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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Hi Sorry if this has been asked before as I am still catching up with all the post, but I read a transcript of a question and answer session with Michael Shanks from one of the conventions and when he was asked why there hadn’t been any news regarding the last episodes even the titles he said they had all been told that they were not to say anything about them. What do you think this means?

    Can I please have my name added to the list?

    I am not sure I trust TPTB anymore because of this I am not expecting to much from Threads then if somthing great happens then I will be over the moon. But I enjoyed the corridor screen, Sacrifices was a much better episode CJ should also become the lead writer I think he is more in tune with the fans.
    Jack and Sam forever


      Originally posted by Isis
      Hi Sorry if this has been asked before as I am still catching up with all the post, but I read a transcript of a question and answer session with Michael Shanks from one of the conventions and when he was asked why there hadn’t been any news regarding the last episodes even the titles he said they had all been told that they were not to say anything about them. What do you think this means?

      Can I please have my name added to the list?

      I am not sure I trust TPTB anymore because of this I am not expecting to much from Threads then if somthing great happens then I will be over the moon. But I enjoyed the corridor screen, Sacrifices was a much better episode CJ should also become the lead writer I think he is more in tune with the fans.
      This means

      a) they want to make as much money as possible from the final episodes
      b) they want chance to hire armed security (they can't please everyone)
      c) well, there is no "c". just like the letter
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        I agree ..This is what I thought you meant I hope so too ...although it would a little early in the series if Gemini is episode 11 or 12!!!!!

        I don't think it would be too early, i'm hoping that in some of the episodes leading up to Threads or the end of the season, that we will see Sam experiencing things that make her start doubting her relationship with
        Then when we see her worrying in Threads we'll now where the worry has come from....

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          My last 5 videos are:

          "Without you " Michael Bolton
          "You are my kind " Santana-Seal
          "Don't make me wait" Seal
          "Why don't you and I " Santana-Kroeger
          "Hold on " Jet.

          Marimba also posted 2 yesterday and 2 the day before that.

          Enjoy them all

          Ok, so that 9 music Vids
          The new Atlantis ep
          and 3 pieces of homework.....

          I'm going to have a busy day!
          I think i'll save all the Stargate stuff till after i've done my homework cause it saves me from rushing it at the end of the day, and i'll be able to have a whole night of Stargate once i've finished it

          And don't worry I will enjoy them...even if they make me cry

          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


            Originally posted by TameFarrar
            SHIPPERS GATHER ROUND!!!!!

            It has come to my attention that TPTB are reading through the episode threads here at Gate World and Online fans are signing up here JUST to post their thoughts and views. WHERE you might ask. Well That would be in the EPISODE THREADS. So I am asking all Shippers to POLITELY Post their views and thoughts about episodes and IF there is SHIP say YES I LIKE IT. YES I WANT IT. Let your voice be among the others.

            What I AM NOT ASKING!!!! DO NOT debate ship there. It is an episode thread and it is for *EPISODE DISCUSSION*

            If TPTB are reviewing the EPISODE THREADS then we want them to hear us saying POSITIVELY *WE LIKE SHIP* *WE WANT SAM & JACK TOGETHER* *WE WANT A SHIPPY ENDING*
            we do not want them to read anything nasty from a shipper so even if you get a reply post that seems to disagree with you take it to *Ship Discussion* or into a private discussion. Be an example that a POSITIVE SHIPPER can state INTELLIGENT views about the episode and still like ship.

            We just want our voices to be heard out there as well and I know many of you stay here because it is safe and no one attacks you for liking Ship. Well I am asking you to just post a quickie Did you like the episode?? Did you like the Ship??? and that is all. Save your Squees for us here and you should be fine
            Yes Maam! *Saluts*

            Usually I just post what I think of the new episode here but i'm willing to do anytihgn to get our shippy views noticed

            As soon as I see Sacrifices i'll go and post a review.
            Thanks for letting us know

            @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

            ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


              I've completely forgotten who made the Atlantis video - BUT SCIFI SHOULD HIRE YOU TO DO ALL THEIR ADS!!

              THAT WAS SO COOL!!

              And Caty ur Without You video made me almost cry...*sniffs*

              I swear I had a reason for posting...

              OH YEA! My fave Sam & Jack moment is

              the Heroes hug! Just because it's them (not Jonah & Thera or anything) in a moment of suffering and they turn, or more Sam turns, to Jack. And they share one of the most heart-wrenching hugs I ever seen!! *cried the first like 10 times she saw it*


                Aaaah, my heart is torn just thinking of that one!
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Happy birthday Sugarshaker!!


                    Originally posted by kiwigater
                    now, tell us, o spoiler queen! do you KNOW this, or are you guessing?? (PM me if need be ).
                    I don't have any new info from what I've posted before as spoilers. Feel free to go back and look at my spoiler posts for all the specifics there to refresh your memory if need be. At this point, I'm just applying a little logic to the situation instead of freaking out over things that could happen, but aren't actually terribly likely if we look at the big picture.
                    *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                      Originally posted by N8iveTexan
                      Auralan touched on Sam's emotional state regarding her relationship with Pete a few pages ago. I wanted to add my two cents and a little speculation... Spoilers for Season 8 (Threads, mostly).

                      I think
                      Sam will be suffering tumultuous emotions at this point. The fact that she has the doubts about her relationship with Pete is just for starters. She will be wrestling with herself about Jack.
                      I agree. That's why right after Covenant I wrote a wee small fanfic set immediately after Covenant re: her musings over her life & her Jack & ships. (it's currently being beta'd... maybe soon to be posted somewhere after a few more tweaks...) I would think that

                      Many months down the road (from the time when the current eps are set) when Threads occurs... Sam's very valid concerns about her ship must be overwhelming. Overwhelming to the point it might possibly interfere w/her professional life.....especially as she gets to see Jack for more hours of the day than she sees .

