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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Watters87
    You only get SEVEN weeks off for summer . In Ireland, I get 12 weeks off for summer .

    I think Mishy Mo has a fanfic based on WoO. It's called 'After the Loop' I think and it's in Don't know if it's the kind your after as I haven't read it ( too busy with school ). Another fanfic is 'A Kiss Remembered' on Heliopolis by Avivah Divah. It's in the Old Archive.

    Happy Birthday Waterfall.
    You get 12!?!?!?
    We only usually get 6 but this year was special for some reason so they give us 7

    I hear in the US they get 3 months off! I'd love to live in America...

    and thanks for the recommendations
    I'll check them out when I get chance

    @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

    ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      Sam_o_Neil ..

      I think it would have driven you less crazy than the sam and Jack ship...

      .....cuz there was a ton of ship between Mulder and Scully ..hold hands ..and not just one time like Sam and Jack....forehead kisses (memento mori..ect..) ...lots of touches (in nearly every episode really)...looks obviuosly...banter(sizygy) when they disagreed ...and some vey funny moments too ( Je souhaite ....and Bad blood)..and sadness too (this is not happening breath..ect...)...

      oh ..and there was never a scene of Scully having sex with another man..

      she did run away one day in that episode called "never again"..and she met that guy ..who had a tatoo of a beautiful girl done on his arm..

      Anyway the tatto was evil ...and started to talk to him .....making him do bad things killing people....Of course ..he was imagining everything cuz the tattoo ink had some kind of HALLUCINOGENS in it ....but Scully was around ..the tattoo got jealous of Scully ..and asked the guy to kill her ....she didn't sleep with the guy ..but she got a big bang on the head after a struggle with him ....

      Mulder was jealous ...cuz while she was away ....she got herself a tatoo too ....on her lower back ..(and let me tell you that the scene was very erotic.).....and when she came back from hospital ...Mulder said ...that he'll have a NYC tattoo done on his A$$ one day ...(cuz he was so upset )......LOL....SO FUNNY IN A WAY.

      Anyway just to let you know that it was funny too

      Mulder and Scully rock ..and Sam and Jack forever

      Well, I guess it wasn't so bad after all....but i'm still sticking with Sam and Jack and the Stargate PTB, cause i trust them and I know they will give us a good shippy ending with lots of hugs and kisses and propasals

      @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

      ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


        Originally posted by sueKay
        Hey hey!!

        I've been reading through some chat transcripts from '03, and I found this!

        Moderator: *ShanksSJ* Do you and Amanda plan to continue the UST (Unresolved Sexual Tention) is season seven? Please do!

        RDAnderson: Do we plan too?

        RDAnderson: Sure, why not.

        RDAnderson: It's too bad that it remains unresolved. But I'm afraid it's got to stay that way at least for now.

        RDAnderson: GA

        RDAnderson: It's frustrating for me too.

        Just thought I'd share!
        RDA wants it too!!
        If we have RDA on our side how can we not get the shippy ending we want!?!?!

        @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

        ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


          Originally posted by vixen_vic
          Hey everyone!
          Well this may be the last post for a week or the move to Germany tomoz so i'll try and get t'internet connected and be back amongst you all as soon as poss! ...c u on the other side.....xxxxxxxxxx
          Hey, let me know where exactly in Germany you are as soon as you're settled!

          In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
          it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
          It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
          And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            Yeah BARRETT is rather cool for a temporary boyfriend ..but he may be a threat to O,neill ..cuz he's so cool ....but I'd like to see Sam with Barrett again when Jack is around (Once she splits up with Pete) and Barrett does not know that Sam and Jack are just about to be an item ...

            Imagine Jack ...coming round ....seeing both of them laughing and says .."Hey ..What's going on " with a little grin on his face...

            ...and Sam says "Oh nothing ...just remembering the old days when impersonator YOU wanted to kill Kinsey"..and she smiles at him ..

            ....then Jack says Barrett "Be careful with her cuz .....she 's MINE"

            LOL what I'd give to see that scene!

            And besides I see more chemistry between Barrett and Sam then and Sam.


              Originally posted by estelle
              Okay, so these are the fics I have found; I haven't found the Asgard one yet, but I think in retrospect they (the Asgard) just threatened the president to brake up the treaty with Earth if they didn't allow S&J to be together ... but I'll keep on searching for it, just in case there is a child involved.

              The Child - by Karen
              Summary: Jack and Sam are asked to do something by NID.

              Sequel: Bringing Up Baby - by Karen
              SUMMARY: Sam and Jack's children are threatened.

