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    Hi all!

    KG did an excellent job giving all the shippy details at the con, so in that area I don't really have much else to add. The only thing I could think of is they showed a shippy video..."This is Your Brain on Love." It had a lot of "dumb" Jack moments and scenes with Sam. It also ended with the kiss from WoO which got a lot of cheers. I had the greatest time!

    Hi, KG!!! Glad you made it home alright!
    JSDT's Sam and Jack Support Site

    Thank you, Nikkirose!


      Originally posted by blueiris
      There are so many posts its hard to find what I'm looking for, so....

      What is the Shipper Medal of Honor? please.

      As for what episode was harder to watch, neither one. I believe they are both leading up to a very shippy Sam and Jack. I really do.
      The shipper medal of honor/honour is a medal presented by Ship Nana to all the brave shippers and shiplets that have watched A$$inity. If you've watched it, just post a message saying you want your medal!!!
      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


        Hey everyone I'm back from my hols.
        GIVE ME SHIP! I'm in withdrawal!!
        Although my hol was *majorly* Stargate themed 'cos I was in Egypt and I went with my cousins who are massive fans... so every monument we were looking at; at some point someone would start humming the theme tune. (very sad, i know) That and the fact my little cousin is called Daniel and he had his name henna-tattooed on his arm so everywhere we went random men followed us shouting 'Dan-iel! Dan-iel!' and I kept looking around for Skaarra..


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          You know ..I didn't think we could do that song ...for Stargate ..I did it for another series but the girl was leaving the guy to live and go to a better place to find her parents ....but I love that song ..and I see if I can do it ...I may do it with Rik waller ..though ...not sure nice to have a guy singing it for a change ...wouldn't like to include Pete again in that one ...(I suppose we may have to)..but I'll listen to it again properly.

          OK, how about It's Not Easy To Be Me by Five For Fighting/David Grey? I printed out the lyrics if you want me to give them to you, I'll be happy to. I am in a very meloncholy mood today. I know our ship will come in but I keep seeing Jack's face from Friday's episode (two weeks ago) and I just want to give the guy a big hug and tell him not to worry. Who would ever choose anyone else over Jack....certainly not our Sam.

          Some of the lyrics----
          I'm more than a bird,
          I'm more than a plane,
          More than some pretty face beside a train,
          It's not easy be me

          I wish that I could cry,
          Fall upon my knees,
          Find a way to lie,
          About a home I'll never see

          That's just a bit of it. Poor Jack. Come on Sam, Wake Up!!!
          Last edited by Critter; 30 August 2004, 11:26 AM.
          Desperate Thunker


            Originally posted by sueKay
            The shipper medal of honor/honour is a medal presented by Ship Nana to all the brave shippers and shiplets that have watched A$$inity. If you've watched it, just post a message saying you want your medal!!!
            LoL I watched it... and I remember posting that I wouldn't need any chocolate to help me through it. I lied. I had chocolate icecream during all the teeth nashing scenes


              Originally posted by Rogue
              Just in case

              I would like to see RepliCarter enter Jacks mind. We have never seen his fantisies of Sam.

              OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Good ONE! I'd love to see that!



                Originally posted by sueKay
                The shipper medal of honor/honour is a medal presented by Ship Nana to all the brave shippers and shiplets that have watched A$$inity. If you've watched it, just post a message saying you want your medal!!!

                Yes, I definately watched this episode. Just look upon it as a loose board in the gangplank leading up to the ship. May I please have a medal, too?
                ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                  Originally posted by Lunar
                  Hey everyone I'm back from my hols.
                  GIVE ME SHIP! I'm in withdrawal!!
                  Although my hol was *majorly* Stargate themed 'cos I was in Egypt and I went with my cousins who are massive fans... so every monument we were looking at; at some point someone would start humming the theme tune. (very sad, i know) That and the fact my little cousin is called Daniel and he had his name henna-tattooed on his arm so everywhere we went random men followed us shouting 'Dan-iel! Dan-iel!' and I kept looking around for Skaarra..

                  Glad you enjoyed your hols!
                  Are you going to be updating any of your fic soon? Soz I'll let you get unpacked first before I start badgering you!!
                  Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                    I've written three chapters in my note book while I was away... so that'd be a yes! But I do have to unpack, sadly, plus there's three other people desperately trying to chuck me off the computer and check out *their* sites so it may be a day or so! But there'll be lots to read I promise... hehehe.


                      Originally posted by Lunar
                      I've written three chapters in my note book while I was away... so that'd be a yes! But I do have to unpack, sadly, plus there's three other people desperately trying to chuck me off the computer and check out *their* sites so it may be a day or so! But there'll be lots to read I promise... hehehe.
                      Allot the other three people ten minutes each on *their* sites unless one of them is actually the computer's owner. In which case, plead with the owner!!
                      Cannot wait to read you new chapters, but there's no rush!
                      Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                        Originally posted by sueKay
                        He actually suited it!!!
                        My mum says she prefers Mac to Jack, but then they are both darn hot!!!
                        DD kinda let me do my thing with the General's Hell.

                        For those of you not in the know, DD (Dense Dunce) is my male alter ego. (I swear I got Tok'raed and they didn't get the whole snake out!!
                        yer maw's crazy !!! lol Jack is soo much hotter

                        any way enough gutterin'

                        gemmni sound kl i like all the ideas that are flaoting about should be fun

                        PS A$$inity - EVIL!!!!!!


                          Originally posted by kiwigater
                          OK, JUST walked in the door from the Chicago con, and I am totally trashed, in a good way , so before I go sleep I thought I'd post 3 great things from the con (pictures and real run down to follow this week)....

                          So, that's it for now, sleep first, more details later.....
                          Kiwi: Thanks so much for the Con report. Sounds like you and Tasha had a wonderful time. I am so happy everything went well for you.


                            Michy - Love the new sig!

                            Is that a reference to 'The Wonder that is Daniel. org'?
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by Kliggins
                              Kiwi: Thanks so much for the Con report. Sounds like you and Tasha had a wonderful time. I am so happy everything went well.
                              I know. I'm jealous!

                              I don't go to my first Stargate convention until November. Teryl Rothery and Ronny Cox are gonna be there, so I can't wait!!!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Originally posted by Zoser
                                You've got to get him to look into her eyes instead of at his shoes. We need Jack to get a little aggressive. I don't know if I'm expressing myself clearly. I want him to stand up and go after what he wants not let her slip through him fingers and wind up the angry, hurt guy from 2010.
                                precisely. he's been taking this whole thing lying down. even standing up for the guy, FCOL!!!!! he needs to push a little..just a little, but he has to stand in front of sam, and instead of playing the gentleman and carefully repressing all his feelings, so sam has no idea what he's thinking or feeling, he should just say 'i love you. i'm not expecting you to return that, or feel the same way, or alter your plans at all, i just thought you should have all the information'. then she can make an informed choice.

                                or he could just kiss her. that should make all thoughts of other men go out of her head.
                                Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic

