a fighting hell cat

            5) sam needs to realise she's done this...maybe replicarter can have a quick word with her...get the truth out 'why did you just destroy an entire planet to get to jack', 'becasue i love him, you metal assed b****h, now i'm going to shoot you. therefore, sam will realise she loves jack

            6) jack needs to hear sam's declaration of love, and realise it's not just his own feelings he's ignoring her. he tells her he loves her, nothing dramatic, just 'great rescue carter by the way, i love you too, just thought you should know'

            7) and in the long voyage back from whereever they are, sam and jack can finally, eventually realise that the only person for sam is jack, and he can't live without her. cue dumping of pete, and big kiss

            whatever happens, something dramatic has got to happen to sam to turn her from safe, predicatable, normal and back to the difficult, dangerous, unreadable man she does love
            Michelle, you make some excellent points, and I adore the idea of Hell Cat Sam -- that's what's been missing so much lately - Take No S#$^ Sam -- but I gotta wonder -- haven't we seen Sam rescue Jack (and vice versa) now for -- oh about 8 friggin' YEARS!!! Hasn't been the catalyst for those declarations of love that one would expect, unfortunately. Wonder if TPTB are capable of finally writing that scene coming from yet another rescue. I DO however, agree that Jack needs to hear Sam's feelings. Out Loud. Sans Interruption.
            Perhaps Replicarter will assist there.

            You know, one (one of many, many) reasons I'm in the middle of a divorce is the lack of communication btw myself and the ex. Makes you wonder, once Sam and Jack get together, how will they ever resolve problems? Based on the last 8 years, I can only assume one would head for her lab, the other his cabin.

            Still think we need Teal'c to knock some sense into them. One more conk on Sam's noggin might help



              Originally posted by Mala50
              Thanks, Token! I grabbed it in case anyone wants it.

              Oh, she does look good! I'd rather see Sam dress like this than in pleather!

              There's also a downloadable desktop, too -

              I like the above promo pic better, but this one from the desktop's not bad:

              THX! More gutter fodder for me!!!!


                Originally posted by Mala50
                OK, so I'm decloaking today...and am probably repeating everything that eveyone has said about ENDGAME already, but at least I have pix ... (and I get to play with spoiler tags!)

                Re Endgame:
                Boy, what a dull end of Summer Season episode.... The promo was better than the show... Btw, was there ever an explanation about what happened to Sarah/Osiris? (I sorta wasn't paying attention.....)

                The Good (actually, The Eh):
                • Spoiler:
                  That machinegun pistol the bad Trust guy had. Very cool!
                • Got some nice caps of RDA
                  even though it seemed like he wasn't there in most of his scenes...except for the end. And I liked that look that he gave Sam and Daniel when he said, "Tough choice"... but that's about it.
                I really think that they're using this episode to set up future episodes
                with Jack being an 'unconventional' General who goes on off-world on missions (IT'S GOOD TO BE THE KING).

                I am SO tired of watching Action Jack run around the base shooting!!

                The Bad:
                • RDA's [spoiler]flat perfomance -
                  the only tension was wondering whether Jack was going to show up and finish interrogating the Area 51 guy (at least in Lifeboat he jumped in and threatened the guy who wouldn't leave Daniel's body).
                • Bad action
                  Danbo (so what are all those muscles he's been growing for? Daniel still can't fight and he's not even tied up! Meanwhile Sam kicks a$$ with her arms tied behind her back - now, that was good to see! Action Sam!)
                • That
                  Area 51 guy - why was he British?
                The Ugly:
                • Those tan
                  Texaco gas station attendant jumpsuits that Sam and Daniel wore at Area 51
                • Sam's
                  pleather jacket
                • Did I mention
                  that dweeby Area 51 British guy?
                Oh, and did anyone else notice this?

                Some habits die hard...(especially for Potatohead Stalkers!)
                OMG, never cease to amaze and amuse!!! I was nodding in agreement with all your comments and screencaps, and then clicked on 'the stalker'...LMAO, almost woke the children and it's after midnight here!!

                you are twisted!!! but in a very good way



                  Wanted to apologize to all for missing the better part of the chat last night. I came back just as the last person checked out . . . going to try and clear up a few of the questions I saw posted . . .

                  A DVR is a Digital Video Recorder, and their not expensive at all. I'm actually renting mine now from my old job at the cable company, it is part of their new offering. Glad I got it before I left. It works almost exactly like a Tivo except that it is a little more interactive and can be updated with ITv and the like.

                  Umm, . . . that's all that I can remember other than my attempt at name changes did indeed work!! I just didn't see it at first.

                  Look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow night!

