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    Originally posted by Critter
    Thank you Blaise....I was wondering who would do us the favor.

    You're very welcome- glad to be of service. Not only was it simple to do, it was also quite enjoyable!!

    Plus, i thought the image would help pull us out of the shipper withdrawal syndrome.

    ~~Close To Crazy~~
    Psychotic Kitten
    'we can all read between the lines'


      Originally posted by Zoser
      I'm sorry for being sooo grumpy, waking up before dawn with a lingering miagraine will do that but I needed to add
      it was nice to see Sam more at easy with the General. She wasn't the jumpy person we saw at the beginning of the season. He didn't have to say at ease - she certainly was at ease touching him. Maybe he was the one feeling more awkward hold her too long in the middle of the hall?

      Still grump - need more sleep!
      This is pathetic - no one else is here and I'm talking to myself
      Poor Zoser. I am listening. Hope you feel better.


        Originally posted by Zoser
        My hubby and I were watching a sappy movie where the woman goes off with another guy and fight ensues between the two guys. So I asked him if he would fight for me and he said "No."
        I was completely taken aback and asked him why the h3$$ not and he said that if I had made that decision he would respect it even if it hurt him. (Clever answer on his part) Maybe our Jack thinks the same way.

        awww...that is so sweet...i can see Jack being that way too...i've always thought that when i consider Jacks behaviour and advice to Sam in regards to

        ~~Close To Crazy~~
        Psychotic Kitten
        'we can all read between the lines'


          Originally posted by TameFarrar
          LOL well all I want for Christmas is..............

          OH! me too!! that'd be the best present ever...

          ~~Close To Crazy~~
          Psychotic Kitten
          'we can all read between the lines'


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
            OK, I've never used this term before, but your guys' enthusiasm has brought it out of me...


            Alright... Now that THAT'S out of the way, let's discuss CJ's recent magnum opus:


            First, I'll say that the whole ep was just great. I think CJ has a real talent, and I'm glad they are using it. The beginning with Daniel and Jack wasn't new to this season, because I think they've done the whole "long-take down the hall" technique enough times during the series, but it was enough to throw Daniel/Jack friendship fans a bone, while also appealing to my desire to see them in scenes together.

            Then there was Jack/Teal'c. Hilarious scene! Just great. The physical comedy apparently is what they were going for, and RDA totally nailed it. It was another great friendship scene.

            The scene with Sam/Daniel and Ry'ac and his fiancee was great, too. I thought it was just funny how the two of them got this look on their faces like, "Oh, crap... Jack's gonna hurt someone." It was a good scene, and showed that very endearing sisterly-brotherly relationship they've always had. I'm glad they did that again, because it's been lacking in past seasons.

            Finally, there's the Sam/Jack combo, where the two of them apparently couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Haha! Just kidding. It was a great scene, because it was "physical" enough for us shippers, and also "friendly" enough for those who don't want ship. AND it finally showed how comfortable those two can be together. In the past - in the interest of showing overt ship - they always made it really awkward between the two of them. The fact that these two are friends first is a great way of approaching the ship, IMO, and they played it off very well. The whole hall scene had a humor that rivals the Daniel/Jack humor scenes, which is refreshing, and all of the kids/horses/general chaos made me smile.

            I don't want to put the other writers of the show down, because they're great, but I have to say that I'm not surprised that CJ managed to put some great team-scenes in there, while still not having all four of them in the same room together.

            Also, TPTB has done a phenomenal job of making it seem that Jack is always there. I almost forgot about RDA's reduced schedule, they did so well.

            Definitely a 9.9 out of 10.

            PS - Do you guys ever feel like these Smiley Faces are apart of some connect-the-dot art when you add spoiler space?
            *bangs head on wall* Sorry before I give my opinion on Sacrifices I just wanted to share that I was talking bout Aussie Footy to my friend, and I was supposed to say "MCG" which is the stadium they're playing at - and instead I said "SGC" and this is to someone who doesnt like Stargate...*shakes head* how embarassing!!

            Anywayz to Sacrifices:

            I LOVED this episode! I really really love all of Chris Judge's episodes. I usually hate Jaffa episodes - they tend to bore the hell outta me! but when they're written by Chris Judge I always manage to enjoy it so much

            And in the middle of watching the ep (sure it was on download and i could pause it) mum calls me to dinner! and I was like "NO!" and then she dragged me to dinner
            So I spent the entirety of dinner blabbing bout SG to my family (who dont really care, the insane people) until they let me go back to watching it!

            But I finally got to watch the whole scene!
            YAY was so excited bout there being a ship scene!! Hehe! They looked so funny when he looked down at his arms on her shoulder and then she did the same.
            Lmao and I LOVED the horse walking through the corridor!! *giggles* That was SO funny!

            And boy - remind me never to play ping pong with Teal'c when he's in a bad mood!
            I'm surprise Jack doesnt have lasting damage from that game!!

            Hehe when R'yac was talking bout how Teal'c should just tell Ishta that he was in love with her I was like "Teal'c's been spending too much time around Jack and Sam! He's learning bad habits!"

            I wish that line had been said in front of Sam and/or Jack
            And we'd seen their reaction!
            *grins evilly*

            But overall was good ep! I loved it!!

            Atlantis was...interesting...

            Did anyone else see connections to Grace?
            Strange cloud
            Hallucinations taken from ur mind...

            I think they've met the same aliens...that's interesting.


              Good morning shipper town!!!

              I never saw sacrifices
              Wish I had though - THEY WERE TOUCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              I asked for help with setting up a website, but nobody answered

              Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? My post's back a page or two.

              On the upside - my flu's more manageable now, and I'm just going to go and update the General's Hell!!!

              See you all later!!

              Suekay the shipdunceartist!
              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                Suekay presents

                The General's Hell - The penultimate chapter - Shock Discovery

                Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                  It's the fact she's with him . (I'm going to get beaten up now, but what the heck).


                  Jack and Sam know that with other people in their lives they can touch each other, flirt with each other and behave like kids without anyone saying anything. Why does it take such an extreme to bring them together like this? But ultimately it could work for the best. If they are finally comfortable with each other there's a chance for a relationship (let me explain). They need to be one hundred percent comfortable around each other before they can ever make a commitment of any sort. They need to realise how things could be.

                  Anyway, I'm talking rubbish now
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    It's the fact she's with him . (I'm going to get beaten up now, but what the heck).


                    Jack and Sam know that with other people in their lives they can touch each other, flirt with each other and behave like kids without anyone saying anything. Why does it take such an extreme to bring them together like this? But ultimately it could work for the best. If they are finally comfortable with each other there's a chance for a relationship (let me explain). They need to be one hundred percent comfortable around each other before they can ever make a commitment of any sort. They need to realise how things could be.

                    Anyway, I'm talking rubbish now
                    I completely agree with
                    the part about them being comfortable around each other because of Pete. It's almost as if they can just be friends, because they want to be friends, its much simpler for them - and with the excuse of Pete nothing will happen between them.
                    But trust me, I been there, that NEVER works...eventually Jack's gonna come to his senses (or have them knocked into him by Kerry) and he'll do something about it. He'll realise, while he doesn't wanna face his relationship with Sam at that exact moment in time, he's gonna have to deal with it at some point is he ever wants to be with her

                    I hope they wake up and realise wat idiots they been soon!!


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      Well, it's not totally burned yet. <g> There are signs that they'll get back together, especially since
                      they now have not just one, but two sons together. It's given Leo a whole new outlook, I think.

                      Piper is my favorite character, and I much much much prefer Paige over Pru. <g>
                      Me too! Piper is my favourite character and I'm hoping the Leo thing hasn't gone away!

                      Paige is much better than Pru, IMO.

                      Back from Seattle! It was a fabulous city and we had two days up state. The wedding went well too (not mine!) - lots of ship there. I loved the US this time, although your tv is seriously bad, couldn't get SciFi and couldn't get the tennis! Got addicted to waffles and syrup for breakfast. Flew over and through the remains of Hurricane Frances at Philadelphia and Get Carter and the others in Florida were in my thoughts.

                      Managed to read some very good fanfic - mainly Ruralstar - just to stay on topic.


