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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Zoser
    Why does anyone think Jack will go back to Sara? Weren't we all in a dither about Kerry the other day. If the Kerry scenerio is right and she tells him to go make thing right with Sam why would he go to Sara? In the first episode there was major sparkage between him and Sam. If we are going back to Go that's the couple and then we can get him retired and both of them on the roof to do a little star gazing.

    I don't think we should worry about Sara..As nice as she was ...she is gone and is not in Jack's life anymore ....he won't go back to her ..cuz he has not seen her in over 8 years ...she is probably living happily with someone else....

    ....and Jack is now in love with Sam ..Sam is the one for him now much as he loved his wife in the past ....he doesn't now ....Sam is the one he wants as a romantic partner ..possibly as his future wife ...(hint.. to Point of view and for the grace of god) ......

    If "mobius" is a time loop or time travelling episode will be for a short time ..anyway ...but in saying that ..Sam and Jack may understand something by going back in time..... for themselves but also for humanity's sake ....and then they may change the future . If they went back in time to learn about something which will happen in 2005..then They'll use the information to avoid a disaster of some kind ..(system Lord attacking the earth on a set date) something like that. May be kawalsky is the one hepling them going through time ...He's not real and can do all those things .. .

    Also have you ever thought that kawalsky may even be A GHOST or a hologram alien influence...or something like that and not the real guy .!!!!!!!



      Originally posted by Mala50
      Oh Crystal Skull! I liked that one from Season 3. One of the funniest scenes is of Jack in the infirmary when he tries to get up too soon and falls flat on his face. Then Teal'c picks him up and plops him down on the bed and he gives a muffled "Thank you"...(pure RDA, I'm sure). And lots of good lines:"Napoleonic powermonger"; "No matter how dense"... (talking about neutrinos or Nintendos!)

      As for 'shippy' scenes - as been mentioned, there's the one of Sam and Jack sitting very close together - look for that great smile between the two, when Daniel mentions his 'crazy' grandfather.

      Re the fainting Sam scene, I read somewhere how they did that scene and was forever spoiled by the reality of it. Don't read this if you don't want to know!
      It was actually Dan Shea (stunt coordinator/Sgt. Siler) carrying a dummy!

      Does that mean that RDA was not strong enough to carry AT?!! or it's because they don't do that kind of acting !!!!When he runs though ..I can see Jack (RDA) and not anybody else's Jack (RDA)running at one point and he 's probably carrying the dummy ....!!!!!correct.



        Originally posted by CoffeeGirl
        Yes, absolutely! Is Zoe the dog that
        runs to Sam in the farm scene in New Order II?
        . It looked like her.

        I have two cats, Lucky and Felix, 15 and 13 years old. Here they are:
        Aww cute!!!

        Sam likes Cats. Shroedinger was the name of the one she gave Narim isn't it?
        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


          Originally posted by auralan
          There have been a lot of off topic posts lately that have gone way past birthday greetings and into random everyday life discussion. Perhaps we should start a thread in the off topic chatter corner of the forum for random shipper chit chat that isn't related to Stargate.

          Yeah but the birthdays should stay here . It adds fun and colour to the thread ...and it's a nice thing to do.

          I think there is a thread " mostly x-files or anything else " where you can talk about anything you want ...I have been there to talk to Tracey about the x-files but you can speak about anything else you like .. ...

          Sam and Jack forever together and still hoping that Sam
          falls on Jack by accident in "Good to be king"...cuz the ship was going too fast.

          Last edited by Catysg1; 16 September 2004, 01:00 PM.


            Originally posted by misstweedledee
            i think while its quiet im gonna take the chance to see if i can make the spoilers work
            After the first bracket in the second spoiler put a / ex. [/spoilers

            I didn't close the bracket for obvious reasons...


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Okay, guys, I know this thread is a lot of fun, and that we've all made lots of wonderful friends here in our shipper family. However, some of this is getting a little out of hand.

              This thread is not a chat room. Some of us have been trying to post things related to Stargate, and specifically Sam/Jack, but those posts are getting buried in completely off-topic posts, often pages and pages of off-topic posts. People who are on dial-up don't need to have to sift through all of that to get to the S/J discussion. Posting about how it's quiet isn't helpful. I've heard a lot of complaints lately about how hard it is to keep up with the thread, and some Shipper Town residents have stopped trying, because it just isn't worth it to sift through the fluff to find the discussions.