              Estelle xxx
              Thnaks Estelle

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Janet knew Hundred days ..she wanted Sam to talk about it ..she shut down
                I also think that Janet and Sam were spending time together ladies night out in town or something ....and Sam going to Janet's house a lot see Cassie of course ..but also to talk about

                You know I think thats why TPTB
                got rid of Janet
                cause if Janet was there none of this Sam Pete stuff would of happened...
                Well it might of done but Sam would never of said yes!

                We need Janet to get Sam and Jack together her,Daniel and Teal'c are the only ones who can knock some sense into Sam and Jack!

                @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Oh goodness me...
                  Look at the size of this thread! Amazing! I'm back at school now so I don't have the hours I did to check out everything in this thread!
                  I'll do my best...
                  I got the same problem Lunar!
                  During the summer holidays I had loads of time and I really enjoyed spending it on here but now i'm in the last year of school and i've just started back today and i've already got 3 pieces of homework!!!
                  It sucks!
                  I'm trying my best to catch up but i really doubt i'll be able to get on here everyday from now on. I just hope this Fridays episode is good casue I need some cheering up...I just hope we don't see or the ring and I hope Jack is really happy in this ep cause if I have to see him sad one more time i'm going to lose it!!

                  OK, Whining over..
                  Sam and Jack forever!

                  Good Luck, with keeping up with the thread...

                  @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                  ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                    Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                    You know I think thats why TPTB
                    got rid of Janet
                    cause if Janet was there none of this Sam Pete stuff would of happened...
                    Well it might of done but Sam would never of said yes!

                    We need Janet to get Sam and Jack together her,Daniel and Teal'c are the only ones who can knock some sense into Sam and Jack!
                    But from the looks of spoilers
                    The TPTB are making Daneil and Teal'c too busy keeping the Jaffa rebels from killing themselves and Daniel keeps ascending...who else is there to knock some sense into those too???

                    must think positive...must think positive


                      i need shipper cookies ive become withdrawn from my fav ship need ship

                      all school and no shipper family make Carolyn very dull

                      on a brighter note..hope waterfall had a good birthday and hope everyone else is cool

                      SAM AND JACK ...SAM AND JACK...SAM AND JACK


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        But from the looks of spoilers
                        The TPTB are making Daneil and Teal'c too busy keeping the Jaffa rebels from killing themselves and Daniel keeps ascending...who else is there to knock some sense into those too???
                        Selmak. And Jacob. Someone. ANYONE. Oh Goddess, please.

                        In a world that seems to be increasing in conformity
                        it's harder and harder to be who you wanna be
                        It takes a lot of courage to stand up and get what you need
                        And lots of us are happy in a different kind of family


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt
                          But from the looks of spoilers
                          The TPTB are making Daneil and Teal'c too busy keeping the Jaffa rebels from killing themselves and Daniel keeps ascending...who else is there to knock some sense into those too???

                          must think positive...must think positive
                          Your right..
                          They are avoiding the Sam/Jack resolution for as long as possible. TPTB are doing there absolute best to stop anything interfering with their plans for Sam and Pete..and I swear to god if we even see Sam in a churc booking a wedding I will scream loder than I have ever screamed before!! Even when sam
                          Said Yes!

                          But you have to stay positive and believe that it will hapen eventually, Threads:
                          i'm hoping that Jacob will say something to Sam in Threads that will convince her. Then Kerry will talk to Jack and
                          they will both come to their senses and run into each others arms

                          @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

                          ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                            Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                            Your right..
                            They are avoiding the Sam/Jack resolution for as long as possible. TPTB are doing there absolute best to stop anything interfering with their plans for Sam and Pete..and I swear to god if we even see Sam in a churc booking a wedding I will scream loder than I have ever screamed before!! Even when sam
                            Said Yes!

                            But you have to stay positive and believe that it will hapen eventually, Threads:
                            i'm hoping that Jacob will say something to Sam in Threads that will convince her. Then Kerry will talk to Jack and
                            they will both come to their senses and run into each others arms
                            Yes yes...i guess we shippers need a mantra of "must think positive" over the course of this season. LOL


                              Originally posted by auralan
                              If I sulk, can I have a ride, too?

                              ... and can we skip the whole flying part?
                              LOL! (you sound like a shallow end Gutter Gal! that's a compliment, btw!)


                                Hey, a quick OT thing here. I've been getting letters from college lately, and this stuck me as really funny. The name of the college is The University of St. Thomas. I don't think I could attend a school with the initials UST, I would laugh anytime I thought about it! Well, have a great day everyone!
                                Teenager Wisdom: "There's no such thing as original thought anymore. We're all just regurgitating the same old ideas over and over again, melting them down into a giant melting pot of mediocrity." -Andy Spencer, CITIZEN JOE

