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    Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday Tasha!!!!!

    I couldn't resist.


      spoilers for s8 and future movie


      Originally posted by LtLisa
      I have a thought about Moebius...pure speculation
      Maybe it will involve time travel BUT what they do when they go back in time (to the point where the stargate program is created) will CAUSE the next 8 years to happen, not prevent them...that'd be cool...and make sense given the title...the end IS the begining quite literally
      there better be a nice shippy resolution in there though...
      Just thinking it all through, but, if the movie they're thinking of doing (missing/lost/follow up ep from season 2) is time travel-like, then would they be making a season ender ep with the same premise? Or, the season ender ep(s) lead into the movie? Or, there is no time travel in Moebius at all. Thoughts?




        Originally posted by auralan
        I would actually find it rather sad if we discovered that Sarah had never moved on with her life after all these years. So much time has passed and she doesn't have an all consuming career or the fate of the universe to distract her from getting a life. Personally, I hope she's found somebody and is happy. Poor woman suffered enough with the loss of a child and broken marriage, she deserves more than having been alone for most of a decade.

        Same here. I've always had a lot of sympathy for her character. She's been through a lot. I really doubt they're going to bring ehr back. They laid Jack's past to rest way back in the first season. I really doubt we're in any danger of going back. It's been a very long time and the story has more than moved past the point where it would make sense.

        I have to agree with Auralan here. From the glimpse that we get from Sarah she has a strong character. Of course she would, if she didn't Jack wouldn't have married her in the first place, and she wouldn't have left if she wasn't either. (i wonder if that made sense) I don't think Sara would be one to dwell on Jack or any one especially after 8 years. If she want to still be with Jack she would have made the effort long before now.

        So I think that she would have moved on by now, and there would be no point in bring her in to the story again, unless its to urge Jack to follow his heart.

        But still there is too much for the TPTB to wrap up already, why untie more strings and have more loose threads.


          Happy Birthday Tasha!!!!


            Because I LOVED that vid SO much, I gave the link to the S/J list, and many ppl there loved it too! I just wanted to pass along the feedback.
            Thank you!! I'll pass it along to Lena, I'm sure she'll be proud to hear that The Mother of all Mailing Lists liked the video.

            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TASHA! Party at the SGC for you!

            Last edited by CoffeeGirl; 16 September 2004, 12:35 AM.

            In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
            it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
            It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
            And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


              Good Morning Everybody *Waves*

              Just a quick Hi to everybody before i am forced to go to school ,
              oh well
              See you all later

              bye *waves*


              United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
              honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                I'm trying to find pictures of sam's hand from End Game
                I can't find any
                her hands are behind her back
                You think she's trying to hide something?

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY TASHA!!


                  Originally posted by Rogue

                  I have always had this fear that the writers would try to get Jack and Sara back together. She is really the only one to rival Sam. If they undo everything that has happened, where does that leave Sam and Jack?
                  do you think if somehow, something really bad happens, cos of the stargate programme, and sam and jack are given the chance to go back and stop the stargate program from ever happening, knowing that this would mean they never meet, they will? i think they would, as they've always chosen the safety and lives of others over themselves. or maybe they'll have teh chance to go back and fix a few not getting together after d and c? or maybe the cumalitive effects of seeing all their shipper moments will get them to realise they love each other.
                  Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                    Originally posted by TameFarrar

                    Just an FYI....*EndGame is a *Sequel to Affinity* so what do you think that is going to mean to everyone???????????
                    i think it means that
                    sam will come to her senses, finally realise what a complete mistake she made in saying yes to pete, drag him behind the nearest van and yell 'NO!!!!' several times over, just to make sure he got the point, drive over to jack's house, say, hey, i gave the ring back. fancy giving me a ring yourself?
                    Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                      Moebius, that's an interesting title. Lol personally I think it's the most complicated title they've ever come up with for an episode! I wonder who's idea that was?

                      Well more speculation...there's three things I really wanna see in the last episode. I wanna see the Goa'uld defeated, and I wanna see Sam & Jack at least kiss!
                      And of course I wanna see everything wrapped up in general! I don't want anything left hanging, unless of course they're gonna deal with it in the movie!
                      I didn't like Full Circle (as an ending episode), I prefered the Lost City...cept for the whole Jack being frozen at the end thing.
                      Whatever happens I'm gonna sit back and cross my fingers and hope I enjoy it! So far all the TV shows I liked have ended pretty cruddily...I have hope for Stargate though *crosses fingers*


                        Originally posted by Rogue
                        Season 8

                        I still think she hasn't told anyone about the enagement. No ring, no mention of the enagement in Sacrafice. Maybe she is having doubts already. Unfortunatly from the Thread spoilers, we know they are still together for that ep.
                        but not necessarily engaged..she could break off the engagement, telling pete she needs more time to think about it, or that she's just not ready, or with her life the way it is at the moment, what with being idnapped, and massive threats to the world, she can't contemplate getting married....but they could still be dating.

                        btw..i saw a programme called threads the other was a brillaint drama-documantary about a nuclear bomb being dropped on britain....buti doubt that has anything to do with our Threads
                        Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                          (((((((((((( TAME )))))))))))))

                          I think this will have something to do with the Trust.

                          I agree with you that I wish
                          it was the end of too
                          yeah, cos
                          the trust storyline was the one we were all following in affinity. not the other..what was it again? something about a proposal, and sam breaking jack's heart? just a minor b plot line, hardly worth mentioning. no, it was the trust we were interested in.

                          well, ok, that was probably true for anyone not on this thread.
                          Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                            Originally posted by mishy_mo

                            (don't you think Terri Hatcher is just the luckiest person in the world getting tongue tied with RDA Dean Cain and Pierce Broznan???? God i hate that woman)
                            when did teri hatcher get to snog RDA? she's not
                            kerry, is she?
                            Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                              Originally posted by michelleb
                              when did teri hatcher get to snog RDA? she's not
                              kerry, is she?
                              No. She's one of the stars of a new drama series on ABC called Desperate Housewives, so there's no way she's been cast as a guest star in late season 8. She was on MacGyver for several episodes.
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                i started a moebius discussion thread to see what people know, and someone mentioned something interesting
                                cos of the very nature of a moebius strip, when you go back on yourself, you're looking at things from a different if they did go back, it would be a slightly skewed way..not necessarily a straight rerun of past events,
                                if that makes any sense. it's the thread in season eight discussion, called 'moebius, any info'
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

