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    KG and Nickatell...

    Thanks for the con info....gotta love that AT...always trying to give hope and go for the ship! Any other good tidbits now that you have recovered?



      Originally posted by nickatell
      AT also said that she is not quite ready to turn in her boots yet. She said that if they would have kept Sam one dimensional that after 8 years, yes she would have been more than done; but, the fact that now she has taken on more responsibility she is still quite interested.

      I thought this was quite interesting, I was under the impression that Sci-Fi and MGM were interested in another year of Stargate SG-1 but if I heard her correctly AT said that she wasn't approached yet. Chris also kept hinting that if we wanted them back that we were suppose to write, email, whatever to Sci-Fi and MGM to make our voices heard.

      Oh and when Chris came on stage he said that he had heard that someone in the audience does a great impression of him. He called that person on stage and than this person asked if a friend could help him. When his girlfriend came on stage, this guy instead asked this girl to marry him. Chris said he thought it was a first. Oh and she said yes.

      thanks for the update! (((nickatell)))

      "I think that, to some degree, all of us are fractured souls. Cut in half. And we wander through life looking for the rest of ourselves. And sometimes we're fortunate enough to meet someone who possesses, in themselves, the part of ourselves that we've been missing. We may not realize it on a conscious level, but definitely on a subconscious level. We see in someone else... something of ourselves. Thats why sometimes you meet someone and you just immediately feel comfortable with them. You feel like you've known them all your life. The reason is that they're a part of you, and you're a part of them. You're soul mates. you... fit. And once you've fit together, nothing can pull you apart unless you let go."
      describes Sam and Jack pretty well to me!

      <dancing and chanting in my ceremonial BDUs>
      Screw the regs! DOWN with ! He's no threat to O'Neill! Sam and Jack FOREVER!


        Oh...and the ep poll....on which was harder to watch....even though I knew all about A$$ was the harder....because of the S/J scene and the way it ended....

        Chimera....could have been just a one timer and he could have disappeared...eventually....



          Er, I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but... (Gemini spoilers to follow)
          According to the blurb about the episode here at GW, Replicarter comes to Earth for help against Fifth. So it's really, really unlikely that she and Carter have been switched. Besides, she would have gone through medical tests after missions, so they would have found out that she's an android already.

          However, I find it really interesting that Replicarter is trying to defeat Fifth. How much of her is actually Carter? Does she, as a replicator, know the threat they are to humanity and wish to stop them? Is she like the robots from "Tin Man" and "Double Jeopardy" and retain her personality?

          Who knows, that "idyllic dream scene" concerning Sam and Jack could be Replicarter trying to knock some sense into our girl.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Yea!! Thanks nickatella and Kiwigater for the updates from the con. I am thrilled with what AT had to say!! Especially the part about "what about the other guy?" I am anxious to hear more about the whole weekend whenever you guys get a chance.

            I haven't been around much this past week because I started seeing someone new. He is in my small group of Stargate watchers, so that is a good thing.


              I forgot to give my view on the 'Which ep is harder to watch' question by Shipperahoy

              I don't think I can choose between them, I like them both because of the other storylines that are going on in them Chimeraaniel/Osiris/Sarah and Affinity:Teal'c/Krista/Earth but I don't like either of them because of the stuff between Sam and Pete.
              Spoilers Affinity and Chimera

              In Chimera we see Pete a lot and we have to see him and Sam in bed together and if I remember rightly there is quite a lot of smooching And also the fact that Pete followed Sam and did a check on her and everything.
              Affinity, Pete doesn't seem that bad in this episode but he still asked Sam to marry him and she said yes so I still don't like him much, and of course there was that kiss at the end that is worse than all of the kisses in Chimera put together Yuck!

              But I just thought out of the Sam/Jack scenes we got in each episode I would say the one in Affinity is better, even though we see Jacks heart broken its better than the elevator scene in Chimera and they played the shippy music
              So Affinity beats Chimera by a tiny weeny little bit...

              @->-4eva Sam and Jack!<3

              ^ My New Siggy!!! Made by SueKay! ^


                Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                Spoilers for Chimera and Affinity in response to Sally's question

                Chimera was harder for me to watch because I wasn't expecting the background check and Pete following Sam around and I honestly thought that the boyfriend was just going to be a one episode deal so when Sam told him everything at the end and it was clear that they were still together it came as kind of an ugly shock. Pete was much more likable in Affinity and I already knew that she was going to say yes to his proposal so it wasn't a big shock.

                What she said sums up my opinion as well.
                I really expected Chimera to be going somewhere very different when Pete started with the petulant morning after behavior and the background check. I still can't quite believe Sam would put up with that kind of thing or that a cop would interrupt an operation to chat with his girlfriend. The episode didn't hang togetehr well for me on several levels of characterization and logic. Affinity, for all that I didn't enjoy the end result, was less jarring. Sam still came off as looking desperate, but at least Pete was written better.
                *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                  Originally posted by estelle
                  Well Critter started it so, it'd be the Critter's dummy club,

                  I have membership number 2 and you can be member no.3 .

                  I simply can't let auralan pass, because she *is* clever no matter what typos she made. Besides she is our spoiler queen and we wouldn't want her to get such an equivocal title.
                  Oh, I don't know. There are days I've really earned the dummy card.
                  *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Er, I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but... (Gemini spoilers to follow)
                    According to the blurb about the episode here at GW, Replicarter comes to Earth for help against Fifth. So it's really, really unlikely that she and Carter have been switched. Besides, she would have gone through medical tests after missions, so they would have found out that she's an android already.

                    However, I find it really interesting that Replicarter is trying to defeat Fifth. How much of her is actually Carter? Does she, as a replicator, know the threat they are to humanity and wish to stop them? Is she like the robots from "Tin Man" and "Double Jeopardy" and retain her personality?

                    Who knows, that "idyllic dream scene" concerning Sam and Jack could be Replicarter trying to knock some sense into our girl.

                    I didn't know that about
                    Repli carter to come to earth for help against Fifth ..seems a bit strange cuz he made her and you would think he controls her !!!!!
                    I still wonder how this idyllic scene is gonna play !!!!!! is it the repli carter who gonna show real Sam how to handle her personnal life ..???!!!! that would be weird !!!!..or may be the 2 of them will meet..and real Sam may want to experiment a dream with Jack!!!! ...

                    This episode is very intriguing ....can't wait ...I hope we'll get some more shippy scenes before break time ...though ..January is so far away.



                      Originally posted by Sam_o_Neill
                      I just turned it on at least I get cahnce to see the end of it
                      I wish I could of seen it all the way through, it looked like a film I would really has RDA, it got Atlantis and its something to do with Astronomy!
                      It was worth watching just to see that wonderful smile from RDA at the end
                      Does anyone know if I can buy the MacGyver movies on DVD or video??? I've searched Amazon but nothing comes up
                      That's the first time I've ever seen any MacGyver!! When he was flirting with that girl.....who's name escapes me right now the first thing I thought was "what about Sam!" Hows that for hooked!

                      I've looked on Amazon and e-bay, but all I could find was a couple of videos in German.

                      Edited to say: Sorry I just saw someone answering you about them not out yet!


                        Originally posted by kiwigater
                        OK, JUST walked in the door from the Chicago con, and I am totally trashed, in a good way , so before I go sleep I thought I'd post 3 great things from the con (pictures and real run down to follow this week)....
                        Welcome back! Sounds like you had a fabulous time. I'm envious.

                        3). Amanda had a LOT to say about Affinity, she was very um, clear about the fact she was unhappy with numerous things in the script and talked to RCC about it, and one of the things she specifically mentioned was the
                        end scene when Sam accepts Pete's proposal, she said she objected a lot to that scene because it was unprofessional, and she didn't think Sam would act like that. But in the end it's not her decision She also referred to how she thought it was too soon for Pete to propose (LOL) and how she wondered "what about the other guy??!" She was trying to talk in code so as to not spoil people who didn't want to be, but was very clear about what she meant

                        spoiler for affinity

                        I'm glad to hear the concerns she had about that scene and Pete proposing so soon. All those things felt off to me as well. I still think it will all end well for ship, but it's nice to know she's at least trying to stand up for Sam's characterization in the journey. Unfortunately, as an actor, she is rather stuck with doing what she's told in the end. I really hope she hasn't gotten hassled too much for it. It sounds like everybody at the con was very nice to her. Good to hear!
                        *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Also, to anyone else, I'm looking for some nice long, well written Sam and Jack fic (I prefer UST and angst ), to print out and take with me on the long plane journeys to Seattle (8 hours Glasgow to Philadelphia and 6 hours Philadelphia to Seattle - yikes!!!)
                          Way behind, I know, but wave to me when you're changing planes in Philly!

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Not at all. I need to know if I've missed loopholes. I did allow for the multiple (As much as anyone can), but was going to wait until the end to go through them.


                              Originally posted by nickatell
                              I also went to the con on Sunday, I couldn't make the whole weekend though. AT kept on repeating that she was totally against Pete asking and Sam saying yes, because she said she wasn't ready yet and that she needed more time. She was speaking in code because she realized that some of the people in the crowd may not have seen the episode yet. She also told her feelings to both RC, when she read the script, and PDL as they were filming. RC said that well it has been a couple of months now. She did bring up "What about the other guy" and pretty much the whole crowd starting clapping. In my opinion I thought there were quite a few shippers there. I do remember one time when Pete was brought up that a big sigh of boooooo came across the room. From then on they kept saying that well Pete isn't dead yet, I think to keep us happy. AT was very nice and even quite emotional.
                              If it's wrong that I'm doing a happy dance, I don't want to be right.

                              Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
                              *Whenever the Opportunity Arises take it in Hand*


                                Mei Mei, come out, come out whever you are!

                                Finished "I Will Remember You" yesterday and it was AWESOME! Of course, all of your fics are, but I especially liked that one and the "Things We Do for Love" series.

                                Hope you put up some more on your web site soon. Hurry, Hurry, Write, Write!!

                                s u g a r s h a k e r

