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    Originally posted by michelleb
    oooh, hey, you could be right
    i did think it was shippy, but as daniel was on there too, i didn't think it was overtly shippy, so didn't mention it, but yeah, the thought of killing anyone he cares for again, after entity is too much, especially sam (and after already losing daniel once). and he does look totally shattered at the end..i think part of his snippyness in the final scene manybe that his emotions just ran the gamut, and he's exhausted, and trying to repress the fact that he was so emotionally involved and trying to ply it cool like sam and daniel and the fact that it must have been tremendously frustrating to stay behind and not join in and save sam and daniel and all the jaffa.

    actually, they may be the reason he got so emotionally involved. before, in the past, he's been at the heart of the action, totally involved in the mission, so had no time to wallow in feelings. but now all he can do is stand back and watch as sam and daniel and teal'c do all the dangerous stuff, and all he can do is feel, and think about what could happen. maybe all this non-action time will make him think more and deeply about how he feels about sam, especially if she's in danger, and he'll realise he can't just stand back and let her marry pete, he has to do or say something.
    i totally agree maybe because he was so emotionally involved that, when kerry asks him why doesnt he retire in 'threads', this is the reason he considers retirement to be with sam and not put her life in danger
    just the ramblings of an insane person lol


      Great points Sacme.
      I have noticed the lack of Drama since the beginning of Season 8.IMO Jack as the General is just not working out.Jack is a man of action and it just does not seem right to see Jack sit back and watch Sg-1.I though Endgame was probably one of the better Season 8 episodes but IMO it still was not a great episode.I really noticed the lack of Jack in this episode and seeing the NID again so soon was a bit to much.If there is a Season 9 and RDA is involved I hope it is not as General.I do have high hopes that the episodes will be much better in January like last Season and I think the Ship will be much better as well.


        Originally posted by TameFarrar
        Well I wasn't *crazy* about it but I could find things I really liked

        I did like Jack's reactions to most things...RDA came off as VERY frustrated by the whole thing and I do believe THAT is how Jack is feeling about being STUCK in the SGC.

        I liked that Teal'c figured out how to dial into the gate.

        I REALLY liked that Pete was NOWHERE to be seen

        what I didn't like...


        was that Teal'c would not have automatically suspected the Tok'ra...he would have thought that the Earth gate being down was suspious before blaming having him act rashly was out of character.

        Daniel being TO ......JACK.....and NOT Daniel...I like Rambo Daniel as much as the next girl BUT not in place of Jack

        Definitely total Lack of KNEW they were going to be rescued with no problem...they never looked all

        So while I missed some things ....I can't say this wasn't good just not the best
        SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):

        I enjoyed the ep...only because it had a great sense of humor...and I laughed alot....BUT....I did find it odd that Danny boy was interragating instead of Jack, and then what's with them going to the trouble of tying up Carter, but NOT Daniel...especially when they tied up Daniel the time he did the translation....hello....isn't that the first rule of capture?

        I'm with Tame's Hubs....Jack did way too little in his capacity as Gen or his emotion for Sam and the team being missing.... How could they not have gotten RDA in the schedule for two more scenes at the very least!

        However I did think he did a great job portraying worry for the team...
 now we wait until when for new ones?


          But the men have on their wedding rings all the time....I spotted on on a random SG team member who was behind Ferretti in on of the latest rerun eps on Sci Fi....



            Originally posted by LtColSamONeill
            Tonights ep thoughts
            I think Jack knows because the last couple of episodes and especially this one, he's been really snippy at the team and really "military" with Sam. That last line when Daniel said he probably should have blown up the ship and Jack said tough choice he kinda looked at Sam. Now yes I was reading between the lines but the first words that came to my mind was Ohhhh is he pissed off? Maybe being a little snarky at Sam? The looks on their faces were like "What's his problem?" yea Jack was smirking, but still. I still say Pete is involved in all this "Trust" stuff. Just a gut feeling. My favorite line was when Sam said "Could someone untie me" I was like Hey baby you tied yourself up. Learn to say no!!! " bahhhhhaaa On another note Sam looked smokin hot in this episode. Unfortunately Jack never sees her in the hot outfits!!!!!! ARggggghhhhh." If you look really hard you can find alot of snarky ship. LOL I think it's really getting hard for Jack to make these decisions he has to make with the lives of these people he thinks of as family. It's getting down to the wire for him I think.
            and that just happens to be how I feel about it. What do you think?
            I think our Hero is feeling snarky because of the proposal but will wait until he sees the ring on her finger to find solice with Kerry. Can you blame him? She shoves the ring (and proposal by another man) in his face and accepts the proposal. This is the ultimate rejection. So it is about time for him to follow his own advice and 'get a life'.
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              Originally posted by sacme
              I actually couldn't understand
              why Sam was in a catsuit (basically)when everyone else was in (basically) riot gear. What happened to Sam being an equal? Her leather jacket and hot pants were insulting, IMHO.

              This show was screamingly Jack-lite, and since it was the mid-season finale, that was very disappointing.

              I'm so glad the first half of season 8 is over, though. It was a difficult year for shippers, but we made it through. Hopefully the New Year will bring us a fresh start and many wonderful new things!

              ship sistah
              Spoilers (highlight below to read)
              Oh....also, why when they go out of SGC on world after the "Trust"....this happened in A$$inity and in Endgame....why is it that the rest of the people raiding are in the black uniforms and Sam and Daniel show up in a vest and black shirt and jeans...did you see what SHOES Sam had to wear w/that outfit!! So, what's with the massive change in outfit?!!!!!!!!!!

