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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    Good thougths ...
    I hope Endgame will have a bit of ship though ..I mean we didn't know there was gonna be a scene between sam and Jack in sacrifice why not!!??

    After threads ..where Sam didn't manage to speak to Jack ..I expect they will in Mobius ..cuz I think Kawalsky will come back as a hologramm to ask for their help...If he is a hologram ..he can't do much ..can he ...

    .....but I think he may well ask them to follow him through time and go back to 1996 tp prevent a set date for disaster for 2005..for example a new system lord ..ect...Jack, Sam ,Daniel Teal'c will get the necessary infos , go back to 2005 just before the awful event ocurrs and everything is alright with the world ...

    Jack retires ...big party to celebrate Jack's retirement, the defeat of the higher system Lord!!! ....and while at the party Sam and Jack kiss for the first time ...dancing the night away ..
    They then decide to go on the roof to admire the stars..and they hug ..kiss ...and sweet talk ...until Kawalsky interrups ...but not to worry ..he only want to say good bye and disappear forever .... then back to the party with Teal'c and Daniel ..they are happy and talk about what they gonna do next .....then back to sam and Jack ....

    .....then a shot through the telescope ..and very very far away ..we see......something nasty I suppose ...but only us will know for movie 2...As far as sam and Jack are concerned ..they succeeded....and they live happily ever after...but we need a cliffhanger for the movie got to be something big and nasty.

    Caty - I love you brain! It's so intelligent.

    unfortunately I read that Kawalsky will be in part two of the Reckoning.
    I think THE BIG TALK will be in moebius. This may sound odd, but I'm looking forward to that more than the kiss!!!
    I just want Sam and Jack to stop tip toeing around each other!!!

    I've just updated The General's Hell. There are no SG1 characters let alone ship in the chapter, but there will be ship in the next few chapters, as well as a shippy ending!!!!!

    is where you'll find it!!!
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by eye of botox
      Hi, I'm new to Gateworld and had to stop off and say hi and yeah! a shippers thread!
      yay! a new shipper! welcome!

      and omg kiwigater...your pics...MS...shirt half undone...THUNK!!!!! and you look gorgeous too! <g>

      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        Mala......You talk?????
        Sorry, can't answer that 'cause I'd be breaking the no chatter rule....


          Hi all! No-one worry this will not be off topic-brownies honour- i'm not a brownie but...okay now i'm going off topic- seriously I am sorry if I do something wrong- i'm only a baby u see (16) I have alot to learn. I have to say you guys mmove soooo fast when I've finished reading what I think is the last page there's anothe 400!!(maybe not 400 but you get me) so I just thought rather than trailing throgh 150 pages of wonderful Sam/Jack- ness!! Maybe someone could just give apost to explain the possible shippy spoilers or what they've heard about shippy spoilers for the last half of season 8! I would greatly appriciate it- I dunno if I'm allowed to call you my shippy family yet (dunno how long you have to be here- or of you guys think your family is too big or whatever- hey I can be a distant relative if you want?). I'd also like to point out that I love Sam and Jack and I was gonna ask a question- everyone feel totally free to ignore me (i'm sure your al nice really I'm jyst preparing myself for rejection just in case.
          Okay the question TOP 5 SHIPPY MOMENTS EVER!!

          for me
          Oh before i do this I don't know how to do the spoiler thing please don't yell at me there will be seaon 7 stuff in this be prepared!!
          5. Beneath the surface- Head on shoulder moment,

          4.Devide and conquer (i can't spell)- "Because I care about her alot more tha I'm supposed to" that bit gets me every time *gush*

          3. Window of opertunity. THE KISS!!!


          2. Grace- I don't care if the kiss was in her head that is not the point the point is WOW! WHAT A KISS!!

          1. This moment could be shippy or non shippy but for me it was sooooo sweet so speacial soo adorable.
          The hug in hero's I adore that moment it's just- lovly! I loved it! Obviously that's y it's my number 1.

