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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by michelleb
    well, now that i've had one of those, i firmly believe that sam and jack will end up together, somehow janet will come back to daniel, teal'c will continue to shag his way round the universe, mckay will overcome his lemon allergy, barrett will fall for
    replicarter, who will love him back
    , will end his days shovelling horse crap in montana and thor and heimdal (remember her? i may have spelt that wrong. sounded like janet.) will learn how to propogate the asgard species the old way.
    ooo, I LOVE this!
    Did I forget to mention that at the con someone asked MS about why Janet had his glasses when he descended, and after ummming and ahhhhing for a bit, he said, and I quote here (his words, not mine)...... "yeah, they were doin' it"....... take that as you will.....


      Originally posted by majorsal
      spoilers for s7's lost city(s) and s8's affinity


      I can't remember if he says that to Sam in Affinity, but I 'do' think Jack's been too ambiguous for Sam for her to get any real impression from him. Yeah, he was obviously troubled when Sam was showing him the ring and such, but he's had more than one opportunity to throw out a hint or two that he's still interested in her. It's like he's settling too, but with losing. He should have said something to Sam in the lab. I feel Sam keeps giving him chances - the 2 almost talks in Lost City(s), the showing of the ring in Affinity - but all he gives her is ambiguous statements and ambiguous reactions. He's just as to blame for this situation as Sam is. They both won't say what they want, hoping that the other will swallow their fear and do it. But they're also afraid that the other doesn't feel what they do, which is just another gag around their mouths.

      I still say that Jack is being respectful of Sam's decision to move on. That, plus I don't think he's the most secure person when it comes to personal relationships (he's a "loser" remember, from POV?). Yes, Sam gave him 2 chances and for whatever reasons already discussed here, he made ambiguous statements...

      But again, the bottom line is she moved on with PS! If you look at the order of episodes in Season 7, there's Evol 1&2 (with very nice shippy scenes! ) followed immediately by Grace (w/her hallucinatory epiphany!), Fallout and then Ch...

      Throughtout the rest of the season she's dating and sleeping (EEK!) with PS (even if we don't see it. THANK GOD!) and Jack knows it:

      7.16 Death Knell
      7.17 Heroes part 1
      7.18 Heroes part 2
      7.19 Resurrection
      7.20 Inauguration
      7.21 The Lost City (part 1)
      7.22 The Lost City (part 2)

      Yes, Jack needs to improve his communication skills, but really, what's the guy to do when he thinks that the person he loves has moved on, he doesn't see a solution to their having a relationship and wants her to be happy?


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        That's interesting ..but with Sam and Jack ..they are only able to talk about work comfortably ...the rest needs to be worked on..very much and very soon

        I still think it was love at first sigh for Sam and Jack ..and Jack must have thought ..*Bummer* when he saw her coming in the room in COTC..cuz of the regs. he tried to put his feelings for her behind him ...but of course ..most of the time he does not succeed. specially now's getting harder with all those years of UST ....OMG must be so hard to hold on when you love somebody so much and so passionately I would'nt like to be in their shoes ...cuz it's really nice to make love to the person you really love and they haven't done it for 8 years

        I don't know about love at first sight, but they were definitly attracted to each other. You could tell by the looks they gave each other in the board room. Jack gave her such a hard time when they first meet it was obivous he was covering up his attraction.
        Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          You don't know where they are !!!do you???I'd love to watch that a big zoom..may be I'll try to do pic caps myself ..and zoom them 1000 times can give me an idea ....let's go and find the Sam and Jack ship deep down in Sam's head.

          Caty and Michelle: I've capped the whole thing and the torture scenes hardly have anything with Jack except for him on that anti-gravity thing with Baal. And Sam wouldn't have known what THAT looked like anyway. There's a distorted pic of what could be Jack, but it's hard to say definitely.

          The entire thing looks like a 'scary' images montage without any rhyme or reason except for the clips from "Jolinar's Memories" and "The Devil You Know".