              Oh...and my Hubs said....this is the mid-season finally...where's the cliffhanger? Actually, then after Atlantis' Cliffhanger he added...what not enough budget to have TWO cliffhangers..... So, what's with that?


                Originally posted by sacme
                I actually couldn't understand
                why Sam was in a catsuit (basically)when everyone else was in (basically) riot gear. What happened to Sam being an equal? Her leather jacket and hot pants were insulting, IMHO.

                And when did Daniel become head investigator at the SGC? It just felt wrong that he was talking to Chevron Guy and friend in the beginning and then the Area 51 scientist in the middle. There has got to be someone better qualified to do that than the head Archeologist-- oh, maybe like... JACK!

                This show was screamingly Jack-lite, and since it was the mid-season finale, that was very disappointing.

                I'm so glad the first half of season 8 is over, though. It was a difficult year for shippers, but we made it through. Hopefully the New Year will bring us a fresh start and many wonderful new things!

                ship sistah
                yes! Everyone else is in riot gear and the first ones in don't even wear helmets, very silly.
                Daniel seemed to be the wrong person to investigate although it did give the impression O'Neill is so busy that he does delegate.
                I would have made it a cliff hanger and ended it right before they return. Angst for Jack.
                I would have loved to hear him on the telephone or watched the body language as he talked to the Pres. explaining how he lost the gate.
                Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                  I haven't had a chance to go through the posts yet this morning but wanted to get my two bits in before RL started screaming

                  Spoilers for Endgame
                  I got the feeling that Jack is starting to mull over his desire to lead SGC. He made a decision to save the team and pretty much let the mission go---ie the bad guys got away with the ship. Being a leader is tough with tough decisions and Jack doesn't seem very comfortable with this new role.

                  If what we've been speculation will happen, that Jack will indeed leave the Air Force, then I think we are starting to see that happen. It makes me uncomfortable to watch him in the leadership role because we all know that he'd rather be out there with the team. And we'd rather he be out there with the team too!

                  I didn't see any real Shipping going on which disappoints me greatly. His concerns were for the whole team and did not single out Sam. TPTB had better start throwing some Shipper bones or else when they get together it will seem totally off the wall.

                  I am going to try real hard to stay out of my shipper snit today. I think I'll just wallow in the gutter today to save myself.
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by sacme
                    kisses and cookies to Tame and the rest of the Shipper Family!

                    ship sistah
                    Thanks for the cookies ship sistah...I was getting hungry and need something to go with my Dr. Pepper.
                    Desperate Thunker


                      Originally posted by tpe78
                      Hi Shipper Family.

                      1st of all Happy Birthday Tame (Slightly belated sorry.)

                      2nd of all my thoughts on Endgame
                      When Jack had to make the decision about the destroying the space ship.. Personally how I saw that is in direct relation to Enitity (420). Back then he was able to make that choice to end the threat or to give in to his feelings. Now I believe he loves her too much and can't or won't do that again. That's why he hesitiates. I don't think that he can "Pull the trigger again" so to speak. Which is why he looks so shattered with himself at the end of that scene. I think he's realised that he can't send her into dangerous situations and still be objective about her.

                      I think this speaks volumes to how Jack feels about Sam

                      It's going to be a long spring/summer(in Australia) or Fall/Winter (in the states)
                      you have to realize it is not just her, if he tells Prometheus to blow up the Al'kesh he also looses the gate and Daniel. It is a more complex problem than just Sam. He is the commander of the SGC not just some love sick puppy.

                      Forgive me I don't mean to sound so snarky - it's just Shipper Snit.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Well, from the sound of it, Endgame goes on my
                        don't even bother downloading list.

                        I'm getting depressed again about the lack of ship.
                        I bought that Stargate mag with the free dvds yesterday. Aimed at a readership a little younger than many of us here, I think, but a very useful fanfiction resource! I especially liked the section that was all about O'Neill's medical history...
                        Out of interest (and I know this isn't strictly the right place for this question but...) does anyone know if, when you are put in a sarcophagus, all of your previous wounds/scars are healed or just *recent* ones. What's the timescale on those things??


                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                          ScreenCap dialogue... totally unrelated to the ep....

                          Jack(thinking): “Sam? That’s your hand in my lap.”
                          Sam (thinking back): ‘Well, you have to take the opportunity when it arises…’
                          Is it possible for someone to explain this new line of "opportunity" that everyone (except me ) is sporting? I must have missed this memo.
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by Mala50
                            TAME! You're here!

                            Are you ready for your totally OFF TOPIC, NON-SAM AND JACK SHIP present??

                            OK, here it is...................

                            Mala this is spectacular and Tame your dream has come true! What a talented group of Shippers we have here. I am still amazed every time I see this stuff. I know, simple things for simple minds!
                            Desperate Thunker


                              It arose *cough* in from the Thunker's chatroom I believe. When I asked this question the vague response I was given (vague because of the subject matter!) was suggestive of something not suitable for a PG forum. So read into it what you will!


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                It arose *cough* in from the Thunker's chatroom I believe. When I asked this question the vague response I was given (vague because of the subject matter!) was suggestive of something not suitable for a PG forum. So read into it what you will!
                                That's pretty much what I have been reading into it but it is coming up *cough* so much that I thought I'd try to get the real deal.... Thanks for clearing that up for me
                                Desperate Thunker