              This is one of the nicest groups of people I've ever associated with on the internet, and as one big happy shipper family, I think we ought to be able to show a little respect for each other by not cluttering the thread with random and off-topic discussions. I love that we're all such great friends here, but let's keep the outside discussion in AIM and the like.

              I'm not trying to take over a mod's job or anything, but please, let's be considerate to each other and keep it relevant to the reason we're here — Stargate.

              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                It's still nice to celebrate the birthdays of the Sam and Jack shippers over here I think because we are all part of the Sam and Jack family....and we have a bit of fun too with all the birthday gifts and emoticons. and we shouldn't be neglected.

                Totally agree. I've been on forums where all they do is discuss things. I prefe this forum as there is a sense of fun here that I love and embrace.
                I think we have the right balance of fun and discussion. I admit that a lot of my posts are OT, but you can check through my previous posts and see that the bulk of them are contributions to various ship discussions.

                As for dial up...

                I have a 28k modem that regularly cuts out. I have learned to tolerate it.
                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  Yeah but the birthdays should stay here . It adds fun and colour to the thread ...and it's a nice thing to do.
                  Alternatively we could mention the birthday here with a link to off topic area thread and have the birthday party there without disrupting the flow of discussion here. I'm not against fun and the occasional tangental discussion, but it has taken over the thread lately.
                  *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                    Originally posted by Mala50
                    Re the fainting Sam scene, I read somewhere how they did that scene and was forever spoiled by the reality of it. Don't read this if you don't want to know!
                    It was actually Dan Shea (stunt coordinator/Sgt. Siler) carrying a dummy!
                    Dan Shea doesn't quite walk like RDA. In the Light I believe it is Dan Shea that carries Daniel or a Daniel dummy through the Stargate and you can just tell - it's not O'Neill's backside. Trust me I've observed it many, many times - for scientific purposes of course
                    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                      I thought a bit more about Mobius ...and
                      Mobius could be an episode where sam and Jack, Daniel and Teal'c go back in time with Kawalsky 's help ..(ghost , hologram, alien influence ect)...I go more for the hologram Kawalsky to come back to find Jack and showed him something important from the years 1996..(like a set date from a new system lord to destroy the earth in not time )so that they can either change the future or at least go back before the event occurs ...and Sam and Jack, Daniel and teal'c succeed in wiping that new system lord from destroying the planet ...they have a big party to celebrate ..and Sam and Jack share their first kiss dancing away ...They(Sam and jack only) will then exit the party go on Jack's roof to look at the stars through the telescope ...and share ..another big hug and a big smoochie in private with some sweet talks.

                      Kawalsky will turn up at the party ...and will disappear ...he may turn up on the roof to say good bye to sam and Jack and wish them happiness together .

                      Last edited by Catysg1; 16 September 2004, 01:26 PM.


                        Hey guys

                        I know chatting is fun, but the point of this thread is to talk about sam and jack ship.

                        If you want to chat off topic, maybe you can start a thread in the off topic area
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          It has a little but it's not taken over.
                          I don't think it affects the flow of discussion at all.

                          At this point, I think that Jack would jump in and tell us

                          'Ah but birds of a feather...'

                          or 'For Cryin out loud!'
                          Please look at the post immediately preceding this one. It's from a moderator, telling you and the others who want to sit around and chat about random stuff to please take it to a thread in Off Topic. Auralan has kindly already created one there specifically for us shippers.

                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by auralan
                            Alternatively we could mention the birthday here with a link to off topic area thread and have the birthday party there without disrupting the flow of discussion here. I'm not against fun and the occasional tangental discussion, but it has taken over the thread lately.

                            yeah but you see Auralan ...The birthday gifts could be Sam and Jack related . You'll see tomorrow

                            Anything else not linked to Sam and Jack I agree ...but if it's linked to the shippy couple should stay here .

                            Last edited by Catysg1; 16 September 2004, 01:49 PM.


                              Originally posted by Catysg1
                              yeah but you see Auralan ...The birthday gifts could be Sam and Jack related .
                              Then that wouldn't be off topic, would it?

                              Personally, I expect very good things to have happened for the ship by my next birthday. Of course, that's not until May.
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                Originally posted by auralan
                                Then that wouldn't be off topic, would it?

                                Personally, I expect very good things to have happened for the ship by my next birthday. Of course, that's not until May.
                                They WILL be together by then!!!!!

                                Here's hoping that by your birthday there will be a lovely big rock on Sams finger! And it'll be one from Jack of course!!!

                                My previous 'Off Topic' post has been deleted.
                                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)