                  Of course not during Stargate, the chance to see New Order again!!!


                    Originally posted by Starfury
                    See, the thing I love about them, and bear in mind I've yet to see Pete (should I be dreading October 19th? It seems so weird...), so I can't make any comparisons to him, but Jack is just so in love with how smart and capable and wonderful Sam is. He's just in awe of her, and a little intimidated by her, but instead of that being a turnoff like it is for most guys, it turns him on. And yet, he doesn't worship her, which is the other unfortunate thing that can happen when guys encounter incredibly brilliant, vibrant and beautiful women. He isn't blind to her faults or to his own strengths. He loves Sam not because she's all of those things, but he loves those things because they are part of her. (Does that make sense?)

                    I think the same is also true of Sam. That's why they make such a great couple. They complement one another's strengths and offset their weaknesses.
                    Imagine a woman getting dressed to the nines, all ready to go the the Academy Awards... and instead ends up at 'half-off Tuesdays' at McDonalds. She wants prime rib, but gets chicken mcnuggets. She wants champagne, but gets a coke. Wants to dance at the after-awards party, but ends up watching wrestling on tv... that's the difference between Jack and PS. Not class, but being wowed. All Jack has to do is look at her, and I'm sure Sam's blood pressure rises. Every woman wants that. Every person.




                      Originally posted by GoneShippin'
                      OMG, never cease to amaze and amuse!!! I was nodding in agreement with all your comments and screencaps, and then clicked on 'the stalker'...LMAO, almost woke the children and it's after midnight here!! you are twisted!!! but in a very good way Di
                      Why, thank you Di! I pride myself on my keen observational (though twisted) abilities!

                      END GAME SPOILER PIC:

                      Some habits die hard...(especially for Potatohead Stalkers!)

                      Last edited by Mala50; 24 September 2004, 12:41 AM.


                        Originally posted by Token
                        Sorry, I feel a mini-rant coming, or shall we say a temporary *Shipper Snit*??

                        Season 7 and Season 8 general topic of :
                        What is really under my craw is the fact that TPTB are NOT taking the Pete relationship seriously!! If they have the guts enough to bring a boyfriend into the Sam/Jack relationship, then FCOL have the guts to follow the perverse plan completely. TPTB lose all credibility with me when there is in obvious inconsistency in the Pete storyline. If TPTB want us to believe that Pete storyline is believeable, then show us the engagement announcement and ring, show us the fallout of the Pete engagement. I'm not a glutton for punishment, but I would have more respect for Stargate's PTB if they showed us what we DON'T want to see but need to see for consistency.

                        I don't know if I am making sense, but the choppiness of the Pete storyline tells me that Pete is a plot device not to be taken seriously. If he is not to be taken seriously, then my emotions were trampled for "fun", "ratings", or "money". I don't feel like it is fun; therefore, I'm just a pi$$ed off Sam and Jack fan who won't be buying any merchandise! Except from the Shipper Store.

                        *end of rant*
                        I'm taking the PS storyline very seriously. I don't want it to exist, let alone see it. If I had to SEE the engagement announcement and Sam showing off the ring, it would just be another hit to my already bruised body. So, if there's any ptb that are reading this post, THANK YOU for NOT doing even more with the PS storyline. I almost died with the ^&#$@ engagement crap, so I don't need for it to be rubbed in my face even more showing her all happy and... I'm done.




                          spoilers for s6's abyss


                          Originally posted by lorelei
                          I agree that Sam can be fiercely protective of Jack and I love that about her. I had this great dream (YES I do sometimes dream Stargate--what of it?) where they had finally captured Baal. And the first thing Sam does is cooly go up to Baal and give him a massive punch in the jaw. She doesn't say anything but you know it's for the way he tortured Jack back in season 6. It was a cool dream. Anyway, just thought I'd share.
                          I know I dream Stargate, but I can't remember most of them. I know I've done a scene in my head where Sam meets Baal... and kills him in cold blood. Can you imagine the ramifications of doing that?




                            She's beautiful.




                              Originally posted by Ship Nana

                              Only 360 DAYS UNTIL TAME'S BIRTHDAY?!
                              ROFLMAO!!!!! Thank you for that reminder Ship Nana as I am sure Tame would have forgotten to mention it.


                                Originally posted by Catysg1
                                Hi guys

                                Not too busy right now but letting you know that I have more or less finished my new and refreshed Stargate video page .. Hope you like the new look.The videos should all be working ....I'm still checking but Please report any broken links to me . Thank you.


                                Caty aka ShipDiva
                                Caty; the new and refreshed Stargate Video page looks fantastique!!!! I shudder when I think how much it must have taken. Thanks very much.