          Okay there's my long random jabbery bit over!

          p.s I hope you like my sig- it's for you guys! my (possible) shipper family.
          (bagsy Sam and Jack as my ma and pa!!! Although I'm pretty sure fancying your father is illigal? hey I can live with that!)


            Originally posted by meimei

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TASHA!!!
            ditto from me!!!!



              Originally posted by Mala50
              Sorry, can't answer that 'cause I'd be breaking the no chatter rule....
              LOL...Mala Sam and Jack look so good together in your pics...they are so good looking ...they are a perfect looks, body language , style even hair style ,...and well for the interest ....we don't really know that much ..but I'm sure they both love looking at the stars....and Jack's telescope is a good asset to have for his first date with Sam along with the pond..where they can go fishing. *sigh* What a wonderful life they gonna have those 2 ...nearly as perfect as mine



                Just had a thought about our season finale!
                What if Moebius doesn't mean Mobius at all!
                My brain's now officially fried.
                I don't care what the eps actually about anymore, as long as Sam and Jack get together by mid-ep!
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by Sam fan
                  Hi all! No-one worry this will not be off topic-brownies honour- i'm not a brownie but...okay now i'm going off topic- seriously I am sorry if I do something wrong- i'm only a baby u see (16) I have alot to learn. I have to say you guys mmove soooo fast when I've finished reading what I think is the last page there's anothe 400!!(maybe not 400 but you get me) so I just thought rather than trailing throgh 150 pages of wonderful Sam/Jack- ness!! Maybe someone could just give apost to explain the possible shippy spoilers or what they've heard about shippy spoilers for the last half of season 8! I would greatly appriciate it- I dunno if I'm allowed to call you my shippy family yet (dunno how long you have to be here- or of you guys think your family is too big or whatever- hey I can be a distant relative if you want?). I'd also like to point out that I love Sam and Jack and I was gonna ask a question- everyone feel totally free to ignore me (i'm sure your al nice really I'm jyst preparing myself for rejection just in case.
                  Okay the question TOP 5 SHIPPY MOMENTS EVER!!

                  for me
                  Oh before i do this I don't know how to do the spoiler thing please don't yell at me there will be seaon 7 stuff in this be prepared!!
                  5. Beneath the surface- Head on shoulder moment,

                  4.Devide and conquer (i can't spell)- "Because I care about her alot more tha I'm supposed to" that bit gets me every time *gush*

                  3. Window of opertunity. THE KISS!!!


                  2. Grace- I don't care if the kiss was in her head that is not the point the point is WOW! WHAT A KISS!!

                  1. This moment could be shippy or non shippy but for me it was sooooo sweet so speacial soo adorable.
                  The hug in hero's I adore that moment it's just- lovly! I loved it! Obviously that's y it's my number 1.

                  Okay there's my long random jabbery bit over!

                  p.s I hope you like my sig- it's for you guys! my (possible) shipper family.
                  (bagsy Sam and Jack as my ma and pa!!! Although I'm pretty sure fancying your father is illigal? hey I can live with that!)

                  Hi sam fan

                  I did mention I loved you sig ..and welcome to the shipper family ..You are part of it too cuz you love Sam and Jack together. For the spoilers I think we posted some around page 120..before the thread got cut in I'm not sure it will still be be in page 120 ...!!!!

                  annd I agree about all the shippy moments you quoted ..I love them all too



                    Originally posted by Sam fan
                    Hi all! No-one worry this will not be off topic-brownies honour- i'm not a brownie but...okay now i'm going off topic- seriously I am sorry if I do something wrong- i'm only a baby u see (16) I have alot to learn. I have to say you guys mmove soooo fast when I've finished reading what I think is the last page there's anothe 400!!(maybe not 400 but you get me) so I just thought rather than trailing throgh 150 pages of wonderful Sam/Jack- ness!! Maybe someone could just give apost to explain the possible shippy spoilers or what they've heard about shippy spoilers for the last half of season 8! I would greatly appriciate it- I dunno if I'm allowed to call you my shippy family yet (dunno how long you have to be here- or of you guys think your family is too big or whatever- hey I can be a distant relative if you want?). I'd also like to point out that I love Sam and Jack and I was gonna ask a question- everyone feel totally free to ignore me (i'm sure your al nice really I'm jyst preparing myself for rejection just in case.
                    Okay the question TOP 5 SHIPPY MOMENTS EVER!!

