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    Originally posted by TameFarrar
    WELCOME!!!!!!! Sam Fan!!!!!!!!!!

    grab a handful of Ship Nana's cookies....a beverage of your choice and jump in the fray.........

    I just saw this .gif and it made me think of all the Shippers over in the Alternative Shipper Therapy Room

    well ..only 3 of us right now in the therapy room ...and we are drinking coffee.. we were just talking about the huge difference it will make as soon as they stop calling each other "Sir" and "carter" ...

    I really hope we'll see them call each other "sam" and" Jack" a lot ..cuz then ..the chemistry will be up to top level that's the only thing missing ..for them to be comfortable to talk too I think ....they need to be a little personnal about their names ....
    (Just imagine Jack calling Daniel "hey Jackson" ....a bit harsh hey ...well it the same for "carter"....she should be "Sam" soon think) and I'm not talking about military here ..purely christian names off duty.

    Anyway ..why can't they call each other by their Christian names off duty ???I thought they could ..because I watched fire and water ..yesterday ...and Jack called Sam "Sam" when she turned up at the party with Teal'c.

    So if it's a question of habit ..they really need to break that as soon as possible add a bit more sexyness in their speech .



      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
      Which one is you, Tame?

      I think she is the one with long hair sitting on the chair ...drinking heavily



        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Hahahahaha... I knew people would cry watching "Without" Michael Bolton.. but it really fits Sam and Jack right now ..don't you think!!!!!

        it's a Jack heavy video..and I like it . Hope I can make a good happy sequel of that one one day

        Oh Caty...I really enjoyed *You are my Kind*!! is that Seal singing with Santana I know it says Shaman....but I could swear that sounds like Seall!!!
        I loved that last shot Jack at the end....Such a face ...the whole video just shows how MUCH they are meant for each other Bravo!!!!!

        *Without You* - well first I will freely admit I am a closet Micheal Bolton fan of Many many years so I am glad to hear one of his songs and Caty...I LOVED the way you used the Black & White as MEMORIES...that was so cool!!!!! Jack thinking back on all those times...oh this was so sad and just tore my heart out.......Agian good job!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!
        Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          Which one is you, Tame?
          WHy I am the one with Long hair of course
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            I think she is the one with long hair sitting on the chair ...drinking heavily

            LOL...since I am not much of a drinker...I think THAT one is Di...I am the brunette dancing
            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


              Originally posted by TameFarrar
              Oh Caty...I really enjoyed *You are my Kind*!! is that Seal singing with Santana I know it says Shaman....but I could swear that sounds like Seall!!!
              I loved that last shot Jack at the end....Such a face ...the whole video just shows how MUCH they are meant for each other Bravo!!!!!
              Tame ..actually I was watching it with kelly ...earlier ...and we both thought it was Seal singing ..and because I don't know Shaman ..I can't confirm it ..but I know that seal sung that song ..on Santana's music it must be Seal ...

              Yes they're really meant for each other pure delight to watch them save each other all the time when TPTB wants it ..not lately though ..which is not fair and getting ridiculous.

              The end shot is fab. My daughter said ..he has a nice smile ..and she's only 14 ... I think she likes him ..she's a shipper too btw.

              *Without You* - well first I will freely admit I am a closet Micheal Bolton fan of Many many years so I am glad to hear one of his songs and Caty...I LOVED the way you used the Black & White as MEMORIES...that was so cool!!!!! Jack thinking back on all those times...oh this was so sad and just tore my heart out.......Agian good job!! Bravo!!!!!!!!!
              "Without" although a very sad song ..which would not have fitted them before Chimera ...fits very well now ...perfect for what Jack is feeling at the moment ....the black and white to show the good old days with Sam ..the perfect match made in Heaven.....and poor Jack alone NOW thinking back on all those dramatic and happy memories

              Hope to get some good resolutions so that I can make a sequel to that ..with a happier song for our favorite couple who deserves a lot better than what TPTB is writing for them right now.



                To Those On The East Coast:
                What was the ship level for "Sacrifices" on a Scale of 1 to 10?


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  To Those On The East Coast:
                  What was the ship level for "Sacrifices" on a Scale of 1 to 10?
                  Haven't seen it yet...ten minutes to go. But I am expecting "0" that way I'll be happy if I see it but not disappointed because I don't expect it. How's that for a defeatest attitude???
                  Desperate Thunker


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    To Those On The East Coast:
                    What was the ship level for "Sacrifices" on a Scale of 1 to 10?
                    I hope that anyone that answers this question will please remember the spoiler tags.

                    Here endeth todays lesson. Now back to your regular shipping.


                      Originally posted by ShimmeringStar
                      For Everyone who needs a little Postive Ship Spin & pick-me-up to start their weekend off..... I have the gracious permission of the Wonderful Wynter to repost her recent S/J scene with a bit of my own creative collaboration thrown in .
                      May I present.... The Scene by Wynter:

                      Some deleted to save space.....

                      Jack beckons Sam with a nod. “C’mere Sam.”
                      As he brings his arms gently around her, he stops to stare at her mouth, lifting his eyes slowly up to meet her gaze. “I love you Sam.”
                      Sam nods, fresh tears shimmering in her eyes. “I know Jack.”
                      Jack gently lifts her chin and whispers a gentle kiss….“Sam, marry me instead…”

                      Now that is what I would LOVE to see. Thank you so much for giving me a ray of hope....which will most likely be dashed after tonight's episode. But a moment of hope is worth a lot these days.
                      Desperate Thunker


                        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                        I hope that anyone that answers this question will please remember the spoiler tags.

                        Here endeth todays lesson. Now back to your regular shipping.
                        Oh yeah... Spoiler tags!


                          Originally posted by Sam fan
                          Hi! *waves* this seems very fitting for my first post! I am a huge Sam and Jack fan! I love all things ship and I really really think Pete needs to go away- not die just go away- I've been a shipper for a long time now and I just want something in the real world to happen!!! No time loops or alternates just the real world!!
                          WELCOME SAM FAN!!!

                          Desperate Thunker


                            Dancer of Spaz(((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) just glad to see ya poppin in can't wait huh??? well I know I go run away from my computer until AFTER the episode otherwise I get ALL depressed
                            Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                              Originally posted by TameFarrar
                              WELCOME!!!!!!! Sam Fan!!!!!!!!!!

                              grab a handful of Ship Nana's cookies....a beverage of your choice and jump in the fray.........

                              I just saw this .gif and it made me think of all the Shippers over in the Alternative Shipper Therapy Room
                              LOVE IT TAME!!!
                              Desperate Thunker


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                I hope that anyone that answers this question will please remember the spoiler tags.

                                Here endeth todays lesson. Now back to your regular shipping.
                                I, personally, won't have to worry about spoiler tags because I doubt that we'll be spoiled at all.
                                Desperate Thunker