          There are images of Unas, and spiders,'s just like a Halloween collage! I just think it was the editor's creation/artistic license to make a fast special effect.


            Originally posted by TheHomegaMan
            Since this thread is beyond insanely huge, I'm gonna ask this question. If its been answered already, answer it again. There is no way in hell I'm going to wade through 66 pages of shipper-ness to find the answer. That being said, here I go. Why are people so out and out hostile to Pete being on the show? If Sam and Jack aren't together should they just be miserable and alone? I mean God, people, at least give Pete a chance.

            Don't forget Sam's reputation. Letting you shippers have your way would be a quick way to solve RDA's scheduling issues, what with Jack being DEAD and all.
            Then clearly you haven't seen the Shipper Thread Archive..... it's 1000 + pages Yep, we shippers have a lot to say!

            OK, I'm gonna answer you, but I'd like to add first that this is a thread FOR the Sam-Jack relationship, if you have a dissenting opinion there are plenty of other threads you can visit.

            I would say that everyone has a different opinion on Pete, even amongst the shippers, so I can only speak for myself.
            I don't hate Pete, and I quite like DDL. My problem has always been the way he was initially written. Personally I found his behaviour deceptive and untrusting, and if any guy treated me that way he'd be out on his ass! Things have improved in subsequent episodes, but it seems clear to me Pete is most likely a tool, and that isn't fair to him or Sam. Since his introduction, for numerous reasons that are partly to do with money and RDA's schedule, we haven't seen nearly enough team interaction, and even the STARGATE is MIA in a number of eps. Too much focus on the personal relationships (whether S-J OR S-P) is, in my opinion, detrimental to the show as a whole.

            So, this is just my opinion. I hope you take the time to look around the various threads on this topic, and find somewhere you are the most comfortable.


              One new Caty video today:

              Video 68 "Without you " Michael Bolton.

              Jack has to cope with a dream of his coming to an end


              Caty aka ShipDiva


                Originally posted by Mala50
                Caty and Michelle: I've capped the whole thing and the torture scenes hardly have anything with Jack except for him on that anti-gravity thing with Baal. And Sam wouldn't have known what THAT looked like anyway. There's a distorted pic of what could be Jack, but it's hard to say definitely.

                The entire thing looks like a 'scary' images montage without any rhyme or reason except for the clips from "Jolinar's Memories" and "The Devil You Know".

                There are images of Unas, and spiders,'s just like a Halloween collage! I just think it was the editor's creation/artistic license to make a fast special effect.

                Thank you Mala ..You saved me some time ..I won't bother to do the screen caps then ..but shame ..cuz this was a real good way to hide some of Jack stuff in the dream ..I tell you if I was a writer or whatever ..I'll make something spectacular with the Sam and Jack stuff

                Last edited by Catysg1; 10 September 2004, 11:30 AM.


                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  The episode I have from "New order "is very good quality I'll try that tomorrow ..and if I find something ..I'll post them here ..I hope I won't find Pete though .Bahhhhhhhhhhhhh ..but I'm making a video first ..a very sad one ..I'm afraid but great song

                  "New Order" started out with so much potential (rewatched it to look at the torture scene). I loved that scene near the beginning with Sam and Teal'c. I forgot how good it was:


                  8x01New Order (Part One)
                  Transcript is the property of the members of the Yahoo Group: SG1_Transcripts or