                    for me
                    Oh before i do this I don't know how to do the spoiler thing please don't yell at me there will be seaon 7 stuff in this be prepared!!
                    5. Beneath the surface- Head on shoulder moment,

                    4.Devide and conquer (i can't spell)- "Because I care about her alot more tha I'm supposed to" that bit gets me every time *gush*

                    3. Window of opertunity. THE KISS!!!


                    2. Grace- I don't care if the kiss was in her head that is not the point the point is WOW! WHAT A KISS!!

                    1. This moment could be shippy or non shippy but for me it was sooooo sweet so speacial soo adorable.
                    The hug in hero's I adore that moment it's just- lovly! I loved it! Obviously that's y it's my number 1.

                    Okay there's my long random jabbery bit over!

                    p.s I hope you like my sig- it's for you guys! my (possible) shipper family.
                    (bagsy Sam and Jack as my ma and pa!!! Although I'm pretty sure fancying your father is illigal? hey I can live with that!)
                    Welcome Sam Fan,
                    I like your selection of shippy moments, it's hard to top that list. Other eps with good ship are:
                    -Proving ground
                    -Paradise lost
                    -Into the Fire
                    Last edited by Rogue; 16 September 2004, 03:21 PM.
                    Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                      my shipper's scene...

                      1) Window of Opportunity-the kiss
                      2)Grace-the kiss
                      3)Divide and conquer- jack telling how much he cares for sam
                      4)Beneath the surface- the whole episode
                      5)Heroes 2- jack and sam's hug

                      "To the world you may be one person,
                      but to one person you may be the world"

                      - Bill Wilson –


                        Okay I'm back! I was going through the last pages and I saw that Sam hate page thing? the barbie thing! What the hell! That's just mean!! Leave Sam alone- she is not a barbie- barbie can't even spell her own name (cus she's..a barbie i guess) but that's not the point here's my saying for them- Don't HATE- Appriciate!
                        It's so mean poor Sam! And they even dare to insult Jack!!!!!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by Sam fan
                          ...Maybe someone could just give apost to explain the possible shippy spoilers or what they've heard about shippy spoilers for the last half of season 8! I would greatly appriciate it- I dunno if I'm allowed to call you my shippy family yet (dunno how long you have to be here- or of you guys think your family is too big or whatever- hey I can be a distant relative if you want?). I'd also like to point out that I love Sam and Jack and I was gonna ask a question- everyone feel totally free to ignore me (i'm sure your al nice really I'm jyst preparing myself for rejection just in case.
                          Okay the question TOP 5 SHIPPY MOMENTS EVER!!

                          for me
                          Oh before i do this I don't know how to do the spoiler thing please don't yell at me there will be seaon 7 stuff in this be prepared!!
                          5. Beneath the surface- Head on shoulder moment,

                          4.Devide and conquer (i can't spell)- "Because I care about her alot more tha I'm supposed to" that bit gets me every time *gush*

                          3. Window of opertunity. THE KISS!!!


                          2. Grace- I don't care if the kiss was in her head that is not the point the point is WOW! WHAT A KISS!!

                          1. This moment could be shippy or non shippy but for me it was sooooo sweet so speacial soo adorable.
                          The hug in hero's I adore that moment it's just- lovly! I loved it! Obviously that's y it's my number 1.
                          I agree the
                          hug in Heros is #1,
                          it is just so touching.