                      The spoilers say she tries to talk to Jack about her feelings for him, but Kerry walks in. Now, stopping a desperately needed conversation short is more detrimental to one's emotional state than not having the conversation in the first place, IMO.
                      Egads! Hasn't that been the story of S & J's lives. "Sir..." "Carter..." then dang it... there goes the darn Gate siren again... But I agree w/you about interrupted convos... and I'm concerned it will give TPTB some dangerous leeway to leave the door open to them to take the easy way out -- the vague Interpret-It-How-You-Wish Lurch they've been leaving us in for several years...
                      I think at this point, Pete will be pretty much out of the picture, or at least well on his way.
                      I don't know... this is the ep where she finds out
                      is in the process of buying "their" house w/out her knowledge, right? Sounds like he's still pretty much in the pic as of this ep & still thinks his Samship is so stable that he can buy a house for them... Now after this ep... that's when all you-know-what should break loose... even if Sam never really confronted him on the lurking/stalking/background check issues she needs to nail him on this one, especially if she knew nothing about it & if she wants a relationship of equals...

                      Sam has decided Pete is not right for her, and she wants Jack, but Jack is with Kerry so there is still that obsticle. I actually forsee Kerry being the one who makes Jack snap to when she points out that he is holding something back. Then she'll step away and let fate run its intended course. I think it will be a real turning point for the desired direction.

                      I am staying optimistic and faithfully holding out that we will be rewarded for staying on the roller-coaster. As the song goes, it won't be long before my ship comes in and will sail right out of Colorado.
                      I agree... and will find it hard to wait til the new year... although it will give me lots of time to improve the fanfic writing skills.......
                      Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                      My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        Cheers, Honey. That clears that up. And yes, I'm an RDA/Jack girl all the way. Pete's better looking but lacks that something (on my personal opinion). And yes, Jack and Sam people, it has to happen (I don't think they'd let us down after eight years of torment)

                        RDA is tons better looking than DDL. In my opinion.

                        And that's not slagging off an actor, it's just like saying I think Johnny Depp is better looking than Brad Pitt. I'm sure Brad can take it.


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          My current thinking is that I'm not expecting massive shippiness in Threads. *ducks to avoid hail of protests* Now, I'm not being down about things. In fact, I hope I'm wrong, and there's LOTS of ship, I just don't see TPTB being that blatant about it. There are clearly intentions to continue the series in SOME form or another after this season (be it another season, straight to DVD, or theatrical release), and I just can't see them putting all their eggs in the shipper basket (so to speak). *desperately hopes someone in the know contradicts her* So, I'm setting my shipper hopes low, and then hope to be ecstatically suprised.....
                          I'm right there w/you kiwigater.... I'll be hoping my sharp intake of air during that ep will be from seeing ship resolution instead of from a TPTB sucker punch!
                          Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                          My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                            Originally posted by TameFarrar
                            This is the love I get from my family.......I have Shipped with you...Slaved for you and Defended you against the evils that want to take Ship from you.........
                            ...But now you want to take the last remaining joy from my meager existence....
                            and take my little teeny tiny moments with Jack away too..... ............
                            my heart

                            see how it beats with (((((((((love)))))))))) for my Family

                            And this is what they do............whoa is me

                            was that laying on to thick????
                            **ahhh... the guilt is too bad...**

                            *slinks back into room... leading JackClone back in after a good night's workout... ahem... I meant SLUMBER...*
                            Here he is...
                            *innocent sweet smile*
                            I've cleaned him all up for you...
                            *such a hard task to do but someone had to do it...*
                            I promise to not disturb your treatment in such a way again. Promise.
                            *uncrosses fingers*

                            *grumbles about Activities Director's sense of humor & walks off to see Therapy director re: a certain AD's need for med level adjustment...*
                            Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                            My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                              Originally posted by Bucky
                              Could you add me, too, please? I've watched every episode and I check in here every day, but y'all just post too fast for me to participate in the conversation. By the time I think of a response y'all have moved on to three other topics.

                              Please? We also suffer who only lurk and wait.


                              Please don't let the Thread pace keep you from posting! We want to hear from you... your opinion and viewpoint is needed... necessary... enlightening...
                              Even if you have to drag a post up from 50 posts ago... (which may be only from an hour ago one day... or from a day or more ago in other instances...) it... don't feel that you have to lurk or wait to put your 2-cents in...

                              Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                              My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.


                                Originally posted by Lunar
                                Okay people, don't shoot but..
                                what's all this fuss about that touching scene? It was awkward..but in a bad seemed a really stupid S/J touch thrown to the miserable shippers who have been complaining bitterly about the lack of ship... and Sam seemed quite annoyed about the fact Jack was actually touching her...

                                Okay, I've only seen it on squinty (Thanks SNY!!) but c'mon folks...
                                we could have had a *lot* more than this... If this is the sum total of what we're in getting Season 8
                                I'm seriously considering leaving this fandom...
                                I guess we're chewing on whatever little crumbs might be tossed our way...

                                And we won't shoot you Lunar... You're FAMILY, remember? Might spike your Blue shipper cookies w/the a touch of the Indigo cookie ingredients to help you w/that scene, but no shooting!
                                Convention Pix Shore Leave ('06 to '09), AT2, AT3, & AT4 ('06, '08, & '09), and Vancouver ('07)
                                My SG fanfic! ..Click Here.