                        HEY SHIMMERING STAR THANK-YOU!!!!!!

                        i'm glad you guys liked the scene,but shimmering star had a lot to do with my rough copy like i said i was the sponge and she was the icing on the cake.

                        So i would like to say a big thank-you to her.

                        i haven't watched the latest episode but i'll watch it later,looking forward to it big time.




                          Originally posted by ra-hanna
                          Sacrafices spoiler

                          I SAW SHIP! Sort of. Jaffa at the SGC is stressing Jack out. He turns to Sam and grabs her shoulders and asks if she found an answer to their problem. He holds her shoulders for several moments longer than necessary. She gives him a look like "you're still touching me?" and he quickly pulls away.

                          Limited the spoiler to try and keep from giving the main plot of the story away. Just sam and Jack stuff. Anyways, it's just for the first half of the show. Watching second half now.
                          Hmmm.... must have been that melty feeling she got that reminded her that he was touching her.....

                          Someone write a fic about it please!


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                            OK, I've never used this term before, but your guys' enthusiasm has brought it out of me...


                            Alright... Now that THAT'S out of the way, let's discuss CJ's recent magnum opus:


                            First, I'll say that the whole ep was just great. I think CJ has a real talent, and I'm glad they are using it. The beginning with Daniel and Jack wasn't new to this season, because I think they've done the whole "long-take down the hall" technique enough times during the series, but it was enough to throw Daniel/Jack friendship fans a bone, while also appealing to my desire to see them in scenes together.

                            Then there was Jack/Teal'c. Hilarious scene! Just great. The physical comedy apparently is what they were going for, and RDA totally nailed it. It was another great friendship scene.

                            The scene with Sam/Daniel and Ry'ac and his fiancee was great, too. I thought it was just funny how the two of them got this look on their faces like, "Oh, crap... Jack's gonna hurt someone." It was a good scene, and showed that very endearing sisterly-brotherly relationship they've always had. I'm glad they did that again, because it's been lacking in past seasons.

                            Finally, there's the Sam/Jack combo, where the two of them apparently couldn't keep their hands off of each other. Haha! Just kidding. It was a great scene, because it was "physical" enough for us shippers, and also "friendly" enough for those who don't want ship. AND it finally showed how comfortable those two can be together. In the past - in the interest of showing overt ship - they always made it really awkward between the two of them. The fact that these two are friends first is a great way of approaching the ship, IMO, and they played it off very well. The whole hall scene had a humor that rivals the Daniel/Jack humor scenes, which is refreshing, and all of the kids/horses/general chaos made me smile.

                            I don't want to put the other writers of the show down, because they're great, but I have to say that I'm not surprised that CJ managed to put some great team-scenes in there, while still not having all four of them in the same room together.

                            Also, TPTB has done a phenomenal job of making it seem that Jack is always there. I almost forgot about RDA's reduced schedule, they did so well.

                            Definitely a 9.9 out of 10.

                            PS - Do you guys ever feel like these Smiley Faces are apart of some connect-the-dot art when you add spoiler space?

                            Sacrifices spoilers ....

                            It was a great episode ..I liked the music during the entire episode...I think tha actress who plays Ishta is a great actress....I don't really like her role in enterprise though .. a bit cold...but as Ishta ..she is fantastic


                            Now I think Ryac.. should talk to Jack about admitting feelings of love ...He went straight ahead ...talking about that with his father about Ishta and his realtionship to her.

                            I liked all the team scenes....Jack and Daniel ....ok ....Teal'c and Daniel ..good ...and may be one day he could give them a real big kiss on the cheeks ...Some peolpe I know will be then happy.

                            BUT about Sam and Jack...The scene was funny ...and although it was quite good ...I would be careful about what we wish for ...cuz if we say was good cuz it didn't affect other fans..and we could interpret the ship as we liked ...then believe me TPTB will carry on ..until the end playing that game ....and all we gonna get ..for the finale is a fish invite ...without a kiss I'm afraid so that fans take it the way they want .....
                            I'm also fed up that Sam and Jack always meet in the corridor or her lab can't they think about another place ..the canteen...the gym ..I know they have a gym too...or the TV room ...just for a change ..for crying out loud...