                          As far as season 8 the only things I have read are about Threads and Citizen Joe
                          Threads we know Sam is having doubts about marring Pete, and she goes to Jacks house and starts to tell him she is having doubts and Kerry, a woman Jack is seeing interrupts. Carter has to go and later Kerry talks to Jack about what is holding him back and breaks up with him.
                          I have also recently read about a teaser is Citizen Joe where Jack and Sam are talking on the phone about an omelet. There is more to these spoilers if you find a post by Auralan and click on her name you will be able to read all the post by her and find the info, she seems to have all the good stuff.

                          P.S. to do the spoiler tag you just type [ spoiler] at the beginning of spoiler and [/ spoiler] at the end of the spoiler. Do not use a space in between [ and the word spoiler (I only did that so it would show up on the post)


                            What I think is sad is that I find myself wanting Part one of Season 8 over with as soon as possible. I find myself looking for any sign of ship in next weeks ep. They shouldn't have cut us off cold turkey.
                            Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



                              Originally posted by Sam fan
                              Hi all! No-one worry this will not be off topic-brownies honour- i'm not a brownie but...okay now i'm going off topic- seriously I am sorry if I do something wrong- i'm only a baby u see (16) I have alot to learn. I have to say you guys mmove soooo fast when I've finished reading what I think is the last page there's anothe 400!!(maybe not 400 but you get me) so I just thought rather than trailing throgh 150 pages of wonderful Sam/Jack- ness!! Maybe someone could just give apost to explain the possible shippy spoilers or what they've heard about shippy spoilers for the last half of season 8! I would greatly appriciate it- I dunno if I'm allowed to call you my shippy family yet (dunno how long you have to be here- or of you guys think your family is too big or whatever- hey I can be a distant relative if you want?). I'd also like to point out that I love Sam and Jack and I was gonna ask a question- everyone feel totally free to ignore me (i'm sure your al nice really I'm jyst preparing myself for rejection just in case.
                              Okay the question TOP 5 SHIPPY MOMENTS EVER!!

                              for me
                              Oh before i do this I don't know how to do the spoiler thing please don't yell at me there will be seaon 7 stuff in this be prepared!!
                              5. Beneath the surface- Head on shoulder moment,

                              4.Devide and conquer (i can't spell)- "Because I care about her alot more tha I'm supposed to" that bit gets me every time *gush*

                              3. Window of opertunity. THE KISS!!!


                              2. Grace- I don't care if the kiss was in her head that is not the point the point is WOW! WHAT A KISS!!

                              1. This moment could be shippy or non shippy but for me it was sooooo sweet so speacial soo adorable.
                              The hug in hero's I adore that moment it's just- lovly! I loved it! Obviously that's y it's my number 1.

                              Okay there's my long random jabbery bit over!

                              p.s I hope you like my sig- it's for you guys! my (possible) shipper family.
                              (bagsy Sam and Jack as my ma and pa!!! Although I'm pretty sure fancying your father is illigal? hey I can live with that!)
                              LOL...First ...the only thing you need to be part of this family is a Sam & Jack fan so............WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              the spoiler thingy well you can do that two ways
                              either put TEN spaces between the spoiler title OR use the new spoiler tags like these [ spoiler] [/ spoiler] just with no spaces

                              My top 5 Sam & Jack moments
                              5) Broca Divide Jump Jack's bones - what girl wouldn't wanna take Jack down
                              4) WoO Kiss - what girl wouldn't want to be Sam at that moment
                              3) Beneath The Surface - her head on Jack's shoulder, they KNOW even with no memory they love each other
                              Grace kiss - the passion, the sizzle, OMG

                              the moment they get together forever

                              ok so number 1 hasn't happened YET but it will
                              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                                Originally posted by Sam fan
                                Okay I'm back! I was going through the last pages and I saw that Sam hate page thing? the barbie thing! What the hell! That's just mean!! Leave Sam alone- she is not a barbie- barbie can't even spell her own name (cus she's..a barbie i guess) but that's not the point here's my saying for them- Don't HATE- Appriciate!
                                It's so mean poor Sam! And they even dare to insult Jack!!!!!!!!!!
                                Yeah that is off of Stargate SG-1 Solutions, you just have to ignore them.
                                Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.