                  HYPERSPACE. CARGO SHIP. Teal’c is sitting up front. Sam comes forward.
                  CARTER: Hey, Teal’c. (She holds up a sandwich.) Can I get you anything? I packed lots of turkey - I know it’s your favourite.
                  TEAL’C: Thank you, but I am not currently hungry. Have you been able to determine how O’Neill modified the engines?
                  CARTER: No. I’m just taking a break. I didn’t think it would be easy, but at least it’s a good way to pass the time. (She flinches.) I’m sorry - have I been ignoring you? (She sits down.)
                  TEAL’C (smiling): I am fine.
                  CARTER: I thought maybe working on the engines would help take my mind off Colonel O’Neill ... which is kinda silly considering he’s the one who modified them. Look, I know this plan isn’t exactly foolproof. I have *never* plotted an intergalactic course before. I mean, if the co-ordinates are off by even one half of a percent we could wind up ten thousand light years from our destination. But still (she laughs nervously), tryin’ to stay positive.
                  TEAL’C: I have the utmost confidence in your ability.
                  CARTER: I know. So, you wanna talk?
                  TEAL’C: Concerning what subject?
                  CARTER: I dunno. How’s Rya’c?
                  TEAL’C: Fine.
                  CARTER: You still keeping in touch with Ishta?
                  TEAL’C: Indeed.
                  CARTER: Bra’tac?
                  TEAL’C: Bra’tac is well.
                  CARTER: C’mon, Teal’c, throw me a bone here!
                  TEAL’C: How is Pete Shanahan?
                  CARTER: He’s fine. (She turns away, looking awkward.)
                  TEAL’C: Is not all well between the two of you?
                  CARTER: No! Everything’s great. It’s just - as you well know - it’s not easy saying goodbye to someone you care about when you think there’s a chance you may never see them again. I know that’s a risk we take every time we step through the Stargate but ... still ... try to stay positive. (She pauses for a moment.) I’ll get you a sandwich. (She gets up and goes to the rear of the ship. Teal’c opens his mouth to stop her, but then closes his mouth again and smiles.)

                  I love Shipper Teal'c!


                    Originally posted by michelleb
                    <gets herd of elephants to run over him at the bottom of the cliff>

                    just making doubly sure
                    <pushes a herd of elephants over the cliff onto the remains>

                    just making tripley sure....


                      Originally posted by majorsal
                      spoilers for s8's affinity and threads and beyond


                      Nope. Sam and PS are not getting married.

                      What if....

                      There's been a green-light for a season 9, and they're setting up the last eps to set up Sam's more pivotal role in leading the new season. What if RDA isn't coming back, so they're setting it all up with Jack retiring, Sam and Jack getting together, and the new season being team/mission orientated again? There's many possibilities to the extension of the filming, and the ones I suggested could/might be the reasons. Until I hear otherwise, I'll keep these ideas in mind.

                      If there isn't a season 9 there will probably be a movie.
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by nickatell
                        Spoilers Season 7 Heroes and Season 8 Affinity
                        .I realize that Jack and Sam have not been, shall we say, forthcoming with information about their feelings for each other, but I would think that Sam has some sort of an idea of how Jack feels, wouldn't you??? I mean she was there for the delicious hug in Heroes wasn't she???? The last person he looks at before he is frozen is her, so even though she may not have heard the words straight from his mouth, I feel in some way she has to know. This is where I think TPTB made their huge mistake, we know that the feelings Jack and Sam share are very deep, but now through Sams actions (I'm speaking about the character not AT) they are expecting us to believe that they are not deep enough to keep Sam convinced on how she feels about Jack, but then in the next episode we have to believe that she is convinced enough that she is overwhelmed with emotion because Jack almost the point mind you that she has to tell this to Jack through tears and then when he hears this he is overwhelmed with emotion to the point where he has to hold her. I am having trouble jumping tracks as TPTB are expecting us to do. I just don't buy the fact that Sam would question her feelings, emotions, desires whatever you want to call them for Jack to the point that she would then accept a proposal from another man without coming to some sort of a conclusion with Jack. The emotions they feel and emit are too strong to have us believe that they themselves are questioning them.
                        I AGREE TOTALLY! (and with your other big honkin' post! )

                        And re-watch that scene I noted above in New Order! How did she go from there to A$$INITY??