                            I reckon ..the slash shippers are happy ..I don't care about slash much ...and I'm happy seing it , (I'm not fussy ).......Unless the 3 men start messing around with sexual inuendos they may have for each other .

                            I hope Jack will behave different to Sam as he does to Teal'c and Daniel ..cuz Jack wants a eventual romantic relationship with Sam for always as for Teal'c and Daniel ..he wants a friendly relationship to stay forever ....

                            I don't understand why the TPTB wants to please the anti-sam and Jack shippers all the time ..and not the Sam and Jack shippers ...I mean everybody said ...a look between Sam and Jack at Ryac's wedding ...would have been a really nice touch for the shippers ..

                            ..and I'm getting really tired of that show ..and the fans who only want to see Teal'c and Jack or Daniel and Jack .

                            CJ did a brilliant job ..I'd love to know if he put some scenes between Sam and Jack which have been cut out.

                            Me think after next week ..I'll take a big break from all that tidious show and start watching the x-files again ..will buy the Alias DVD's and make videos for those 2 shows instead.
                            Although the episode was good ...the ambiguity of the Sam and Jack scenes will not go away ...and scares me real good......and I don't really want that to happen ...I want Jack to talk to Sam in a differnet way that he's talking to Teal'c and Daniel ..I undestand they are all his friends ..but he loves Sam in a romantic way ..and that should be adressed soon.

                            Voting for the episodes ...7/10 ...only because ...right at the end ...the Sam and Jack look was missing ..Also I'm upset cuz They always do fantastic and sensual look scenes between Teal'c and his women ..with gorgeous music ..and with Sam and Jack's always just not enough ..
                            and I'm scared for the ending ...

                            Don't get it

                            Last edited by Catysg1; 11 September 2004, 05:34 AM.


                              Originally posted by marimba26
                              Well folks, just popped in to drive-by post and announce two new vids!

                              "All In Love is Fair" by Stevie Wonder This one's for you, Di!


                              "Twilight" by Dexter Freebish This one's for you, Ra-hanna!


                              WOW Marimba!! I can't believe I didn't catch that this was up until today, Saturday morn....but all I can say is

                              WOW WOW WOW!!!!

                              What a REALLY captured the moods of the 2 'ship eras'. Excellent juxtaposition of then and now times as well as clip selection. (As a matter of fact, as I rewatch it, how the h$%% did we get from then to now ? PTB??? Hmmmm???? ANYONE???)

                              excuse me, almost started on a rant there and I'm trying desperately to remain positive. What was I saying...oh yes, Marimba's excellent video...ahem..The Judge from Buffalo Grove gives it a 10!!

                              Thanks SO MUCH for doing yet another vid from one of my song requests! I truly appreciate it...((((((((MARIMBA))))))))



                                ok, i've just seen sacrifices (all awe and respect to Christopher Judge, who may turn out the be one the best SG1 writers ever), and i haven't read anyone else's spoilers yet, so i'm probably repeating but

                                oh my God!!!!!!!! . they touched!!!! . over and over again! first he grabs her. then they walk down the corridor together, then they may have touched again behind the horse, as he holds her back from it, then he grabs her shoulders, then they realise how inappropiate it is, then she grabs him and turns him away as he stares after female jaffa!!! there was more contact between sam and jack in this episode then there has been through the entire season so far! and jack talked about love 'love is a strange and mysterious thing'. and there was no angst, and no pain (well, not for sam and jack, anyway), just happy, flirtatious, funny shippiness!! this was exactly what i needed after the last few weeks! i don't know how much was written into the script, but i have to say...after all the crap the other writers have been throwing at us, Christopher Judge is an absolute life-saver!!! he knows what we wants, and andy mikita too for directing it, and i'm just so giddy and happy right now after that, i just keep rambling.

                                one more thing..r'yac's line

                                it would make things easier if you just admitted you loved each other

                                ok, so he's talking about T and Ishta (who i loved in this), but who knows, maybe one day T willsa y this line back to his good friend jack (after he's finished wounding him severly with ping pong)

                                just to reiterate.. i thought this was brilliant!!!
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