                          Originally posted by Mala50
                          <pushes a herd of elephants over the cliff onto the remains>

                          just making tripley sure....
                          And thus ends the character of AKA Spud AKA Dud AKA Ptui AKA Peat AKA Stupit AKA Pit. A day for us all!!!
                          Desperate Thunker


                            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                            ((((((((((((((((Shipper Family)))))))))))))))))))))))))

                            Does anyone agree withme when i say SCHOOL SUCKS!!!??
                            I've been back at school for 3 days and i'm already feeling withdrawn from my shipper family.
                            I can't get on here as much as I used to and I can't read through half of the posts cause I don't have enough time

                            I hope everyone is ok, and once again I hope all our family in Flporida are getting ready for Ivan..I heard it will get to florida on Sun 12th but I can't be sure

                            Anyway, I just thought i'd post to let you allknow i'm stilll here, just lurking

                            And I heard a song on one of the Music Channes today by Cher called The Shoop Shoop Song and I think it would make a good vid for Sam and Jack
                            Since seeing Sam and *cringes*Kissing at the end of Affininty I know a lot of us have been comparing Pete's kisses to Jacks kisses and we all came to the conclusion that when Sam and Jack kiss there is a hell of a lot of chemistry and , well that there is a LOT more than with Sam and ...and I think this song kinda goes with that

                            Here is a part of the lyrics:
                            Whoa, hug him and squeeze him tight
                            Find out what you wanna know
                            If it's love, if it really is
                            It's there in his kiss

                            [How 'bout the way he acts?]
                            Oh no, that's not the way
                            You're not listenin' to all I said
                            If you wanna know
                            [Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
                            If he loves you so
                            [Shoop, shoop, shoop, shoop]
                            It's in his kiss
                            [That's where it is]

                            Oh, It's in his kiss
                            [That's where it is]
                            Oh, yeah it's in his kiss
                            [It's in hiss kiss]
                            [That's where it is]
                            Ooh, it's in his kiss
                            [It's in hiss kiss]
                            That's where it is

                            Proves that the reason Jack and Sam kisses are a lot better than Sam and Pete's are because Jack and Sam actually LOVE EACH OTHER TO BITS!!!

                            I've got loads of Homework to get done over the weekend but i'll try to get on for at least 2 hours a day hopefully more....

                            I have the choop choop song on my Cher CD ....I may listen to it ..and in due time ..I may make a video of it ..I like Cher ...but let's wait and see if we get a bit more kisses first ..I'll keep it in mind Sam_o_Neil



                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              You know I didn't mean to bring people down
                              we still don't even have a real relationship much less a kiss. If it wasn't for this thread I truly believe that a lot of shippers would have given up by now, me included. I don't know about you guys but I watch tv to be entertained if I wanted uncertainties and no communication I would just swing back to real life.

                              Someone on here said how season 8 is making them feel, just recently I took my daughter to get her drivers license and I have to tell you all you do is sit and wait, and then move into another line and sit and wait, all the time you are smiling because you don't want to piss anybody off who works there because they might put your name at the bottom of the list and before you know it 4 hours of your life have passed and you still don't have the license, well times that by eight years and you now know how we feel.

                              I know I will finish watching Season 8 (hell I have invested too much time) and I really, really (did I mention really) want to see Sam and Jack progress in their relationship and feel comfortable in doing so. I want to see the kisses, the hand holding, the legs wrapped casually around each other having a conversation. There is so much potential with so little time left......
                              Great analogy the DMV - TPTB - both jerk us around till we are ready to scream but can't .
                              I have a feeling we won't get anything but more vague talk and some flirting. I'm tired of these crumbs and want cake or a big juicy steak!
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                Great analogy the DMV - TPTB - both jerk us around till we are ready to scream but can't .
                                I have a feeling we won't get anything but more vague talk and some flirting. I'm tired of these crumbs and want cake or a big juicy steak!
                                Definitely CAKE!!!

                                Will this do as a temporary substitute???

